Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) (4 page)

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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I nod, swallowing.

“Doesn’t it scare you? Living a rough life?”

He shakes his head, “Nah, why would it?”

“Is it what you wanted for yourself? I mean, didn’t you want a good job or career?” I ask, mentally chastising myself for being so blunt but Caden doesn’t appear phased.

“I had nothing else, my family was broke and I didn’t get good schooling.” He leans back in his chair and eyes me. “Not everyone has a choice and not everyone has rich parents to give them everything they want.”

I feel like he has slapped me. I guess I was wrong about the ‘not being phased’ part.

“That isn’t what I meant…” I try to explain but can’t think of the words. Instead I do what anyone e
lse in my position would do, I push my chair back and try to put some distance between us. “I just need to use the bathroom, please excuse me.”

“Angel…” he says as I stand.

I turn and look down at him. “I might have what you don’t Caden, but I don’t judge you because of that, nor do I think you’re a lesser person.”

I walk off towards the bathroom. Once inside, I close the door and lean against the frame. I know I’m playing with fire; he isn’t good for me and yet, I can’t get enough of him. My heart hasn’t stopped beating since he came to my door. I feel an intense attraction to him, but it can’t end well. How can it? We are from two different worlds, he is rough, dangerous and a biker. I am quiet, innocent and, I guess, a bit of a Princess.

The door shoves slightly and I leap off it. I step back and watch as it opens. Caden steps in. I let off a little squeal. What the hell is he doing in the girl’s bathroom?! He steps forward and his eyes burn into mine. He grips my shoulders, and his hand slides up and over my cheek. I swallow, my throat is tight and I can hardly breathe. I open my mouth to speak, but he puts a finger to my lips.

“I know our lives are different and what I said was likely uncalled for. I wouldn’t usually go for someone like you; why would I? You’re the kind of girl I stay away from, but when you came into my shop two years ago and got that tattoo, I saw something else in you. I thought about you a lot after that, and heck, I am
thinking about you now. I don’t know you, and you don’t know me but I know one thing, I want more…of whatever

Before I can respond
, his lips close down on mine. A soft moan escapes my lips as he moves his gently over them. I feel my hands sliding up and locking around his neck. He pushes me against the wall and his tongue slides into my mouth. I have been kissed before, but this? Oh sweet Jesus - this is mind blowing! His lips are soft, his kiss is gentle and yet his hands are so rough. He tugs my hair, tilting my head back so he can deepen the kiss until I gasp for air. The door opens and we part quickly.

“Oh, sorry!”
A woman says, turning to rush back out.

For the longest moment neither of us speaks. My mind is racing almost as fast as my heart as I struggle to form a coherent sentence.

“We should get out,” I finally whisper.

His gaze rakes my face, his eyes searching for something. I don’t know what; right now I don’t know much of anything.

He nods his head in agreement. “We should.”

He takes my hand and leads me out. As we take our seats back at our table I tuck my trembling hands into my lap. Caden is staring; his gaze is burning right through me.

“Are you hungry?” He asks, in a husky voice.

“Sure.” I murmur.

“I want to see you again,” he says, leaning forward on his elbows.

“Ok,” I manage. What am I going to say?
No thanks? I don’t think so.

“Tomorrow, come for a ride with me. We’re heading up to the lighthouse on the north side.”


“The Club.”

“Oh.” Caden must have caught the worry in my voice as he immediately seeks to calm my nerves.

“Don’t stress it Angel; they’ll love you.”

I feel all the color drain from my cheeks.  Nervous doesn’t even begin to cover what I’m feeling right about now.

“Relax, you look like you’re about to throw up.”

Probably because I was.

My voice shaking, I look deep into those beautiful eyes, “This thing between us Caden, it is dangerous.”

He reaches over to stroke my cheek, “I like danger.”

“It could end so badly.”

“And it could end beautifully.”

I smile and he grins, tapping his finger on my lips.

“A biker might be a bad ass, but it doesn’t mean he can’t have a heart…”

Okay so he had a point. “I guess…”

“Just give me a chance to show you.”

I suppose I could do that. I mean, like Jaxson said, if Romeo and Juliet could give things a go…

“Do you have one of those…club places?”

“Yes, but I don’t want you to go there, you hear me?”

I feel my eyes widen, “Um, ok.”

“And don’t stress, you won’t become my old lady. You’re too beautiful for that.”

I choke on my water, and meet his eyes. I’m not sure what in sentence to react to first; the fact that he just called me beautiful or the ‘old lady’ part.

“Are you this nice to all your girls?”

He smirks, “I don’t have that many, only about ten or so…”

“That’s not funny,” I chuckle.

“No, I don’t have a line up.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“Are you saying I’m attractive, Angel?”

As if he needs me to give him an ego boost; just looking in a mirror would do that for him. “Come on, like you don’t already know that.”

The waiter comes to take our order. I pick out a gnocchi smothered in a tomato sauce, with a biscuit. Caden orders a steak. While we wait, we talk about our lives and families. Caden tells me a lot about his Father, and how his Mother died when he was young. I feel awful for him, I couldn’t imagine how hard it would be on a child to lose their Mother. I tell him about my family, and that I also have no siblings.

In no time at all our food appears at the table. It is divine; melt in your mouth good. We continue to chat whilst eating and, when we are done, Caden pays for the food and we step out into the night. Deciding the date is not yet over; we take a ride down to the beach. The wind is warm tonight, but blowing just enough to cool the evening down. I can taste the salt in the air as we step down onto the sand. If I had to
choose, the ocean would be one of my favorite smells without a doubt. Sitting on the sand and staring out at the moon, Caden takes my hand and I am struck by how confusing this whole situation is.

