Candid Confessions Bundle #3 (12 page)

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Authors: Daniella Divine

Tags: #erotic romance, #short story anthology, #erotic short stories, #short story collection, #erotica short story collection, #erotica short story anthology

BOOK: Candid Confessions Bundle #3
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I was almost ready to climax right there. The
feeling was so good and so intense that I didn’t want it to stop.
Karen pushed my panties to one side, and then I felt her tongue
directly on my flesh. If there is one thing that women do better
than men when it comes to pleasuring women, it is licking pussy. I
guess we know how it feels from the inside, so we know which
buttons to press, and how to press them. Karen was certainly
pressing all my buttons right now. Her tongue slid down into my wet
slit and opened me up, and the sensation sent me over the edge. I
orgasmed deeply, pushing Karen’s face hard into my pussy with my
hands. She didn’t seem to mind.

As my orgasm subsided, Karen slipped my panties off,
then buried her head again for another feast. Now that I was warmed
up, it didn’t take me long to reach my next shuddering orgasm, and
I let out a scream that must surely have carried right across the
bay. After my third climax, I decided it was time for me to start
dishing out the pleasure. I sat up and maneuvered Karen into a
doggie position. She bent her head forward into the pillows,
allowing her beautiful butt cheeks to rise into the air. Her pussy
was neatly shaven and I could see that she was already very moist
with anticipation. I started with my fingers, running them up her
thighs, then caressing her bum cheeks. I could hear moans of
anticipation from the pillow end of the bed, and I allowed my
fingers to trace gentle circles that worked closer and closer to
her vagina. Then I slipped two fingers inside her, finger fucking
her as if she was getting taken from behind.

Karen pushed her butt back towards me eagerly, and I
pushed deeper inside, enjoying the wet, feminine feel of her
vaginal walls. I pulled my fingers out and licked them. Hmmm...dick
tastes good, but pussy has a special flavor all of its own. I
leaned forward, and licked at Karen’s pussy lips. Delicious. I
spread her legs a little wider to give myself better access, and
licked gently and deeply. The more I licked, the more Karen moaned.
As she had done to me, I licked from her clit along the slit of her
pussy and back again, and soon I could feel her body tensing for an
orgasm. As she came, I buried my lips against her body, enjoying
the sweet taste of the pussy juice that flowed as she climaxed.

Karen rolled and lay back on the bed, enjoying the
post-climactic feeling. I slipped alongside her, and again we
kissed, mouth-to-mouth, our breasts touching, our arms embracing
each other. I would have been satisfied if we had stopped there, to
be honest, but Karen had other ideas. She reached over to her
bedside drawer and pulled out a huge black vibrator. Wow! Maybe I
wasn’t going to get any dick today, but it looked like I was going
to get the next best thing. This was a real seemed
Karen liked her dicks on the large side. It was made of hard black
rubber, and featured contours designed to stimulate.

Karen pressed a button on the vibrator and it
started to buzz softly. She placed the monster between my breasts
and began to caress my boobs with it. I liked the feeling. I liked
it a lot. In my book, nothing will ever quite replace the feel of a
real dick, but this came pretty close. She dragged the beast down
my stomach, tracing circles that made me flinch with pleasure, then
buried it deeply and not too gently between my legs. Ooh, this was
big...very big! Bigger than Sven, bigger than any man I could
remember. And as it buzzed and throbbed inside me, I felt a
glorious sensation, one that is hard to describe, but which was
very enjoyable. I arched my back, spread my legs and allowed the
black beast to penetrate deeper inside me. Then Karen pulled it out
slowly, and traced it over my pussy lips and my clit, sending me
into orgasm once again.

We made love for an hour, but it seemed to be over
in a few moments. Before I knew it, I was rushing to get dressed
and get back to the office before they started sending out search
parties. In the taxi on the way back, I wondered what I was going
to say to Vanessa. I had certainly got some more material, but most
of it was not exactly content I could use. More importantly, I
found myself wondering what Brad would make of our encounter if he
knew about it. I was puzzled as to why that bothered me. I mean, it
wasn’t as if we were dating or anything...not much chance of that!
But somehow I cared about what he thought.

