Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) (2 page)

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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Jaxson and I are digging through my closet, when my parents walk in.

“There she is. Happy birthday sweetheart!” My Mother smiles.

I stand and rush over, letting her embrace me. She lets me go, and stands back whilst
my Father does the same. When I pull back, he hands me a box. I beam and tear open the packaging. I open the box to find a key. No way…




“No…” I whisper.

“Happy Birthday baby!
Go look in the driveway.”

I squeal and leap up and down. Jaxson runs over and looks inside the box.

“Oh no you did not!”

We run down the stairs, and out in the driveway is a hot little red convertible. I feel my mouth drop open; Jaxson makes a squealing noise beside me. I spin around and beam at my parents.

“I can’t believe it! I love it! I love it! Thank you,” I gush, hugging my Mother.

“We thought since you’re moving out, you needed a way to get home and visit.”

“Oh thank you, thank you!”

I hug them once more before Jaxson and I jump into the car and take it for a spin. It’s so beautiful and the ride is so smooth; I feel a million bucks sitting in it.

“I can’t believe you got a car for your birthday.”

God, this is the best day ever!”




“You look smoking tonight.” Gary says, sliding up beside me.

Gary is my parents’ idea of the perfect man. They’ve been trying to set us up for years and while I try, I just can’t seem to get close to him. He’s handsome enough, with his blonde hair that is cropped short and his blue eyes. Most girls swoon over him when we are in public, and I can see why. We’re just so different; chalk and cheese.

“Thanks,” I finally say.

“How’d you like the party so far?”

I look around at the hundreds of people on the beach; a large fire lights up their happy faces.

“It‘s cool.”

“Want a drink?”


I don’t drink much as a rule but seeing as tonight is my birthday I’ve been told very firmly by Jaxson - who is currently grinding with a man - that if I don’t drink he’ll give me the biggest wedgie of my life; which, considering he has a huge fascination with them, is a threat I have no doubt he will follow through with. I sit down in the sand and stare around at the people chatting, kissing, dancing and enjoying themselves.

A soft breeze tickles my face and I breathe it in; combined with the scent of smoke it’s actually quite enjoyable. I smile and lean back against an old log, relishing the warmth of the fire. Suddenly,
a pair of heavy, black boots stop right in front of me. My gaze travels upwards to set on an extremely attractive man. His face is so familiar, grey eyes with dark hair. Where do I know him from?


I shake my head slightly. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

He grins, and my heart does a flip flop. It hits me hard and fast and I remember those eyes as if it were yesterday; the tattoo artist, Caden.

“You don’t remember me?”

“I…yes…Caden right?”


He kneels in front of me and I feel my heart thump wildly. He would only be twenty five now and his face is dazzling. His jaw is square, his lips are full and his eyes are so full of sex and lust I have to look away. I get a glimpse of his body. He has filled out over the past two years; his body is solid and defined. He has more tattoos, and is decked out in all black, giving him a very dangerous look.

“You know your Father beat the shit o
ut of me for tattooing a seventeen year old girl, don’t you?”

I look up and flush.

“I’m sorry.”

“Then, I couldn’t even
that girl to give her a piece of my mind,” Those full lips of his tilt up as he grins, “But what do you know? Two years later, I show up to check out a beach party and here you are.”

“I’m sorry, I really am.”

“Shit like that coulda had the shop closed down! What were you thinkin’ girl?”

“I…look, I’m sorry okay?”

He looks away and shakes his head, “I should kick your ass.”

I frown.

“You wouldn’t kick a girl’s ass, would you?”

He looks back at me and laughs, “No, but at the time I probably would have.”

Relief floods through me. “Why are you here?”

Me and my crew were just checkin’ the party out.”

“Your crew?”
I ask, confused.

“The Phoenix Motorcycle Club.”

“You’re in a Motorcycle Club?” I gasp.

“It’s not like that; keep your shirt on. So I’m part of a Club but don’t go getting yourself all riled up; we aren’t about to pull a gun and go crazy.”

A Motorcycle Club?! Why does that scare and excite me all at the same time?

“Oh, okay, well it was good seeing you.”

He narrows his eyes and grins lazily at me.

“Moved out of your parent’s house yet, Princess?”

Outraged by this presumptuous nickname, my temper kicks in. “Don’t call me a Princess! And, not that it’s any of your business, but I move out tomorrow.”

“Good, when can I take you out?”

Temper deflated, I feel my eyes widen and a gasp escapes my lips, “You can’t.”

Caden tilts his head questioningly, “Why not?”

“I’m kind of seeing someone.”

“Kind of?
That isn’t enough to stop me.”

“But I don’t know you.”

“No, but I figure you don’t know anyone you take out for the first time, do ya?”

“What if I don’t want to?” I protest, crossing my arms defiantly.

“Oh Angel, you want to. Heck, I can see the pretty pink in your cheeks. Here’s how I see it; you owe me for getting the shit kicked out of me, and nearly having my shop closed down, yeah?”

He was right about that, I probably did owe him.

“I…that doesn’t mean I should have to go out with you.”

“Well I
’m cashing in that favor Angel…One date.”

“Why?” I ask,
“Why do you want to take me out?”

He grins and rocks back on his heels.

“Do I have to have a reason?”

“Most normal people do.”

