Arrival of the Prophecy (21 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“Kill her and it is all yours, mother,” he yelled spinning around on
all fours. “She finds you weak.”

head spun
around as her fist made contact with the woman to her right. She screamed a
bloody squeal causing everyone to become silent. She jerked back around and
pointed her finger down at
, then slammed her
hand back down to her side, and began storming her way down, as those behind her
went wild.
stood at the edge of the stones
feeling the power pulsate against her flesh as she began taking off the black
tank top and cut off blue jean shorts.
was solid ripples from her round shoulders to her sharp waist, right down to
the firm thick curve of her calves. Her hair was dark red, streaked with silver
throughout, that draped over her shoulders and
midway down her back.

“You think that if I take your life that it will all end here?”
asked, pushing her hair from her face.

“What else do you want,
? I know it
has nothing to do with the land,”
taking a few steps from the

“I just want your breed to die, no secret, we‘ve been cleaning you
out all along the coast, and you will go down just like the rest. So tell me,
what difference will it make if I kill you right now?”

“I think there are two ways to look at that, if you will ever find
the nerve to step across the stones of my people,”
sarcastically said, raising her arms in the air, as the wind began to pick up.

“Oh yes. I have heard all the tales of when my father killed your
family. I heard your husband died in agony,”
said the last smiling, looking at
with as much
evil as she could.

“Just think about the things that we’ve heard of your man,
replied simply
smiling back, causing
to become so angry that
she took that first step.

back into the
, placing one foot behind her and
the other slightly in front for balance. She turned her body away from
then looked back, as
dashed across the sandy plain straight at her.
spun around hitting
in the back with her fist,
as she swung her back leg forward, knocking her to the ground, face first.
“I’ll kill you!”
screamed, scrabbling to her
wasted no time. She jumped on
back, reaching around, pulling her head back as
far as she could, then threw her own head forward and sank her two inch fangs
into the soft flesh of her enemy’s throat ripping back and taking out the wind
pushed herself off of
, kicking her to the ground watching as she grabbed
for the piece of her flesh that was no longer there.
spit it on the ground in the direction of
followers, then turned back to the woman beast that was now bleeding to death
on the very ground that the
had spilled her
families blood.

“It ends now,”
said as an arm came
down across her back.

down by his mother who was reaching up to touch his face. He slapped her hand
away, and got to his feet. “You were never a true leader. You couldn’t even
stop one old woman.” Then he walked over and kicked
in the face. The moment the blood dripped from
mouth and touched the power of the earth that had been given life by its new
King and Queen, lightening began to shoot from different areas of the sand.
ran for his life, barely leaping out of the
of the stones before a rod took him in the back. He
and his people ran off of the Michelle land that night, leaving their fallen
leader to the spirits.

woke in the
of the grounds looking up at the
night sky. She rolled to her side, seeing the remains of
and then grabbing the side of her face, remembering


Back at the house Anthony’s grandfather had already gathered
everyone into the study. Not one living werewolf slept through the waking of
the forefathers, not even the dead. But his worry was his child.
wasn’t found anywhere in the estate and he knew that
she had gone to confront the only woman that could put a stop to the harm that
was happening to her children. While they argued about who would search for the
mother leader of the clan, Sky saw her stumbling up the garden steps.

“There she is!” Then turned and ran from the study.

Anthony ran to the two story window and saw his grandmother drop to
her knees, and dove out the window, landing on all fours in a running fashion
going directly to her. He slid around next to her as she lay over on her side,
looking up at him with the faintest smile on a face that was now swollen and
half coated in dried blood. “Who did this?” Anthony asked with eyes that were
glowing bright amber.

“It’s over little one.
is dead. Take
me to my room,” she replied pulling up on his arm.

“What have you done, grandmother?”

“Saved the prophecy my child—your son,” she smiled,
kissed him. “Come, I need a bath.”

what had happened after she had cleaned herself and had time to rest. It was
the men that decided to put the estate on full alert, because it was their home
that was hit by the men of the
pack the last
time they had brought trouble to the Michelle clan. Even with their leader
dead, her eldest son remained and was very much like the woman he obeyed.



sat in the rear
of the van as they drove down the back roads to the camp that they had tucked
away in the foot hills, several miles away from the Michelle’s boundaries. His
thoughts were on many things. One being what he would do to avenge his mother’s
death, and the other, to change the standing of the
pack ruling belonging to that of the males. His mother had laid out many plans
for his future, to do only what she had written, but it was nothing that he had
ever wanted on his own. He’d done nothing other than taking down a few
werewolves and owning everything that they claimed and loved. Now
thought about the woman he had become close to. The
one he knew was about to be just like him, living somewhere in the clutches of
the one place he wasn’t anywhere near finished with.