What the hell was wrong with me? Caring was not
something I was particularly good at. I didn’t have the genes.
Maybe I was changing. Now there’s a scary thought.




The next few days
disappeared in a haze of busy work. Setting up interviews,
organizing photo shoots, checking contact sheets, reading proofs
and all the hectic work that piles up when an issue is due to go to
print. No matter how much you try to prepare these things, there
are always problems that result in you working until midnight to
catch up - a freelance writer misses a deadline, product for a
photo shoot goes missing, some legal issue comes’s always a
nightmare. But by Friday, we had finally put the issue to bed, and
I was looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend before it all
started again on Monday.

I was busy clearing my desk ready for the break,
when I heard a voice calling from the doorway.

‘The weekend has arrived...time to be out of

I looked up to see Brad standing in the doorway,
grinning. I felt a shudder of pleasure inside, which I managed to
repress, and I even managed to reply without squeaking.

‘Yes, I’m done for the week. Just clearing my desk.
What about you?’

‘I had a few things to drop off at the office here.
And I wondered if you might have time for a drink before we all
head for home. It’s a beautiful evening, after all. Are you

It certainly was a beautiful day. Sydney is
wonderful all day long, but during the late afternoon/early evening
period, something magical happens to the light. Everything looks
more stunning than ever, the colors seem deeper and richer, and it
just feels good to be alive. An hour or two spent sitting on a
terrace with a glass of wine and a rich, handsome dude for company
certainly sounded appealing. There were worse ways to spend a
Friday evening than watching the sun set over the harbour and
enjoying some intelligent conversation. My diary for the evening
was pretty much clear – OK, it was a vast expanse of nothingness –
but I wasn’t going to tell Brad that. I wanted to sound like I had
some kind of a life.

‘Well, I had a couple of things planned, but they
can wait until later. So I have a couple of hours free.’

‘Excellent! We’ll go whenever you’re ready.’

Half an hour later, we were seated outside a café in
Darling Harbour, enjoying the fading light and the sound of happy
city workers all around us, everyone feeling the special buzz of
Thank God It’s Friday. There were plenty of well-dressed city guys
around, but Brad stood out as being a cut above the rest in his
tailored suit and hand-made shirt. I had to be careful not to gawp
and make a fool of myself, so I tried to think of something to

‘I’ve started on the interviews,’ I began. But Brad
shook his head.

‘Let’s not talk about work,’ he said. ‘It’s the
weekend…all that can wait until next week. Why don’t you tell me a
little more about you?’

He leaned forward as if he genuinely cared, not like
some guy feigning interest to get his leg over. That was a first. I
felt myself blushing and hoped it was dusky enough for him not to

There’s not much to say,’ I offered, rather

‘Now, I don’t believe that. I’m sure there would be
some amazing stories to tell if I could read your mind.’

Gulp! I didn’t want him or anyone else reading my
mind. I could be arrested for over-use of the male population or
something. And him a sex therapist, too…I could probably provide
him with enough material for a whole series of seminars and a
bestselling book or two. I smiled politely and fluttered my
eyelashes. That usually works, but Brad was a tough nut to

‘You said you are single,’ he continued. ‘I find
that hard to fathom. I’d have thought some guy would have snapped
you up by now’

I know I shouldn’t fall for such obvious lines, but
I’m a sucker for flattery. I just lap it all up. Compliments will
get you everywhere with me. I giggled and waited hopefully for
another one. I wasn’t disappointed.

‘I’m sure you will make some lucky man very happy
one day.’

Making men very happy was my specialty, but possibly
not in the sense he intended. I tried to imagine myself settling
down with one guy and living happily ever after. Happily ever
after? Stuck with the same dick for the rest of your life? I
considered that a rather scary prospect. It would be like going on
vacation to exactly the same place every year. I know plenty of
people do that, but those kinds of people are already dead inside.
I didn’t want to join them. But then again, looking at Brad now, I
could see the idea had its appealing side, too. I mean, if it was
someone like him, good looking, successful and loving, maybe it
could work….

…could it?

