Beck and Call (3 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

BOOK: Beck and Call
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Beck And Call

“Steve, please,” pleaded Sheila. “Please.”
With a groan, he drove fully into her, his cock
straining the limits of her slick walls. His strong
hands gripped her hips and held her still as he
pounded into her. Sheila whimpered as he took her.

“Steve, Steve,” she panted.

He grunted, focused on fucking her. With a roar,
he exploded, his upper body collapsing over her.

“You okay, baby?” he asked, brushing damp
tendrils off her cheek.

“Yes,” she managed. “Steve?”

“Yeah, baby?” Several light kisses pressed
against her temple and neck.

“I like surprises like this.”
He smiled against her hair.

“Really?” Had he found a way to keep the spark
between them alive? “You like me coming home early
and fucking you like this?”

“Yeah,” she whispered shyly. “You don’t mind?”
Chuckling softly, he cradled her in his arms.

“Baby, I was afraid you’d kick and scream if I
ever did something like this,” he said quietly. “But,
now that I know it turns you on…”
He pulled out of her and turned her around.







anticipation. “Now what will you do?”

“I’m going to come up with more surprises.”
Serena closed the book, feeling heat suffuse her face. None of the romance novels she’d read had ever affected her like this! She nibbled her lower lip and tried to figure out how many months it had been since she’d had sex—more than two years ago.

Tears filled her eyes. She accepted that she would only ever be seen as a super-efficient assistant to Keith, but also that she hadn’t had sex since Todd. A brief image came to mind and she flinched, squeezing her eyes tightly. Dammit! The daydream of Keith suddenly sweeping her into his arms and 15

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declaring his undying love was just that—a dream.

A dream she knew wouldn’t come true. The tears flowed down her cheeks for several minutes.

The grandmother clock on the wall chimed softly and she inhaled, her body shaking. Sniffling, she wiped her cheeks.

This wouldn’t do at all. She’d never been much for pity parties and wasn’t about to have one now.

She’d worked too damn hard to prove herself to too many people.

Okay, then, what was the plan? She’d learned a lot working for Keith. One of the first rules he’d taught her was that before any course of action, it was important to work out the steps for success, figuring out the worst, mid, and best case scenarios.

Serena gazed at the miniature she’d bought with the first bonus Keith had given her. The irony of staring at the painting struck her and she smiled. She would talk to Claire and Debbie tomorrow and try to break out of her self-imposed shell. They could help her get back into circulation. Worst case, she’d have aching feet from dancing and a few nights with less sleep than she liked. Mid case, she’d have great times with her friends. Best case, she’d meet the man of her dreams. One thing was for certain—she certainly wasn’t going to meet the love of her life sitting in a rocking chair every evening!

Returning from an office visit, Keith paused in the hall to hear the hushed whispers of women.

Straining to listen and feeling slightly foolish, he stayed where he was. He could pick out Serena’s voice, but didn’t recognize the second.

“…with everything that’s happened, it’s been so long,” Serena was saying. “I must admit, I feel rather embarrassed asking you for help, but I really don’t know how to do stuff like that anymore.” There was a heavy sigh. “I was never very good at it to begin with.”


Beck And Call

“It’s like riding a bicycle. You’ll get back in the swing of it with no problem. Now, a bunch of us are going to this crazy hot club tonight.”

“Tonight?” Serena’s voice seemed stunned. “It’s Thursday.”

The other woman laughed.

“So? You want to get out more, right? Let’s get to it. Why wait?”






strangled. “I was thinking we’d build up to it, not jump into the deep end.”

Keith stepped back and swore under his breath.

This was an unexpected development. He’d never considered that she would start hitting night clubs.

He’d have to act fast to nip this in the bud.

“C’mon, Rena,” cajoled Debbie. “It’ll be a blast!”

“I don’t know,” hedged Serena.

“Um, what would you wear?” Keith didn’t hear Serena’s response, but evidently Debbie didn’t like it. “Oh, no! That won’t do at all. We’ll have to leave early today and go shopping. There’s a boutique just a few blocks away that has the

“No,” Serena spoke up. “Keith said he might have a conference call tonight.”

“With whom?” Debbie demanded. “Everyone else with a life will be out enjoying themselves.” Reminding himself to reward Serena for her effort to backtrack, Keith decided to back up her comment before Debbie had a chance to say anything else. Striding forward, he went through the door at full speed.

“Ladies,” he nodded. “Serena, I need to refresh my memory about that CEO in Tokyo. Do you have his information handy?”

“Mr. Lee?” she replied, meeting his gaze with obvious relief. “I’ll pull up the notes and print them out right away.”

“Thank you,” he smiled.


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Serena opened her mouth to thank Keith, but closed it quickly. If she thanked him, she’d have to explain the entire conversation and also the reason she was going to go to a club in the first place.

Debbie hadn’t thought to ask why. Keith would.

She looked at Debbie with what she hoped was an apologetic expression.

“Better get back to work.”

Debbie was disgruntled and didn’t have the tact to hide it.

“Rena, just because
doesn’t have a life doesn’t mean you can’t.”

“Deb, he makes sacrifices so you have a job,” she replied stiffly. “Try showing a little respect, all right?”

“Sheesh, lighten up, okay? I just want you to live a little.” Serena nodded and Debbie shook her head.

“Hey, I know things have been rough for you lately.

You’re still getting over your grandpa’s death. And Claire told me Todd the jerk has been calling you.

a total loser!”

“Todd’s not that bad,” Serena said, feeling slightly defensive. She’d gone out with him for two years and admitted they were incompatible, but he was not a total loser! “He just has different priorities in life.” She met Debbie’s cynical expression and laughed. “Okay, so he’s Peter Pan in a hunky outfit.

