Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order (9 page)

BOOK: Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order
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“Yea” Anthony was doing a much better job at not looking paranoid as he passed a fellow Marshal than Nathan was earlier.

“Burn them now; I don’t want any chance of them finding us.”

Anthony agreed. “I’ll do that as soon as I stop by the house. You just drive safe.” Nathan responded. “You just find out what you need to and get your butt down here.”

“Alright brother, if I’m more than a day behind you that means you were wrong and you better come up with a good excuse.” Nathan replied with the finality of death. “I’m not wrong.”

After a moment of pause Anthony closed the conversation. “I’ll see you soon.”


                   *    *     *


Deshad had assassinated many, some with firearms, some with blades but with most of his prey Deshad liked to use his hands. Using his hands always brought Deshad the most pleasure. His logic was that it was almost honorable, his skill versus theirs. He ignored the fact that most never knew they were dead until they heard Deshad whisper in their ears as they fell into never ending darkness.

So it was now that Deshad stood in the hallway outside of Volkov's bedroom. Deshad pondered whether to come through the window silently or not, but the thought of his twin daggers slicing through the necks of the fodder set to guard the door was too good a temptation to refuse. It was a dark hallway with high walls. There were two guards, one posted on either side of the bedroom door, which was about 100 feet away. In a split second the assassin’s options flashed through his mind. Pull the silenced pistol from under his left arm aim and fire, or try to close the distance and throw his daggers… Deshad looked up and smiled as a third more personal option appeared. Deshad split his legs and hoisted his 5’09” 175 pound frame up the walls. At the top of the hallway near the ceiling Deshad was completely cloaked in shadow. If someone were there to film the acrobatic feat that happened next few would think it real. Deshad braced his arms and legs on the walls until his back skimmed the ceiling. He then silently crawled forward alternately bracing one limb then another hoping the sweat purfusing from his face would not alert the guards until he had finally moved the length of the hallway to stop directly above his prey. The guards saw a flutter, then the glow of steel daggers that slid into their throats; their screams were muffled by the blood that flowed from their mouth and neck. Deshad smiled as he reversed his hands from a downward stab to a standard grip lowering his opponents to the floor silently while withdrawing his daggers and wiping the blood off on their shirts. Deshad quickly picked the lock on the bedroom door then entered to find Volkov lying on the bed. He was wearing a wrinkled pinstripe suit and lying above the covers with his phone next to him. It was obvious to Deshad that the man had been working to try and fix the decent in his ranks, unfortunately for the Russian Deshad didn’t care. Deshad pulled his pistol and put the silenced tip to Volkov's head. Volkov's eyes opened, he went to scream but saw Deshad’s pistol pointed at him with one hand and with the other Deshad was making a shhh motion. Volkov recognized the assassin and tried to talk his way out of certain death.

“I, vill fix dis, I can pay. I ave lands and…and” Volkov cut his begging short as Deshad pulled the hammer back on the pistol. Deshad motioned for Volkov to move from the bed, with a pistol to his head he didn’t argue. As they stood up Deshad stepped back and placed his pistol in its holster. At first Volkov thought… hoped that this was a warning, then Deshad put his hands wide and softly spoke.

“You are going to die tonight, will it be an honorable death or a cowardly one.”

It took a moment for the offer to register, Volkov had the assassin by five inches and well over a hundred pounds but he knew he had no chance so he dropped to his knees and begged.

“Please, please don’t kill me, I ave money…a family…I vill pay you then I vill run and hide.”

Deshad moved around to stand behind Volkoff he then bent over and whispered in his ear… Volkov's eyes grew wide as he heard the true name of Deshad, he began to turn and look Deshad in the eyes then he realized … he wasn’t turning on his own power. The last thing Nikola Vladimir Volkov ever heard was the sound of his own neck break, the last thing he ever saw was a shadow fly by the window.