It’s a good job Brad couldn’t read my mind, because
at that moment, I was mentally exploring the contents of his
underpants. He was a tall man…did that mean that things were
proportionately large in other departments? What would a
world-leading expert on sex be like in the sack? Would he know how
to put the theory into practice? It sure would be interesting to
find out. But it didn’t seem likely I would get the opportunity.
For all his compliments, I was well aware I wasn’t in his league. I
must have looked like a trashy office girl compared to the
sophisticated women in his usual circles.

I was miles away, following my own train of thought.
Then I noticed that Brad’s voice had stopped. I realized he had
been talking while my mind was elsewhere. Now he had asked me a
question, and was politely waiting for an answer.


I had absolutely no idea what he had been talking
about. I was going to make a complete fool of myself by sitting
there gulping like a goldfish. Brad smiled at me.

‘So what do you think…yes or no?’

That helped. Now he had narrowed it down to a 50:50

‘Yes, of course!’ I said enthusiastically, wondering
what the hell it was that I had agreed to.

‘That’s fantastic,’ he smiled. ‘Most women refuse
that offer flat! But I suspected you wouldn’t scare so easily. I
think you will find it to be an amazing experience…better than sex!
I can pick you up tomorrow morning at nine, so that we can be on
site a little after ten. Remember to wear comfortable shoes and
bring something to tie your hair up with. I’ll take care of
everything else.’

The sun dropped behind the horizon, but I barely
noticed. I was too busy wondering what the hell I had gotten myself
into. Anything that was better than sex had to be worth trying. But
why did most women turn the offer down flat? There was no way I
could ask Brad about it now without making a complete fool of
myself. I would just have to play it by ear. It couldn’t be that

…could it?

After a while, I excused myself on the grounds that
I had to meet my friends for our pre-arranged meeting. I needed
some time to figure out how I was going to deal with the next day’s
mysterious adventure.

When I got back to my apartment and explained what
had happened, Ellen practically collapsed on the floor laughing.
And she is supposed to be my friend. The bitch. Between us, we
tried to work out what the day’s activity might be. Something that
required comfortable shoes and tied-up hair, and which scared the
crap out of most women. Ellen’s best guess was abseiling. I hoped
not…I’m scared of heights, remember. And in any case, abseiling is
hardly better than sex…is it?

By the time we decided to call it a night, I was
still puzzled, and Ellen was still laughing. I made a mental note
to find a way to get my revenge when this was over. I didn’t’ sleep
very well. I had a recurring nightmare about being stuck half way
up a cliff tied to an abseil rope, unable to go up or down. I told
myself that at least that was the worst thing that could happen.
Whatever Brad had in mind, it surely couldn’t be any scarier than

Oh, boy, was I wrong…




Saturday morning
dawned with clear skies and warm sunshine. I got up and showered,
still thinking apprehensively about the day ahead.

It’s better than sex…it’s better than sex…it’s
better than sex…

I kept repeating this mantra over and over again.
It’s the only thing that kept me going. Either Brad had a pretty
warped idea of what constituted fun, or this was going to be an
awesome day. Brad didn’t appear to be warped. In fact, he was the
least warped person I had ever met. But I was still nervous.

I dressed in what I thought were sensible clothes –
jeans, T-shirt and a light jacket. I tied my hair back in a
ponytail, and put on a pair of Nikes. I looked at myself in the
mirror and couldn’t decide if I liked what I saw or not. It wasn’t
the look I would have chosen for a date with a hot guy, but on the
other hand, I did look kind of cute in a sensible way. Ellen had
breakfast with me, and did her best to keep a straight face. But
she couldn’t hold it, and half way through her bowl of Nutri-grain
she burst out laughing.

‘Angel, I’m sorry…but you just don’t look like you
without high heels and a skirt that shows your knickers. I
pretended to be above such comments.

The doorbell rang on the stroke of nine, and Ellen
leaped ahead of me to open it. She wanted to have a perv at this
new man in my life to see what she was missing out on. That was OK.
I knew she would be jealous when she saw Brad, and I was right.
When she opened the door, he was standing there in khaki trousers
and a white polo-necked shirt – a very different look to his
professional appearance. And hotter than any guy I had seen Ellen
dating. Ha ha! She asked him in, and turned to give me a nod of
approval. I still had no idea whether today constituted a date, or
more of a ‘getting to know a colleague’ business deal. But Ellen
was jealous, and that’s all that counts, really.

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