“Well here’s the thing, Angel,” he drawls. “I ain’t normal.”

“Clearly,” I mumble.

“How’s the tattoo?” he grins, giving me a look.

“Don’t be smart, and
it’s fine.”

“Didn’t get it removed then?”

“No, I didn’t. I am sure my Mother still shudders when I’m in a bikini though.”

“I wouldn’t know,” he smirks, “maybe you should get in a bikini and I can see for myself.”


He laughs, “You always so happy?”

I sigh, “Sorry.”

“Here’s your drink.” Greg says, returning to my side. His eyes go to Caden crouching in front of me and narrow.

Well this is awkward.

“Oh, thanks.” I smile and take the drink from him.

“Who’s your friend?”

“Um, Greg this is…” I start, nodding my head towards a grinning Caden but he jumps in before I can introduce him properly.

“Call me Chief.”

Undeterred, Greg continues, “How do you two know each other?”

Caden winks at me, “Me and Mandy here go way back.”

“I have never heard her mention you,” Greg says, shuffling closer to me.

“Well, that’s probably because lately I’m only in her wildest fantasies.”

Feeling my temper begin to rise again I give Caden a glare, “Stop it.”

Unaffected by my warning he laughs, “Take a walk with me?”

“She’s with me,” Greg snaps, “She’s

That does it for me. I stand and hand my drink back to Greg.

“I am nobody’s girl, and yes Caden, I would love a walk.”

Wearing a shit-eating grin, Caden offers me his arm and I hook mine through it, feeling his firm muscles move. We walk off down the beach, and I can finally hear myself think.

“So, what’s with Greg?” He asks.

“Greg is my parents’ idea of Mr. Perfect. Personally, I don’t see it, but they won’t give up.”

“You like him?”

“As a friend maybe, there is no… sexual interest.”

“Lucky for me then,” he grins, looking out at the ocean.

“How’d you figure that?”

“Well, I was all geared up to steal you away from that guy; now I know you’re not datin’ him, it won’t be so hard for me to get your’” he uses air quotes, “‘sexual interest’.”

“Anyone ever tell you you’re over the top?”

He laughs, “Every day.”

We walk in silence whilst I try and process what has just happened.

“You don’t know me,” I say, pointing out the obvious.

“Don’t have to, I like you.”

“How can you like someone you don’t know?”

“Angel, I gave you ink; you stood out even back then. Two years on and I recognized you immediately. Trust me that don’t happen very often.”

“Doesn’t mean you like me.”

He looks down at me and rolls his eyes, “I like you.”

“Are you some sort of character genius? One of those people who can tell everything about a person after a brief conversation?”

like that.”

“Okay, fine, so you like me. It doesn’t mean that I like you.”

He laughs loudly, “But you must do or you wouldn’t be walking with me.”

Okay, perhaps he had a point there. “Maybe I just wanted to get away from Greg…”

“Maybe, but you are still here and we are still talking with no awkward pauses, that has to be a good sign.”

He makes another good point.

“Fine! You’re okay,” I say, sitting on the sand.

“So tell me Angel, when can I take you out?”

“Back to that I see?”

“Yup, back to that.”

“Chief? Come on bro, we’re outta here.” Someone yells from the road. I look up and squint and see three men dressed in black leather standing near some bikes in the car park.

“Comin’,” he yells back.

“I thought your name was Caden.”

“It is,” he says simply.

“Okay then…”

“Come on, give me your number. Let me take you on one date?”

“Are you always so pushy?”

He laughs, “I don’t usually have to be.”

“I bet,” I mutter.

“Come on, one date?”

I can see me getting any peace until I agree. “Fine, but only because I feel guilty.”

I scribble my number down on a piece of paper and hand it to him.

“I’ll call,” he grins. “Later, Angel.”

I watch him as he walks away; admiring his backside as only a female can. I feel a flutter of excitement in my chest, but I’m also wary. Caden looks dangerous, he feels dangerous and yet, I’m so inexplicably drawn to him after only a few encounters.

I just hope to God I know what I’m doing.


“Your parents will FLIP if they know you’re going on a date with a biker!”

I seriously don’t know who is more excited about this date; Jaxson or me.

“I know, don’t remind me.”

“What about Gregory?” Jaxson laughs, I love the way he says his name, with a high pitched note.

“Screw Gregory, we both know he and I don’t match.”

“Why are you with him then?”

“I’m not with him, heck we barely see each other! He thinks he is dating me, because every now and then we go out but that’s where it ends. It’ll never be serious; he and I both know that. He just wants in my panties.”

Jaxson laughs, pulling out another box and unpacking it, “So, he hasn’t gotten into them yet? If you aren’t careful, you will turn into the forty year old virgin.”

“Shut up Jaxson, I will not!”

“Will too,” he grins.

“You’re an ass.”

“You just need a good sausa….”

“If you finish that sentence, I’m going to toss this vase in at you.”

“Oh come on!”

“It’s not like I’m the only Twenty One year old who’s never had sex Jax. Sheesh, you make out like I’m thirty and still dry.”

Jaxson grips his stomach and falls backwards laughing, “Still dry, I love it.”

“Shut up, you tool.”

He sits back up and puts on his serious face, which I know is just bullshit.

“Don’t give me the pretend serious face.”

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