ClaimingRuby (10 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Sanderson

BOOK: ClaimingRuby
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“Thank you.”

He was content to hold her, rock her until the haze passed.
She smelled good—womanly and soft. She fit in his arms as if they were made to
hold her. How could she not know how precious she was?

And when did he become so damn sappy? Good thing none of his
clients could see him now. Intimidating and ruthless, he wasn’t.

“I’m sorry.” She fucking killed him with her apology. She
sounded so meek, as though he’d broken something.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He rethought his words. “Okay,
maybe busting in here, slinging shit at me was wrong, but I understand why.”

She gripped his tie. “After what you said, what we did last
night, why was that photo taken? When?”

“After I left you, I went to see Julia. Her games have got
to stop. I’m not with her. I’m with you. I didn’t want her upsetting you.” That
hadn’t turned out as he’d planned.

Ruby snorted. “Too late.”

“Some sleazebag took the shot and printed it.” He lifted her
chin so she looked at him. “I’m with you. You have to start trusting me. I want
us. Together. Dominant. Submissive. Partners.”

Tears glistened on her lashes. He brushed them away.

Had he pushed her too far?

“I know I have to trust you but it’s hard.”

He knew her history and it twisted like a knife in his gut
to think she classed him in the same category as her ex. “Don’t make me him.
Trust me. Put your faith in me.”

He didn’t want to beg but he would. She’d gotten under his
skin and he couldn’t imagine not seeing her. Didn’t want to. His friends always
said he was intense. When he knew what he wanted, he would bulldoze everything
until he got it.

She smiled. “I trust you. I think.”

The vise around his chest eased. This was the start of
something real, something they could build on.

He dropped a kiss on her head. “Good girl. Let’s go get you
some food. Are you hungry?” Subspace could play with blood sugar so he needed
to feed her right away.

“Starved.” When she shifted and beamed, his world shifted

He was a goner—hook, line and sinker.

He’d do anything to keep her.

Chapter Eight


Ruby leaned on the vanity unit and drummed her fingers on
her thigh. She was in the bathroom of a huge mansion, waiting for Jamie.

She looked at her watch. Jamie was already fifteen minutes
late for her show. Very unusual for her friend.

Her phone buzzed.

Really sorry but I’m sick. Cancel for me. And don’t
worry, Daniel is here looking after me. Love, Jamie.

It must have been bad, as Jamie had never canceled a show in
all the years she’d been performing. Ruby fired off a quick text and gathered
her purse. She’d stop by the drugstore on the way home and pick up some
essentials. It was in her nature to worry, especially about her friends.

Maybe she’d visit Joshua. How her life had changed. Joshua
was everything she could have hoped for in a Dominant. It might not be
forever—she still wasn’t under any illusions—but he made her feel alive in a
way she’d never experienced.

She stroked a hand over one of her butt cheeks and winced.
She still wore marks from a recent spanking session. Her skin pulsed with heat.
Even sitting down proved difficult. She felt thoroughly used and happy at the

Her Dominant had marked her. She would wear his brand with

A knock at the door made her start. “Miss Romano, is Ms. L’Amour

She pulled open the door and spoke to Simon, the man who’d
hired Jamie. “Look, I’m really sorry but Gigi is sick. We’ll have to cancel.”

He scowled. “That won’t do. Maybe you could explain it to
Mr. King?” He ushered her through the hallway and into an opulent wood-paneled

“Urmm, okay.”

The low lighting and cigarette smoke created a hazy
atmosphere. The library was huge. Floor-to-ceiling bookcases lined the walls.
There was even a staircase to a second mezzanine level. Her inner book geek

In the center sat a raised, makeshift wooden platform.
Around the stage sat six men. From their slacks and silk shirts, Ruby knew the
men were moneyed. All were drinking. Some smoked cigarettes while they passed a
tray of cocaine around. The noise level rose to a roar as she weaved through to
the middle.

A shiver ran down her spine. Fear was palpable on her
tongue. Her Spidey senses tingled and adrenaline pumped in her veins. She
wanted to run. Explaining a cancellation to an audience high on drugs wasn’t
the best idea.

“Simon, what tasty morsel have you brought us tonight?” One
of the men stood on shaky legs and beamed. Perfect white teeth dazzled Ruby,
accompanied by a deep tan and wavy black hair.

She recognized him immediately. Jason King. Julia’s date
from the ball. The sleazebag asshole.

She was in over her head. Escape plans ran
through her mind. She’d explain about Jamie and leave. No problem. Surely Jason
would be okay with that. Pissed off, yeah, but it wasn’t her fault.

Simon answered, “Gigi couldn’t make it but we have another

A hungry look flashed in Jason’s eyes.

