Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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Victoria let out a breath and shook her head
You two sort out your mess and leave me out of it.
ve got work to do


She left them and returned to her office very upset. How could he drag her into this? Did
t he think to mention that he was betrothed to someone? What kind of world did Harmon live in, arranging marriage for his son? She closed her eyes as the questions ran through her mind.


She found she was getting more upset with Koltan with every second that passed. Did he use her to get rid of his girlfriend? Was his affections only an act? And, she thought that maybe she was being unreasonable in dragging him into this mess with his father?


No, Koltan. You wo
t get away so easily
she said between her teeth.


She leaned back in her chair and let her mind go to work. What value is Niki to Harmon why would he want his son married to her? That was the key question. She had to find out who this Niki person was before deciding what to do about Koltan.


she buzzed her assistant
Can you come into my office, please


In less than a minute, Beth was sitting across from her
What can I do for you


Do you know Niki


Yes, sh
s Kolta
Mr. Gre
s fian
she looked down at the floor when she said it.


Yes, but who exactly is she


Beth leaned forward as if she was about to reveal some secret and lowered her voice
Her father owns one of the largest oil company in the world
She looked back at the door before continuing
If you ask me, Mr. Grey does
t like her. It was father Gre
s idea for them to get married


Victoria thought for a moment before asking
Do you know why


s only a rumor, but before he retired, he was thinking of expanding the company and then there were talks of the two children getting married and making the two companies into one huge conglomerate
Beth told her.


She smiled and thanked Beth for her help. Now she knew why Harmon had set up his son to marry this woman. His greed was why he was willing to sacrifice the happiness of his own son. However, it seemed that Niki had the idea that Koltan and his father were in agreement. Was she in love with Koltan?


Four days until Victoria knew what her fate would be, so she got busy and pushed Koltan and Niki from her mind for the rest of the day. Beth had given her all the information she needed. It was now up to her what she did with it. She worked until seven that evening, doing as much as she could to make a good impression.


She was in the elevator when Koltan stopped it with his hand, much like her first day. He grinned and entered, but she was in no mood to be sweetened by him. She turned indignantly to face him and his smile disappeared.


How dare you
her voice was even, but enough venom in it to murder him.


m sorry, I did
t mean to drag you into my affairs. I just did
t know what to do when she showed up like that
he apologized.


s it
Incredulity was evident in her tone


What else
he asked, his eyes narrowing with slight pout of the lips.


You kissed me
she exclaimed.


Koltan flushed. Victoria was amused to see his cheeks and ears turn crimson. She smiled at the sight of him being all embarrassed.


s so funny
he asked.


Nothing. You should have told me about her. Not that i
s any of my business. I
s not like w
re exclusive or anything
she quietly said, looking at a spot on the floor.


We could be
he said in a smoky voice, moving close to her
How about a second date
He was standing within inches of her and she thought he was going to kiss her again.


I do
t know
she replied, stepping back.


He stepped forward and she made another step backward, hitting her back against the rear panel of the elevator. He dropped his briefcase and placed both palms on the wall on either side of her head.


re you doing
she asked, her heart skipped a beat and she willed it to behave. She was the one in control, or tha
s what she told herself.


Slowly his head descended and her heart started beating faster, but she was determined not to let it beat out of control. Before his lips could reach hers, she dipped and slid under his arm, just as the elevator door opened.


How about it
he asked as she stepped out unto the corridor.


How about what
She asked innocently in her sweetest voice.


Koltan caught up with her
d like you to accompany me to the Business People Awards Dinner


t you be taking your fian
she asked him, a note of acid registering in her voice.


I want to take you
he responded, removing his tie as they reached the parking lot
So, should I pick you up at around seven tomorrow


she gave in.


As he drove out of the lot, she told herself that maybe trying to seduce Koltan was
t the best idea. Then there was Niki; she was the key to Harmon. Or at least one step closer to shaking him up a little. She wondered what would happen if Koltan and Nik
s marriage agreement should break permanently. It was time to take her seduction to the next level and see where it led, even if it meant sacrificing herself.


* * * *


He could
t stop thinking about her. He had no intention of using her to get to Niki, but there she was and he wanted to get rid of the girl his father was forcing him to marry. He knew she should have told Victoria beforehand, but the opportunity never arose.


