Arrival of the Prophecy (26 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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He climbed out of the tub, sloshing water everywhere, stepping back
by the open door, laughing out loud as the girls began crawling on their knees,
grabbing at the small piles of bubbles that were floating on the surface of
bath water on the floor. He told them he would be back, closing the door for
their safety, left them, hoping they would get into the tub. He used the room
across the hall and left it as messy as he could make it. Hair shavings all
over the once perfectly spotless sink and a dark ring around the inside of her
pink porcelain tub. He changed into a pair of his father’s jeans, then opened
the bathroom door, taking in a deep sharp breath, then burst out laughing so
loud that Charles and Thomas came running up the stairs.

was bending
over when they came sliding to a stop outside the bedroom door. He held up his
hand to keep them back, and then waved them away, turning his attention back to
the bathroom. The girls were in the tub still wearing the garments they had on,
but they had opened and slung every bit of the bubble bath all over the
bathroom. All the contents from the tray were either on the floor, opened and
empty, or floating in the blackish water that they were having so much fun in. The
only problem that
at this point was how he was going to get them out and dressed.

He made his way to the tub slipping several times on the wet and
slimy tile floor. He did his best to wash their hair with what was left of the
shampoo, and them darting away from his touch for the first ten minutes. Afterwards
he pulled the plug and watched as they played in the disappearing water. They
both turned to him a few minutes later, as he held up two towels. “Are you
hungry?” he asked, then set one of the towels down and put his fingers to his
mouth. The girls looked at each other, then back at
who was picking the towel back up.

“We are very hungry,” both replied at the very same time.

“What? What was that? You can talk?”

The girls nodded, holding the side of the tub like two small

“My name is,
. What are yours?”

“They called us one and two, but we call each other Cara,” the one

“And Tara,” the other added.

“So, which of you is, Tara?” he asked squatting down in front of the

“She is,” Cara replied.

“And she is Tara.”

“I laid you out some nice clean clothes on the bed, just in the
other room. Here are some towels. I’ll give you a few minutes to change,
we will have our first meal together.”

“Alone?” they both asked in unison.

“If that’s what you both wish,” he smiled, getting a smile in return
from each.

He left and the two girls fumbling their way into the bedroom,
dripping all over the floor, spreading the mess from the bathroom to the carpet.
They saw the gowns on the bed and without hesitation pulled the rags they wore
over their heads and slipped them on over their wet bodies.
came back in with two hair brushes and
another tray of perfumes, along with a pile of his mother’s
next to them. He sprayed them as they laughed and grabbed at the fragrance
floating on the air, but did not allow him to brush their hair, nor did they
try. Their now bright red curls were one huge tangled rats nest, and
feared that cutting it all off maybe the only way to
solve a very messy problem. He also noticed how vibrantly blue their eyes were
and how much they looked like Parker, the only sibling that he had ever known. Freckles
stood out boldly on both of their faces and it was the only way he could tell
them apart. Cara had more freckles across her nose, than Tara, but that was the
only thing that separated the girls from being a perfect and exactly matched
set of twins.




Everything had calmed down at the Michelle estate and the elders of
the clan had chosen to go along with Anthony and his plan to give the
what they wanted, with the understanding that
there would be a peace agreement signed and placed in the hands of the high
counsel, which remained overseas. Anthony agreed and then left them to discuss
the things they needed. He took his family back into the dining area to further
discuss the future of his own personal wishes. It was
that stood up at the end of the table, tapping her spoon on the side of her
wine glass. Once she had everyone’s attention, she sat back down.

“My father will now tell you a bit about the prophecy that has to do
with our blood line and no one else in this clan. But, that does not mean that
it is not just as important, I assure you.” Then she took a drink of wine, and
turned her head in the direction that her father was coming from.

He was carrying a large leather bound book that had silver clasps
and a symbol on the front that was the exact same kind that hung over the
’ front door. The
shape of a half moon, with three claw marks running through it. He walked up
and set it on the table in between Sky and Anthony, then opened it to a page
that had writing that neither could understand.

“It is said that when the two
gave the light back unto the land, they would bring forth a child and with that
child would come peace to the land for a hundred years,” he read, stopping to
look up at
who was leaning back, and lacing
her fingers together. “His birth will prove by the glow of his flesh that the
prophets have spoken. His rule will unite the creatures around the world, but
many will come seeking the blood of the light, to bring darkness back into our

Sky put her hand on her stomach, knowing it was her unborn child
that he was reading about, but hoping at the same time that the book was just
that, a book, and had nothing at all to do with them. The thought of others
trying to kill her child was more than she could handle. Sky passed out.

called out, catching her right before she hit the ground.

“Take her to my room. That’s where the two of you will be staying
from now on,”
said rushing to her side. “Don’t
look at me like that young man. There is plenty of fresh air and light up
there, now do as you are told.”

Anthony picked Sky up, kissing her on the forehead, and then glanced
back at
, who was pushing him on the back
lightly with her hand. Bonny and Henry were coming down the hall to join them
for dinner. Henry darted forward in a panic, getting one of
hands planted firmly on his chest. “It’s the pregnancy. She will be fine. Please,
join the others, Bonny and I will care for her,” she explained waving her hand
at Bonny.

