Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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When he got to the police department, he was taken into the interview room where he met a Sergeant Daniels, who was dressed in the usual blue uniform and around his age. He was offered something to drink but he refused, remembering every detective movie h
d ever seen the criminal was offered and drink and their DNA taken without them knowing about it.


Mr. Grey, this is just a formality since the name of your company and your fathe
s name came up in this case
the Sergeant declared.


How are they connected


The reporter who was instrumental in releasing information to the press some fifteen years ago was Thomas Brown. He left a suicide note which mentioned a notebook he kept. We also found this
the officer pushed a piece of paper which appeared to be a check across the table.


Koltan picked it up. It was written out in the reporte
s name in the sum of two thousand dollars but was never cashed. Kolta
s eyes scanned the check for the signature and rested on the handwriting he knew well to be his fathe


Why would my father pay a reporter two thousand dollars fifteen years ago


s what we want to find out. W
re not saying he did anything wrong, we just want to connect the dots so we can close this case


Why did
t he cash the check? This does
t make sense. Two thousand dollars was a lot of money then. Why keep the check


Unless he thought cashing the check would delete any trace of their transaction
Sergeant Daniels added.


Koltan squinted his eyes thoughtfully
t that imply my father did something wrong


We do
t want to assume anything. We are still reading the notebook. W
ll keep you informed


He left the police station convinced that something happened fifteen years ago that his father was responsible for. H
d heard that the owner of the company at the time committed suicide not long after his father took control.


He wondered if maybe his father was keeping this secret from his past the way he was keeping his health a secret. The old man had ordered his physician to keep the diagnosis away from his family. The doctor was concerned that soon Harmon would be in no condition to do anything for himself or think clearly for that matter, so that was the reason he told Koltan about the disease. It was one of the rarest diseases in the world called Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease which cripples the nervous system really fast. The symptoms were indicating rapid degeneration of his brain cells.


As he made his way home, he was tempted to call Victoria again but thought better of it. Too many things were on his mind after talking to the police. He wondered what drove the reporter to suicide and what happened to Fische
s family fifteen years ago. The thought crossed his mind that Harmon was behind the losses the company had and tha
s why he bought the stock so he could take over.


No, my father is
t that stupid. Tha
s fraud. No, there must be another explanation


He was almost home when he made call to an old college friend
Hey Bob, ho
s it going


Grey, is that you
Bob sounded happy to hear his frien
s voice


Yeah, i
s me. Do you still like to do that PI thing like when you were in college
Koltan asked.


t done anything like that since graduation man. Been busy, but I can make an exception


I need you to find out all you can about Edward Fischer, his family, relations, siblings, friends, anything you can find


Fischer? You mean the guy who founded your company? Did
t he commit suicide
Bob asked.


Yes, tha
s why I need the info. I
s time we gave the founder the credit her deserves. We need to find his family so we can make them a part of the company again
he hated lying but he could not tell his friend that he suspected his father of having something to do with the tragic events of the past.


s gonna take a while, maybe a few weeks
Bob told him.


No problem and
ll compensate you well. Thanks man


They chatted about old times for a while before hanging up. The more Koltan thought about it, the more he was convinced that something was
t right.


Chapter Five


He was out of the office all day and now there he stood, waiting for her in front of her apartment, wearing a pair of black jeans and dark blue t-shirt. She decided to ignore him. How dare he just show up after leaving her for days, not calling and going AWOL the day she returned? She walked past him and pretended not to see him.


Victoria, I know you saw me
Koltan walked up behind her
You ca
t ignore me


Why not? You ignored me
she was angry with him and it showed.


He smiled
m sorry I did
t call. I had some personal matters after my meetings


I know that very well. She was nice enough to answer your call and wanted to take a message
she spewed at him.


There was an ache in the middle of her chest when she remembered the woman on the hotel room phone. Now he stood here in front of her, he had the gall to be smiling. Was his declaration of love all a lie? How could he be with someone else right away? They did
t even break up yet?


Honey, i
s not what you think
he calmly stated.


t honey me. How could you do that? You did
t call me once while you were away. Then I thought, he must he missing m
she was saying but he chimed in.


