Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) (3 page)

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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He pokes his tongue out at me but I know it’s only in jest. “So, do you think you and hot Biker will get it on?”

“I don’t know him.”

“You should get to know him, he was smokin’.”

“I’m not going to sleep with him.”

“You’re crazy girl, imagine him naked…” he groans, patting his chest.

Ah my Jax; always the drama queen. “No thanks, besides, we wouldn’t work.”

“And you know this how?”

“We’re complete opposites; from completely different worlds”

“Romeo and Juliet were opposites, from different worlds and look how that went…”

“They both died…” I point out, rolling my eyes.

“Only because of a misunderstanding; it was tragic,” he says, putting his hand over his heart and giving me an exaggerated sigh.

“You’re sad Jaxson, maybe I should set
up with Caden.”

Jax rubs his hands together and licks his lips, “Yes please!”

I roll my eyes again and stand. I walk into the kitchen and begin unpacking the plates and cups. The phone on the wall rings suddenly, and I reach over to grab it.


“Angel, how are you?”

I swear my heart skips a beat. “You called,” I say, shocked.

“You thought I was going to stand you up?”

I laugh, “Well I wasn’t sure.”

“I wasn’t,” he drawls. “What sort of man do you think I am?”

“I have a few theories about that.”

I can almost hear him smile down the line, “I’d love to hear them over dinner?”

The biker does dinner?”

“The biker does a lot of things.”

“Man of many skill, make fire,” I say in a caveman tone.

He roars with laughter, “Wow, who knew Angel knew how to joke? Here I was thinking you were all serious.”

“I guess I am a woman of many secrets.”


Realizing how that may have come across, I start backtracking. “Nothing major, I swear!”

“I look forward to meeting your skeletons.”

“I can’t say the same.”

Caden chuckles; it’s a beautiful sound.
“Scared Angel?”

Rolling my bottom lips between my teeth, I pause before I answer.

“Don’t be scared, I don’t bite. I promise I’ll be the perfect gentleman.”

“Is that even possible?”

“It could be,” he laughs.

Laughing with him, I sigh into the receiver. “Alright, I promised to give you one date. When?”

“How about tonight?

I wondered whether I should play it cool and act like I had plans but I was too anxious to see him again. “Sure, what do I wear?”


“Are you always so serious?”

“Always. Dress nice, Angel.”

“Ok Caden.”

“Call me Chief.”

“Is Chief your name?”

He chuckles, “No.”

“Then if it’s all the same to you I’ll call you Caden.”

“I like Chief.”

I snort another laugh, “Well
like Caden.”

“Stubborn woman” he mutters, but I can tell he’s enjoying our back-and-forth as much as I am. Remembering what Caden said at the beach I realize he was right; there’s no awkwardness between us, despite our differences.

“So I’ll see you tonight? What’s your address?”

I give it to him, and then we say a brief goodbye and hang up. Jaxson is jumping up and down clapping. I roll my eyes at him. This should be an interesting night.


“I look awful,” I groan.

Jaxson stands with his hands on his hips.

“No, you look ah-may-zing.
” His emphasis on every syllable of the word just proves Jaxson’s flair for the dramatic.

“I feel…awkward.”

Jaxson laughs and hugs me, “You look great Mands, trust me.”

Knowing that Jax would never let me leave looking anything less than fabulous, I nod and straighten my black dress. It has a halter neck and drops low around my breasts. The top is tight and the skirt flows out loosely until it reaches my knees. I’m wearing black high heels and I have left my long, dark hair out to curl naturally. I pinned my fringe up with a little silver clip. I think I look too nice; he is a biker for crying out loud. He probably likes girls in leather pants and chains.

“Oh my God, he is here,” Jaxson whispers.

I cry. My stomach clenches and I am gripped by the onslaught of a thousand butterflies. Am I really ready to do this?

“He just knocked, and I’m pretty sure I heard him call out.”

“Answer it…WAIT…don’t,” I hug him quickly and kiss his cheek, “I love you.”

“Behave!” he shouts as I rush towards the door, “and stay off that Harley!”

“Shut it.”

Opening the front door I gasp. There stands the most devastating man I have ever laid eyes on. His dark hair is messy, and his grey eyes sparkle. He is wearing black jeans and a black fitted shirt that stretches across his chest in
way. His awesome black boots complete the picture and I feel my cheeks flush with color. He grins lazily and leans on the door frame, letting his eyes travel all over me.

“Well Angel, you scrub up well.”

Momentarily rendered speechless, I take a second to slow my breathing before I can reply. “You go alright yourself,” I manage.

“Anyone tell you that you’re mighty fine?”

I smile; I can’t help it. “No…but they have now.”

He grins and offers me his hand. I hesitate.

“It doesn’t bite - at least that part doesn’t.”

I flush again. I can see a pattern here and it doesn’t bode well for me.

“Heck girl, you blush more than a spanked ass.”

“Well you keep saying things like that, what am I supposed to do?” I whisper helplessly.

He takes my hand in his and interlocks our fingers, “Come on beautiful, let’s go.”

As he steers us outside onto the street, I look around for a car but there doesn’t seem to be one. Confused, I turn to Caden, “Where’s your car?”

He snorts, “I don’t own one.”

“What do you mean you don’t own one?”

“Exactly that… I don’t own one.”