“Yes, honey, this is a woman thing. You go enjoy yourself and don’t
worry. She’ll be fine,” Bonny jabbered and moved up by Anthony, moving her
hands up and down, not knowing what to do with

“If you do not calm yourself, you will pass out just like she did,”
smiled, patting her on the back. “Come, you’ll be

“I haven’t had a baby, well, since I had a baby,” Bonny giggled,
to look back at Henry, who made the
sign that she had a little to drink.

“I think we have several months to worry about having a baby…don’t
we?” Anthony asked, pausing on the staircase.

“Of course, don’t be foolish. Move yourself, boy,”
replied, swatting him on the butt.

“That is so funny,” Bonny snickered, tilting backwards.

“Oh, no you don’t,”
said, grabbing
her around the waist and pushing her up against the banister.

“Did I just hiccup?” Bonny asked, laughing out loud. “That blue
stuff was really good.”

“For the sake of Mother Earth, she drank your grandfather’s tonic.”

“She did what?” Anthony replied, so shocked he almost tripped and
dropped Sky.

“Oh, this is not going to be good.”

Anthony lightly kicked
door open, and laid Sky who was already asking what was going on, on the bed. He
told her she had fainted, while
sat Bonny in
the chair by the fireplace. Afterwards she grabbed a cold wash cloth out of the
bathroom that was connected to the bedroom.

Sky sat up on the edge of the bed, turning three shades whiter, and
then announced that she was going to be sick.
slid to a stop right at the foot of the bed, throwing the rag at Anthony, and
rushing back into the bathroom, grabbing the waste basket. She spun around and
slung it in Anthony’s direction, with him catching it putting it under Sky’s
head just in time to catch the contents of her stomach.

“I’m going to be ill,” Bonny burped, scooting to the edge of the
chair, reaching for her mouth.

“What has cursed me this day?”
her eyes and threw her head back.

She grabbed Bonny under the arm, dragged her to the toilet, where
she held her head up so she could relieve herself of the blue tonic. The same
tonic that Anthony’s grandfather had made for years and been drunker than a
skunk off of every time he opened the jug.

Sky laid back and started crying for no apparent reason, while Bonny
on the other hand was hugging the toilet singing a song that couldn’t be
understood by anyone.

left Bonny to
entertain herself and went around to the other side of the bed, and lay down
next to Sky. “I do not remember reading anything about this in the book of
prophecies,” she said turning her head, looking into Sky’s tear filled eyes.

“I don’t feel so good,” Sky sniffled.

“It will pass, child. We all go through it. As for your mother in
the other room, she will feel the effects of her day for hours to come.” Then
she and Anthony both started laughing.

“I don’t get it,” Sky said, rolling over wiping her nose on her

“Bonny drank a mixture that grandfather makes, claiming it helps his
bones. It is so powerful, that no man can drink a full glass without becoming
so drunk that he cannot stand straight,”
explained, smiling and closing her eyes.

“You should see her daughter drunk.”

“I believe I will pass. That reminds me. She and Parker should be
returning anytime. Carter took them with a few of the enforcers to your
father’s home to retrieve her, what she called,
suitable clothing
said, putting
her arm over her forehead.

“Tell me again…why didn’t we get rid of her?”

“Ladies,” Anthony snickered, moving the trash can back and sitting
on the edge of the bed.

“She’s such a bitch,” Sky whispered, sitting up on her elbow. “Think
change, because she’s a new pig?”

“Her mother will hear you,” he said putting his finger to his lips,
smiling the whole time.

“She will not remember,”
interjected, as she sat up. “I better get Kayla to help me put this one in the
tub, then directly in the bed.”

Sky reached up taking her hand.

“Yes, child?”

“Will there really
others trying to kill
our baby?”

“In his future,” she paused. “I fear so.” She squeezed her hand,
then left to find, Kayla.

Sky rolled over and laid her head in Anthony’s lap. “We won’t let
anyone hurt him will we, babe?” she turned her head to look at him, bringing a
smile to his face. He told her he would spend the rest of his life keeping them
both safe, and all the others that would follow. Kayla knocked on the door, too
afraid to interrupt her king and queen, then slowly stepped in with two other
girls, and silently went into the bathroom and closed the door. A few minutes
later they came out with Bonny in between the two.

“I’ll have your things up here as soon as I make sure everything is
going to be okay with her,” Kayla explained to Sky and Anthony while she was
pushing the girls toward the door.

“Do you know that song,” Bonny slurred to the girl on her right.
“You know, ‘Lips my kiss
you go to bed,” she
sang out as they walked through the door opening, with Kayla’s shoulder bending
slightly in as she closed the door behind her, without looking back.

Anthony looked down at Sky, and both burst out laughing.
went down to let the others know that the women were
fine, and that they could all leave for the evening. It was then that a loud
knock came at the front door, and two men came in with extreme excitement,
running past the doorman and right into the room with
and Anthony senior. “They’re gone! All of them!”

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