Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: Seduced For Revenge (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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Victoria knew this was the moment. There was no turning back, win or lose. She reached between them and unbuckled his belt, brushing her hand across his bulging crotch. She heard him suck in his breath at the contact, and this gave her momentum. When she unzipped him, he pushed her jacket from her shoulders and hoisted her blouse over her head.


With quivering hands, she unbuttoned his shirt, seeing his hard hairy pecks for the first time. Her heart had started with a slow rhythm, but was quickly picking up speed. She was
t sure if she was nervous about the step she was about to take or was it the fact that she liked the way he was making her feel?


Their lips met again in a searing kiss and they stumbled backwards onto the desk, upsetting its contents. Their bodies were now crushed together, her breasts pressed into his hard hairy chest. The grazing of his hair on her breasts sent a thrilling sensation through her, but she reminded herself, it was only a physical reaction to their lovemaking. An aching need presented itself in her secret place and she brought her legs up and wrapped them around Kotla
s waist. Those videos sh
d seen came in handy, she smiled inwardly.


It seemed h
d been holding back, waiting for a signal from her and this was it. Deftly, he pulled off her lace panties and flung them across the room, then touched his finger to her clit. She was moist and warm, as he slowly circled her clit with his finger, soon placing his throbbing shaft inside. He kissed her erect nipples roughly.  She groaned and he moved his hips, sliding his large cock into her tightness.


She felt him start to enter her and she worried that it might hurt. Was this worth it? She wondered. Should she have sacrificed herself this way? He stopped and looked into her eyes, but she closed them, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing she was inexperienced.


d played this scene over and over in her mind many times and thought, wha
s the big deal? Sh
d made out before and reached second base. Sh
d touched a ma
s penis before so she thought it would be a piece of cake from there.


When he pushed himself into her, forcing her walls to give way she gritted her teeth against the pain, thinking that her father had felt more pain than this. He must have felt tremendous pain as he jumped from their apartment building to his death. This is nothing; she told herself, reaching up and cupping his head, bringing his lips to hers.


Their tongues entwined in an ardent embrace. It was
t just Koltan who felt the heat spread through his body like wildfire, but Victoria too. She berated herself again for allowing him to affect her and tried to resist, but as he started gliding in and out of her tight flesh, she knew that she was about to lose this battle.


Her will was shattered when she felt her orgasm deep inside her. In a fury, she let out a scream, which Koltan mistook for pleasure. At her cry, his tempo increased and before long, he sank his face into the crook of her neck and let out a deep-throated growl as his release came.


Chapter Five


It was the day she would know her fate. She felt guilty for her actions with Koltan the night before, but she was sure he would
t let her go without a fight. That was what she was hoping. Just in case the company let her go, she still had a chance to see through with her plan through a relationship with him.


She rested her chin in her palms, recalling the night before across the hall. Heat ran up her neck as the memory of her actions surfaced. This was
t in the plan. Yes, she expected them to make love, but not for her body to betray her like that. Was she so starving for attention that she would be so easily affected by him?


A part of her wondered if perhaps she should end it and try to find another way. What would happen next time they made love? Could she avoid making love with him completely? At least she had to try.


The board meeting lasted an hour before they called her in. There were seven members in all, including Koltan. Harmon would have made the eighth member, but he was out sick. She almost felt compassion towards him, but his latest fiasco with trying to marry off his son to make a business deal was upsetting her more than she cared to admit. Then there were the shares that Koltan wanted to offer the employees. The old man was so greedy that he would deny his hard working employees this opportunity. No, he deserved no sympathy from her.


She smiled as she was offered a seat and tried to avoid Kolta
s eyes.


Miss Brennan
the chairman of the board, Mr. Kelvin said. He was a balding man with a chubby face, wearing black rimmed glasses


Thank you sir
she replied widening her smile. The ma
s face softened and his brown eyes danced.


You come highly recommended
he stated pointedly at her
You had only two weeks for a three month project. How was it


It was challenging. I had to do some research. I went back into the archives to learn what worked and what did
t work in the past


s good. We like what we see. Can you give us your presentation now


She had expected to give a demonstration of her report and had prepared slides and fact sheets. She handed all the members seated at the large table a folder with her facts and continued with her slides. By the time she was done, they were all impressed with her. She stole a glance in Kolta
s direction and saw him grinning from ear to ear.


