Beat to Their Heart (2 page)

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Authors: Whiskey Starr

Tags: #New Age, #Romance, #Erotic, #Contemporary, #Rockers

BOOK: Beat to Their Heart
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“Bed now both of you. Red, I wanna see you play with your pussy. Get it all good and wet and get yourself off when I tell you to. Blondie, bend over the bed with your ass in the air. I’m going to fuck you, hard.” He removed his pants, pulling out a condom and rolling that sucker over his cock. He watched the two of them interact, and for a split second he considered double wrapping it.

Not wanting to wait another minute, he stood behind Blondie who had removed her panties before he aligned his cock to her weeping cunt. Grabbing her hip he thrust hard and quick, making her yelp and jolt forward. He didn’t give a shit, she was there for his pleasure and nothing else. Holding onto her, he pounded into her over and over, not caring if he left marks on her hips.

“Red, get yourself off. Use your finger and fuck your nasty cunt.” He thought truer words have never been spoken as he gritted his teeth and gave into the sensation. He closed his eyes because honestly, he didn’t give a shit if she got off as long as he did. Yeah a true dickhead move, but if they didn’t like it, they could go fuck someone else. Pushing in and out of her pussy he let himself go, emptying his seed into the condom just as both women screamed.

Catching his breath he disentangled himself from her and went to the bathroom. Ripping off the condom, he threw it in the trash before showering. He smelled like sweat, booze, cigarettes, and sex. A normal smell for him, but he wanted to be clean. He had officially sunk to his lowest and wondered if he would ever make it back.

Washing himself, he allowed the hot water from the shitty motel to wash away everything. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he walked out to the room to find both women gone, but a note with call me and lip marks. Grabbing the note, he crumpled it before throwing it in the trashcan. Crawling into bed after pulling on a pair of boxer briefs, he had a brief thought that he hoped he wasn't going to need shots from sleeping in this place, then he closed his eyes and let the alcohol lull him to sleep.


Skyler Morgan was working the late shift, again, and was really starting to hate it. Every time she worked on the weekend, she was puked on. God she hated that. If you’re drunk, do it at home and not in her hospital. Well it wasn’t Skylar’s, she just happened to be a nurse there. Dr. Hudson was just doing this to get even with her, the lazy fuck. She had said no once again to his advances of going out with him. This time he claimed she could be a stay-at-home wife of a doctor.
Pfft, like she could even do that.
Heading into the locker room she quickly changed out of her scrubs and threw them into the wash pile before she put on her purple scrubs. That was the good thing with working in the Emergency Room as a nurse. She had put herself through nursing school when her ex-husband decided his dick was a better fit with his new boyfriend. Yup, life sometimes sucked for her. However, she got the better end of the deal. She got Milo. In all of her twenty-seven years, she had never even thought about a happier moment than having Milo. However, this job was much needed with his medical costs and schooling. People didn't realize how hard it is to be a single momma.

“Hey, Sky, you okay? I see Hudson was being a PIA again. You should just go out with him just to shut him up. It’s not like he’s bad looking or anything. Anyhow, I’m going to lunch. We have a GSW coming in about ten. So you might wanna hurry,” Casey stated while she walked out of the locker room with her lunch in hand. Quickly changing and making sure to pull her hair back, she walked out and headed to the room that was set up for the victim coming in. Hudson was already there as well as the charge nurse. Both of them had equipment out getting ready for any possible situation. This was one thing she loved, the adrenaline of the unknown and thinking on her feet. The ten minutes seemed to fly by as two paramedics were wheeling the patient in with one female EMT sitting on the man doing chest compressions. Crap, he was in worse shape than they thought.

“Twenty-two, male with GSW to the upper abdominal and external lower leg. Was conscious on scene, but had difficulty breathing. He crashed about three minutes out, we started compressions, but can’t seem to get him stabilized.” She listened as they started spouting off stats of the patient and nothing seemed to be good. Making sure she was gloved she got the crash cart closer as Hudson started to shock the patient. They worked for about an hour to try to stabilize him and control the bleeding, but all efforts were lost and Hudson called it. The one part of her job she didn’t like, not at all. She would rather clean up puke than have to deal with a dead patient. Hudson was already gone to talk to the family, which meant she was in charge of cleaning up and getting him ready to move down to the morgue so the family could make arrangements.

