Arrival of the Prophecy (14 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“See you tonight!”

“She thinks I can leave after seeing what she’s going to put on? Like
that’s going to happen.”

Anthony made himself comfortable on the couch, making sure he leaned
on the arm that gave him part of the view of the hallway, and waited for Sky to
come out of the bathroom. Forty five minutes later, she started walking down
the hall toward the living room. Anthony sat up gripping the back of the couch,
swallowing hard the salvia that was coursing through his all of the sudden
active salvia glands. He couldn’t stop moving his jaw, and licking at his lips
with nervous actions.

The dress clung to her body, showing the figure that she had been
afraid to show the world her entire life. The sight ripped the words from the
man that always seemed to have plenty to say. Her long dark hair draped over
delicate pale shoulders, strands lacing their way across her breasts as she
walked. Her once fragile exterior shattered in a premeditative gesture,
consisting of a pair of red leather heels. Anthony’s eyes gave way to fantasies
as they followed their way up from the heels, to the bottom of the dress that
rested just above mid-thigh, then up to her cleavage that made him lick his
lips once more. Sky walked around the couch, turning in a slow circle, smiling
with ruby red lips.

“Can you believe that I like this?” she asked watching him as his
eyes stopped on her exposed cleavage for the second time.

“Why on mother earth would you not like something that looks so
delicious on you?” he asked, sliding around and reclining his head on the back
of the couch.

“I don’t know. Do you really like it? I use to hate this, it’s like
I’m not afraid to show myself anymore,” she explained, while looking down at

“I noticed that you were changing along with your beast,” he
confessed getting to his feet. “I believe you were always meant to be one of us.
I really do like it…you look good enough to eat.” Then he started walking
toward her as she stared backing up.

“No, no, no. I’m already late as it is, and I really need you to
give me a ride,” she pleaded, pushing him back. “Don’t, Anthony, its already
hard enough just being in the same room with you. Please, don’t make it worse.”

“Then come home with me, and we can make love every time our eyes
lock,” he whispered, nuzzling his nose next to her ear.

“I can’t,” she replied, ducking under his arm. “I promise
I’ll put my notice in as soon as I walk in the door. Who
knows, maybe they’ll fire me on the spot, but right now I really need to go.”
you wish My Queen, and do not tell me,” he instantly said holding up one
finger, “there is no one here to listen to the words I use on My Queen. But you
must grant me one wish in return.”

“Okay, but be sweet,” she said, wrinkly her nose and biting at her

“I want you all over me in that dress, the first time you lay eyes
on me after I leave you at work.”

“What if we’re in an inappropriate place?”

“My wish…for your wish.”

“Anthony,” she glanced at the clock on the wall.
Now will you take me?”



As soon as Sky walked through the door, Dorothy, the security guard
met her, dropping to one knee, acting as if Sky had dropped something when she
came in. Sky immediately looked around to see if any of the other employees
were watching, then grabbed Dorothy under the arm.

“You can’t do that here.”

“But, I must,” she stated, standing and pretending to hand her
something. “You have been called to the office. You look beautiful, my Queen.”

“Don’t call me that either,” Sky replied in a harsh whisper. “Do you
have any idea what the office wants?”

“None, ma’am.”

Dorothy led Sky to the
elevator like any loyal subject would do, causing several employees to take
notice. Sky saw the reaction and told Dorothy to take the stairs if she was
going to be so persistent in going up with her, and then closed the elevator
door. To Sky’s surprise, Dorothy was standing outside the elevator when the
doors opened. She was somewhat out of breath and red in the cheeks, but began
leading Sky down the long corridor.

“Dorothy, why are you acting like this?”

“Orders from our, King,” she replied, without
turning to look at Sky.

told you to follow me around, while I’m trying to work?” she asked, stopping
Dorothy by grabbing her arm.

“It is my job.”

“Don’t you think that’s going to look a little funny, since we never
even talked before a few days ago?”

“Maybe everyone will think that I have a crush on you?” Dorothy
replied with a wink.

Sky gave Dorothy a strange look then shrugged her shoulders and
smiled, thinking that was more than likely the best way to look at it if she
was going to be watching her every move. She watched Dorothy looking around,
making sure that there was no one in sight, then bowed her head and opened the
main office door for her. Sky walked in, seeing a new secretary at the front
desk. She walked past her, just like she had the one that was there before.

miss, can I help you?”
“I’m the floor manager of ladies
apparel, Sky Delaney. I was told
Jamison wanted
to see me.”

“I’m sorry, but
Jamison is no longer
with us. You’ll be seeing Paul Carver, he’s the new owner, and your new boss,”
the woman smiled. “By the way, I’m Shelly Write.”

“So, what happened to Jamison?”

say…you can go in now,” Shelly smiled, pushing the button on the intercom.
“Miss Delaney to see you, sir.”
Sky walked up to the door and straightened her
dress, clearing her throat, before opening the door. The man sitting behind the
desk never looked up, telling her to have a seat that he would be with her in
just a few minutes. He was signing a stack of papers, and several pink slips. He
closed the top folder, and leaned back in his brown leather chair, and crossed
his legs.