The van stop and he jumped out. All the other vehicle’s that carried
what he now knew were his followers, stopped and made their way into the caves.
The further they made their way in, the cooler and darker it became. Some lit
torches, while others had flashlights. Some grooves in the cave had twin beds, and
others had couches covered in
didn’t go into the tunnel that would have normally
taken him into his personal quarters. Instead, he took the wide tunnel down the
middle, claiming his mother’s room, the largest of the cavern’s rooms. There
were sheer drapes covering the ceiling, hanging down in thin layers over the
back of the cave wall. The bed was full size and set in the middle with heavy
fur blankets from the top to the bottom. An assortment of big black and brown
pillows surrounding it on the floor

“Tiffany, will love this,” he whispered, thinking on his new queen.

“Sir, did you wish to have a meeting?” a slender man asked from
behind him.

“I suppose it is time,” he replied slowly turning. “No women. Gather
my strongest and have the rest ready my meal.”

“Of course, right away,” the man said with a shocked look as he
backed away.

reaching up rubbing his chin, thinking this was something that should have
happened a long time ago. Maybe the werewolves would not have grown to the
power that they have had, if a man had been running the
and not some woman who thought she was better than the likes of a ruler such as
himself. Right before
left for the meeting he
called his mother’s personal male servant into his now private quarters and
ordered that he give up the place that his two younger sisters were being held.
The man named Charles refused, saying that he was to give up his own life
before betraying their whereabouts.

would I have if I so easily
broke my word?”

offered him
a new release from the girls, telling him that he would allow him to live as a
proud man, never to deal with the rules of another woman as long as he named
the place where they were being held.

“Never take a woman’s orders?” the man asked.

“Never, you have my word,”
knowing all the men would follow him now.

“She has kept them in the forbidden house of your father.”

“All this time, they have been in my father’s home?”

“Yes, my lord. She knew no one would dare enter the place of his
death, or where he claimed his domain.”

“That sneaky bitch,”
laughed. “Wonder
what else she has hidden up there? Get this meeting on, I have a trip to make.”

Twenty minutes later nine men stood in front of a blazing fire at
the mouth of the cave.
walked out wearing
black leather pants, and a sheer
tank top. His
red curls covered one side of his face as he looked the men up and down, walking
around them like a stalking animal. He stopped at the shortest man. He was
standing in the
, three men deep, and
simply yanked him out by the hair of his head. All
the men spread apart as
began beating the man,
which never lifted a hand to protect himself.

“Is this what we have become under the rule of our women? Can we not
even hold a hand up to save a strike?”
gripping the man by the throat. “Fight me or I will tear the heart from your
body.” Then he raised his hand to hit the man again.

The man grabbed
hand and then
legs out from under him, knocking him
directly down on his chest. The man jumped up and brought his leg back for a
second kick, when
rolled to his side bringing
his fist up between the man’s legs, dropping the man instantly.
got to his knees, sliding a blade out from his back
area, then dove on the man, slicing it through his upper body several times, as
the man went back clutching at his attackers shirt. “This is how we will win
over the wolves,” he said looking down into the dying man’s eyes, and then
lifted the blade into the air. “Did you see how simple he fell?”

“We have never battled with weapons,” another man said stepping out
from the eight.

“And we have lost every time. It was my mother’s worse weakness,” he
proclaimed getting to his feet, waving the blade back and forth. “I say we
learn to use metal and kill as many as we can.”

“May I speak my Lord?” one of the largest of the men asked, taking a
knee in front of

“This is a new order and you all have the right to speak. What say
you, Thomas?”

“I remember your father gathering us saying these same words,” he
explained, slowly raising his head. “Ask the one who followed your mother. He
will know where your mother placed your father’s irons.”

You mean my
father had more of these?”
asked, holding up
the bone handled blade. “He gave me this when I was four, and told me of the
many others that he’d made. Then my mother told me it was all lies, that he had
nothing like he claimed.”

“Charles will know my Lord,” Thomas claimed, getting to his feet.

“Bring me
ordered, causing two of the smaller men that stayed
close to the opening of the cave, to take off running to find the one he was

One came back out hopping backwards; reaching down rubbing at his
shin bone, as he looked back and forth amongst the group outside. His gaze then
went to the other man that was dragging Charles out by the back of the shirt to
the opening of the cave, with him cursing the whole way. The smaller man
dropped Charles a few feet from the fire, getting a hard kick in the shin from
the tip of Charles’s black shiny boots, causing everyone to start laughing
. Charles stood up dusting off his
clothes, swearing under his breath, as if he hadn’t even noticed the group
standing around watching him.

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