Candid Confessions Bundle #3 (7 page)

Read Candid Confessions Bundle #3 Online

Authors: Daniella Divine

Tags: #erotic romance, #short story anthology, #erotic short stories, #short story collection, #erotica short story collection, #erotica short story anthology

BOOK: Candid Confessions Bundle #3
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I remembered a doctor once telling me that
dehydration was a factor in causing cramp. Now that I thought about
it, I hadn’t drunk much except coffee in the last couple of days.
And coffee is a diuretic, so it makes the problem worse. I figured
I needed a glass of water, so I tip-toed down to the kitchen. As I
crept down the stairs, I could hear a rumbling sound coming from
Rhett’s bedroom. He was snoring like a foghorn. At least his
troubles weren’t keeping him awake at night.

Downstairs, I flicked on the light and hobbled
across the kitchen, my leg still a little sore. I had no idea where
Rhett kept his glasses, but I knew where to find a mug. I took one
off the mug tree, filled it with water and drank it quickly. Then I
washed the mug and put it back on the tree. I was glad to notice
that Rhett’s gun was no longer hanging there. I had found that a
bit scary. But the handcuffs were still hanging on the wall.

Handcuffs? They got me thinking

I had read Fifty Shades of Grey a few months back,
when I was down in Florida visiting my friend Ramona (see Episode
#8). That had triggered some interest in the whole bondage thing,
but I had never had a chance to try it all out. And now here I was
with a pair of handcuffs right in front of me, and the handcuffs
key sitting on the window sill.

Maybe it was one of those things that are just meant
to be. I picked up the handcuffs and examined them closely. Then I
got the key, and tried closing and opening them. It all seemed
simple enough. I found I could even put the handcuffs on my wrists
and undo them myself with the key. Too easy.

I wondered if Rhett and Olivia had enjoyed any fun
with all his kinky police gear. It sounded like it could be a riot.
I could just imagine it…

Oooh, cuff me, officer! I’ve been a naughty

These things could be cool. Would Rhett mind if I
borrowed them for half an hour or so to try them out? I couldn’t
see why he should.

Anyway, he wouldn’t know. I would put them back
before breakfast.

I sneaked back up the stairs with my new trophies
and crept back into the spare bedroom. After closing the door, I
flicked on the bedside light. I slipped off my T-shirt and stood
nude in front of the dressing table with the handcuffs held to my

It did look rather sexy. I imagined myself as the
girl on the cover of one of those erotica eBooks – you know; the
type you download onto your Kindle when no-one is looking. And
don’t try and pretend you never do, you snooty bitch, or else you
wouldn’t be reading this, would you?


Anyway, there I was – stark naked and thinking that
I quite liked the bondage look. I put the cuffs on my wrist and
laid the key on the dressing table. Then I balanced on the dressing
stool with my butt in the air and my boobs sticking out, and
checked myself out in the mirror.


You wouldn’t even have to be kinky to find that look
sexy. It just looked so raunchy. But I thought the
cuffed-from-behind look would be even better. So picked up the key,
uncuffed myself and moved my hands behind my back. I managed to get
the cuffs on, and edged my butt towards the dressing table to put
the key down. The trouble was, working from behind your back is
harder than it looks, and I misjudged the distance. The key fell
off the edge of the dresser and bounced on the floorboards. I
looked down just in time to see it land a few inches away, then
roll into a crack between the boards.

A second later it was gone.

Oh, fuck!

I knelt down on the floor and peered through the
crack. There was nothing but empty space. So now I was totally nude
in a strange man’s house, with my hands cuffed behind my back. This
was not a good situation. But I figured I could probably get the
cuffs off without a key. I spent what seemed like an hour
struggling to slip my hands through the cuffs, but of course, it
was a complete waste of time. If it was that easy, criminals would
be hopping out of custody all over the place. My wrists were sore
now, and I was getting very cold. There was no heating in this
room, and in the small hours of the morning, Canadian houses get
pretty damn cold. I would have to do something or I would

Then I thought of a cunning plan.

Rhett must have a spare key, I thought. And it would
probably be in one of the pockets of his uniform. So all I had to
do was get into his closet, and rummage through his pockets until I
found it.

Great plan, huh?

