Candid Confessions Bundle #3

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Authors: Daniella Divine

Tags: #erotic romance, #short story anthology, #erotic short stories, #short story collection, #erotica short story collection, #erotica short story anthology

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Confessions – Bundle #3


(Episode #9-11 of
Candid Confessions)


Daniella Divine


This story
includes sexual content, and is suitable for readers aged over 18
only. All characters in the story practice safe sex at all times,
even if the details are not explicitly mentioned in specific
scenes. This work of fiction is for adult readers who love red-hot
romance books with sensual and exciting storylines. Enjoy!




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This work of fiction is an origin
al romance by Daniella Divine.
Smashwords Edition.

Copyright © Daniella Divine
2013. Published by Red-Hot Romance


Table of


Sex in the

Cuff Me,




Sex in The Snow

There was a thump, and the young lady awoke
– looking round the bedroom to see where the sound had come from.
The lights on the Christmas tree in the corner cast a soft glow to
illuminate the room. Although the bedroom looked very girly, the
female in the bed wasn’t a kid anymore. The way her boobs bulged
inside her negligee made it clear she was all woman, and a very
sexy one at that. Her blonde hair spilled around her shoulders.
Strangely enough, she appeared to have gone to bed wearing make-up,
and was wearing stockings and suspenders with her negligee. She
rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she scanned the area around her

Then she jumped in alarm when she saw the
man stepping out of the chimney.

Oooh, help!’ she screamed.

The man put a finger to his lips. ‘Don’t be alarmed,
Lexi. I’m not going to hurt you. Don’t you know who I am?’

Lexi relaxed a little, but looked a little puzzled.
The man was wearing a red suit and hat, both edged with white, and
he had a long, flowing white beard. He was carrying a bulging sack
on his back.

Are you…are you Santa?’

The man beamed. ‘Of course I am! Ho! Ho Ho!’

I thought Santa was old and fat…you’re young and

She had a point there. Despite the beard, Santa
looked like he was still in his twenties. The robe barely disguised
the fact that he was broad-shouldered, and his face had the kind of
tan that you don’t get at the North Pole. It was all slightly odd.
In fact, the beard looked suspiciously fake.

I get a bad press sometimes,’ Santa replied,
placing his sack on the floor. ‘I put on a bit of weight a few
years ago, and they’ve never let me forget it. Now, Lexi – it’s
Christmas and I’ve brought something for you.’

But I’m nineteen now. Surely nineteen-year olds
don’t get gifts from Santa?’

Ho! Ho! Ho! You would be surprised. I’ve got a
very special present for you.’

With that, Santa whipped opened his robe to reveal
an erect penis that had been gift-wrapped in Christmas paper and
tied with a bow. Lexi squealed.

Oooh! Is that for me?’

It’s got your name on it. Come and take a

Lexi jumped off the bed eagerly and skipped across
the room to where Santa was standing. She knelt down in front of
him and inspected the gift tag attached to his dick.

To Lexi. From Santa. Oooh! What is it?’

Lexi obviously wasn’t the sharpest knife in the
drawer. But then again, she had other assets to compensate, which
Santa was eagerly exploring with his twinkling eyes. He seemed to
have a particular interest in those bulging breasts. He gave Lexi a
knowing Santa wink.

There’s only one way to find out, young lady.
Better open it and see.’

Oh, goody!’ Lexi exclaimed. She undid the bow
and the wrapping paper immediately fell away, revealing a prime
specimen of manhood springing upright in front of her eyes.

It looks like a lollipop! Is that what it is,
Santa? A special lollipop for me?’

Ho! Ho! Ho! You’d better taste it and

So Lexi gave Santa something to Ho! Ho! Ho! about.
In fact, she turned out to be something of a ‘ho’ herself. She
slipped his dick into her mouth with an alacrity that suggested she
may have enjoyed this particular activity before. She sucked
eagerly, while Santa gave out a groan that would have made the
reindeer shake their heads in shame.

You’re a real Christmas cracker, Lexi.’ he
exclaimed. ‘You’re really getting me into the festive spirit,
that’s for sure. I can’t wait to get inside your Christmas

Lexi looked up and giggled. ‘And do you know what my
favorite part of Christmas is Santa?’


No. I always prefer the stuffing!’

Me, too! I’m going to stuff you good and proper,

Santa grabbed Lexi around the buttocks and lifted
her up in the air. A moment later, she was impaled on his eager
cock, and making as much noise as a turkey on Christmas Eve.

Fuck me, Santa, fuck me…’

…I reached across the
bed for the remote and switched the TV off. So this was what my
Christmas had come to. Watching third-rate porn movies in a hotel
room in Colorado. I would never look at a department-store Santa in
the same way again. I felt envious of Lexi. At least she was
getting some dick, even it was from a freak who crept into kids’
bedrooms at night. Me? I was getting nothing.

But if all went well, that would change tomorrow.
You see, my name is Angel deVries, and I’m a shameless sexaholic. I
had been faced with the prospect of a boring Christmas with my
folks in Montana. But after a year spent slogging away trying to
establish my career as a journalist, I decided I needed a proper
break. So at the last minute, I had rather rashly booked myself a
Christmas skiing vacation in the Rockies. I had arrived at the
resort a couple of hours earlier, all on my lonesome, full of
enthusiasm and expectation. I even skipped going down to the bar to
try and pick up a guy, so that I could save all my energy for
skiing the next day. I had gone to bed early with only Santa and
Lexi to keep me company. And if you know me, then you will
understand that going to bed alone is one hell of a sacrifice.

