Alleyn, Fredrica (2 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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On the television screen a very different Cassandra came into view. She was wearing a pale green satin camisole with matching French knickers and her long, dark hair hung loose to her shoulders as she tipped back her head, encouraging Sir James to kiss her throat and shoulders. However, he quickly tired of that and slipped the slim satin straps off to kiss her small breasts with their tiny pink nipples.

All at once the slow, sensuous pace changed. He seemed to become irritated and within seconds had torn the underwear from Cassandra's body and was spreading her arms wide. Now Lara, his fiancee, appeared. She helped him secure Cassandra's wrists to two of the columns that lined the arcaded gallery which joined the two wings of the chateau where they were taking their pleasure.

Having thus secured her wrists, Sir James managed to fasten a metal rod between her ankles which kept her legs outspread. Now he and Lara stepped back and surveyed the long, lean lines of the clearly agitated young woman who only minutes earlier had seemed a subtle seducer.

On the bed, the baron's hand moved languidly up and down Cassandra's back and she felt tiny tremors of rising excitement caused by a mixture of watching the film and finally having her lover touch her again.

She could remember so well how she'd felt when Sir James had secured her legs, leaving her helpless. She didn't like him, had never been attracted by his cold, dispassionate use of women, but she knew very well that he was an expert at eliciting shattering responses from them, however reluctant they were at first. As a result she had waited, her highly iuned body already prickling with the first sensations of arousal after his kisses.

The baron watched the screen and saw the dilation of Cassandra's pupils as Sir James surveyed her. Her quick response pleased him, and he wondered whether Nicola Desmond would ever learn to give herself over so completely to the joys of dark, sensual pleasure.

The video continued. For a few minutes Sir James contented himself with merely touching the fastened figure, pulling at the delicate nipples and squeezing firmly at the small waist. Then he glanced at his fiancee who immediately disappeared for a few seconds. When she came back she was carrying a large copper bowl filled to the brim with water.

While Lara vanished again to collect more things required by Sir James for this particular entertainment, he drew a small copper jug from where it had been lying at the bottom of the bowl and proceeded to fill it with the warm water. He then stood in front of Cassandra as he tipped it towards those irresistible breasts.

Cassandra held her breath, waiting for the first trickles of liquid to flow down over her already hardening nipples, and when it did she heard her breath catch in her throat and felt her stomach flinch inwards when the water coursed down over the front of her body.

By the time that Lara returned, Cassandra's whole body was covered with water and the baron could see quite clearly how her flesh was trembling with excitement and anticipation as she waited for Sir James to make his next move.

Next he took a tablet of rose-scented soap from his fiancee and worked it between his hands until he had plenty of lather. He then proceeded to spread this over Cassandra's fastened body. He soaped very tenderly up and down the slim column of her neck, letting the suds settle in the tiny hollows on each side of her collarbone. Then he moved down, carefully cupping the breasts as he made certain that every inch of the swelling tissue was covered with bubbles.

By now Cassandra was squirming despite her bonds. When he moved down lower across her rib cage, belly and thighs she trembled violently with the increased sexual tension that this considerate, almost loving touch, was arousing in her; but in her eyes, visible to the baron as he watched the film, was also the awareness that this was not how the game was going to continue.

As Sir James finished working his way down Cassandra's legs, Lara soaped the young woman's back and worked the lather carefully around the cheeks of her small, firm bottom. Cassandra tensed, expecting the invasion of a finger, but none came. Instead, all she could feel was the slow seepage of suds from her spine down between the cheeks of her bottom and this made her wriggle her hips causing both Sir James and Lara to laugh softly.

The baron noticed that Sir James was careful not to soap Cassandra between her inner thighs and he wondered why, and what the Englishman had planned for her there. Almost without thinking he let a hand stray beneath Cassandra's naked stomach as she lay on the bed beside him, and when she felt his fingers brushing against her thick dark pubic hair she swallowed hard against a groan of desire. It was always better not to let him know how much she wanted him. Nevertheless, as his fingers continued to move while they watched the film she needed all her hard-learned control to keep silent.

