Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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The kiss ended with her head reeling and her mind confused. Wha
s happening to me? She asked herself. I must be coming down with something. Koltan was looking at her curiously and she weakly pulled away and walked to her favorite spot by the window, trying to settle her rattled nerves.


Are you okay
he asked, walking up behind her, but she was having none of that and she moved away from him.


Yes, why
she asked, avoiding his eyes.


You look a bit pale
he observed.


She placed her laptop in its bag and pushed her files in a long with it
m just tired tha
s all. What was it you wanted to tell me


re avoiding me. Did I do something wrong


She whipped around, starting to get annoyed with herself and Koltan
m not avoiding you
she said, a little too strongly.


She still avoided his eyes and rested them on his chest, which was a mistake because his tie was gone and h
d opened several buttons down. She saw those hairs and his hard pecks beneath them. Suddenly her mind flashed back to their night in his office as her hands ran over his body. It was supposed to be fake, so why was she thinking of it all of a sudden?


I have to go
she grabbed her bag and rushed through the door.


She heard him come after her but she was quicker and the elevator door closed before he could reach it.


s wrong with me
she asked herself aloud, as she started the ignition and pulled out of Fischer Industries parking.


Chapter Two


Now that the business with Niki was taken care of he felt free. H
d wanted to share his good news with Victoria, but she seemed out of it. He worried that something might have happened to upset her. Sh
d left in such a hurry that he had
t had time to make sure she was alright.


On his way home he picked up a bottle of wine, some steaks and flowers to surprise her. He would make dinner and hope that she felt better soon. He also thought that she might not be in the mood for going out.


With his heart racing and nerves on edge he pressed the buzzer to her apartment. He knew she was a private person and he had
t called to let he know he was coming so he had no idea how she would react. As he waited for her to answer he sent a silent prayer up above, asking the Master to help him out, just a little.


The door opened and she was standing there in shorts and very skinny tanks, her very full breasts almost spilling over the top
she breathed his name and he liked the sound of it on her tongue.


Her eyes opened and stared at him in obvious surprise
he said, quite shyly.


It always amazed him how she made him feel. He was a formidable business man. He could handle any business deals, staff, rival and even the very difficult board members. He did
t consider himself aggressive but he was certainly assertive. He looked you in the eyes when talking and he was a good listener, but shy he was
t. Yet, when he was with her he lost all senses. He felt like a little kid.


What are you doing here
her face softened and he smiled.


I figured you did
t feel like going out so I brought dinner to you
he smiled
May I come in


She stared at him for a long while before stepping aside and letting him in. He found the kitchen and an apron where he began searching for pots and pans.


What are you doing Koltan
she asked, leaning against the counter.


Trying to make dinner. You can either show me where stuff are or scoot


What? You can cook
she laughed.


I make a mean steak
he held up the package with the meat like a trophy.


Koltan watched as she picked out a skillet for the steak, brought out vegetables for the salad and showed him where the other stuff he needed were. He could
t help watching her ass as she bent to get a pan from the cupboard beneath the counter and he felt himself grow hard with need.


Stop it
she scolded, turning around to face him.


What did I do
he asked innocently.


She averted her eyes as she spoke
I know you were watching my ass


And i
s a nice ass too
he murmured.




Koltan turned away and started preparing the steaks to pan fry. She shook her head and smiled, rinsing the vegetables under the tap, then started to make the salad. They worked together in silence for a while, each with their own thoughts.


As they prepared the meal in her tiny kitchen, his hands would brush against hers or they would bump into each other. Koltan liked the closeness but was
t sure Victoria was enjoying it. She seemed to be deep in thought most of the time so he was just content to watch her.


They had dinner at her tiny table between the kitchen and living room. The steaks turned out well and went down fine with the wine. After eating, they both cleaned the kitchen.


d finished tidying up and were heading to the sofa when he gently grabbed her arm.


she turned to him and he saw something in her eyes he could not read.


Is something wrong
he asked.


No, nothin
s wrong
she replied
t there some good news you had to tell me


Oh yes. The agreement between Sullivan and Fischer is officially severed. It seemed I have angered the great Marcus Sullivan
he said with mirth.


