Candid Confessions Bundle #3 (10 page)

Read Candid Confessions Bundle #3 Online

Authors: Daniella Divine

Tags: #erotic romance, #short story anthology, #erotic short stories, #short story collection, #erotica short story collection, #erotica short story anthology

BOOK: Candid Confessions Bundle #3
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A few minutes later, Matt was dressed like a regular
human being, and I followed him down stairs to the street outside.
He gave me a grin.

‘Let’s go in my car. I know a great little
restaurant that serves awesome seafood.’

The honest truth is that seafood makes me puke, but
I wasn’t going to mention that minor detail. Any kind of lunch with
macho Matt would suit me fine. I could just sit and watch him eat.
I was feeling hungry, sure – but not for food. But I kept those
thoughts to myself. I smiled in agreement. ‘Sure.’

Matt’s car was something of a boy racer machine. A
souped-up Ford that made a lot of noise, without delivering much
power. He explained that he was going to change it for something
more sophisticated when some extra modeling cash rolled in. I
didn’t really see the need. The back seat looked plenty big enough
for all the important activities. Matt pulled out into the street,
and started heading towards the coast.

Before you say anything, I am well aware that what I
did next comes straight out of the Slut’s Handbook. But if you had
just spent the last three hours staring at a hot guy with a bulging
erection that you had inspired, you would probably do the same as

Anyway, Matt was driving and talking away about his
career, and sneaking a sideways look at my boobs when he got the
chance. By the way…why do guys think they are getting away with
this? Do they really think we are so dumb that we can’t see them
gawping? They think that if they look for half a second and then
look away again, we won’t have noticed anything at all. Guys really
can be dumbasses sometimes.

But if he wanted an eyeful, I decided to give him
one. I adjusted my legs in the seat, letting my skirt slip right up
my thighs almost to my butt cheeks. Matt momentarily lost interest
in my boobs, and grabbed a few half-second stares at my legs. I
reciprocated with a stare at his groin, and I saw that I was having
an impact again. Now he had a bulge that had graduated all the way
from Grande right up to Venti. Starbucks would have been proud of

Now, you have to admit, it’s not fair to leave a guy
like that, especially when he’s driving. Anything could happen. He
could end up crashing or driving into a ditch. The only thing a
girl can do in that situation - in my humble opinion - is to
relieve the pressure a bit. So I leaned right over and buried my
face in his crotch.

‘Holy shit,’ he said softly, and I heard a car horn
blaring as he swerved in the road. Now I have to confess, I have
found myself in similar situations once or twice before (cough), so
there wasn’t much in the way of fumbling going on. Within a few
seconds, I had undone his belt, unzipped his flies and pulled out a
very fine penis. I don’t know if length of penis is a factor taken
into consideration when you go into male modeling, but if it is, I
can see why Matt passed the test. I pulled the organ in question
free of his Calvins, and watched it grow even bigger and harder
before my eyes. Hey, I can do magic!

Matt was so erect now that the foreskin was pulled
right down the shaft, revealing a purple helmet that was clearly
ready for action. I was ready, too, so I slid my tongue around the
tip, circling slowly. I could hear Matt moaning softly. If they
gave medals for prick teasing, I would be bringing home gold. When
I felt he could stand the teasing no more, I slid my tongue down
the length of the shaft and back up again, then slipped the whole
thing in my mouth and sucked deeply.

As I licked and sucked, I felt Matt’s hand sliding
down my back and over my bum cheeks, He pulled my skirt up, then
slipped his fingers inside my panties. I felt his fingers rubbing
along my pussy and sliding into the moist interior. For a few
minutes, I was lost in the moment, focusing only on giving and
receiving pleasure. Then I realized the car was stopping. I looked
up to see that Matt had pulled up in a car park near a viewing
point - a quiet oasis of green in the middle of the city,
overlooking the ocean. There were one or two other cars around, but
the car park was big enough for us to have a corner all to

Matt gently pushed me back into my seat, then
reached down for the seat lever, flipping my seat back almost to
the horizontal. By an unspoken agreement, we both stripped off our
clothes quickly – there was no time for messing about with foreplay
and all that crap - giving any passers by a glimpse of two naked
humans ready and desperate for sex. I didn’t have to wait long. As
I leaned back in my seat, Matt towered over me, caressing my body
with gentle kisses from my breasts to my thighs and back again.
Then I felt his weight against my body as his flesh met mine. His
rigid cock probed against my thighs, searching for the ultimate
destination, and then he was inside me. The entry was smooth and
electric, sending that familiar wave of pleasure pulsing deep
within me.