Then, there was the kiss. Her lips were soft and warm, she tasted like cherry and he wanted to taste her again. He felt her resistance, which was normal. H
d known she was
t the kind to give in easily.


For the rest of the afternoon, he found himself losing focus, anxiously waiting to see her, though he knew she was angry with him. H
d waited until he knew she was leaving the office so he could have a chance encounter.


As he drove out of the parking lot, he chuckled, thinking of the elevator just a few minutes before. However, his smile would soon disappear as he got closer to home. What he discovered about his father was worrying him. Why did he keep his health a secret, knowing sooner or later the world would find out about it?


It seemed to Koltan that his father trusted no one, including him. In four days he was meeting with the board and would put his plan forward. If the company meant anything at all to them, they would vote with him.


Chapter Four


Another trip down to the basement got her the chance to take home a few more files. Sh
d only skimmed through them but she was certain that something of importance was among them somewhere; she just had to find it.


It was Wednesday. Koltan was picking her up at seven and she was running late. Sh
d spent too much time in the archives and now it was six thirty. She had exactly half hour to look stunning.


After asking Beth about the awards and who would be there, she concluded that Niki and her father would be there as well. This was a good opportunity for Victoria to make her presence felt by being by Kolta
s side. She had to make him pay attention to her and to her only.


She took a quick shower; she seemed to be doing a lot of that lately, then she slathered on her scented body oil. She spent seven minutes on her makeup, which was unlike her, after which she slipped into a burgundy evening dress that swept the floor as she walked. The dress hugged her curves provocatively while the color brought out the highlights in her hair.


By the time she was done, she hardly recognized herself. When Koltan rang the buzzer, she was touching her perfume to her temples. With one last look at her reflection, she took a deep breath and picked up her clutch.


he exclaimed when she opened the door.


She smiled as her heart did that annoying flip she hated so much. She silently berated herself for letting him get to her, but he was looking so darn good in his tuxedo. His eyes looked like they were on fire when they looked at her and she felt a bit weak in the knees.


She gave herself a mental shake, reminding herself why she was doing this; for her father. That seemed to do the trick.


They arrived at the dinner with ten minutes to spare. She saw a few people she knew from Berkeley, including her former professor, the one who gave her an impeccable recommendation. Koltan never left her side for a minute. Every step she took he was there with her, warding off any eyes that may stray her way.


They were about to take their seats when she saw Niki with a man she could only assume to be her father. When the other woman saw them, a ferocious look crossed her face. She could see the woma
s jaw tighten as she walked over. Without thinking, she slipped her hand around Kolta
s waist and she felt him bring his arm around her shoulder.


What a lovely sight
Niki spat.


Koltan greeted icily
Fancy seeing you here


Come off it Koltan. You knew w
d be here. Tha
s why yo
re flaunting your little mistress in front of me. Are you trying to make me jealous


t flatter yourself Niki. There was never a
and there will never be


You seem to forget that there is an agreement between our companies. You ca
t break that agreement so easily
she flung at him.


The chairperson announced that the function was about to start and Niki left to join her father. For the entire event, Victoria felt the blonde staring at them, so she played her role to the hilt. At times, she would lean across and whisper in Kolta
s ear, making sure her lips brushed against his skin. At this, he would swallow hard and take a sip of water. She knew she had an effect on him and it showed.


When Koltan leaned over and did the same thing, she saw how Nik
s eyes would blaze with anger and her mouth twist with rage. That was when she drew the conclusion that the woman wanted him and was hoping that he would agree to marry her.


Victoria and Koltan were so engrossed in each other that they barely heard the speeches and hardly noticed who received what award. As soon as the ceremony was over, Koltan took her hand and led her out. They were barely in the parking lot of the auditorium when he suddenly pulled her in his arms and crushed his lips to hers.


Absently, her hands came around his neck and she opened her mouth to accept his tongue. She smiled inside as she realized her game plan was in winning mode; that is, until she felt a spot of heat in the pit of her stomach. Tha
s when she knew she was playing a very dangerous game, and if she was
t careful, sh
d be the one to lose.


* * * *


His body was on fire. Ever since her lips brushed his ears, a bolt of electrical current ran through him. All night Koltan nursed a hard-on and prayed no one noticed. As he pulled her in his arms, he sensed her slight resistance, though she allowed him to kiss her. He held back just a little, not wanting to push too hard, until he felt her sag against him.