“Oh well, that’s okay; we can take mine.”

I move to head back inside for my keys but Caden pulls me back towards him.

“Not necessary beautiful, we have transport.”

As Caden spins me on my toes, I notice the shining black Harley Davidson sat at the curb. I shake my head, backing up. As if I wasn’t nervous enough already, he has to throw

“Oh hell no!”
I cry, shaking my head in tandem with my waving arms to make my standpoint perfectly clear.

Amusement evident in his face, Caden begins to drag me towards the bike, “Come on, don’t be a pussy.”

“What?” I snort a laugh; I cannot believe he just called me a pussy!

He laughs and shakes his head, tossing a helmet at me. I catch it but make no move to put it on.

“That doesn’t bite either.”

in case it has escaped your notice, I’m in a dress and heels!”

That crazy hot smirk of his makes an appearance, “That just makes it hotter.”

“I haven’t been on a bike… my parents would flip!”

Tilting his head to study me, Caden continues, “How old are you, Angel?”

“What on earth does that have to do with anything?”

“Go on, say it out loud…”

“Twenty One.”

“Then I believe it is none of your parents concern.”


“No buts Angel. You owe me; now get on.”

I zip my lip and with trembling hands, I pull on the bike helmet, silently thanking Jaxson for persuading me to leave my hair down. Caden grins and, sliding onto the bike with ease, he crooks his finger and encourages me over. I stare at the bike for a long, long moment and then I slide on behind him. He grips my hands and yanks them around his waist. I feel the heat rising through my body, pressing against him, I can feel how hard his body is and my heart thumps wildly.

“Ready?” He yells, starting the engine. The bike jerks to life with a loud rumble.


He pulls back the accelerator and launches the bike forwards. I squeal as he speeds up, and soon that squeal turns into a wild laugh. I haven’t done anything so crazy in my entire life and it feels amazing. Caden’s laugh rumbles through his body, and I can feel it on my chest. He speeds up and zips around the corners with ease. We ride for what seems like such a short time, until he pulls up at a downtown restaurant. He parks the bike and we slide off.

“Wow,” I smile, smoothing my hair down.

He grins, offering me his arm.

“I didn’t know bikers had manners,” I tease.

He laughs, and hooks my arm through his.

“I didn’t either.”

I laugh again, and continue to do so until we step into the restaurant. I beam at the setting. It’s quite an expensive looking place, and couples are scattered about dining in nice dinner clothes.

“I think I am underdressed,” I murmur.

“I think you’re overdressed,” counters Caden and I don’t have to be looking at him to know that he’s smirking.

I keep quiet as we walk through the restaurant, set out in all black and white. The tiles on the floor are black, the tables are white and the displays are all polished black or white dishes; it truly is a breathtaking sight. Seating us at a table, the waiter takes our drink order. Whilst waiting, I skim through the menu. My eyes widen when I see some of the prices; holy hell this place is expensive.

“Why did you choose this restaurant?” I finally ask, looking up. Caden is watching me with that intense grey gaze.

He shrugs, “Why not?”

I smile and he returns one with full force. God he is beautiful when he smiles, heck, the man is beautiful when he frowns.

“So tell me Mr. Biker, what have you been up to for the past two years? What do you do for a living now?”

He shrugs, “Still a mechanic during the weekdays and I work some weekends in the tattoo shop.”


“Yup, I still work there,” he says, giving me a wink.

“Stop it; you know I didn’t mean to get you into trouble.”

“I know, Angel.”

I take a sip of my water, I feel hot and flustered. Why does this man having every part of me alive and wanting?

“So, what about you?” He asks, leaning back in the chair.

“I don’t do anything yet. My parents have secured a position for me in their company,
so I’m going to work there.”

Caden reaches for his water and seems to carefully contemplate his next question. After taking a long drink, he replaces the glass and looks up at me

“No catches?”

I roll my eyes at him. “There are always catches. I can’t work anywhere else; I have to try it out there first so that means I don’t get to go to college and study. I promised them I would but the deal is that, if I don’t like it after two years, I can leave.”

“Jesus,” he grunts.

“I know, but I have a small fortune when I am twenty five for doing what they want” I explain. I don’t know why I feel the need to justify my parents’ bullyboy tactics; it’s not as if I haven’t thought the same thing a million times.

He nods, “Fair enough, I would do it too.”

Deciding I’d had enough of talking about my family’s controlling ways I try to turn the conversation around to all things Caden. “So tell me, what's your family like?” I ask, munching on a bread stick.

“My Mother is dead, my Father is great. No brothers, no sisters; just the club.”

I wince and suddenly I feel terrible for asking. As much as I despise my Mother’s constant interference in my life, I couldn’t imagine not having her around. As if sensing my discomfort, Caden continues.

“My Father was part of the whole motorcycle culture when he was younger but when he got sick he gave it up
. I joined when I was eighteen but those men have been around my whole life.”

“Is it as bad as I think?” I ask.

“It’s definitely not what they make it out to be on television. I mean I’m not saying they don’t delve in bad things, but they aren’t bad people. Loyalty and family mean everything to them; they will literally do
for you. Mess with that bond though, they will seek retribution and trust me, that ain’t pretty. It’s a Brotherhood and if you want to remain part of it, you stay loyal. It’s not hard.”

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