‘Angel, you are so sexy,’ he whispered. I wasn’t
about to disagree with him, but quite frankly, I was past the
talking stage. This was just a lunch hour quickie, after all.

‘Fuck me,’ I said. Yes, I know it’s not very
original, but you don’t want any misunderstandings on these
important points.

There was no misunderstanding. Matt fucked me good
and proper, the sensations of pleasure rippling deeper and deeper
through my body as he rode me like a cowboy mounting a bucking
bronco. There is something raw and sensual about sex in a car, like
being a naughty teenager all over again. I spread my legs wider,
one knee up against the window, the other pushing against the
driver’s seat. I felt Matt deeper and deeper inside me, and soon I
was rushing to a glorious climax.

There was no time for recovery. Matt just kept on
going. Soon I was climaxing again, digging my fingernails into his
back as the pleasure spread through me. Then it was Matt’s turn. I
felt his thrusting become more urgent, the expression on his face
growing more intense. Then his body quivered and he tensed all over
as his man seed spurted deep within me.

Oh, I love that feeling! Sex the way it is meant to
be. Natural and complete. I felt like a whole woman, as if my
destiny had been fulfilled in that moment. Matt kissed me and then
pulled away. There wasn’t going to be time to get anything to eat
now. We would have to clean ourselves up and head straight back to
the studio. But that was OK....I prefer man meat for lunch, anyway.
It’s my favorite dish.




When I got back to the
office later that afternoon, I was feeling pretty good. The session
had gone well once the power came back on, and everyone was pleased
with the photos. And I had squeezed in a fuck without getting
fired. Not a bad day, whichever way you looked at it.

Vanessa called me into her office to discuss the
photos, pointing out what she liked, and what she wanted done
differently next time. But overall, she was cool with the whole
thing. As I was about to leave the room, she said:

‘Oh, one more thing. I can’t make lunch with Brad
tomorrow after all. I will be tied up with our lawyers for most of
the day, and they don’t take no for an answer. So I suggested to
Brad that you should go to lunch with him instead.’

‘Me? Why me?’

Vanessa gave me a patient look. ‘You are our new
Assistant Editor, remember. You will be working with Brad a lot, so
this is a good chance for you to get to know each other.’

‘Oh, right.’

‘He will pick you up outside the office at twelve
thirty. Don’t be late...he expects people to be punctual.’

‘Right. No worries.’

Back in my cubicle, I read through the article
Vanessa had given me earlier. All good advice, and clearly
delivered. This guy was a top professional, and people listened to
what he said. But I wondered what on earth I would discuss with a
serious expert on sex and relationships. I had plenty of experience
on the sex side of things, but I wasn’t sure if that was the kind
of subject we should be discussing in a posh restaurant. Hmmm. I
would just try to look cute and innocent, and play it by ear.

Then my phone rang. I picked it up, and said my
name. I recognized the deep and silky voice at once.

‘I hear we have a date for lunch tomorrow.’

I dropped the phone, and had to scramble to find it.
‘ still there? So I hear.’

Once again my voice came out in a frantic squeak.
Great. I sounded like a total dickhead. I took a deep breath,
focused, and managed to bring my voice down to a pitch where people
could hear it, as well as dogs.

‘I’m looking forward to it.’

‘So am I. If you are as beautiful as you sound, it
really will be a pleasure.’

I spluttered incoherently. I think I might have
gurgled. ‘Lovely.’

‘I’ll pick you up at half past twelve precisely.
Please don’t be late, as I have a TV interview at three o’clock. I
want to make the most of the time we have together. See you

And he was gone. No wonder they called him an expert
on relationships. I’d only spoken a few words to him, and he
already had me quivering like a smitten schoolgirl. I hadn’t even
met him yet.

