ClaimingRuby (5 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Sanderson

BOOK: ClaimingRuby
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He slowed down—a slap followed by a gentle rub. He murmured
guttural words of encouragement but she didn’t hear them. Her world became
focused on the stinging pain centered below her tailbone.

She practically vibrated with pleasure. It felt so good. A
cathartic release after years of sexual frustration.

He grabbed her hair and pulled her head so her spine bowed.
It provided a brief respite from the assault on her ass. “More, sweet Ruby?”

Despite the intense tingling in her blood vessels, she
answered, “Yes, more. Please, more.”

She squirmed. She needed him to strike her again like a
desert island marauder needed water. She hadn’t realized she’d been so starved
for a spanking, for the burn and ache of being used by a Dominant.

He struck her again and again, building a steady rhythm
until she was screaming, begging him to let her come. She was on fire, alive in
a way she hadn’t been for years. The pain numbed her ass until she was
completely focused on his hand connecting with her.

Finally, after an eternity, he dipped his fingers along her
seam then inside her pussy.

She gasped. Her walls clenched around him.

“Come for me.” He fingered her, curling inside her and

Everything was too much—the pleasure he built inside her,
the rawness from her confession and her horniness from the solo play session
exploded. She crashed over the edge and sank into darkness.

The force of her orgasm tightened her muscles and she

She was vaguely aware of him whispering things. “Good
girl…sweet Ruby…so pretty when you come.”

When she came back down to earth, he turned her over and
grinned. “That was just a taste of things to come.”

She was physically and emotionally drained. Her hormones
jackknifed and she wanted to laugh and cry in equal measures. She wanted to
drag him to bed and push him away before hiding in a dark room.

Dear god, could she handle more?

She really didn’t know.

Chapter Four


Joshua pinched the bridge of his nose. The words on his home
computer screen blurred into one. He’d been trying to put together a report for
the army on a new piece of software he was developing but it wasn’t happening.
He couldn’t focus. He was restless, like he wanted to pound the treadmill until
his muscles burned.

The shy little vixen wouldn’t leave his head. It had been
two days and he could still feel her ass throbbing under his hand. What was it
about her? Did he want to push her limits? Or protect her? He hadn’t been
emotionally involved with a submissive since Afghanistan, since he’d come home
on leave and found Tracey snorting coke and fucking another guy.

Yeah, that had messed with his head. He’d wanted to kill the
asshole screwing his woman but he wasn’t a civilian so he’d restrained himself.

He rolled his shoulders and cranked his head from side to
side, easing the tension at the top of his spine. Since that night he’d sworn
off emotional attachment. He didn’t understand why Ruby was different. Maybe
his biological clock had kicked into action.

Fuck that.

Joshua scrubbed a hand over his jaw. The bristly whiskers
scratched his skin. He needed a shave, a cold shower and he needed to jerk off
so badly it hurt. His balls ached with pent-up frustration. Maybe it was time
to push the little spitfire. She’d come alive with him, opened up emotionally
and physically. He hadn’t taken it any further than spanking. If he’d pushed
her she would’ve clammed up. After making sure she was okay, he’d tucked her in
bed and left.

A perfect gentleman. He’d given her some space to process what
had happened. And it was driving him nuts.

No more. She’d had long enough. He would turn up the heat
and give her a taste of what real dominance could be.

Had she ever been to a BDSM club? He’d take her to
Decadence. Nothing too hardcore the first time. No playing. He wanted to watch
her reactions.

The front door to the apartment clicked open and he
straightened, immediately on alert. The door slammed shut and footsteps bounded
down the hallway. Joshua grinned. Only one person walked with a bounce like
that in her step.

A teenage ball of energy burst into his study. “I’ve been
instructed to come get you for dinner. No arguments.” Sixteen-year-old Layla
Quinn flopped onto the couch and put her feet on his antique coffee table.

He frowned, glared at the youthful indiscretion, and she
removed them. Joshua almost laughed at her obedience but she would have sulked.
“Mom giving you dirty work again?”

She rolled her eyes. “I don’t mind. Kind of miss you.”

Layla went from enthusiastic American teen to somber so quickly
it closed his throat. He’d found her on the streets of Afghanistan ten years
ago. She’d been a frightened child dressed in rags, orphaned and hungry. She’d
looked at him with eyes that spoke volumes. She’d seen horrors no human should
see, let alone a kid. In that moment they’d connected and he knew he had to get
her out. Despite protocol, he’d finally succeeded in securing a visa. Layla’d
spent the last eight years living with his mom, becoming a normal American
teenager, but deep down he knew her scars would never heal.

He switched off his computer and walked over to the couch. “Miss
you too, kiddo.” He sat down and slid an arm around her.

