Arrival of the Prophecy (22 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“You missed a spot,”
said, walking
up behind him and began wiping at the back of his shirt.

“Thank you, I can’t believe…” he began to say, when
gripped his neck so hard he couldn’t breathe in air.

“Are you really that stupid…wait, of course you are, and it’s why my
dear, dead, mother chose you to do all of her dirty work. Well, now you belong
to me and I want to know where the rest of these are?”
asked, pushing the blade up against his throat.

“Your father hid those before he died,” Charles did his best to
reply through clenched teeth.

“Why on earth would he do that, when he wanted to use them to fight
our enemy?”

“He feared your mother would find them and use them for something
that he never meant to use them for.”

“I swear, if you don’t stop twisting your words,”
hissed, pulling the blade enough to start a small
trickle of blood to drip down Charles’s neck.

is much that you do not understand,
. I was
told to follow your mother. He ordered me to make sure that she never found out
his secrets until it was the right time.”
“You lie,”
squeezed with one hand, while pushing the tip of the blade deeper with the

“No, I can prove it, my Lord. He wanted to overthrow your mother
ever since she began acting like her mind was failing. His grave holds
everything you need to know, proving that my words are true,” Charles pleaded,
gently touching

“My father trusted this information in someone like you? Why?”

“I am your uncle and your father’s brother from a second birth. He
knew I would die for him, and you should know that I will die for his seed.”

“Why did my father really die? I know he did not mourn from failure,
he was far too strong of a
for that,”
stepped back easing who he now knew to be his
father’s younger brother, to the ground.

“I am sorry to tell you this, but I believe your father was poisoned
when he went with your mother to visit your sisters.”

“How can you be sure?”
turning Charles to look at him.

“Why else would your father’s remains be in the grave and not in
their stomachs?”

Charles went on to explain that he never wanted anything from the
werewolves, but the right to exist as an equal, and not one thought of as a
lower class. He wanted his people to be accepted by the counsel, and given a
seat to have the right to choose and vote just like the rest of the clans in
America. He told the men that had gathered closer to the fire that it was
that pushed him into the sacred circle, where
husband stood just as she had, wanting nothing but
to be left alone and to live in peace.
rushed up on the top of the hill in time to see Anthony fall to his knees at
the side of the stone circle, with
pulling her
arm away from his back.
father, Camel, was coming
down in his
form, ripping out the remainder
of his life. She ran with all the fire that she had in her body to reach the
house and warn the others, with all of the
in beast form running right behind her.

finding it hard to believe that it wasn’t his father’s idea to rule what he had
thought was his enemy all of his life, but the wicked works of his insane
mother. Charles went on to tell
that he had
three other sisters that were killed at birth, and that the other two were held
against their will, treated worse than any creature in the lower class. All
because the queen wanted them to know that they would never be able to take her
place. He then admitted that his father wanted to take the life of his mate,
and raise the children as far away from the order as he could take them.

“Anthony Michelle and your father were friends. His son is very much
like him and will not kill, Parker,” Charles said touching

“Nothing’s changed. I want to see my father’s grave…I want the
weapon’s,” he whispered, slowly turning his head and glaring at Charles. “If
you’re lying…we’ll have you for supper when we get there. Now boys, ole Grady
there is getting colder by the minute.” That’s when the yipping and grunts
became loud and Grady’s body was torn into multiple pieces.

“I want you to know that your father would be proud to see that you
have taken a stand to lead. I wish he were here to see it for himself,” Charles
said, then turned to walk away.

“Old man,”
called out, causing
Charles to stop and look back. “Sleep good, we have a long trip a head of us.” Then
he tossed him a hunk of thigh.

temperament had changed like the flip of a switch after hearing what Charles
had said. He had often heard stories around the fires of the men’s camp,
telling how his father wanted things to be different, where men stood proud and
raised their children with
. But,
always had a way of taking dreams away from her
people, wanting nothing but to destroy everything in her path.
thought’s kept going back to Tiffany, the
beautiful human that seemed to be falling in love with him, even after he told
her about his family curse. He walked out into the flat lands of the night
wishing he hadn’t been so mean to her the night he marked her and with
certainty made her one of his kind. He cared little for the wolves, and thought
nothing on the fact whether they lived or died, but he would now go to any
measure to get not only the woman he claimed as his own, but the brother that
he would groom to help run the pack the way his father had always wanted.


Chapter Seventeen


Carter rushed up the steps of the lower levels to tell Anthony and
Sky, that Tiffany was about to make her first change. He found them having
dinner with Henry and Bonny, and didn’t want to alert the others to the
seriousness at hand.
sat next to her father
and was the first to notice the look on Carter’s face. She excused herself,
bowing at Anthony as she wiped her mouth. He turned in his seat and then asked
Sky if she would like to take a walk.

“But, we haven’t had dessert and I wanted to talk to dad about….”

“Really, I need you to help me change,” he claimed bringing his tone
up on the last word, “the locks on the back door.”