Panic shot through her system. “Oh no, I’m not a performer.
I’m Jamie’s…Gigi’s…friend.” A feeling of dread crept up her spine. Something
was very wrong but she couldn’t place it. Her instincts screamed at her to get

“Of course you are.” Jason leered. He raked his gaze over
her before fixing on her breasts. “Nice tits.” When she didn’t respond, he
clapped. “Let’s hear it for Gigi’s friend and an excellent evening.”

Wolf whistles, catcalls and numerous whoops filled the air.
Was this a bachelor party or a frat party? It didn’t matter—she wasn’t here for
their entertainment.

“No, this is all a mistake.”

“Sure it is, darling.”

Jamie’s music started and two of the men dragged her on

“Yeah! Look how hard her nipples are. She fucking loves it.”

“Bet her pussy is soaked.”

The crude words made her stumble. She fought their grasps.
Assholes. Rich fucking assholes.

“Nick, go see if her nipples are as hard as they look.”

Ruby froze. “What? No. Don’t you dare fucking touch me.” She
circled the stage, trying to find a way off as Nick stalked her every move.

“Come on now, don’t be shy.”

Two more men got on stage. She was cornered. Panic raced
through her and turned to mania. The fight-or-flight mechanism roared through
her blood.

Nick reached out to fondle her breast and she slapped his
hand away. “No. Get away from me, asshole.”

“Ooohhh, she likes to play rough, boys,” Jason said from the
sidelines. Ruby noticed the bulge in his pants and almost threw up. He was
enjoying her discomfort. They all were.

“We can play rough.”

Someone immobilized her arms from behind. She kicked back,
connected with a shin and heard a
. The other men laughed as her
captor tightened his hold before muttering, “Bitch.”

Nick and another man fondled her breasts. Their heavy pawing
brought tears to her eyes.

“Please don’t do this.” Terror forced her to beg.

They smiled lewdly and squeezed.

She struggled, shouted and sobbed but they just laughed. She
stilled and tried to detach herself but it was impossible. She felt every lurid
touch and it repulsed her.

They were going to rape her. She knew it—couldn’t prevent
it. She wouldn’t go down without a fight. She’d scratch and claw and bite. She’d
damage them as they damaged her.

Jason’s face loomed in front her. He took her chin, forcing
her to look at him as he rubbed his cock through his pants. “I’m going to enjoy
fucking you. Once I’ve fucked your ass, I’ll give you over to my friends here
and have ourselves a gang bang.”

Ruby whimpered.

The library doors burst open. Joshua strode into the room.

Simon stumbled in behind him, bumbling a string of sentences.
“You can’t do this. Mr. King will destroy you for this!” He wiped a bloody nose
on his perfectly pressed suit cuff.

Anger and violence emanated from Joshua in waves. It filled
the library with menace. “Get your fucking hands off her.”

Someone switched off the music. Silence roared in her ears.
Although they stopped, they didn’t release her.

One of the men on stage spoke. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Doesn’t matter who I am. I won’t ask again. Hands off.”

“Fuck you. We’ve paid good money and we want a show. If you
got a problem with that, we’ll tear your fucking head off.”

Raging hormones mixed with a cocaine high wasn’t a good
combination. They could kill Joshua if they got angry enough.

Tears prickled in the backs of her eyes. It was such a mess.

Joshua stalked forward, his jaw set in a grimace. His
eyebrows were slashed with fury as he steamed. She could practically see his
anger like a red haze surrounding him.

“Really?” The mild tone belied his features. One screamed
calm, the other violence. “This is how it’s gonna go—you release the lady or I’ll
rip you apart one by one in ways you’ve had nightmares about.” He scanned the
men and focused on Jason. “And then I will take pleasure in ruining every one
of you.”

Jason twitched. His smile vanished.

“Jason here knows I can. Isn’t that right, Jay?”

Jason clenched his jaw. “Release the woman.”

“But Jay…”

“No fucking backtalk! Let the bitch go.”

Like lapdogs, the men released her. She stumbled forward as
they pushed her.

Joshua reached out and steadied her. “You okay?”

He swung her in his arms and walked out of the room. She
buried her nose in his neck, inhaled his spicy scent and allowed it to soothe

She was safe. Nothing would happen to her while he was here.
He wouldn’t allow it. She shivered and clung to him for warmth. The men didn’t
try to stop them from leaving.

They left the library and Joshua asked, “Did you bring a

She tried to answer but her throat was dry. She’d almost
been gang raped. A tremor racked her.

“Take your time, sweetheart.”

The endearment calmed some of the raging storm. “First room
on the left down the hall. Bathroom.”

“I’ll come back for them. Let’s get you out of here.”

She fisted the material of his shirt and held on. She
focused on him, anchored herself in the here and now. If she let her mind
wander to what could have been, she’d be lost. “How did you know where I was?”

“A friend of a friend mentioned Jay’s party and that he’d
hired a submissive act. I connected the dots. I’ve heard all about his parties
so I thought I’d come and see if you and Jamie were okay.”