She melted into his embrace and he choked back tears. She
was safe and happy but it killed him to know she would never forget her past.

After a few minutes she pulled away and sniffed. “So.

Joshua tugged her ponytail. “Is Mom making meatloaf?”

“Nope. Some healthy crap.” She wrinkled her nose.

He mimicked her gesture. “Gross.”

“Yeah, I was hoping we could grab pizza on the way over.”
Her face lit up and her eyes widened expectantly.

When she looked this carefree, he couldn’t resist. His
family’s happiness was the most important thing to him. “Sure thing. Let me go
grab my jacket. Why don’t you choose a movie to take over too?”

She bolted into the den while Joshua went into the bedroom
and picked up his wallet and keys. An evening with his family was exactly what
he needed. His dad had died during the first Iraq war. It was part of the
reason Joshua had joined. When he signed his first big contract, he’d bought a
huge house for his mom and Layla.

He took care of the people he loved.

Layla shouted from the hallway, “Come on, slowpoke. We’ve
got pizza to eat!”

“Coming.” He wondered what Ruby was doing. Would she enjoy
pizza and a movie with his family?

He shook his head. Dangerous thinking. He barely knew the
woman. Yet the thought wormed its way into his heart and loosened the iron band
wrapped around it.

Sexual frustration was screwing with his emotions. It was
definitely time to move things to the next level.

* * * * *

Two days later, Ruby received a package. The delivery guy
handed it to her before saying, “Be ready at eight.”

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She knew Joshua had
sent it. It was the first contact she’d had from him and nerves and excitement
made her hands shake.

The box was wrapped in lavender-colored paper and tied with
a delicate white bow. As she took it upstairs, she caught a hint of flowers.
She lifted the gift and inhaled. The wrap was scented with real lavender.

Nice touch.

Ruby tore off the packaging and moved aside the decorative
tissue. Inside sat a leather skirt and tight bustier, topped off with some sexy
stiletto heels and a lacy bra and thong. The clothes were well made, exquisite

She couldn’t believe it. Two days later and her senses still
reeled from the mind-blowing orgasm.

Her ass was still sore from his brutal spanking.

She smiled. Brutal, yes, and completely needed. She’d wanted
a Dominant who took control, who used her as much as she wanted to be used.

Joshua had done that. He’d taken what he desired and in turn
given her what she needed.

She wasn’t under any illusions. Her time with him would be
brief and intense, but the hours they’d spent together convinced her she needed
to take a leap of faith. Just this once, otherwise she’d never know what a true
Dominant could be.

Dressed and ready by 7:50, she locked the store and waited
on the sidewalk. She shifted, tried to expend some nervous energy. What did
Joshua have planned? Despite the clawing need, she wanted to go slow. She
couldn’t be thrown in at the BDSM deep end. Her emotions were too fragile. She
needed to separate the physical and the emotional. Would he understand that?

He’d called himself a hard taskmaster. The words made her
pussy throb but fantasy and reality were different. Although dreams of a
hardcore Dominant made her quiver, she wasn’t sure she could handle that level
of intensity. He’d push her limits. She hoped she could keep up and embrace what
he had to offer.

A few minutes later a black limousine pulled up outside her
store. A driver got out and tipped his cap in her direction. “Good evening,
Miss Romano.”

“Good evening.”

He opened the door and she slipped inside.

Joshua sat at the opposite end, arm resting casually on the
back of the seat. He wore dark wool slacks and a white silk shirt. No tie. The
top three buttons were open and she could see a thatch of curls on his chest.

He’d slicked back his brown hair. A hint of stubble darkened
his jaw. His green eyes shone. He looked like the big, bad wolf ready to devour
his prey.

She’d expected something different—leather maybe. Jeans. A
bondage outfit. His surprising elegance shot her libido into overdrive. She
wanted to reach into his shirt and toy with the curls.

“Good evening, Ruby.”

“Hello.” She smoothed the imaginary wrinkles from her skirt.

“Move closer to me. I don’t bite.”

Pity. Deep down, she wanted him mad for her.

She slid closer and caught a hint of his spicy, masculine
scent. Her thighs trembled as he massaged the nape of her neck.

“You look stunning. I’m glad you decided to come.”

His lazy caresses made her breasts swell. His casual,
pleasant tone defied the turbulence he aroused in her. She felt hot and cold,
aching and wet. Her skin was sensitized beyond all rationality.

“Where are we going?”

“Decadence. It’s a BDSM club.”

She stiffened. A BDSM club meant public displays. Would he
expect her to take part? Would he “scene” with her in public? A thrill ran
through her. She would be on display for everyone to judge. Ruby gulped down
trepidation. Should she tell him no already? Her submissive side might be
screaming yes but she wasn’t ready emotionally. Fear crept along her spine.

