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Authors: Scarlett Sanderson

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Claiming Ruby



Ruby has a secret. Beneath her
prissy exterior lies a submissive in desperate need of a Master. After her past
disastrous attempt at BDSM, she buried her cravings deep and told herself she’d
be fine without giving in to them. Then she meets Joshua. He’s everything she’s
ever fantasized about—and everything she’s feared.

Joshua didn’t start out
wealthy—he’s an ex-marine who made his fortune after seeing his fair share of
war. His wealth and lavish lifestyle are nothing next to his driving need to
claim Ruby for his own. He’
d give up everything to collar
her for a lifetime, and he’ll have to use every sinful Dominant trick he knows
to make her let him in.


Inside Scoop:
This book
features a hero who knows what his submissive needs, whether it’s spanking, wax
play, bondage or sex in public with the assistance of two other Dominant
marines. It also includes intense scenes that could be triggering for some


A Romantica®
BDSM erotic romance
from Ellora’s Cave


Claiming Ruby
Scarlett Sanderson




To K. For everything. Body, heart, soul. Always.

To Chris I. Good friend. Honorary kinkster. Thanks for
providing me with one of the best lines in the book!




As always, massive thanks to my lovely editor, Carrie
Jackson. Your dedication and belief in me is astounding. I could not do this
without your support (and sorting out my comma splices!).


Chapter One


Ruby slipped her fingers under the leather collar around her
friend’s neck and tested the tightness. “Is that okay for you?”

Jamie tugged. “Yep, feels good.”

She patted Jamie’s shoulder before attaching a metal leash
to the ring on the front of the leather. “All set?”

Jamie nodded. They’d built a lasting friendship based on
trust, respect and the same wacky sense of humor. When she’d employed Jamie at
her bookstore, Ruby hadn’t expected them to click so quickly.

Eighteen months ago Jamie had opened up about her secret
life. She had an alter ego called Gigi L’Amour—a burlesque dancer and
submissive act.

Excitement bubbled in Ruby’s blood. Although she wasn’t the one
dancing, she got a buzz from watching Gigi perform for high-end clientele in
fancy locations, usually huge mansions like the one they were in now. It added
glamor to Ruby’s normal life.

“I’m pumped.” Jamie rolled her shoulders and cricked her
neck from side to side.

As Jamie did a few warm-up stretches, Ruby packed away some
of the makeup. The bathroom they’d been shown to on arrival was plush and
opulent, bigger than some kitchens. There were even two full-sized lounge

Jamie whistled
Let’s Get It On
while brushing some
more rouge on her cheeks.

Ruby glanced in the Hollywood-style mirror above a marble
basin and was struck by the startling difference between them. Jamie looked
amazing—dressed in a black bustle skirt, high heels, black stockings and a
black leather corset, she oozed sex appeal. A jet-black wig, smoky eye makeup
and scarlet lips completed the burlesque look.

In comparison, Ruby appeared drab. A sleek black wraparound
dress showcased her curvy figure. Her cleavage spilled out, hopefully taking
attention from her thighs. She’d pulled her titian hair into a chignon, showing
off her heart-shaped face. She scrubbed up well but nothing like Jamie, who was

“How do I look?” Jamie performed a little curtsy.

Ruby pulled her into a quick hug, careful not to dislodge
the “Gigi” look. “Gorgeous. Knock ’em dead.”

Daniel, an actor friend Jamie paid to lead her on stage,
knocked on the bathroom door before coming in and taking hold of the leash. “You
look amazing, darling. As always. Shall we go?”

“Sure,” Jamie answered. “Wish me luck, Ruby. See you later.”
With a little wave, she was gone.

Ruby grabbed her clutch, closed the door behind her and
watched her friend being led through a hallway into a large ballroom. Daniel
expertly maneuvered Jamie into the crowd and toward the center. She lost sight
of the couple as people closed in around them. She loved this moment—the point
where she could kick back and observe.

The mass cheered and Ruby slipped into the ballroom to get a
better view. The heat of a hundred guests hit her. Expensive perfume, champagne
and musk assaulted her senses.

She scanned her surroundings before looking up. The walls
were lined with mahogany paneling. A crystal chandelier hung from a vaulted ceiling.
The light alone probably cost more than her car. She snorted to herself.
Wealthy businessmen had shitloads of money to splash around. The opulence of
their homes never failed to amaze her. There was nothing wrong with having nice
things but this was extravagant. She frowned and tensed before forcing herself
to relax. She wouldn’t allow her anger issues over such frivolous decadence to
ruin the night.

“Gentlemen, ladies. Please welcome Master Daniel and his
submissive Gigi.”

The cheers and whistles died down to a murmur. Ruby snaked
through the throng and found a quiet spot to watch the show.