Now the moment was approaching that Cassandra could remember only too well. Having lulled her body into a state of aroused but calm sexuality he reached round behind Cassandra's fastened body and took something from his fiancee's hand. Despite turning her head, Cassandra was unable to see what it was, and when she turned back to face Sir James, Lara quickly drew a white silk scarf over the naked woman's eyes so that she could only wait.

The sexuality of the scene changed once more. Now there was a heightened tension in the air that transmitted itself to the screen and even the baron's fingers were still as he watched the unfolding scene with fascination. When he saw the tiny, hard-bristled nailbrush in Sir James's hand he bit on his bottom lip and nodded to himself in silent approval as in front of his eyes he saw his unsuspecting mistress standing unmov-ing as she waited for whatever was to come.

Sir James, who had played this scene out before with many other women, knew exactly where to strike first. The unseeing Cassandra suddenly felt the harsh circular movements of the nailbrush against the tightly indrawn flesh of her stomach and she let out an involuntary gasp which she immediately knew was a mistake. Encouraged by her reaction, Sir James set about his task with renewed enthusiasm.

In place of the earlier soft caresses of his hands Cassandra now had to endure the scratching, stimulating sensation of the brush as it moved relentlessly upwards towards her swelling breasts, and she tried to lift them higher, out of harm's way, while all the time the blood was coursing through her veins, bringing a glowing heat to every part that the brush touched, increasing every sensation. Between her thighs she felt herself tightening, felt the deep aching pressure that was now so familiar to her and her hips jerked spasmodically even as she tried to escape the brush.

Sir James stopped at the undersides of her tight little breasts, and drew a finger softly through the soap suds, beginning now to break up but quickly being renewed by Lara. 'What does it feel like, my dear?' he asked Cassandra, who bit on her lip and refused to answer him. 'Are these anxious for the brush?' He flicked at her small but painfully hard little nipples. 'I think they are,' he murmured, and then he began to move the nailbrush up the undersides of each of her breasts in turn, and then across the surface until finally he allowed the bristles to cross the areolea until they were cleaning the nipples themselves. A groan of desire escaped from Cassandra and she felt her own juices beginning to run between her thighs where no water had yet been.

The baron watched the film in fascination. The slow opening and closing of Cassandra's mouth, the rapid rise and fall of her breasts as she waited for the brush to travel from one to the other, was all highly erotic, and when Lara removed the silk scarf so that Cassandra could watch the progress of the cruelly insidious instrument of her rising sexual need he smiled to himself, because this meant that he could now see the gloriously confused expression in his lover's eyes.

Cassandra, watching herself from the bed, could remember only too well how she'd felt at that moment; the mixture of rising desire and apprehension at the fear of what might lie ahead for her. She knew that the baron was being strongly affected by the scenes in front of him, and turned her full attention back to the screen in order not to break the spell.

As her scrubbed breasts swelled visibly, their size increased by the rapid flow of blood caused by the friction of the nailbrush, Sir James watched them carefully. When he judged that they had expanded to their full extent he took the white scarf that had previously been used to cover Cassandra's eyes and bound it tightly around their hard swollen fullness. She winced against the fierce restriction; her nipples, stimulated by the material and tickled by the suds still on the skin, pricked and peaked so that the very first tremor of a climax began to stir deep within her stomach.

Sir James saw the way her flesh there tightened and tipped her face upwards towards his. 'Control yourself,' he said harshly. 'Dieter tells me you've learnt complete mastery of your body. Don't tell me that he's wrong!'

Cassandra tried to switch her mind to other things; to a walk in the glorious grounds around the chateau, the peace of the lake that it overlooked; anything, to distract her craving for sexual release. Slowly it took effect and her trembling ceased.

