Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

BOOK: Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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By Missy Shade

Copyright 2015 Missy Shade


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, w
ithout prior consent fro
m the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.




Part One


Chapter One


A hand reached out and wedged itself between the elevator doors, stopping them from closing. Victoria Brennan breathed a frustrated sigh, rolling her eyes in the process. She was looking forward to the few minutes alone before facing a bunch of new people. When no one joined her in the elevator a few minutes ago, she had been elated, wanting to ride it alone.


This was her first day at Fischer Industries and she wanted nothing to spoil it. She made sure to wear her new pale blue suit, which accentuated her curves perfectly, a change from the usual jeans and t-shirts. The suit also brought out the electric blue of her eyes and contrasted well with her auburn hair, which flowed in soft waves midway down her back.


The door reopened and in stepped an immaculately dressed man in a dark suit. She kept her head facing the closing door, but she noticed that he placed his back against the side panel, meaning his face was viewing her profile. She kept her composure and decided to ignore this domineering behavior.


He reached out his long fingers and pressed the 32nd floor, the one above hers. This disappointed her because she was hoping he would get off before her. The elevator moved upward smoothly as she kept her gaze on the door, but somehow she felt his eyes on her, causing her great irritation.


By the time they were at the 18th floor she was seething inside because his eyes never left her. She turned and was about to ask him what his problem was when she noticed a cigarette in his mouth. It was unlit but this was
no smokin
zone, how dare he smoke in there? He was feeling around his breast pocket, and she assumed he was searching for a lighter.


Excuse me, you cannot smoke in here
she said, looking directly at him.


He apparently did
t hear her or he was ignoring her since he continued feeling inside his jacket. Victoria was now quite upset, and without thinking, she plucked the cigarette from his lips and dropped it on the elevator floor. They were on the 25th floor when she lifted her two and a half inch black pumps and stomped the unlit contraband.


His eyes widened as he pulled a recording pen from his pocket. She made eye contact, willing him to react. He stared at her until they reached the 30th floor and then his eyes narrowed, his face getting quite dark in obvious anger. She noticed how his jaw clenched and she continued to look at him, still willing him to respond.


The elevator door opened at her floor, forcing her to look away. Without a word she stepped out, turning to face him she found he was still staring. She stood and waited until the door closed and as it did, she noticed that the color of his eyes were hazel.


It had started out as a wonderful Monday morning. Sh
d breathed in the fresh California air as she embarked on this new venture of hers. Now, she was
t sure if the day would turn out the way she wanted. It was a bad sign that sh
d allowed herself to be affected by a stranger. She should have just ignored him, but she would have hated if she smelled of cigarette smoke on her first morning at work.


Victoria let out another breath. She had no intention of getting into a confrontation just minutes before starting her new job. She was on a mission and she could not afford to be distracted. She moved away from the elevator and pushed those hazel eyes from her mind, getting ready to start her new life.


Welcome Miss Brennan, the meeting will start in half hour
a woman in her mid-thirties greeted her
m Beth, your assistant


Thank you, and i
s Victoria
she replied with a smile. It was best to have her staff warm to her quickly.


The blonde haired, brown-eyed woman smiled and led her to her office. Sh
d never been inside the building before since she had been recruited directly from Berkeley. She had graduated in the top three percent, where she was scouted by several companies. When Fischer Industries showed up on the list of companies she had to choose from she jumped at the chance to get through the door.


Of course her position as Operations Analyst was still not high enough to get her close to her target, but she was close enough to the top to easily climb her way there. The agreement was that she would spend the next three months proving to the company that she could handle the more vital role of Technical Specialist, which had only just become vacant. She was expected to fill the role; the problem was the red tape of being employed straight out of the universit
s internship program. She had no real world experience and that was a problem. Even with a Maste
s degree in Computer Programming and a minor in Operations management, it was risky to hire someone without experience for such a large company.


She followed Beth to her office. This was the IT department and there were several cubicles with dedicated information technology workers engrossed in whatever they were doing on their computers. She observed the outdated systems and made mental note to have them checked once she obtained her position.