He didn’t stumble as he carried her away from the horrors of
the library, through a marble-lined corridor and out of the house. She wasn’t
easy to carry but he never faltered. Her dark knight.

They were almost down the stone steps to the parking area
when she heard Saul say, “Everything okay, sir?”

She glanced at Joshua’s driver and shame washed over her.

“Ruby, settle.” Joshua’s stern yet softly commanding tone
stilled her movements.

She clung to him and the tears flowed. She was a mess. A
stupid freaking mess. She should have left when Simon came to get Jamie. She
should have gone to the door and marched out of the hellhole. How dumb was she?

With ease, Joshua maneuvered her into the limo. He produced
a blanket and wrapped it over her. As he tucked her in he said, “Wait here. I’ll
be right back. I’m just going to get your things.”

He couldn’t go alone. What if they took their frustration
out on him? She wouldn’t allow him to suffer for her mistake.

She gripped his hand as fear hammered in her throat. “No.
Not alone. They’re high. Take…”

He gave her a watery smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Don’t

With those two words, he was gone. Saul shut the door and
she was finally alone.

Don’t worry? Of course she would fucking worry. She cared
about him. Those men were animals. No matter how tough Joshua was, he wasn’t
any match for seven men.

She tasted bile and worried she’d be sick. She could still
feel their hands on her skin—touching, coaxing—see the feral, lewd looks as
they talked about raping her.

“Shit.” She pushed open the door and vomited on the drive.

Deep retches followed as she threw up her dinner and what
appeared to be half of her stomach.

“You’re all right, Miss Ruby. We have you now.”

As if the night couldn’t get any more humiliating, Saul held
back strands of her hair and rubbed comforting circles on her back.

She sobbed and dry heaved. “I’m sorry,” she said, for
vomiting and for being an idiot with her safety.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” When she stopped heaving
he offered her a bottle of water.

She took a tiny sip and winced. The cool liquid felt good in
her throat but her stomach revolted. She retched again just as Joshua arrived
with her purse.

He crouched down, looked at the vomit then at her.

I bet he sees a freaking train wreck.
Definitely not
a look that would entice an eligible tycoon.

“Ruby.” He stroked her hair. Thick emotion in his voice
almost broke her.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” The dam broke.

* * * * *

“Ruby, we’re here, sweetheart.” Joshua gently shook her
shoulder and she opened her eyes. She moved and her back twinged. Her legs
ached. Her stomach roiled and she felt raw to the core. She couldn’t blame
Jamie but maybe it was time for her friend to start being more careful about
vetting the parties. She’d talk to Jamie about hiring better security.
Hopefully it would prevent this from happening again.

Joshua bundled her out of the limo and wrapped a blanket
over her shoulders. “Can you walk?”

She flashed him a thin smile. “I think I got it. No more
carrying. Don’t want to put your back out.” She used humor to gloss over the
sheer terror still running through her.

He didn’t return her smile. The tic in his jaw beat a steady
staccato and she knew he was trying to keep hold of the rage.

Christ, was he angry with her? He shouldn’t be. She hadn’t
done anything wrong. She’d been supporting Jamie. Exactly the same as when she
and Joshua had met.

The ride in the elevator lengthened into what seemed like
minutes but was seconds in reality. All Ruby wanted was to go home, curl up and
cry. Have a pity party before she reported Jason King and his crew for assault.
Joshua obviously had other ideas.

He let her into his apartment. She’d never been in his home
before—like his office, it screamed masculinity. Clean lines, neutral colors,
minimalist furniture.

Once in the comfort of his home, Joshua tossed aside his
jacket and keys before facing her. She flushed under his scrutiny. She couldn’t
mistake the raw need emanating from him.


She couldn’t believe he wanted her to get naked. If he
needed his submissive, he’d have a long wait. She just wasn’t in the mood.

Nausea rose in her throat and a look of panic must have
flashed across her face because Joshua blanched. “Jesus, Ruby, you really think
I’m going to fuck you now?”

He stormed off, obviously disgusted, and left her alone. Her
head was completely messed up. She couldn’t judge any situation rationally
right now. She’d almost been gang raped. On the scale of traumatic life events,
that was relatively high.

“Oh god,” she sobbed and stuffed a fist in her mouth to stop
her emotions from pouring out. She started shaking, unable to banish thoughts
of Jason’s face. In the protection of Joshua’s apartment, her cracks began to

The gushing sound of water filled the silence. Joshua was
running her a bath. His consideration pierced her. She’d been stupid to think
he’d want sex now. He wasn’t a monster. He wasn’t the enemy. She shouldn’t
punish him. It proved just how skewed her emotions were.

She wanted him—wanted to feel his arms wrapped around her.
Needed him to dull the memory.

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