Are you sure that was such a good idea? Was
t that deal supposed to make Fischer Industries formidable


True, but with hard work we can achieve that. I do
t need to marry someone to achieve the respect of the business community. Moreover, Fischer Industries is
t so bad off that we need to do this kind of merger. W
ve already gone national making eighteen billion dollars in profit this last quarter. We will be going global within the next sixteen months


I thought the company would have been making more profit by this. I
s been around for two decades
she said.


Yes, the company should have been doing better, but about fifteen years ago, just when it started to gain some success, it took a nose dive because of some mishap with two of its products


They sat on the sofa, each with a glass of wine and she urge
Tell me about it


Koltan found it easy to talk to her. He did
t know all the details of the past but what he knew he told her
According to the rumors, the former owner made some bad decisions in the manufacture of their first moisturizer and painkillers. The stocks went down and my father bought them up
he told her.


Why would he buy stocks when the company was doing so badly with that scandal


Good question, but he brought the company around and expanded it. At the time there were only two divisions, the pharmaceuticals and skin care. Only two products were on the market with three additional products soon to be released


m glad yo
re doing well. I hope you can make the company what it supposed to be
she said and he believed her.


You wanted to meet my father, now her
s the chance
he took her hand.


What do you mean
she turned to face him and for the first time in a few hours she looked him directly in the eye.


ve fallen completely for you and I think he should meet the woman who has stolen my heart


* * * *


As he said the words she felt her own heart flip a few times. It was only that morning she thought she had everything under control, but now she was
t sure. She wanted to break things off with Koltan but was
t sure if she was being hasty. The way she was feeling lately made her uneasy and bothered.


she found herself saying. Wha
s wrong with me? Was what really went through her mind.


He pulled her in his arms and held her tightly. She wanted to scream at him to let her go, but she felt powerless to do so. For the first time in her life she felt that she had no control over something. She told herself that this feeling was only temporary and had more to do with her conscience and what she was doing to him, more than anything else.


With an uncertain smile she asked him when they would meet Harmon and he suggested the following evening after work. After Koltan left that night she could not fall asleep. She kept seeing his smile and his eyes whenever she closed her eyes. She felt like he was haunting her.


Victoria decided that she would definitely break things off but she needed to meet Harmon first to size him up, see whether or not he was really sick or just hiding. She managed to squeeze in a few minutes sleep in the wee hours of the morning, enough to energize her to take her through the day.


They left the office in his Bentley and drove the ten miles or so to their mansion in Pelican Hill. She had to admit that the drive was nerve wracking. The closer she got to the man the more agitated she felt.


Koltan must have sensed her discomfort because as they approached a huge white iron gate, he reached over and squeezed her hand. The gate opened to allow them through and closed behind them as they ascended the winding drive.


The house was a monstrous white building with four large pillars at the entrance, an immaculately kept garden surrounding it and to the left was a huge swimming pool. At the front was a circular fountain flanked by two beautiful angel sculptures.


They found his father in the back garden enjoying the sunset. He was sitting in a wheelchair and a nurse was standing a few feet away. Koltan sent her away and approached the man who raised his head to look at him.


The ma
s gray eyes were like steel and a though that this could not be Kolta
s father ran through her mind. Sh
d pictured him so many times in her mind that seeing the hatred written on his face was not surprising. There was no smile for his son and when he saw her, his eyes bore into her coldly.


Dad, I want you to meet someone
Koltan said, standing before the old man.


Is that her? The woman who caused you to jeopardize everything
ve worked for
his voice was the same as on the tape Eli had given her.


Victoria wanted to choke him and tell him that it was her father who worked his ass off to build Fischer Industries, not Harmon Grey. She, however, held herself in check. This was neither the time nor place to reveal everything.


Father, I was never interested in marrying that woman and I made myself clear
Koltan strongly stated.


s voice thundered through the garden
And I made myself clear when I made you CEO, that you will do this for the company. Tha
s why I placed you in that position and now you have broken the biggest deal this company have ever had


If that deal was so important to you why did
t you marry her
Koltan argued. His voice taking on an edge.

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