Candid Confessions Bundle #3 (14 page)

Read Candid Confessions Bundle #3 Online

Authors: Daniella Divine

Tags: #erotic romance, #short story anthology, #erotic short stories, #short story collection, #erotica short story collection, #erotica short story anthology

BOOK: Candid Confessions Bundle #3
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This was different from most of my other encounters.
Somehow this was not just sensual, but caring and loving, too. I
felt like a schoolgirl on her first date, enjoying the touch of a
man for the first time. I responded, putting my hands round the
back of his head and pulling his mouth tighter against mine. I felt
stirrings of longing, deep within me. I wanted to feel his flesh
next to mine, and when he pushed me gently back against the sofa, I
didn’t resist.

We lay back together, kissing softly. Then I felt
his tongue probing into my mouth, like a precursor of sexual
penetration, a gentle reminder of what we could be doing. It felt
good. Brad slipped an arm around me and I felt his fingers tracing
down my back, then caressing my buttocks. I ran my fingers along
his skin, from the hard muscles of his shoulders to the small of
his back. Brad kissed me on the cheeks, then gently worked his way
downwards, kissing my neck, my shoulders, and then moving further
down to kiss my breasts through my clothes. Was parachuting really
better than sex? I had a feeling I was about to find out for sure.
Brad brought his hand up and slipped it under my T-shirt, sliding
up to my breasts and gently stroking them. I couldn’t help but let
a moan slip out. Damn, it felt good. I felt a burning desire to get
naked, to feel his bare muscles next to my soft flesh.

And then he stopped. In mid boob grope. He pulled
away from me with an apologetic look on his face.

‘Angel,’ I apologize. ‘I was getting carried away…I
didn’t mean to take advantage?’

Take advantage? I thought. He wouldn’t be the first,
not by a long way. But I sensed that would be the wrong thing to
say. I guess he was the kind of guy who expected a little more
sophistication from his ladies.


I mean, no fuck.

I stumbled over my words. ‘Oh…er, me too! That’s not
like me at all!’

Hey, stop laughing….I was trying to be serious. Brad
stood up and straightened his clothing, and I felt obliged to do
the same. He bent down and kissed me quickly on the cheek, the kind
of kiss you give your grandmother when you say goodbye. ‘I’m
sorry…I’d better go. I’ll call you on Monday…about work, that

Within a few seconds, he had regained his composure,
and became the confident and self-assured Brad once more. He
hurried out of the door, and was gone.




Well, that was a
bummer. One minute it looked like I was about to get an injection
of alpha male directly into my system, and the next I’m sitting at
home alone with no dick in sight. I was really pissed off.

My brief romance with Brad was all over.

What had it lasted…a few hours? Longer than many of
my encounters with men, granted, but we didn’t even get to the good
bit. Anyway, it was more than that. Brad wasn’t just another hunk
of male hormones. He was something special, and…well, I guess I had
been hoping something special might happen, although I wasn’t
really sure what.

And now I had scared him off. He was going to call
me on Monday, but only about work. In other words, he had finished
with me before we had even got properly started.

Bummer. I was all on my lonesome again.

What now? I scoured the kitchen for chocolate and
found a large bar of Cadbury’s Crunchie hidden behind the
microwave. Ellen is one of those annoying women who can eat huge
quantities of chocolate without putting on any weight whatsoever.
But she also knows I will binge on her chocolate supplies if I have
a bad day, so she hides it in obscure locations. It’s a kind of
chocolate arms race. Ellen is always looking for better places to
hide it, and I am always decoding her defence system and locating
it. If it wasn’t for all the exercise I got between the sheets, I
would probably be packing a few extra pounds by now.

I plonked myself in front of the TV with the
chocolate and half a bottle of cheap red wine. I began flicking
through the channels. Surprise, surprise…nothing worth watching.
Just re-runs of American sitcoms and embarrassingly bad reality TV
shows. They should have tried making a reality TV show about my
life…that would be a real eye opener. I bet I could raise the
channel ratings a bit. Never mind
The Farmer Wants a Wife

how about
The Lady Wants Some Dick
. Ha ha! And if you said
‘what lady?’ then shame on you.