Two hours later, one body gone and a trauma room cleared, Sky was ready to call it a night, however, she still had three more hours. It would get her home in time to get Milo to school before she crashed. It made her very thankful that Trudy, her next-door neighbor, loved Milo and didn’t cost her an arm and leg. It was time to make her rounds and check on the patients, and those who needed anything. That was the downfall with helping with a trauma, she had to clean up and make sure things went correctly with transport.

Turning, she came to her frequent flyers. Ned was a homeless man who liked a free meal and a place to sleep for the night. Tonight it was stomach pains, which normally meant he was hungry. They had gotten used to him and put up with Ned simply because no one else did. If it was really busy, then unfortunately he would be sleeping in triage, but tonight, minus the GSW, it was slow. Sliding the curtain to the side, Ned was sound asleep on the cot. Curtain three held an elderly patient whom they were waiting for transport to be admitted for a possible stroke. The team was already in place for his arrival. Four and five were empty. Six was getting discharged, an eight year old who fell off his bunk bed breaking his clavicle. The trauma rooms had nothing. So all in all she was good. Looking at the clock she realized she hadn’t had a break. She let Casey know she was heading to grab a cup of coffee. Heading down to the small break room she found Hudson there filling out some charts.

“Sky, what a nice surprise.” He smirked, looking her up and down. She knew for a fact her purple scrubs were very unflattering, especially to a larger woman like herself. She did her best to stay in shape, but when you were sleep deprived and overworked, finding time to read a book, let alone work out, was not in her cards.

“Dr. Hudson. I was just getting some coffee.” Walking over to the coffeemaker, she made a small cup, adding sugar and creamer. It would be just enough to get her past the last hump of her shift.

“You got any plans on your day off?” Hmm, that was a thought, what did she have planned. Oh the joys of Transformers and Avengers with Milo.

“Nope, just staying home and catching up on much needed sleep.”

“Well, you should come out with me. I promise you will have a good time.”

“I don’t think that’s wise, Dr. Hudson. Thanks anyway.” She quickly chugged her coffee, letting the coffee burn going down, but it was better than dealing with Hudson. As quickly as she could she went back to the ER, this time hoping for someone crazy to make time fly by.


Chapter Two


Joey looked at the music that Mickey had provided for them and did a dry run to see how it sounded. He had to admit it was pretty good, but he wasn’t a big ballad person. The softer stuff bored him. He loved to get lost in the rhythms of his solos.

“Hunter, that’s good, but you need to crescendo near the last measure before the break to have the buildup needed. Joey, there is a drum break for a reason. The song needs the break to help move it along, and I know you hate the damn brush, but just try it.” Joey was gritting his teeth at this song. He wanted something that people enjoyed, but it seemed they had enough of those and not enough softer ones. Whatever the hell that meant. Mickey was the glue holding them all together, and pushing them all to get out of this town. They had gotten several gigs to play in bigger venues, but when funds were short, they took what they could. “Okay, let’s try this again. Booker, you ready?” Booker nodded and Joey counted it out starting it off. By the end, he was okay with it more than before. Mickey knew what he was doing. He was just glad he wasn’t singing, though at times he did do backup. After they practiced it a few more times, Booker stated it was time for lunch. Thank God there was food. He had gone to the local gas station and grabbed a doughnut and coffee this morning before driving to his apartment to change but that only touched a sliver of his hunger. The only reason he grabbed a motel the night before was because he knew he wanted company for the night. He would never bring someone to his apartment, even if it was just to get laid.

In Mickey’s kitchen there were several different buckets of fried chicken, mash potatoes, corn on the cob, mac and cheese, cold slaw, and biscuits. Grabbing a paper plate he waited while everyone started to dish up. God he missed a home cooked meal. They all seemed to eat like this a lot, especially when they were traveling.

“So you gonna tell them the good news, Mickey, or do I?” Booker was very excited, and for once Joey was out of the loop. Both he and Hunter turned to see another man standing in the kitchen with them.