They left and drove all the way to her apartment in silence. His heart was beating so heavily, he thought he was going to have a heart attack. When they reached her apartment, he was sure she would invite him in, but when she pecked him on the cheek and told him goodnight, that wildly beating heart sank to the floor.


* * * *


It was Thursday morning around seven thirty when victoria pulled into the parking lot at the office. There was a silver Alpha Romeo convertible pulling in behind her. The platinum blond head was unmistakable and Victoria steeled herself to face whatever onslaught she knew was coming her way.


Niki stopped behind her, blocking her path in case she wanted to pull out again. She calmly stepped out of her Nissan, which looked completely forlorn beside the luxury brand behind her, and faced her with a smile.


Hi Niki, fancy seeing you here
she mimicked Koltan, wh
d said the same thing the evening before.


Cut the crap
the woman spewed venomously at her
Who the hell do you think you are


Victoria Brennan, nice to meet you
she knew she was being petty, but she could not help riling the wealthy heiress.


You listen, you gold digger,
m on to you. How much do you need to stay away from him


Victoria stepped forward with a wry smile
What I need you could never imagine


s that supposed to mean? Do you need money? A car? A house, tell me
Niki continued


Victoria laughed
You do
t get it do you? What I need you could never afford. No money you offer will ever fill that need


I want you to stay away from Koltan. H
s mine
she replied.


How can he be yours if he does
t want you


Once we get married, h
ll change his mind
the woman stated.


Victoria laughed incredulously
You would marry a man who does
t even know you exist? Why? He does
t want to marry you


He will marry me. His company needs this deal and without this marriage, the deal is off
she told Victoria
He will marry me, so if you mean him any good, yo
ll stay away from him


With the last words ringing in Victori
s ears, Niki jumped in her car and drove out of the parking lot. She smiled and shook her head; Niki was playing right into her hands. This was all too good to be true. It was a pity Koltan had to suffer in the process; she was really becoming fond of him. He was sweet and gentle an
.she stopped.


No Victoria, you ca
t allow him to affect you now
she said aloud, walking towards her office
re much too close to your first round knockout. Get a grip


It was one day away from her D-day and she concentrated on her presentation for the following da
s meeting. If all went well, sh
d be signing a contract with Fischer Industries that would seal her ties to the company. Before she made any major moves, she had to make sure her position was secure.


Around eight
clock, she signed off on her final report and went to place it on Kolta
s desk, expecting him to be gone. She was surprised to see that he was still in his office.


I thought you were gone
she told him.


When she entered the room, he lifted his head and smiled, while stretching his upper body
I have a board meeting tomorrow and needed to prepare, but
m just about finished
was his response
Come in, I need the distraction.


m just here to hand in my report
she told him.


She caught him staring at her lips and she remembered the kiss they had shared the night before. Involuntarily, she blushed and his eyes caught it. She watched as he arose from his chair and came around to where she was standing. Slowly he raised his hand and trailed his finger along the ridge of her soft pink lips, leaving a tingling sensation.


She pulled away, willing herself not be affected by him, but he placed his finger under her chin, urging her to look at him. She dropped her eyelids in an attempt to avoid eye contact. This was a mistake, because the next thing she knew, his lips were trailing kisses along her jaw, followed by him nibbling the corner of her lips.


Now who is seducing whom? She wondered. Victoria closed her eyes and determined in her mind to fight whatever she had begun to feel and remember why she was doing this. With her new mindset, she told herself that this was just physical and there was no possibility of it becoming anything more. She felt assured that when she had accomplished her plan, she would be able to walk away. However, fear threatened to overcome her, because she knew what the next step would be. Could she be convincing enough that he would
t notice she had never been with a man? Was the question that entered her mind.


He pushed his hand beneath her blouse to cup her breast, bringing her out of her deep thoughts. His hand felt warm through her bra and a part of her, some remote part of her brain, wanted him to release it from its restraints.


As if sensing her wish, Koltan reached around and expertly unlatched the undergarment, setting those lush mounds free. He lowered his head while pushing her top up, then taking a nipple between his lips began gently sucking, resulting in it becoming quite rigid. This pleased him and he went on to the other nipple, adroitly circling the tip with his tongue before nibbling and gently sucking.

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