I was depressed. Here I was, a young woman watching
TV alone on a Saturday night like an old spinster. This just wasn’t
good enough. I was still on something of a high from the jump in
the morning…and still pissed off at not getting a jump this
evening. Fuck this…time to go and hit the town. I had to do
something to cheer myself up. An hour later, I was showered, tarted
up and dressed to kill. Short skirt, low-cut top, and ‘please fuck
me’ heels. I was on the rebound, and determined to bounce back in
style. Go fuck yourself Dr. Brad Fucking Bigshot King. You’re not
the only man in town!

I’m so glad men think with their dicks. It makes
life so much easier when you are in the market for a little muscle.
If you dress a little on the hot side, all you have to do is go to
a suitable bar, then take your pick from the guys that start
hitting on you. Guys must wake up in the morning with a neon light
flashing in their heads that says ‘Fuck Pussy…Must Fuck Pussy…’

There is a bar just a hundred metres or so from my
apartment that is popular with rugby players. They have huge plasma
TVs that show every sports match you could ever want to see, and
the whole bar is decorated with trophies, match-winning shirts and
all kinds of footie paraphernalia. So you are pretty much
guaranteed to get a whole bunch of hunky rugby-playing types there
on a Saturday night. And this night was no exception. It was busier
and rowdier than usual, and I soon found that an English college
team was in town, doing a tour of Australia. I got myself a drink,
and sat at the bar as if I was waiting for a friend. I had to fight
off a few ugly gorilla types who fancied their chances, but it
wasn’t long before a good-looking guy with a boyish grin came up to
the bar. One look at his physique told me he was a rugby player,
and as soon as he opened his mouth to order, it was obvious he was

His voice didn’t seem to match his body. He looked
like a professional boxer, with broad shoulders and well-honed
muscles. But he sounded like an English professor, distinctly upper
class. Kind of like James Bond with attitude. I love that English
accent…it really does things for me. I gave him a smile and
fluttered my eyelashes, and he smiled back. We made a connection,
and soon he had bought me a drink, and we were sitting at a table
chatting. I won’t bore you with the details. I guess you have been
through the same scenario enough times. I discovered that his name
was Chas, short for Charles, and that this was his last night in
Sydney before flying home with the team. They had enjoyed a
successful tour, and now they all wanted to have fun before they
flew home to winter in Britain.

I thought my parachuting adventures might impress
Chas, so I told him about what had happened earlier in the day
–omitting Brad from the story as far as was reasonably possible.
Chas was duly impressed, and called over his teammate, Tony, who
was apparently a keen sky diver. I’m not quite sure how this
happened, but before long I had invited the two of them to come
back to my place and watch my DVD. I figured Ellen would probably
be home by now, and she would probably have no objection to
entertaining Tony. She went for muscles, and Tony had plenty of

So that explains how I found myself back in my
apartment at midnight, slightly drunk and with two hot guys on my
arm – but with Ellen nowhere in sight. I tried her phone, but just
got voicemail. Never mind, I figured she would turn up later. We
watched my DVD, and my new rugby-playing pals were duly impressed.
Then Tony took the remote control as we chatted, and started
flicking through the TV channels. After a while he found a movie
that looked interesting, and the three of us sat on the sofa to
watch it – me in the middle of the two guys. Still no sign of
Ellen. The movie turned out to be pretty boring, so Tony gave up on
the TV and knelt on the floor to check through our DVDs. And yes,
that’s right…he found my porn movie collection. With a chuckle of
amusement, he opened one up and slotted it into the DVD player. A
few seconds later, we were watching a dumb-looking blonde dressed
as a secretary walking into her boss’s office. We all knew she was
about to get a lot more than dictation. Dick-tasting more like. I
wasn’t sure if I should feel embarrassed or excited. Then I
thought, what the hell, these guys would be on a plane to England
tomorrow…just go with the flow and enjoy it. I remembered the night
my friend Ramona and I had watched porn with a couple of Marines
(see Episode #5). That had turned out to be fun, so I had hopes
that this might, too.