Sky wrinkled her eye brows, standing as Anthony pulled out her chair.
“We’ll let you talk to grandfather and please, enjoy the rest of your meal. This
won’t take but a few minutes.” Then Anthony rushed Sky out of the room, as
closed the double dining room doors behind them. Carter
whispered that the girl was beginning to shift and needed to know when to
upgrade the drugs for the different type of were creature, not wanting to cause
her to go into an overdose and die. The four rushed back down the winding stone
steps, finding Parker doing his best to talk Tiffany through the pain.

“Do you know how much to give her to control the pain?” Carter
asked, grabbing the medical kit from the wall.

“Not as much as you’ve been giving us. You don’t want to stop the
transformation, or you may stop her heart. Just two
will do it. She’s
feed when she opens her eyes as one of us,” Parker explained, standing up
gripping the bars.

“You will pay for betraying our people, Parker,” the other
yelled out from his hidden corner of the back

“The girl has done nothing to suffer for our stupidity, Kevin. Why
do you care either way? You were no more than a side kick to me…a nothing!”

“I will go back up and have one of the men ready a feeding for her,”
said, then took off up the stairs.

Everyone was looking at Parker as he argued with the other man, when
Tiffany screamed out flipping onto her back. She grabbed her head in both hands
and began slamming the back of it on the hard stone of the cage floor. “Give
her the drug,” Sky called out, rushing to the cage bars. Carter took aim,
hitting her in the thigh. Tiffany rolled to her side, knocking the dart out and
getting to her knees. Blood ran down her back and soaked her blond hair, as she
rocked back and forth.

“Mommy,” Tiffany screamed, throwing
forward, grabbing the ground with things that no longer resembled human hands.

Blood burst out from the sides of her head, as the bones grew to
enormous size. Tiffany’s face tore right down the middle, her flesh absorbing
into the harsh texture of the skin that was replacing it. She fell down on her
elbows covering her face with her cloven hands, as it pushed out from the nose
and mouth, filling her grip with a horror that she found only in the depths of
her nightmares. Bones popped and slid, while Sky waited in horror, grateful
that she couldn’t remember her first change, and overly
that she didn’t turn into one of the things that she was now staring at. Tiffany
lay panting rapidly on her side. Her huge boar head lying at an angle while her
legs and arms twitched with massive muscle tremors as the last of her body
completed its transformation.

Tiffany moaned rolling onto her bent legs, pushing herself into a
standing position, but stumbling back due to the drugs that were in her system.
Anthony told Carter to get the goat and to be quick about. They stayed watching
Tiffany look down the front of her new body, while trying to hold herself up
using the wall. Her head came up when she heard Anthony talking to Carter, and
yelled out a high pitched squeal in their direction.

better hurry, or she will try and break
down that door,” Parker added trying to look in at Tiffany.

“Can you change and calm her down?” Sky asked rushing over to him.

“It doesn’t work like that in our pack, and not when one of us is
turning for the first time,” he explained, stepping back when Sky put her hand
on the bar.

“Have you ever tried? You have the blood of the true line, Parker.”

“I could help. We could both control her if we work together,” Kevin
said, scooting on the floor up to the cage door. “I promise to be good, if you
promise not to hurt me.”

“You give your word as a man?” Anthony asked walking up to Parker,
who stuck his hand out through the bars. “Then change and I will take you into
her cage first.”

“Then you will let me help? She will hurt herself if she loses
control,” Kevin cunningly added, getting to his feet.

Sky stepped back, turning her head as Parker took his jeans off and
laid them in the corner. He then turned his back to the cage door, bent over
then let out a loud yell, shifting as the air left his body. In seconds he
stood there, almost seven feet in height, stepping around to show his full
frontal form. Eight tiny nipples led down to his large manhood that swung
freely as he made his way to the cage door. He grunted nodding his head at
Anthony who held the keys to the cages in one hand, and the long iron rod in
the other.

“Your word then,” Anthony said sliding the key into the lock.

“My word,” Parker replied in a gruff voice.

Anthony stepped back and Parker leaned down and walked out. He
stepped over to Tiffany’s cage and waited for Anthony to open the door. Once
Tiffany saw the scent that she had smelt the moment that Parker had changed,
she dropped to her knees and began to make small squealing noises. He kneeled
down beside her and started stroking the long light brown bristly hair that led
down her back, while making a deep humming purr. Kevin called out then and
changed into his beast form, backing up from the cage door. Anthony walked
over, thinking about leaving the man in his own cage, but knew that his own
kind lost their minds until they fed the beast after their first change. He had
witnessed where it took many to control those who gained twice the strength of
a normal werewolf in that very manic state.

He placed the key in the door and turned it to the right, at the
same time that Kevin burst through it. He knocked Anthony over the table and
went straight for Sky who was now backing up as fast as her feet would move. She
screamed as the large beast was about to bring its hoofed hand down on the top
of her head. It would have succeeded, but it was knocked away by a blur that slammed
her into the wall that was several feet behind her. Anthony came up on the
other side of the table ripping the torn cloth away from his fur covered
shoulders, jumping back across the table, slamming Tiffany’s cage door closed
just as she slammed her body into it. Sky pushed herself up the wall, right as
Parker and Kevin rolled across the floor in front of her. She couldn’t tell
which one was which and tried to get to Anthony, who was taking several hits
from Tiffany, who had indeed gone manic.

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