Begin Again (16 page)

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Authors: Christy Newton

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Begin Again
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“Are you sure?” he asked with pleading eyes.

His lips on hers felt so right. His half naked body pressed against her felt better than she'd ever imagined. “Kiss me before I change my mind.”

• • •

Maisie sighed and slipped out of Ryan's arms. She'd waited until he had fallen asleep to put her clothes back on. He'd been wonderful. There was no comparison. Is that why she felt more guilt eating away at her? Because she caught herself comparing him to Luke? She stretched her T-shirt back over her head and pulled it down just as Ryan cracked open his eyes. That was close.

“You trying to sneak away?” he teased.

She smiled and kissed his cheek. “No. We have dinner with my parents tonight, remember?”

He grinned. “It may have slipped my mind.”

She giggled. “Well, I need to go home and take a shower and change.”

He wrapped his arm around her. His touch had even more affect on her now that she knew exactly how he could make her feel.

“I have a better idea. Why don't you take a shower here?”

He couldn't see her scars. She shook her head. “No, I should go.”

He laughed. “Are you shy?”

Something like that.
“Come on, if I stay, you know we'll be late.” She stood up. “I'll see you in an hour.”

The expression on his face changed to worry. “You're not having any regrets about what we just did, are you?”

How could she regret something that made her feel so completely wonderful? She smiled. “No. Are you?”

He stood up, revealing his naked body. The man was so perfect he took her breath away.

“No. The only thing I regret is that we didn't do this sooner.”

She went up to him and melded her lips to his then looked into his eyes. “Don't be late.”

• • •

Overwhelmed with emotion, Ryan watched Maisie leave the bedroom. No words could describe the way she made him feel. He would have a hard time ever removing the goofy grin plastered on his face. He was forever changed. Maisie was the reason for everything now. He picked up the pillow that still smelled like her and inhaled the sweet scent. Was this what real love was like? He turned on the faucet and hummed to himself. He hadn't saved her today. She'd saved him.

• • •

Maisie drove to her sister's house with tears of happiness and worry streaming down her face. When did she become such a cry baby? Oh yeah, when she lost her family.

She loved him. That was all there was to it. She loved Ryan Tucker more than anything. Once upon a time she'd thought she'd never love again. She looked out the windshield at the bluish gray sky.
Luke I'm in love. I don't know how it happened, but it did. I have to let you go now.

With all her heart, she wanted to tell Ryan about everything and to show him her scars, but she was afraid. He was a good man, so he'd probably lie and say they didn't bother him, but her belly was hideous. His body was perfection, and she was damaged goods.

As she pulled onto Cady's street and looked in the rearview mirror, she saw her parents' car. They were early. Darn, they couldn't see her like this. Her hair and makeup were messed up from making love to Ryan. She sped up and pulled her car into the driveway. Maybe she could make a run for it downstairs and jump in the shower before anyone saw her.

She ran to the house, and the door flew open. Before she knew what was going on, her sister had her arms around her and cried, “Mais, you're okay! When you didn't answer your phone, I … I … ”

Her phone. She must have forgotten to unplug it this morning when it was charging. “I'm fine.”

Cady hugged her tighter. “Were you by where that tornado touched down?”

Maisie grabbed her sister, “Let's talk downstairs. Mom and Dad are here.” Cady looked at her confusedly as she dragged her sister down the basement stairs.

They went into Maisie's bathroom and she shut the door and locked it. “I was there, and I froze. I was so scared. But Ryan came and took me to safety.” She wiped Cady's tears. “He saved me. He didn't leave.”

Cady sniffed her nose and took a piece of toilet paper to blow it. “You had me so worried.”

“I'm sorry. I forgot my phone.” She waited for Cady to finish wiping her nose. “I love him, Cady.”

Cady's mouth widened and turned into a smile. “I knew it. I'm happy for you.” They both heard Sam call downstairs that their parents were there. Cady yelled, “Be right up!” She looked at Maisie and smirked. “Your hair and makeup aren't bungled because of the storm, are they?”