The dumb blonde was certainly having fun. It hadn’t
taken her boss long to persuade her that her job was taking care of
his every desire. And his main desire at this moment was to give
her a mouthful of cock. She took it like a trooper, and soon he had
her up on his desk, panties round her ankles, ready for a good
shafting. Soon the three of us were watching her take a length of
dick like a pro, her legs gaping while her breasts poured out of
her bra. And then there was a twist in the plot. Another guy enters
the office, and feigns shock at having caught the two of them in
the act. But our sexy secretary has a plan to cheer him up, and
soon the new guy has his pants round his ankles while she tries out
his special equipment for size.

I noticed Chas shuffling position on the sofa, and
glanced across at him. With a bit of a shock, I realized that the
reason for his discomfort was the erection that was bulging in his
pants. I risked a glance in Tony’s direction, and discovered that
he was getting aroused, too.

Now what is a girl supposed to do? I mean, there I
was, on the rebound, as it were, and looking for action. And right
there beside me, I have two guys getting turned on by watching a
girl getting shafted. Come on, it would have been mean spirited not
to help them out a bit, wouldn’t it?

Well, if you don’t like what I did next, then fuck
you. It worked for all of us, and you weren’t there to spoil it. So
there. I leaned back against the sofa and let my left hand drop on
Tony’s thigh, and my right hand on Chas’s thigh. Neither of them
said anything, but I sensed their erections were responding
favorably. I took that to be a good sign, and allowed my hands to
slide down their legs into the groin area. I let my fingers trace
gently over the bulges in their pants, and both guys shifted their
weight to make sure I had unrestricted access.

On the screen, the dumb blonde was taking on both
guys orally, sucking one dick enthusiastically, then switching to
the other. Heck, why should she have all the fun? I had plenty of
dick of my own here to play with. I leaned over so that my head was
in Chas’s lap, and made quick work of getting into his pants and
freeing up his vital organ. A decent size…not huge, but certainly
adequate, and definitely throbbing and ready to go. I slipped the
shaft into my mouth, echoing the actions of the blonde on the
screen. Chas eased himself back in his seat and pushed his cock
deeper into my mouth, while I enjoyed the sensation of the hard
flesh pushing against the back of my mouth.

Meanwhile, Tony was getting in on the action, too.
He pulled my legs up onto the sofa and onto his lap, and slid his
hands up my thighs towards my butt, caressing my bum cheeks gently.
Then he eased my panties down, over my knees and off, leaving me
with my naked bum in the air. Chas took off his pants and
underwear, giving me full access to his genitals. I took the
opportunity to lick slowly down the shaft of his penis, then licked
and sucked his balls. I couldn’t see what Tony was up to, but I
soon found out. His hands parted my thighs, and slid between my
legs, running along the slit of my now wet and eager pussy. He
found my clit and stimulated it gently with his fingers. To say
that it felt hot would be an understatement. Then I felt Tony’s
tongue, probing gently around my vagina while his fingers still
worked their magic on my clit. The blonde on the screen was working
up to an orgasm, and I knew exactly how she felt. The new guy
forced her back over the desk and took her from behind, while her
boss gave her another mouthful to keep her satisfied.

Boy, I was ready to fuck, too. It was time to take
this to the next level. I rolled over, ready to invite Tony to give
me a good shafting. It was a long time since I had got a filling of
English dick, and I was eager to get a reminder of what the old
country had to offer in the fucking department. But as I turned
over, I got a shock. I noticed movement in the doorway, and saw
Ellen standing there, transfixed.

Now Ellen is no virgin, of course, but she is what
you might call a sensible kind of girl. She is a traditional woman
who will probably end up going down the aisle with some equally
sensible man, and then enjoying fifty years of sensible marriage.
So it must have come as a big shock to find her flat mate enjoying
the good news with two good-looking guys on our shared sofa. I
guessed this would be the end of our friendship, and I would find
myself flat-hunting in the morning. I sat up and tried to think of
the right thing to say, but words failed me. But as it turned out,
Ellen was the one who did the talking.

‘Angel, you are a greedy bitch…don’t you know how to

I gawped for a moment, unsure what to make of the
comment. ‘Um, sorry, Ellen. I brought Tony home for

I waved vaguely in Tony’s direction, and he looked
up and gave her a grin, his dick obviously enjoying the look of
Ellen’s boobs. Ellen seemed to like the look of Tony, too. She gave
him a wicked grin in return, and did something I would not have
predicted in a million years.

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