She was asked to step out for a brief moment while they made a decision. It took only two minutes for them to call her back inside. When she entered, she was asked to sign a four-year contract with the company. She was told that this was a first, but they were at a critical juncture and her presentation had impressed them a great deal.


After the board meeting she made it her mission to avoid Koltan at all costs. She needed time to settle her nerves and wanted no distractions. The day was spent getting ready for the audit, which would be in one week.


She took home some more files from the archives, now that she had free access to them without permission from anyone. She spent the entire week going through the old documents with a fine tooth comb.


By the time she went to bed on Friday night she was exhausted. Her phone had rang many times while she worked through the files, but she ignored the calls, not wanting to break her concentration. As she climbed into bed, she saw that most of the calls were from Koltan and a few were from an unknown number.


On Saturday morning he called again, and she took the call. He wanted to know why she never answered his calls. She told him she had been busy with the work she had taken home. It was not a complete lie, but she knew he got the impression that the work belonged to the company. She told him that her weekend was going to be busy and promised to meet up with him on Sunday night.


Around midday, an anonymous number called her. She was somewhat apprehensive about taking the call, thinking it might be Niki. When she answered, it was a ma
s voice.


I know who you are and I have some information for you
he said.


Who is this
she asked
What do you mean you know who I am


She was getting alarmed and was about to hang up when he said
re Fische
s daughter


That gave her pause
Who are you? How do you know me
she insisted.


Meet me at Newport Shopping center at seven.
ll be waiting in front of the coffee shop. I have something you need
he replied, and then she heard a click.



Part Two



Chapter One


It was six thirty and she was
t sure if meeting some stranger was a good idea. Anyway, she pulled on a pair of jeans with a tank top and checked her purse for her pepper spray. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail revealing the creamy skin of her neck. The only reason she even considered meeting a strange man at night was because he mentioned her father and she was curious about what this person had to say.


Victoria picked up her car keys and headed out the door, thinking that this would have been a great moment to have a friend, or someone to tell where she was going. What if something happened to her? There was no one she could call for help, except for Koltan. He was her boyfriend. The thought made her cringe. She could not very well call him at a time like this. What would she say to him? What reason would she give for meeting a man at this hour?


She got to the shopping mall with ten minutes to spare and found parking with ease. Not wanting to be taken by surprise she waited at the store next door and watched to see who would be waiting out front. About a minute or two before seven a man with average height, wearing a baseball cap, green cargo pants and t-shirt came into view. He stood nervously looking up and down the plaza corridor as if looking for someone. She watched him for a few minutes before coming out of the store.


When he saw her, he walked over and pulled her into the ca

, into a corner seat
re you doing? How dare you handle me
She tried to shrug him off.


No one can know about this
he said in a low tone, then asked
Why are you late


She could not make out his eyes, but from what she could tell of the part of his face which showed beneath the cap, he was in his mid-forties, dark hair and stubbly beard.


m not late, but that does
t matter. You said you knew my father


He was my boss for five years. He was a good man
the ma
s voice was deep and a bit gravelly.


Victoria leaned forward and tried to peer into his face but he pulled the cap down further
Why are you so secretive
She whispered
How can I trust you if you wo
t even show me your face


The man pulled a small black device from one of the many pockets on his pants and pushed it across the table
s that
Victoria raised one brow.


s a recording from fourteen years ago. You can listen to it when you get home
he told her.


s your name and wha
s on the tape


He looked at her
Eli, just call me Eli
He then got up and made to leave, then he paused. Victoria looked on with mixed feelings
Take my number, do you have a pen


No, tell me so I can save it on the phone
she replied, pulling her cellphone form her purse.


He gave her a number and told her to call him only if she needed more information. Eli left shortly after and she went back home, anxiously wanting to hear what was on the tape. She was nervous as well. Was whatever on the tape enough to get to Harmon Grey? She thought that perhaps she could break the relationship with Koltan if this information was enough.


As soon as she was in her living room she pressed the play button on the device and hoped she would hear something that would make Harmon Grey squirm.


But sir, that would destroy the compan
s reputation
the voice came from the recording sounded like Eli.


Reputation can be rebuilt. You just do as I say and your wif
s medical will bills be taken care of
she did
t recognize the other voice
You just make sure everything is taken care of as I asked. You leak this information to the press and I will take care of the rest


The ma
s voice reminded her of Anthony Hopkin
for some reason. She kept seeing him quite calm, yet intimidating poor Eli. She wondered what he looked like and if he wore a mask as well.