                          *    *    *          


Wednesday November 24

The trip from D.C. to New Orleans was not as smooth as Nathan had hoped. He was stopped by three checkpoints where the National Guard was turning people in the opposite direction as well as four state troopers through Georgia and Alabama for going 130 in a 95. Thankfully Nathan’s badge got his through without many questions. Nathan crossed Lake Pontchartrain and drove through the 50 ft steel levee built for the barrage of hurricanes the gulf coast sees every year. Nathan took a breath and then spoke to himself. “Home, where it’s still 90 degrees in November, where you can gain 15 pounds in a week and where the Saints haven’t won a super bowl in 17 years.” Nathan wished he was coming home under better circumstances.

Nathan’s parents actually lived in an outskirt of New Orleans, a small piece of wood and swamp just south of La Place.

Nathan pulled off of a dirt road and on to the gravel drive of his old home at 3:08 am. Nathan noticed his brother’s jeep packed full of the gear he asked him to get as well as the carrier, tires and a tow rack with cable. Nathan hoped Darion didn’t have to answer too many questions. Nathan walked around back and through the unlocked back door to be greeted by a growling 140 pound Rottwieler. Nathan crouched, stuck out his hand and called.

“Don’t growl at me you beast.”

The huge dog’s ears perked at the recognition of his name, after picking up Nathan’s scent Beast jumped on him covering him in doggie drool. “I missed you too boy.”

Nathan slowly moved through the kitchen into the den and up the stairs to Darions room, Beast in tow. As he slowly opened the door Nathan saw Jason first asleep on the couch, then Darion asleep in bed. Nathan moved to Darion and shook him softly while covering his mouth. Darion awoke startled then calmed when he saw his brother. Nathan motioned for Darion to follow him to the kitchen. Once there Darion opened the conversation. “How do you do that?”

Nathan responded. “Do what?” “Sneak in and get that close without making a sound.”

“I had Beast with me so if you didn’t hear it’s because you sleep like a rock.”

Nathan quickly turned to business. “Did you tell anyone?”

Darion sighed. “You don’t know how hard it was to not tell mom what all the stuff was for.”

Nathan nodded knowing how forceful his mother could be, a trait he picked up from her. He didn’t answer her call yesterday evening guessing what she was going to ask about. “Did you get all the supplies?”

Darion nodded “Most of them, I got the compasses, the first aid kits, the tents and all the stuff for the jeep but we’re a few water jugs short and I could only find 2 solar powered GSP’s units.”

Nathan grabbed two sodas from the fridge sat across from his brother then replied. “ GPS units.”

Darion responded curtly “I know what they are, its 4 in the morning.”

Nathan pointed to the clock on the microwave. “3”

Darion rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. “Yeah, so gimmie a break.” Nathan smiled. “Its good to see you little brother.”

Darion made an ugly face at Nathan. “It would have been better if you’d have let me sleep a couple of more hours.” Nathan laughed then Darion asked. “When do we tell mom and the jerk.”

Nathan put his head in his hand. “You mean when does the fight begin?”

Darion conceded the point. Nathan looked up towards the second floor bedroom. “Soon.”


                           *    *     *  


Nathan and Darion talked for hours, they tried to talk about things that had been going on in their lives but all their conversations led to the future that would never be, when the future you expect never comes things change.

Nathan asked. “What time does the car audio store open?” Darion gave his brother a very confused look. “What you want to buy a new system for your new ride.”

Nathan, always thinking ahead retorted. “No. I want a TV put in the Suburban with a dish. If their taking over then they’re going to be feeding their bullshit to the masses, we need to see what lies their spreading so that we can counter them with the truth.”

Darion looked confused. “Counter them.”

Nathan looked hard at his brother. “Yes, counter. Did you think all of this was just so we could hide out until it blows over?” Nathan shook his head and stated his resolve. “No we are going to tell people the truth.”

Darion asked. “To who? Who will listen?”

Nathan said. “How long do you think it will be before the people realize what’s going on? How long before they realize that all the freedom they took for granted is gone? They’ll fall in line at first, then they’ll resist, and then they’ll break and conform to the new way of life. We have to get to them just as their ready to resist. The Illuminati’s plan will be to break the will of the people before they organize and discover the truth, we can’t let that happen. We have to get to the people before they think they have no choice, we have to give them a choice we have to show them the truth.”