The only fly in the ointment was that I had never
skied, despite having been raised in the mountains. My Dad didn’t
approve of people having too much fun, and there had always been
more important work to do on the farm. So I was a complete novice
on the slopes, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? I
managed to convince myself that anyone could do it.

It can’t be that hard…you just stand on top of a
mountain and push forward. What’s so difficult about that?

Ho! Ho! Ho! Boy was I wrong.




The next morning got
off to a great start. I looked out the window to see a fresh fall
of powder snow on the ground. The whole resort looked like a scene
from a Christmas card. We were only a couple of sleeps away from
Christmas day, so the decorations and lights were up everywhere. In
the half-darkness of dawn, the scene looked just beautiful –
absolutely beautiful.

I successfully negotiated breakfast without any
accidents or disasters, but after that, my day went downhill. I
went to the ski hire shop and came out with skis and poles sticking
out all over the place. My boots felt like lead weights, and my ski
jacket and pants were so padded that I looked like the Michelin
man. I barreled my way down to the bus stop where the shuttle bus
for the slopes was due to arrive. There was a line of people
already waiting, and as I approached, I was conscious of becoming
the center of attention. I seemed to have too many skis, poles and
bits and pieces to carry. Walking with all this gear would have
been hard enough on terra firma. But the ground here wasn’t firm at
all. It was decidedly icy.

I managed to get within yards of the bus stop
without poking anyone’s eye out, and then I must have stepped on a
piece of black ice. One moment I was struggling forward, the next I
was on my back with my legs sticking up in the air. One of my skis
came down and hit me in the face.


I felt my face blushing red as I struggled to my
feet. If I was going to fall, why couldn’t it have been outside the
hire shop, where no-one was watching? Why did it have to be here in
front of all these skiers? Of course, no-one came forward to help
me. I guess they didn’t want to be associated with the moron of the
day. As I staggered to the back of the line, a blonde in bright
pink ski gear gave me a dirty look. She spoke to her friend as if I
wasn’t there.

‘You know, I think some people should be made to
have lessons before they are allowed anywhere near the slopes. It’s
hard to believe some people are so stupid they can’t even walk, but
that’s the way it is.’

Oooh, the bitch! I could tell instantly that she was
one of those girls who are really up themselves. She had obviously
spent a fortune on her ski clothes. And while everyone else was
wearing hats or helmets, she stood with her head bare to reveal her
sexy, blonde curls. She had clearly spent an hour or two styling
her hair and putting on make-up. I got the impression she was
interested in something other than skiing action.

When the shuttle bus arrived a few minutes later, I
was the last in line, with the blonde bitch just ahead of me. When
her turn came to climb up the steps into the bus, I found myself
faced with a close-up view of her butt. Now if I had been a guy,
I’m sure I would have been content to admire the scenery. After
all, she was a hottie – much as I hate to admit it – and she had a
very cute butt. The trouble was, all I could think about was her
bitchy comment.

I know it was cheeky, but I couldn’t help it. As she
climbed the steps, I got one of my ski poles and rammed the sharp,
pointy end into her butt. She jumped like a rabbit with buckshot up
its ass.


She turned to look at me with blazing fury in her
eyes. I smiled apologetically.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry. I slipped on the ice. I guess I
should have had that lesson in walking, huh?’

The bitch stared at me, and opened her mouth to say
something. Then she changed her mind and stomped up the aisle of
the bus, rubbing her ass as she went.

Oh boy, that felt




When we got to the
slopes, I handed in my ski lesson ticket, and was told to pick one
of the instructors who were waiting at the bottom of the slopes.
Oh, goody – it seemed we could choose any instructor who didn’t
already have ten students. They were nearly all guys, so of course,
I looked for the hottest one.

There was only one serious contender. It looked like
he had just arrived, so he didn’t have a big group of students yet.
And as he had removed his hat and goggles, I could see he was a
youngish guy with sandy hair and a square-jawed face. I thought I
would be happy for him to give me private lessons any time he
wanted, and they wouldn’t necessarily be skiing ones.

‘Bonjour,’ he said as I staggered over. ‘Are you
here for beginner’s tuition?’

Oooh! An accent. Lovely. ‘Yes, I am. Are you

He shook his head. ‘I am from the French part of
Switzerland. I was raised in the Swiss Alps, so I’ve been skiing
since I was three years old. Comment vous appellez-vous?’

‘Come again?’

‘I’m sorry. I meant to say, what is your name?’

Oh, boy…he sounded so hot. Foreign guys just make me
keel over and wilt, especially when they are as good looking at
this guy. I was definitely looking forward to improving my
technique with the help of my hot instructor. Things were looking

‘Oh, I see. I’m Angel,’ I replied.

‘Angel? That is a beautiful name,’ he smiled. ‘My
name is Jacques.’

A voice came from behind us. ‘And I’m Bailey.’

I turned to see who had spoken and my heart sank.
Maybe things weren’t looking up so much after all. It was the
blonde bitch in pink. My first thought was how unlucky it was we
had ended up in the same group. Then I realized it was nothing to
do with luck. Bailey was obviously a horny slut like me, and she
had also picked out the hottest instructor.

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