Now Sir James returned to the taut flesh of her abdomen, tantalising it with tiny, hard rotations of the brush until her lower torso was flushed bright pink. Then he moved behind her and worked his way down from the inward curve of her waist to the firm buttocks. Here he scrubbed yet more fiercely and the warm tingles spread through her vulva and upper thighs so that the heat, combined with the pressure of her bound breasts, restarted her body's ascent to release, a release that was becoming increasingly urgent with every minute that passed.

Finally Sir James's hand was still and Cassandra waited, the hope that now she might be allowed an orgasm showing clearly on the video. But Sir James was far from being finished with this aloof, incredibly disciplined mistress of the famous baron. Curtly he ordered her to bend her knees. With her ankles fastened and separated by the bar this meant that Cassandra's sex was more exposed and vulnerable because she had no way of closing her thighs against him.

Now, for the first time, he touched her there. His hands carefully separated her outer lips and he ran one finger along her moist inner channel. 'Anyone would think you'd been soaped here,' he laughed, and as Lara gave a low chuckle, heat rose in Cassandra's cheeks.

Very softly he tickled around her vaginal opening, letting his finger massage her just inside the entrance until he heard her breath snag in her throat. He then stopped and stood upright as Cassandra tried frantically to subdue the treacherous coilings of desire moving deep, deep within her.

'I think you need to be cleaned there too,' he said thoughtfully. 'Lara, bring me a douche bag.'

Cassandra's eyes opened wide and the baron, watching intently, could clearly see the mixture of fear and rising excitement in her eyes. His arm tightened round her naked waist and he knew that once the video was over he would have to have her, even before he told her about Nicola.

Back on the screen, Sir James was inserting a well lubricated thin rubber tube into Cassandra's vagina, using a slow twisting movement of his hand that only made the wriggling tendrils of arousal stir afresh in her highly sensitised body. Her upper thighs shook with the pressure of bending her knees and the sensations that the tube, mingled with the knowledge of what was to be done to her, were causing.

Once he was satisfied the tube was correctly inserted, Sir James pressed on the round rubber bag filled with warm water that was at the end of it, and then he signalled for Lara to take over so that he could stand directly in front of Cassandra and watch her as she felt the liquid warmth filling her, increasing the tight, aching pressure between her thighs until she felt sure she couldn't take it any more.

'Keep the water flowing,' he instructed Lara, and then he moved his mouth to Cassandra's ear.

'While you're being cleansed, bear down for me,' he ordered. 'I want to see your clitoris emerge from its hiding place. I want to touch it, and when I do you are not to come. Do you understand?'

For Cassandra, whose whole body was under incredible pressure and whose nerve endings were sending shooting messages to her brain telling her to spasm in ecstasy, the instruction was unbearable but she knew that it was her job to satisfy Sir James. The baron was proud of her legendary control, and she had no intention of letting him down.

As the insidious warm water continued to wash around in her inner passage, Sir James flicked at her nipples where they were pressing through the soaking silk scarf, and again her breath caught in her throat and she had to fight against a contraction of her stomach muscles as pleasure threatened to overwhelm her.

'Watch this, Lara,' said Sir James, crouching in front of Cassandra where she stood fastened to the pillars, her knees bent as he had ordered. Very slowly, Cassandra forced herself to bear down until she knew that her clitoris had emerged from the tiny fold of flesh that covered it at moments of peak arousal and that now it must be clearly visible to both Sir James and his fiancee.

'You must learn how to do this, Lara,' murmured Sir James. 'I can't think how Dieter trained Cassandra so well. Now, my dear, remember what I told you,' he added in an aside to the tensely poised young woman.

Cassandra could hardly forget. She waited in anguish for the touch, a touch that she knew would be light and skilful, and intended to precipitate a climax she must not have. Quickly she parted her lips; breathing through an open mouth always helped her control herself, but before she could steady her breathing Sir James had soaped his ring finger and in an incredibly tender sliding movement he was stroking the tip of the forced-out clitoris so that the mass of nerve endings were stimulated in the way they most enjoyed. Cassandra's entire body went rigid as she fought against the bunching muscles and leaping currents of pleasure that threatened to consume her.

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