Darion looked at his brother through wide eyes. “Are you nuts? How are we supposed to save the country?” Nathan shook his head. “We’re not trying to. What we want is to start a fire, nourish it then let it spread.”

Darion still not believing his brother wanted to take on the Illuminati asked. “Spread to where?”

Nathan looked at his brother with a strong resolve. “Everywhere.” Darion took in a deep breath and shook his head. “O.K. you’re the prophet.” Nathan angrily scolded Darion. “Do not say that.”

“Sorry, it’s just…” Darion tried to apologize but Nathan cut him off. “Ever. I just saw some things. I am far from a prophet.”

Darion put his hands out. “Sorry, I just meant that I trust you and I’ll follow you, wherever.”

Nathan calmed. “That’s good to know.” Then gave a crooked smile. “But I don’t recall giving you a choice.”

Darion nodded. “Oh I see how it is.” Nathan wasted no time in getting back to business. “So what time does the audio store open?” Darion said. “I don’t know 8,9.”

Nathan reached in his pocket and pulled out his debit card and keys. “Take this. Its 7 now I want you to wake everyone up then go get a TV and satellite dish installed in the suburban, get some solar packs too.” 

“Where do you want the TV?” Darion asked. Nathan thought for a moment. “The dash, the console, the headrest, I don’t care just make it easy to access, and do not by any means let them look in the boxes in the back.”

Darion curiously asked. “What’s in the boxes?” Nathan took a deep breath thinking of the arsenal that was in those boxes. “You’ll know soon enough, just make sure they stay locked, if you get caught we’re screwed.” Nathan thought on the importance of those boxes and of his brother’s unintentional aptitude for getting into trouble. “You know what, just set the boxes next to your jeep, I don’t want to take any chances.” Nathan reached in his pocket and pulled out a large wad of cash. “I also want you to give the guy at the store this. Before they even start, tell him it’s his.” Darion gave Nathan a look that spoke for itself.

Nathan shook his head no to Darions look that plainly thought his brother was losing it. “It won’t be worth anything soon and it will get you back sooner… I don’t think this is going to go well and I want to be ready to leave as soon as possible.”

At that moment Alexia LaFleaur Nathan and Darions 17-year-old sister walked in. Her dirty blonde hair in tangles Nathan noticed she was wearing the FBI sweats he gave her after he graduated from the academy. She saw her older brother and ran to him. “Nathan!” She gave her brother a hug.

Nathan wheezed. “Geez you’re still lighter than Beast but your grip is much stronger now.”

Alexia lightly punched Nathan in the arm. “Just wait till we spar.”

Nathan looked at Darion who nodded slowly then turned his head and moved his wavy hair to reveal a bruise on his upper left cheek. Nathan’s eyes grew wide.

“Lex, you did that.” Nathan said pointing to Darion’s face. Alexia smiled. “Sure did, that jerk wouldn’t tell me what was going on.” Nathan laughed. “I’m proud sis.”

Darion’s eyes narrowed. “You would be.” Alexia asked. “Where’s Kayla?”

Nathan paused for a moment then responded in a very somber tone. “She went to stay with her parents for a while.” Alexia was now the one giving Nathan the evil look. Nathan answered the obvious question before it was asked. “No Lexi, nothing like that.”

Shortly thereafter Jean and Nathan’s mom Julie entered the kitchen. Nathan stood up gave his mother a hug, and then shook Jean’s hand trying to remain cordial. Nathan turned to Darion.

“D, go get started on what we discussed earlier.” Darion nodded. “Alright, I’ll bring Jason along.” Nathan shook his head. “No, he needs to hear this too. Send him down.” Darion turned to get started on the task his brother had set forth. Nathan reiterated. “Don’t forget to take the boxes out.”

Darion Nodded. Nathan then addressed the rest of the group. “Let’s go to the living room and sit down, I have something important I need to tell you guys and so far I haven’t received the response I’d hoped.”

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