Her office was in the center of the floor and she appreciated the location. As she walked over to the large window, she could see the San Joaquin Reservoir in the distance. It was a large space with a glass top desk, leather chair and two armchairs. Beth picked up a remote, pressed the button and a wall opened up, displaying a snack cupboard, small refrigerator and on top, a television. Beth pressed the remote again to close the wall.


s your private stash. All the offices are equipped with it
Beth smiled
Is there anything I can get you


Is there coffee in there somewhere
Victoria asked jokingly.


Well, we have our coffee made in the staff kitchen, because Mr. Grey hates the typical office coffee. The one thing all staff can enjoy is real coffee.
ll get you a cup
Beth replied and was off.


Victoria settled in her high back leather chair and thought about her next move. There were three files on her desk and she began to look them over, never once taking her mind off her goal. In order to get to the position she needed, she had to move faster than planned, or she may end up failing.


Beth returned and the coffee was as good as she promised. After a few minutes, Beth informed her again
The meeting will start in fifteen minutes. If you need anything, please call


Thanks Beth, see you at the meeting


Her first meeting, where she would meet the top level executives, and perhaps the infamous Harmon Grey, she was looking forward to it. Sh
d waited for fourteen years to meet the man; she could wait another fifteen minutes. She savored the smooth rich taste of the coffee before checking the time. She had five minutes to spare. She took two of those five minutes to check her appearance and then headed out the door where Beth was waiting.


She followed her assistant to a private elevator which took them directly to the floor on which the offices of the CEO and senior managers were located. There were five males and one female already seated at the long table in what appeared to be the boardroom.


This is where all the manager
meetings are held. The board members meet in the larger room across the hall
Beth indicated the closed door across from where they were.


She greeted the persons seated and took an empty chair close to the front
Might as well assert mysel
, she thought
I want to be as close to him as possible
Beth leaned in and whispered that they were waiting for the CEO, while someone served coffee or water, she opted for water. Two more women entered and took seats that were placed at the back of the room and Beth joined them. She figured those chairs belonged to the secretaries and manager


Not wanting to look idle she took out her notepad and began scribbling. She was so engrossed in her note taking that she did
t notice when he entered and took the seat at the head of the table.


she heard someone clear his throat.


Quickly she closed her notes and looked up, making eye contact with the hazel eyes from the elevator. Her heart skipped a beat when she remembered that sh
d almost assaulted him. Her mouth fell open as her eyes widened in shock, not only because of the elevator incident, but because he was sitting in the CEO chair.


Well, since we are all here, le
s welcome the newest member of our team, Miss Victoria Brennan
he was looking directly at her when he spoke, penetrating her with his eyes.


Everyone smiled and nodded their approval, making her feel welcome. However, an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.  He was still looking at her as he continued to speak.


Originally, Miss Brennan was supposed to undergo a three month probation period before she would be eligible to fill the position of Technical Specialist, however, we have an audit due in three weeks. The board has decided that if her performance meets the criteria before this audit takes place, she should fill the position on an interim basis. There she will have to the opportunity to prove to the company she is the best person for the job
he took a sip of his coffee.


This was unexpected, but good news for Victoria. She had expected to move up the ladder before three months, but two weeks was far more than sh
d imagined. Nevertheless, she could not help feeling disappointed and it must have shown.


Is there a problem Miss Brennan
he was asking.


she found herself saying
m sorry. I expected Mr. Grey. I guess I had
t done my homework well enough to know that he was no longer the CEO. Thank you for your generosity in offering me the post


You mean, my father
he replied
He retired a few days ago. My position has not been officially announce
only those within the company are privy to that information, so do
t be too disappointed. Your recommendations from your internship were exemplary. Though we are a bit desperate, we do have every confidence that you will do well


Thank you, Mr. Grey
she replied.


One more thing, your office will be moved up to the executive floor


She looked across at Beth whose eyes widened at the announcement. Some of the other managers shuffled uncomfortably in their seats. She waited for someone to object and she was right on target.


t you think i
s a bit premature, sir
the man with the red tie and sideburns said, placing emphasis on the last word.


Robert, i
s just an office. Whether it is on this floor or downstairs, she is expected to give her best, do
t you agree? Miss Brennan, you will still oversee your staff, but you will manage your duties from here. Beth, your assistant will be moved up to the floor as well

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