I was both nervous and excited about our lunch date
– I mean lunch appointment – the next day. I felt that it was going
to be quite an experience.




My flat mate Ellen is
no prude. I mean, I have seen her get through a guy or two in the
short time we have been sharing an apartment together. I moved to
Sydney a few weeks before my contract on Hot and Hunky started, to
settle into life in Australia. Living upside down sounded a little
weird to me. I answered Ellen’s online ad for a flat mate, and we
hit if off right away. I moved in the next day, and we got along
like the proverbial house on fire.

Ellen is the kind of girl who looks a little
tomboyish on the outside, but is all woman on the inside. She is
trying to break through the glass ceiling at work, so she
deliberately tones down her femininity. She wears her hair cut
short, and dresses in pants and shirts like a man. But it’s all a
waste of time, because she still looks dead sexy, and every man she
meets wants to fuck her brains out. And if she finds the right guy,
she is happy to co-operate in that kind of joint venture. I mean, I
should know. Her bedroom backs onto mine, and I’ve been kept awake
by the sound of her screaming while the headboard of her bed bangs
against the wall. Then again, it works both ways, so I suppose I
can’t complain.

But I’m getting off the point. What I was about to
say is that when I updated her on my latest exploits that evening,
she was a little shocked.

‘You had sex with two guys in twenty four hours?
That is pretty frantic, Angel.’

Oh, if only she knew! In my college years, that
would have been a slow day. But I’m getting older now, well into my
twenties and heading towards my thirties. Scary! But anyway, I felt
obliged to defend myself.

‘There’s nothing wrong with having a healthy sex
life. It’s completely normal.’

Ellen curled her legs up on the sofa and sipped at
her red wine. ‘Normal for you, maybe, but not normal for the rest
of the human race. You really need to slow down a bit.’

‘I am sure that one day, I will meet some really
great guy, and then I will settle down. But until I do, I don’t see
any harm in playing the field. It’s what being single is all

‘Playing the field? Is that what you call it?
Playing the planet more like. Honestly, Angel, I think you have a
real problem.’

Now I was really hurt. ‘What do you mean?’ I

Ellen gave me her caring big sister look. ‘I think
maybe you should get some help.’

‘Help for what?’

‘Sex addiction.’

I stared at her in amazement. ‘You think I’m a sex

She didn’t say anything. She didn’t need to. We both
knew the answer. I went to my room and sulked for the rest of the
evening. Sometimes the truth hurts just a bit too much.




The next day, I just
about managed to burst through the revolving doors of our office
dead on 12.30, and spilled out into the street. I looked around
anxiously for a car that might belong to Dr. King, but couldn’t see
one. The only two cars immediately outside the office were a taxi
and a Bentley, which obviously belonged to some stinking rich

As I peered up the street looking for a likely
vehicle, the Bentley pulled alongside me. The window wound down
noiselessly and a face I recognized from the photos smiled up at

‘You must be Angel...hop in!’

A Bentley? What kind of a doctor drives a Bentley?
There was more to this guy than I had first suspected, it seemed. I
got into the car and belted up.

‘Wow, nice car,’ I said. ‘I’m surprised you don’t
have a chauffeur!’

‘It’s his day off,’ came the reply, making me feel
like a right idiot.

‘Oh, sorry Dr. King.’

Dr. King looked at me and smiled. ‘Just kidding.
Chauffeurs are not my style. I always drive myself. And please call
me Brad.’

Well at least he wasn’t some kind of a big prick.
Not that there is anything wrong with the concept of a big prick –
I am very keen on them, as you know by now. We chatted idly until
we got to the restaurant, which was one of the poshest I had ever
been in. I started to panic. I wouldn’t have any idea what to
order, or what spoon to use, or any of that stuff. But as it turned
out, Brad made it easy. I think he was used to lunching with people
who were a bit out of their depth, and he took care of the
ordering, and I just followed his lead in everything else.

The restaurant staff knew him by name, and we had no
difficulty in securing a table, even though the restaurant was
full, and there were people waiting to be seated. After a couple of
glasses of wine, I relaxed a good deal, and started to enjoy

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