That doesn’t make him a total loser.”

“Yeah, right,” Debbie scoffed. “Anyway, this might actually be a bigger step than you’re ready for.

I mean, some of the clubs can be intense. Tell you what.” She put an arm around Serena’s shoulders.

“Why don’t I check around and see if I can’t fix you up?”

“You mean, a blind date or something?”

“Yeah. That way you know a bit about the guy before you met him and…oh, I know what we can do.” Debbie bounced on her toes. “I’ll have a party 18

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with lots of single guys, that way you can meet a bunch all at once.”

“What reason will you give for having a party?

You’re not going to tell everyone that I’m…” Debbie rolled her eyes.

“I don’t need a reason except that I feel like having a party. It’ll take a couple weeks to coordinate schedules and get everything set up.” She grinned. “I’ll have Claire ask Paul for the names of some of his single friends. Lawyers, investment bankers,” Debbie winked at her. “In the meantime, we’ll start getting you back into circulation. I’ll get with Claire and work on that.”

She hugged Serena and skipped out of the office.

“Oh, Lord,” Serena breathed, sitting heavily in her chair. “I think I’ve unleashed a monster.”


“Just a moment!” she called back, typing quickly to pull up the file of their combined notes on Tokyo.

In his office, Keith felt like he’d been given a brief reprieve from a looming deadline and future possible hurdles. Of course, that depended on what Debbie and Claire came up with.

“Going to have to speed up the timeline,” he muttered, scowling at his monitor.

“Not a good walk-through?” Serena asked, pausing at the door.

“A mixed bag,” he replied. “You and Debbie planning a shopping trip?”

“What did you hear?” she asked nervously.

“Just something about a boutique with the cutest things,” he told her, reaching for the folder in her hands. “Is there a problem working this conference call for me this evening?”

“Not at all,” she smiled.

“Good. See if Mr. Lee is available.”


Keith watched her leave and mentally reworked 19

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his plan. He couldn’t give her the next book now. He needed her to focus on the call. But first thing in the morning would work perfectly. He smiled. Oh, yes, that would be perfect. She’d already shown a tendency to read a bit as soon as she got the book.

He couldn’t wait to see how she squirmed after getting another one.

Serena unlocked her apartment door and bolted it behind her. She glanced at her watch and groaned.

Nine-thirty. No treadmill, but she’d never get to sleep if she didn’t do some yoga to relieve the tension in her muscles. Hanging her suit up, it occurred to her that there were other ways of getting to sleep.

She could read a couple of those stories and do what she’d done the night before.

Yoga first, then she’d read. Oh, yeah, she nodded, pulling on her loose pants. That was definitely a plan. She’d read, masturbate, get a good night’s sleep and go in tomorrow ready to take on the world.

Her plan worked until she opened the desk drawer to store her purse the next morning.

There was a brown paper-wrapped package with her name in block letters.

Just then her phone rang. Jumping, she reached out and answered it.

“Serena Traydon.”

“Good morning,” said a deep voice. “Is Keith in yet?”

“Not yet, Mark,” she said stiffly, sitting down.

Dammit! Why hadn’t she checked the caller ID? She clenched her jaw. “I just walked in myself. You’re in early.”

“Always,” he stated firmly with his usual superior tone. “Is there room on his schedule to see me today? About noon?”

“I’ll check with him when he comes in, to make sure,” she replied coolly.


Beck And Call

“I need to talk to him, Serena,” he pressed. “Just put me down. For old times’ sake.”

“There were no ‘old times,’ Mark,” she said firmly.

“Serena,” he pushed.

“I’ll tell him you called and then give Claire the time.”

Hanging up, Serena shivered. Never, ever be alone with someone who makes your skin crawl!

That lesson had been well learned! How someone as sweet as Penny Davidson could be engaged to a dog like him Serena really couldn’t understand. Unless Mark was pulling the wool over the younger woman’s eyes in a huge way.

Serena shook her head. She knew better than to worry about the entire world. Her eyes went to the innocent-looking package and she reached for it.

“Oh, Lord,” she breathed. Her trembling fingers moved along the smooth surface of the paper. “What on earth could this be?”

She was almost afraid to find out. Once let out of its tightly locked box, her sexual awareness refused to be put away. Already her dreams were becoming more than she could handle. And it didn’t help that Keith was the man in them!

“I’m worse than Pandora,” she muttered, putting the package on her lap. “And just about as naïve to actually open this thing. I’ve no idea who put the first book on my desk.” Her fingers moved along the edge of the paper and loosened the tape. “Much less this one.” Serena’s hands stalled and she simply stared at the package. “What on earth has gotten into you, Serena Marie? You are doing things your mama didn’t raise you to do. She raised you to be a good girl and you are…,” Serena sighed. “God! I am so tired of being a good girl. I want to live a little.” A small giggle escaped her nervous lips. “And I liked the first book. What can it hurt to open this one?” 21

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With that, she pulled the wrapping off and saw a note taped to the book. The words were typed.


Do not be afraid of how the books make you feel.

I want you get in touch with a side of yourself
that you haven’t explored. The first book was to open
your mind to different erotic possibilities. I hope this
second book also arouses your senses even as it
introduces you to my world.

I am a sexual dominant and feel quite confident
that you are a sexual submissive. I want you to be

sexual submissive. A submissive is not a sex slave. I
respect your intelligence and your accomplishments
too much for that. I want you to fulfill your talents,
Serena, even as you enjoy the many erotic lessons I
have planned for you.

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