Maisie sucked her lips together. “Nope.”

Still smiling, Cady shook her head. “Better hurry and get ready before Mom is down here.”

• • •

Ryan fed Rex a treat on his way out the door. In the shower, he'd had an idea. Maisie's new house needed a storm shelter, and he planned to have the basement finished for her with reinforced walls. He was pretty sure a tornado was the tragedy that took away her family two years ago. That would explain her reaction today. He had other ideas, too, but they'd have to wait. When he walked outside, he found that it had finally quit raining. He dialed Jacob and put him on speaker. His friend answered as he was pulling out of the driveway.

“Hey, man. How are you?” Ryan asked.

“Good. Keeping busy.”

“I'm in love with Maisie.”

Jacob chuckled. “You're just now realizing that? I could see it in both of your eyes a long time ago.”

Ryan put on his turn signal. “You could?”

“Yeah, it was almost sickening to watch.”

Ryan laughed. “I'm on my way to meet her parents now.”

“That's a big deal. Good luck.”

He came to a four-way stop and motioned for some walkers to pass. “Thanks. I'm a little nervous. I hope her sister isn't still mad at me.”

“It wasn't your fault Beth showed up and lied. You'll be fine. Parents like a guy with a good-paying career.”

“Somehow I don't think that matters much to her parents.”

• • •

After explaining her frightful day to her parents, they hugged her tight.

“We're glad you're safe,” her mom said. “If anything happened … ” tears shined in her eyes.

Maisie nodded. “It's over now. Let's just enjoy the rest of the night.”

Maisie answered the doorbell on the first ring. She was more than excited to see the man she loved.

“Hey, you.” She held open the door for Ryan. He was dressed in a teal cotton dress shirt with dark blue jeans. His hair was still slightly wet, and she could smell the clean scent of his soap.

He kissed her cheek. “Hey, gorgeous. Miss me?” Smiling, he handed her a bottle of sparkling cider.

Maisie took the chilled bottle from him. “Everyone's in the dining room.”

“You look great.”

Maisie smiled. “Thanks. So do you.”

They headed to the dining room where everyone was already sitting around the table. Maisie opened the bottle of cider.

Maisie's parents stood up and walked over to Ryan. Her dad shook his hand. “You must be Ryan. I'm Tate.”

“Nice to meet you, Tate.”

Maisie's mom hugged Ryan. “Hi, Ryan. I'm Eden. It seems as I have you to thank for the smile on my daughter's face.”

Ryan laughed. “I'd like to think so. I know she's the reason for the one on mine.”

Her parents nodded and motioned Ryan to sit down next to Maisie. Cady passed around a large bowl of spaghetti.

“This looks delicious,” Ryan told her as he took a large helping.

Cady grinned. “Thanks. And thanks for being there for Maisie today.”

Ryan looked over at Maisie. “It was my pleasure.” He squeezed her leg under the table.

Looking around at all the people she loved in one room, Maisie smiled and took a piece of garlic bread from the plate that was making its way around the table.

Maisie's dad set down his glass of cider. “So you're an exotics veterinarian?”

Ryan nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“Please, call me Tate. Is that what brought you to Pleasant Valley?”

“Yes, in a way it was. I looked for a town in need of a clinic, and this one happened to be the closest to my parents in Illinois.”

Her dad nodded. “Very good. There is a great sense of community here. I hope you're here to stay.”

Ryan glanced at Maisie. “Yes, I plan on making Pleasant Valley my home. Business is great, and so are the people. In fact, my parents have been for a visit and gave me their approval before leaving.”

Maisie's mom spoke up, “It's great to hear that you are close with your parents.”

“Yes. I've always looked up to them.”

Maisie listened to the easy conversation between Ryan and her parents. He would fit right in with her family, like he'd always belonged. If she could only get the courage to tell him about her past and show him her scars, they might just have a future.

• • •

After dinner, Maisie walked Ryan outside. “They adored you.”

Ryan smiled. “They're great.”

“I'm closing on the house tomorrow. I'll be there all day moving if you want to come by.”