Victoria heard a click and the conversation ended
What is this
She was about to pick up the device when she heard another click and then the same voices.


t you think that this is a little too much sir? We all know that our pharmaceuticals are the best. We use the best products to manufacture and we have never had any problems


I told you not to worry about such things. Here is what I want you to do. Call your little friend and have her report that she had rashes when she used the skin care line
the other voice said.


But sir, you said that only the pharmaceutical division will be affected
Eli protested.


You dimwit, do
t you see wha
s happening? How can only one division be affected?
ll bring this company to its knees, then I will jump in and save the day. Tha
s the only way I can gain control
there was another click and the recording ended. The voice of the man penetrated her mind, leaving an impression there. She wondered if perhaps that other voice on the tape was Harmon Grey.


She listened to the recording several more times with tears streaming down her face. The more she listened the angrier she got. Her fathe
s hard work taken away because one man underhandedly destroyed his reputation.


The memory of her fathe
s death seemed like yesterday as she pictured him falling on the hot pavement. Sh
ll never forget the weeks of depression leading up to his death, her mothe
s own breakdown that led her to her own grave as well. She witnessed it all and now all she wanted was for Harmon to fall, just the way her father fell to his death on that fateful day. This tape was just the beginning, but she needed more evidence. She tried El
s number but it rang without answer. Her next best move was to search for records that indicated a company scandal.


It did
t take long to do a search at the library for old newspaper articles. She figured if there was a scandal of some sort it had to be in the local papers. There were a series of news articles starting with three people complaining about getting ill from the medication sold by Fischer Pharmaceuticals. The people were interviewed and later compensated without going to court. There was no mention of medical records to prove anything. It seemed the company wanted to keep it quiet.


Next she found another article about a woman coming out about having gotten rashes from the skin care products. After she came out, so did several other woman. They too were compensated and the whole thing swept under the rug. The weird thing was that the names of these people were kept from the public so there was no way to know who they were.


The next day she made another trip to the archives and dug through several boxes of old files until she came across some papers which documented the events leading up to the take-over. That was exactly what she needed. But the question was, what would she do with the evidence once she put everything together? Honestly, she had
t thought of that. She knew that what he did was immoral, but now her next task was to find out if what he did was against the law.


Things were finally beginning to fall into place. She was starting to see the puzzle coming together, now that she was getting to the bottom of what Harmon did. It seemed as if she did
t need Koltan after all, though she had him wrapped around her little finger. Now that the
d taken their relationship to the next level, she knew Niki, his alleged fian

was out of the picture, for good. However, somewhere in the pit of her stomach rested an uneasy feeling. She had no idea what it was or why it was there, but that feeling made her anxious.


She got up from her desk and walked to the window. It always relaxes her looking out over the blue water of the San Joaquin Reservoir. It was a typical summer afternoon in California and for the first time in a long time, she wished she had friends to go to the beach with.


It was a lonely life for her. Sh
d spent most of her teen years grieving the death of her father and later the passing of her mother. Then as she grew older, revenge was the only thing she could think about. She was too consumed with success to make any friends. She thought they were a distraction.


d come close to being in a relationship several times, but they never worked out so she gave up the idea. Now, as she stood looking over the California landscape, she felt a twinge of loneliness.


Beth, her assistant pushed her blonde head around the door.


She replied with a smile.


s trouble
the girl whispered, entering the office and closing the door.


What happened


Beth, in her usual secretive manner, walked over to her and continued to speak in a very low voice
s father is here


Oh? How is that trouble
she asked in an equally low tone.


He looked really upset and I heard strong words coming from Mr. Gre
s office
Beth informed her.


Victoria knew that Koltan would tell her what was happening soon enough. If her instincts were correct, daddy was here to sever ties with Fischer Industries. Niki must have told her father about Kolta
s rejection of the business marriage.


She was right. At around five fifteen when she decided to call it a day, he presented himself in her office. He was wearing a bright smile that made the corners of his eyes crease in that way that always made her heart skip a beat. This always made her cross and she would have to remind herself that he was in the enemy camp, though not the enemy himself.


s have dinner tonight. I have something to tell you
he walked over to her desk and took her hand.


His eyes were aflame as he held hers captive. Victoria felt like she was losing control of her senses as he gently pulled her out of her chair and embraced her. She wanted to push him away but his male scent was so pungent that it got to her head. When he captured her lips she parted hers and felt him take her tongue and stroke it with loving tenderness.

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