My relationship with Greg, whilst not serious, is something that my parents have wanted for me for a long time. If they found out about Caden? I don’t even want to think about it but you can sure it would not be pretty. I feel bad for them yet, at the same time, shouldn’t I be allowed to date who
I want?
I may only be Twenty One but I know for sure I want this. I want it more than I have ever wanted anything. So, I guess for now Caden has to remain my little secret; at least until I can figure out where this is going. I squeeze his hand, and he looks over at me.

“You’re quiet” he says.

“Just thinking.”


I contemplate lying but realize there’s no point; we’ll have to discuss this at some stage and so it might as well be now. “About this.”

“What’s this?”

“I don’t know; what is it?” I whisper.

He turns to face me, “If you’re asking where this is going, all I can tell you is that I’m attracted to you and I want to keep seein’ you.”

“You do?”

“You know I do.”

“It’s just…” I pause, try to get my words straight in my head or else they’ll just tumble out and make no sense. “Caden, my life and your life are so different.”


Okay, truth time. I suck in a breath and go for it. “I… just don’t want to get hurt.”

He strokes my cheek, “You think I would hurt you, Angel?”

“I don’t think you would
to hurt me, but you definitely have the potential to be a heartbreaker.”

He looks into my eyes, and his hand comes up to stroke a stray piece of hair away from my face.

“The way I see it, life is about risks, it isn’t worth living if you don’t take a few. If you want to stay in your safe haven, then I won’t be the one to drag you out. All I’m asking is for you to take a chance Angel; take a chance with me…”

I swallow and nod, biting my lip. He grips my hair again, and pulls me close. When his lips find mine, sparks shoot through my body. He makes me feel alive; he makes my body jerk to life like it never has before. He makes everything just seem…easy. I moan and tangle my hands through his hair but he doesn’t push any further, and his hands don’t stray. He just holds me and kisses me until all the air has left my body.

His mouth leaves mine and he trails soft, sweet kisses across my cheek, “You’re the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on.”

“Caden…” I whisper, as his lips drag down over my neck.

“I know the life you live, I know your parents don’t want someone like me for you, but you have to grow up sometime. Make the choice yourself. Make it with me.”

God…” I moan, as he nips the sensitive flesh between my neck and shoulder.

“And that man you’re ‘kind of’ seeing, scrap him. I don’t share well.”

“We aren’t together…we just go to events sometimes, for my parents’ sake.”

Caden pulls back and his eyes come to mine. “No more” he asserts; his voice hard. Being that this is a command more than a request, I answer quickly.

“Ok,” I whimper.

“Tell me Angel, that you’ll give me a chance?”

“Yes. God, yes.”

His hands are doing crazy things to me, and they aren’t even venturing towards the as-of-yet out of bound regions. They are just stroking over my skin, down my arms and back up again, but I’m shivering and my nipples are budding hard against his chest.

“Caden, I have to tell you something…” I say on a breathy moan.

“Mmmmm,” he murmurs against my neck.

“I’m a virgin.”

He stiffens and pulls back.


“I…haven’t had sex.”

“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?”

“Is it so surprising?” I cry, offended.

“I thought…? You’re Twenty One…?”

“I only just moved out and there is no way I would have gotten away with it when I lived there. My parents were strict. I didn’t help that I was a bit of a geek in school; I didn’t go out a lot.”

His face goes from serious, to sweet, “A geek huh?”

My lips tip up into a wide smile.
“Just a touch.”

“So, what have you done?”

I flush and look away. “Ummm... kissed?!”

“You’re shittin’ me, right?”


Caden doesn’t reply. He just stares at me.

“I’m not saying this to scare you; I just wanted you to know. If I seem…unsure, that’s why.”

He takes my face, “I won’t push you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“You won’t?”

“No, I’m not that much of a prick that I would come onto a woman that hard and fast. I want to know you too, Angel; it isn’t about sex.”

I’ll admit to being momentarily shocked. “It’s not?”

“Fuck, what do you think I am?” He grunts, letting me go.

“I just got the impression…I’m sorry, I read you wrong.”

“Look, I won’t lie and say I don’t want in those beautiful panties but it’s not why I’m asking to take you out again. I like you, and that doesn’t happen with me often.”

I beam, “I…wow.”

He leans to press his forehead against mine before placing a sweet kiss on the end of my nose. “Come on, I’m taking you home.”

He stands and takes my hand, I let him lift me to my feet and wrap me in a warm, comforting hug. Something deep down inside tells me that Caden is going to change my life.


“Get up, I need details.” Jaxson says, leaping onto my bed.

Peeking out from under my eyelids I catch sight of my alarm clock and groan “Ugh, Jaxson go away.”

Knowing how persistent Jax can be when he wants information, I didn’t hold out much hope that he would leave me alone. I wasn’t disappointed.

“Come ooon!”

“Why do you have to wake me up so early?”

“Oh come on, throw me a bone.”

I smile and sit up, adjusting my crinkled shirt. Jaxson sits cross legged and shirtless on my bed, grinning stupidly at me.

“Well?” He urges.

“It was amazing,” I sigh.

“I knew it!’ Jax claps his hand in glee. “Are you going to see him again?”

“Yes, we are going to see each other again.”

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