“I'll be there.” He kissed her gently. “Goodnight, Maisie.”

She watched him drive away. What a day she'd had. Tomorrow would be a big day as well. She walked back inside the house as her parents were saying their goodbyes.

Her mom hugged her. “He's a wonderful man.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Her dad kissed her cheek. “I can tell he cares a lot about you. Let him in, honey.”

She was trying. She waved as they walked out the door. Wow! Her parents liked him, and they had nothing bad to say. That was a first.


Overwhelmed with emotion, Maisie unlocked the door to her new house. She was finally on her own again. After two years of feeling lost, she had someplace to call hers. She took a deep breath and carried Boots's cage into the empty living room. Slowly, she walked across the weathered oak floors and looked around at the peach walls. Yes, they weren't the best choice, but paint was the first thing to tackle on her growing list. Her sister and Sam came in right behind her carrying Lucky's cage.

“You can sit him in the corner next to Boots. The movers should be here in a few minutes. Shouldn't take them long. I don't have much.”

Cady looked at her and took an envelope out of her purse. “Happy housewarming!”

Maisie took the envelope from her and opened it, expecting to find a card. “Thanks, you didn't have to … ” She paused to look at the check for two thousand dollars. “This is too much. I can't take it.”

Sam stepped up to her and held up his hand. “You have to — we want to help. Buy some furniture, use it for repairs, but take it, okay?”

Maisie swallowed and bit her lip. “Thank you.”

Cady smiled. “You're welcome.”

Maisie turned at the sound of Ryan's voice, “Hello, hello.” He had a huge bouquet of flowers in a glass vase and a laundry basket full of cleaning supplies and paper towels.

She took the flowers from him. “Thank you. They're gorgeous.”

“Where would you like this?” he asked, holding up the overfilled basket.

“In the kitchen.” She followed him back and set the flowers on the granite counter. She peeked in the basket. “Wow, thanks for all this.”

“You're welcome, but your real gift comes later.” He scooped her into his arms and kissed her.

Sam walked into the kitchen, “Sorry to interrupt, guys, but the movers are here.”

Maisie reluctantly let go of Ryan. “Okay.”

She supervised while the movers carried in her couple dozen boxes and her bed. After the movers had emptied the truck, her sister helped her unpack while Sam and Ryan cleaned the kitchen and the bathrooms.

The day sped by until it was just her and Ryan sitting on folding chairs in the living room, exhausted.

She looked over at him. “Want to order pizza?”

“Sounds great.”

“What do you like on yours?”

“Everything. So anything you want, I'm fine with.”

She walked back into the kitchen. It sure didn't match the rest of the dated house. Maple cabinets lined the walls, and granite countertops reflected light off their shiny surfaces. There was an island with a darker maple finish. Stainless steel appliances gleamed on top of the tile floor. The previous owner knew the kitchen would sell the house alone and had stopped the remodeling there.

She opened up her laptop to get a phone number to the nearest pizza place that delivered. When she found one, she picked up her phone and ordered a large pie — half with everything and half with pepperoni.

“You'll need to go furniture shopping soon,” Ryan said as she walked back into the living room.

She smirked. “You have something against folding chairs in the living room?”

He tilted his head back and laughed. “Not if you don't.”

She walked over to him and sat on his lap. “So after dinner are you giving me the rest of my present?” She batted her eyes, trying her best to look flirty.

He patted her thigh. “I think you misunderstood what that present might be, but I'm happy to give you that as well.”

She tilted her head. “Hmm, what is it then?

“It's a surprise. It may be a week or so before you get it.”

Ugh. I hate surprises.
“Just tell me. It better not be expensive. My sister and Sam already gave me two thousand dollars, and I didn't want to take it.”

He took her hand and kissed it, giving her goose bumps in the process. “Don't worry about how much it cost. It's something I really want you to have.”

Maisie sighed. “Code for expensive.”

Ryan laughed. “Let people spend their money how they want to.” He looked around the room. “This house is starting to grow on me. I think it will be great once it has a fresh coat of paint and some furniture.”

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