“Relax.” He tugged strands of her hair, a comforting gesture.
“We’ll be watching only.”

The tension seeped out of her and she relaxed into him. “Have
you been before?”

“Many times.” While one hand played with her hair, the other
rested on her thigh. She traced the contours of his fingers. They were long and
tapered. Graceful even. Where he was concerned, she had a hand fetish.

“Before you ask, I’ve topped submissives there.”

Ruby tensed. Jealousy surged and a red haze clouded her
thoughts. “Did you fuck them?”

She heard his amusement when he said, “Why? Does that make
you jealous?”

She stroked his knuckles, the reassuring motion calming her.
“Maybe.” She didn’t have the right to be this possessive.

He leaned down and his breath tickled her ear. “Yes, I
fucked some of them but the only woman I want to fuck tonight is you.”

Ruby moaned, “Joshua.”

“You look amazing. How does the outfit feel? Did it make you
wet, thinking about how much it would turn me on?”

Of course she’d fantasized about his reaction. She hadn’t
bargained on being this turned on herself. She tried to divert him. “How do you
feel, Mr. Quinn?”

“Like I want to drive my cock inside you. Feel your hot cunt
gripping me.”

Heat flared across her skin. She wanted him to do exactly
what he’d said, wanted his length pushing inside her, stretching her. She’d
ripple around him, draw him in and watch his eyes darken with lust.

“You keep talking like that and we are never going to make
it out of the car,” she said and meant it.

He shifted before he cupped her face and said, “It begins
now. Once we start this, it’s too late to turn back. I won’t stop.”

“I’m ready.”

“Good.” He released her. “Kneel on the floor.”

Her pulse quickened. Joshua Quinn, sexy millionaire and
overbearing personality, was about to become her Dominant. A real Dom. Not some
actor—someone with years of experience. Could she handle the reality?

She slid to the floor and rested her slick palms on her
knees. She waited patiently, expectantly, for his next command.

“Unzip my fly. Take out my cock and stroke me.”

“Here?” She glanced nervously at the blacked-out partition.
Surely the driver would hear them.

“Ruby,” he growled.

He spoke her name as an admonishment. She flushed and
whispered, “Okay.” He clasped her wrists, stilling her movements. She tried to
wriggle free but he was strong. Very strong. The power in his grasp sent
shivers through her.

His grip bit into her skin. “Address me properly.”

“Yes Sir.” The chastisement seeped into her soul. She didn’t
want to disappoint him but it had been awhile and she was rusty.

“Good girl. Continue.”

Eager to please, to perform her first task well, she flipped
open the button on his slacks and pulled down his fly. She parted the woolen
material and gasped.

His cock lay long and thick along his thigh.

She’d never really had a cock fetish but his was a thing of
beauty. The skin across his balls pulled tight as they nestled in dark, crisp
hairs. He was trimmed and tidy—something she admired.

The bulbous head strained, purple and angry. She’d barely
touched him and he looked ready to explode.

She’d never wanted to taste something so much. He’d slide
down her throat and she’d relish the salty taste of his pre-cum on her tongue.
Her clit hammered like a drumbeat.

With her confidence boosted, she traced the veins and his
cock twitched. He hissed and she glanced at him.

“See what effect you have on me?” He tangled a fist in her
hair. “Take me in your mouth.”

He guided her down but she didn’t need any encouragement.
She was eager to taste him. Needed to.

She parted her lips and licked the head, swiped the tip with
her tongue. His scent burst across her senses. Clean. Male. Exactly as she’d
predicted. Ruby inhaled, wrapped herself in his masculinity.

She swallowed. Hints of the shower gel he’d used tickled at
the back of her nose—bergamot. Man and sexy. Everything about him was an

“Ruby,” he groaned.

His husky, almost desperate tone spurred her on. She sucked
him a few inches before using the underside of her tongue to lick her way back.
It took a few tries before she swallowed him to the root.

He hit the back of her throat and she gagged but didn’t
release. She was a good submissive. She wanted to prove how good she could be
to him and to herself.

“Jesus, you’re amazing. Such a good little cocksucker.” He
cupped her chin. “A good submissive.”

She preened at his praise. Her pulse pounded in an excited
rhythm that matched her beating clit.

She began to move, bobbing her head up and down, twisting
and turning, varying her movements. As she felt him swell, she moaned and the
vibrations on his cock made him push his hips to meet her.

He filled her, overwhelmed her. She needed him to come,
needed to feel the sticky nectar sliding down her throat as evidence of a job
well done.

“Touch yourself.”

She stroked her slit. The sensitive hood of her clit
quivered at the intimate contact. She was so wet. Dripping and aroused beyond
belief. A few hard flicks and she’d come.

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