However, even I could see two incy, wincy obstacles
to my scheme. First of all, going through Rhett’s pockets with my
hands behind my back would be a bit tricky. But I was sure I could
do it. The other obstacle was having to creep through Rhett’s
bedroom while he was sleeping.

Could I do that?

Of course! When you are a shameless sexaholic, you
learn all kinds of useful skills. I have many years’ experience of
of bedrooms at night, usually after some guy’s
wife had come home unexpectedly early. My usual procedure was to
hide in the closet until the bitch had gone to sleep, and then
sneak out. I had done that several times.

This time, I would be doing it in reverse, that’s
all – creeping
to the closet, instead of creeping
And I already knew that Rhett was fast asleep and
snoring. Too easy.

A few minutes later, I was peeking my head around
Rhett’s door. I could see him lying on the bed fast asleep,
embracing a pillow as if it was a woman. Poor guy. And he was still
snoring like a trooper. This was going to be a piece of cake. I
tip-toed into the room, the bare floorboards cold against my feet.
Once my eyes had adjusted to the gloom, there was enough moonlight
coming through the windows for me to get my bearings. There were
two other doorways in the room. Looking through the one closest to
me, I could see the silhouette of a shower stall. So that meant the
other doorway must be the closet. Of course, Murphy’s Law dictated
that it had to be on the far side of the room.

I edged carefully across the floorboards, taking
baby steps and watching where I was putting my feet. I didn’t want
to step on a cat or something, and sound the alarm. I made good
progress. I had managed to get three quarters of the way across the
room before it all went wrong.

A floorboard squeaked under my foot.

Not a loud squeak, you understand – just a tiny one.
But it was enough. Rhett was awake in an instant. Police instincts,
I guess. In a fraction of a second, he was out of bed and on his
feet. He spread his legs shoulder width apart, and raised his arms
to point at me. With a shock, I realized he was holding his

‘Freeze!’ he shouted.

‘Don’t shoot!’ I screamed.

There was a pause, and then Rhett lowered the gun.

He flicked on a bedside light and I was surprised to
see he was wearing pajamas patterned with the logo of the New York
Police Department. He stared at me open mouthed. ‘What the fuck? I
thought you were a burglar.’

I have had a few embarrassing moments in my life,
but this one was right up there in the top five. Did I feel stupid
or what? There I was, standing in the middle of a policeman’s
bedroom, stark naked with my hands cuffed behind my back.

I mean, you couldn’t make this stuff up, could

Rhett was doing that I’m-with-a-dangerous-lunatic
voice again. ‘Angel, can you please tell me what is going on?’

‘I can explain.’

‘I’m looking forward to it. This has got to be

‘I didn’t mean this to happen. It was an

‘I’m glad to hear it. I can’t wait to hear how you
are going to explain it.’

As I told Rhett what had happened, I realized that I
wasn’t the only one in an awkward predicament. Rhett’s NYPD pajamas
weren’t doing a good job of keeping their one and only prisoner in
custody. His dick was bulging upwards, creating a tent shape in his
pajama bottoms.

I gave him a knowing look. ‘Before I say anything
else, maybe you should put your weapon down.’

‘Oh, of course.’ Rhett laid his gun on the

‘No, Rhett. I wasn’t talking about that weapon. I
was talking about

I nodded at the growing bulge in his pants and Rhett
whimpered an apology.

‘You’re right. I’m sorry, Angel…but hell, you do
look hot! I haven’t had a woman in my bedroom for over a year. And
even before that, Olivia would never let me look at her naked with
the lights on.’

I gave him a smile. ‘That’s no problem, Rhett. I
knew you must have needs. Every guy does. Maybe you could get your
spare key and slip these cuffs off me, and we could do something
about it.’

Rhett adjusted his pajama bottoms so that he was
more comfortable. ‘Well, there are two problems there, Angel. First
of all, I don’t have a spare key here.’

‘You don’t? Oh, hell. And what’s the second

‘The second problem is that I rather like looking at
you with the cuffs on, to be honest. I always fancied trying
something a little bit – you know – kinky. But Olivia wouldn’t do
it. It was straight sex or nothing with her.’

I was beginning to see where this was going. I
stepped a little closer to Rhett, giving him a good view of what
was on offer.