“Guys, this is Marty, and he is seriously interested in the band. He has a couple of producers coming tonight to the club to hear us. They like us, we can be on tour within a month. What do you think?” Joey for once was stunned. They had talked and joked about what it would be like if they actually got their big shot, but here it was and he was struck stupid.

“I say let’s do it.” Hunter pulled out five beers and passed them around. Popping the top he held it up and they all clanked their drinks before talking about the set list for tonight. It was set for a fancier club uptown, a place Joey wouldn't feel as comfortable with as he would performing in the rundown joints. Maybe it was how he was raised, or wasn’t raised in his case. Sometimes it’s hard to change something instilled in you at an early age. Setting about eating his chicken and drinking his beer he tried to forget what could happen, and focused on what he could see right in front of him, and right now, that was food.


She was still a little tired, but she felt so much better. This was her time with Milo. He had a half day and went on and on about how they drew their favorite superhero in art and he drew Captain America because he was the original one. For a six year old he was pretty smart.

“That’s great, baby. Let’s head inside. Trudy left some cookies for us as a snack. I can make us some lunch and then we can have one. What do you say?”

“Okay, Mommy. Then can I watch Transformers.”

“I will think about it, Milo. You need to pick up your room first.” She grabbed Milo’s hand and headed up to the stairs that led to their apartment on the second story.

“No, I wanna watch Transformers,” he started to protest.

“Milo, I said after. Come on, let’s go inside now.”

“No, Mommy, no. Please, you gotta let me watch them, please I need to watch them. They will miss me if I don’t. Mommy, please.” Her baby boy was starting with the tears. It was hard when he got like this. Most parents would claim he was having a tantrum, but Milo was special. He was diagnosed with Asperger’s, which is a high functioning autism. He didn’t understand things such as patience, like most kids would his age. He was getting better, but on half days like this, his schedule was off and he had a hard time adapting.

“Milo, you need to calm down and look at me.” She had already had him in the apartment at this time. “We can watch Transformers later. We need to pick up the toys. If you want, mommy can help you.” But it seemed that nothing was working. Going to her old backup she started humming the sweet tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon”
She was sure it had nothing to do with the actual words but the soft soothing melody. When he was four, Sky had discovered that music seemed to calm him. Not being big on kid’s music, she had to resort to what she knew from her childhood. Personally, she was a rock girl at heart, but some of the newer stuff sucked. However, she did have her favorites she listened to when he was playing in his room. Looking at her sweet boy she couldn’t help but smile, thinking about how her life had taken a turn in a completely different direction.

Once she had gotten Milo settled after his small meltdown, her cell phone rang. Picking it up she saw it was Casey.

“Hey, chicky, whatcha doing?” Casey chirped happily.

“Nothing, just got Milo settled, and just finished dishes. Why what’s up?”

“Come out with me tonight. Ask Trudy to watch him, hell, I’ll even pay her.”

“Oh, Casey, I can’t do that. You know she needs to have a break, and I’m not sure how Milo would handle it.”

“Think about it, Sky. You spend every waking moment either at the hospital or with Milo. Not that I don’t love the little guy, but you need to have time to yourself. Say you will think about it.” Sky was really tempted. It had been a long time since she just did nothing with a friend. But it would be selfish of her to do that, just as she was about to say she couldn’t, Casey asked her to hold on she had another call. Grumbling because this was going to end with Casey saying she was disappointed in her when she clicked back over.

“So I just talked to Trudy and she said she would watch Milo, in fact she sounded really happy and said something about making him a cake and movie time with him. See, I took care of everything. So please. Come on, Sky, just this once and then I will stop bugging you. Plus there is this new band going to be there and they are supposed to be amazing. Come on.”

“Well it doesn’t seem like I have much choice, fine I will go. Do you want to meet me somewhere and I can drive?”

“Nope, you just dress and I will pick you up. I’m so stoked. This is seriously going to be kick ass.” And with that Casey clicked off the phone. A weird sense of excitement started to fill her. It had been a long time since she had gone out, and this was only a one-time deal. Checking on Milo, she made sure he was all set before she went into her room to find something to wear.

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