“It seems we have a bit of a problem, Miss Delaney,” he said,
raising one brow.

“Excuse me?”

“It looks like there will be a few cut backs, and your name came

“What the hell are you talking about? I have been here for four
years, and there are several under me that haven’t even been here for a year.”

“True, but I have been told that you and a few other young ladies
have been having a few problems and that is completely unsatisfactory.”

“This is a bunch of bull shit!” Sky’s voice rose, bringing Dorothy
rushing through the door.

you. Please, escort Miss Delaney out.”
the hell just happened here? I’m fired just like that?” she angrily asked,
pushing her chair back with her legs as she stood.

“There’s no need to make a scene,” he smugly replied, getting to his

“You haven’t heard the last of me, you sorry piece of…”

“Sky, please,” Dorothy interrupted, pulling on her arm.

Sky glared at Carver as they walked out the door, running face to face
with Mallory the moment she turned around. “Looks like someone finally got what
they had coming,” Mallory rudely mumbled under her breath as she passed by. Sky
reached around and yanked a handful of her hair, taking her to the ground and
was about to kick her when Dorothy boldly picked her up and carried her out. The
threatening cries of Mallory saying she was going to call the law could be
heard down the hall. Sky fought Dorothy all the way to the front door where one
of Anthony’s cars was waiting to pick her up.

“Dorothy, I swear, if you don’t…” Sky yelled, pushing down on the
arms that were wrapped around her waist.

Anthony got out of the car, and took Sky out of Dorothy’s arms, and
pushed her gently toward the car. She turned in his arms and tried to take off
back into the store, but he grabbed her the same way, around the waist, and
slid into the car with her in his lap. Sky’s dress was now torn on the side and
one strap was hanging off of her shoulder, exposing part of her right breast. Anthony
tried to pull it back up, when she slapped him right across the face.

“What was that for?” he asked holding the stinging area on his

“For not letting me beat the shit out of that mouthy bitch, that’s
what for.”

“You would have killed her with one hard swing. Did you want that to

“At the moment, yeah, I did,” she replied, pushing him back and
sliding to the other side of the seat. “How could they fire me?”

“It wasn’t your fault,” he said, turning his face away from her.

“How did you know to be outside? And how do you know it wasn’t my
fault, Anthony?”

“Our enemy’s seem to know a bit more than we care for them to know.”
Then he turned to her. “We believe they are getting ready to attack our people.
I hired Carver to buy the establishment the day Timothy took you from me and I
knew he was in
with those beasts. I had known
all along that Carver would be letting you go, but we had to make things seem
as normal as possible and that is why I let you go in as if nothing had happened.
Our enemy would have known you had been aware, my Queen.”


“None other, my love,” he replied reaching over and touching her arm.
“There was a message.”

“I don’t understand. What message?”

“There will be a meeting at the ceremonial grounds. I think we may all
understand after tonight.”

Later that night over seventy-five men and women had gathered at the
Michelle estate, readying
to make way to
the grounds of the forefathers for a meeting that no one other than the
wanted to attend.
came out of her room wearing the
of her
husband—red and black, with two blue twin ropes over her shoulders to indicate
Anthony’s fallen parents. Sky was given a wraparound red silk top, very much
like the one
was wearing, but shorter, and a
pair of black slacks. She also had a hand woven crown made of flowers from the
earth to match the one that Anthony was wearing. His clothing was similar to
Sky’s but opposite in
, wearing red slacks and a
black shirt.

Anthony and Sky took the lead, with
and her father right behind them. The rest of the clan spread out, some in wolf
form and the rest in human, all making their way to the place where all
that came from the Michelle
clan, and those who chose to oppose them, met. It was known as a sacred place
that was adorned with the bones and blood of the ancients that roamed the land
before man even knew it existed. It was the place to make peace, and settle
ones disagreements without violence. But the
had shed innocent blood of the clan that owned the land, and all who made their
way now, knew it.

Sky’s stomach ached with fear of the unknown, as she saw the first
sign of torch lights in the distance. She took Anthony’s hand, causing a spark
so electrical that everyone around them stepped back, covering their eyes from
the brilliant glow that span between them. Their fingers laced as the current
flowed through their bodies.

herself in place, basking in the warmth that the two were creating, knowing
that the
felt and saw the mighty light
coming their way. A light, that hadn’t shined in the Michelle clan, for far too

Anthony gripped her hand and both rode the currents as it slid from
one to the other, then burst back, blowing the hair of those in its wake,
throughout their people, touching each of them, before the glow dimmed to
nothing but a slight hue around Anthony and Sky. The crowd that walked on bent
hind legs, covered in fur, threw back their heads and howled. Those that walked
in flesh, yelled, jumping around as if winning a victory not yet won.

took her
father’s hand, and they smiled at each other, both knowing the true leader of
the people had been born in their grandson, and his mate was now one of them.
Nothing the
could do could break their hold
on the land now.

“Where’s Kayla? I haven’t seen her since I got back to the house,”
Sky asked, pulling down on Anthony’s hand.

“She was closing down the club…she should have been here.” Then he
stopped and turned around. “Mike, take two and go find Kayla.”

“She called from the club,”
“She said it was closed and she was on her way.”

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