‘So what you’re telling me is that you haven’t had
sex for over a year…’

‘For fourteen months, two weeks, three days and
nineteen hours…’

‘Oh, you’ve been counting. And you’ve never, ever
had the chance to try a little kink?’

Rhett swallowed. ‘That’s about it.’

‘It’s never too late to start, Rhett.’

‘I can’t. I told you – I’m a one-woman man.’

‘No. You
to be a one-woman man. But it
doesn’t have to stay that way forever. I think it is time for you
to move on, don’t you? After all, you only live once.’

Rhett looked over at the photo of his wife on the
nightstand. ‘What about Olivia?’

I edged over to the nightstand and turned so that I
could lay the photo face down. ‘What she doesn’t see, she won’t
mind about, will she? Come on, Rhett. You know what someone said to
me earlier today? Everybody has to sometimes break the rules.’

I walked over to the bed and climbed up. I lay my
head down on the mattress and pointed my butt in the air, giving
Rhett a view of my pink oasis. I stretched my cuffed hands out,
behind me.

‘Come over here, officer. This naughty girl needs to
be taken into custody. But she won’t go quietly. You’d better bring
your big weapon to subdue her with. She needs a strong man to force
her into submission.’

Rhett hesitated for a few seconds, clearly torn
between his sense of loyalty on the one hand, and pure sexual need
on the other.

Sexual need won.

Rhett was behind me in a moment, bending down and
kissing my butt cheeks.

‘Oh, God…I really need this,’ Rhett muttered
breathlessly. ‘Angel, are you sure this is OK. I promised not to
touch you remember?’

‘Rhett, I
you to touch me. In fact, I
you to touch me. These cuffs are really turning me

‘Me, too.’ Rhett’s voice was a little muffled now.
That was because his face was right between my bum cheeks and
licking greedily at my ladies’ parts. He sure was hungry. I could
tell that he was making up for fourteen months, two weeks, three
days and nineteen hours of fuck-free time. I have never felt so
desired or so wanted in all my life. And the sensation was just
glorious. It seemed so strange to be constrained, forced into
submission. But I liked the feeling of being dominated by a man. I
guess it’s something instinctive that even fifty years of women’s
lib can’t rub out of the female psyche. There is something that
just feels right about letting a man take control. Anastasia Steele
was right, even if her inner goddess does need a good whipping (pun
intended). I quite liked this kinky stuff.

I heard something land on the bed beside me, and saw
that it was Rhett’s pajama top, closely followed by the bottoms. I
knew what was coming next, and I tensed myself ready for the big
moment. And it was big, too – Rhett’s cock, that is. I felt my
labia being forced apart as he thrust his way inside. I was wet
enough to let him in easily, and I relaxed my body ready to enjoy
the goods he wanted to deliver.

‘Oh my God,’ Rhett exclaimed. ‘I wish I hadn’t
waited so long for this. I had forgotten just how amazing it feels
to be inside a woman. Angel, I am so glad you’re here.’

‘Me too, Officer Hartwell. Now show me what you do
to naughty girls who break the rules. I’m ready to be

That got him going. Rhett started to piston inside
me, fucking me roughly and making me judder with sheer sexual
release. He slipped one hand between my wrists and took hold of the
handcuffs, pulling my arms backwards as he took me from behind. I
liked it, I liked it a lot. I could have lain there and enjoyed his
pounding for hours. But I didn’t get the chance. After a couple of
minutes, I felt Rhett’s body tense inside me. He gave a loud grunt,
and then ejaculated. I spread my legs so that he could come deep
inside me. When it was all over, Rhett relaxed and lay on the bed
beside me.

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to finish so quickly.
But it’s been so long, I couldn’t control myself.’

‘No problem. The night is still young get. Now let
me show you what I can do.’

I slid down the bed to Rhett’s crotch and let my
face touch his balls. I stretched out my tongue and began to lick
them. It seemed strange not having the use of my hands – more like
bobbing for apples at Halloween than making love. But the scent of
sex was heady and arousing, our primal juices mixed in a heavenly
cocktail that got me going and ready for more. I could say the same
for Rhett. It didn’t take long for his dick to recover from round
one. Soon he had an impressive erection, and I was able to slide my
tongue along his shaft and up to the throbbing head. I took it into
my mouth and rolled my tongue around the tip. Rhett reached out to
fondle my butt as I did so.

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