I did miss you


I even thought of surprising you bu
she paused
t lie to me, you did
t miss me


re jealous
He exclaimed in joy.


Victoria looked incredulously at him
t be silly


re cute when yo
re jealous
he teased.


m not jealous
she protested once more and walked towards the apartment elevator.


He followed her in and pressed the button for her floor
What are you doing
she asked.


Coming up with you. I missed my girlfriend a lot


Girlfriend my ass, what about your hotel room girlfriend? Do
t you miss her now


Yep, I always miss her when
m in California
he said, smiling while he looked at the ceiling.


Victoria felt the ache in her chest once more. Sh
d never been jealous before. The revelation was too much for her. As soon as the elevator door opened she rushed out and struggled to open the door with her trembling hand.


Koltan took her hand but she pushed him away
Stay away from me


m sorry Victoria, for taking this too far. I was having too much fun seeing you jealous like that
he took her hand again and held it firmly while she struggled to be free
s my mom, my California girlfriend is my mother


Her struggle ceased and she looked at him bewildered. He took the key from her and opened the apartment door. She did not protest when he followed her in, nor did she protest when he took her in his arms and started kissing her. Her bag fell to the floor and she let it stay there.


d missed him and by the way he was holding her, he missed her too. Just for one night Victoria, you can let go. She wanted to feel his body pressing against hers so she moved closer to him.  Wanting to run her hands over the hard muscles, she reached under his shirt to caress him.


Their need was great, after not seeing each other for over a week. With all the jealousy and misunderstandings, this moment was a defining one. As far as Victoria was concerned she was letting herself feel for one night while tomorrow would tell its own story.


With haste borne of the intensity of their desire, their clothes were torn off and strewn about the little living room. There was no time to head to the bedroom so they sank to the rug in front of the sofa, inquisitive hands exploring each other.


I missed you
she whispered to him when he released the lips h
d been ravishing. She was surprised to hear her own voice admitting it.


Koltan smiled and captured her breast with his lips, sending fire through her chest. His lips trailed kisses along her stomach and down her belly. Then he was kissing her thighs and back up to her navel. She trembled at his touch. With each touch of fire from his fingers and lips she became wetter and wetter, needing him more and more.


He moved to cover her body with his and continued kissing her neck and face. Not able any longer to have him insider her, so she reached between them and guided him inside her wetness. She groaned with pleasure as his cock met her flesh.  As he glided into her she wrapped her legs around him to pull him deeper inside her. She felt him move his hips, and she met each thrust with her own rhythm. The feel of his cock sliding in and out of her was leaving excruciatingly pleasurable sensations behind.


The base between his shaft and pelvis was rubbing her clit and increasing the pleasure
Oh God Koltan, more, more


He growled as she crashed into her over and over. Her lips found his neck and kissed it lightly, then followed a path to his earlobe where she sucked gently. When she did that his tempo increased. Finally she felt him bulge within her as her own explosive orgasm shattered from within, she fell him exploded within her as well, making their rapture complete.


Breathing heavily, they both remained lying on the rug. None of them wanted to move lest the moment be lost.  It was a comfortable feeling, one sh
d never felt before and secretly wished to feel more often. However, a sadness rested with her as she began thinking how painful it was going to be when she broke the relationship.


So, tell me about New York
she heard him say after they were calm enough to talk.


I had some personal matters to tend to.
m entitled to some personal days each month, no


Yes, you are. Did you not return my call because you were angry with me
he asked


Yes, I was upset.
m sorry, I did
t know she was your mom. Was she offended because I was abrupt with her
she did
t want his mom to be hurt by her.


No, she knew you were jealous, tha
s why you acted that way
he teased.


m not jealous


Before he could tease her further his cell phone began to ring so he moved to answer it.


There was a pause while the person on the other end spoke
Yes, this is he
Another pause
ll be there


He quickly got up and started pulling on his clothes. He looked quite serious as if something had gone wrong. She was
t sure if she should meddle, but she found herself being concerned.


Hey, wha
s the matter? Are you leaving


ll come by later, after I know wha
s going on


He left her wondering what was so urgent that he had to leave so suddenly and why he could not tell her.


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