At the end of the ballroom facing the door stood an actual
stage. The guy who’d hired Jamie had gone all out to impress his guests. It
looked like something straight out of a movie. Dark and sleek, it was raised a
few feet off the floor with steps on either side. Black drapes hung behind it.
Spotlights shone directly onto the two performers and a single white wooden

Daniel attached Jamie’s leash to the chair. The long chain
gave her enough room to move around. He stood in front of her, stroked her face
and neck before putting pressure on her shoulders. “Sit.”

The crowd fell silent and the first flutters of excitement
beat against Ruby’s skin.

Jamie obeyed.

“Don’t move. Be a good girl and I might reward you.”

Even though Daniel hadn’t spoken to Ruby, the command
stirred something inside her. Her nipples beaded. Heat ignited in her belly and
she clenched her thighs as a slither of moisture dampened her panties.

“Yes Sir,” came Jamie’s sultry reply.

Daniel walked offstage and the music began. The seductive
strains of Portishead’s
Glory Box
filled the room. Jamie swayed. With
everyone’s attention fixed on her friend, Ruby sneaked a look at the people
surrounding her.

Women wearing designer dresses. Men in tailored suits. They
oozed wealth and arrogance. Exactly the type she’d expected to find at a party
like this.

They were all mesmerized by Jamie, and fierce admiration
burst through Ruby. Her friend was starting to carve out a career doing
something she loved.

Ruby let the beat wash over her and imagined she was on
stage instead of Jamie. She swayed her hips. Music seeped into her pores,
firing her synapses.

In her mind she ran her hands up her midsection, caressed
her breasts and gripped the leash. She would stare into the anonymous faces and
gyrate, the words of the song echoing through her as she danced for her

She was a perfect submissive. A toy to be used and
controlled for the pleasure of her Master.

Jamie bent over and spanked her ass. Once. Twice. Gentle
then hard—hard enough that the crack of flesh resonated above the music.

Ruby’s lips parted and she drew in a shaky breath. Her clit
throbbed and her ass stung as if someone had spanked her. She drew a fingertip
along the edge of her cleavage, desperate to touch her breasts and massage the
aching flesh.

These performances were the only time she indulged her
fantasies. Secret moments of longing stolen in the dark.

She glanced to the side, hoping no one could see the intense
effect Jamie’s show was having on her.

She connected with icy green eyes. They swirled with
something dark and sensual, drew her in until she almost drowned in the
intensity. Ruby stopped gawking, blinked and took in the rest of him. An
angular yet masculine face. A mass of thick tawny hair. A shadow of stubble
adorned his jaw. His sculpted lips were set in a grimace as if in pain.

Danger and dominance rolled off him and crept toward her,
reeling her in like an invisible tether. Everything she’d fantasized about
stood just a few feet away and her instincts screamed at her to go to him.

Her pulse pounded in her ears and she gasped, mortified at
being caught in a state of arousal. How embarrassing.

She looked away, forced the stranger to the back of her mind
and focused on Jamie. She was here to support a friend, not indulge her deepest

Was he still looking at her? She wouldn’t give in to the
impulse to turn around.

The song changed and Jamie kept on dancing.

Ruby’s imagination flew into overdrive. She imagined them
alone. The stranger as her Master. He’d command her to dance for him, to please
him, to express how he made her feel.

She turned and they locked stares. His gaze burned into her
soul, setting her hormones ablaze with need. She’d never had such a violent
reaction to a man she’d looked at for a few brief moments. It defied logic.

The final chorus kicked in and Jamie dropped to her knees,
hands behind her back, chin resting on her chest. A perfect pose of submission.

When the song ended, silence descended. Lengthened. Ruby’s
nostrils flared as she sucked in air. She vibrated with sexual tension. She
hadn’t been a submissive for years but she still craved it.

The crowd burst into applause. Whistles and catcalls of “encore”

Warmth spread through her. She added to the applause, glad
Jamie had proved popular.

Now that the act was over, Ruby ducked out of the ballroom
and back into the bathroom. She glanced at her reflection. Her pupils were
dilated, her lips pink and plump from constant licking. Her nipples poked
through the thin material of her dress. She covered her breasts, hoping the
heat would soften them, but the contact made her hiss. She was so turned-on.

Daniel bustled into the room with Jamie. “Honey, you rocked.”
He unclipped the leash and removed her collar.

“Really? They seemed to like it.”

It amazed Ruby how unsure Jamie was. Men and women drooled
over Gigi. Even without the burlesque outfits, Jamie went on a lot of dates. If
Ruby got that kind of attention her confidence would be through the roof. She’d
have the courage to explore submission instead of stuffing it into a locked box
in a dark corner of her psyche.

“You had them mesmerized. I thought one guy was gonna come
in his pants,” Daniel said.

Ruby remembered the stranger’s face. His burning expression
tightened her stomach. To cover her arousal, she started packing some of Jamie’s
props in a tote bag and said, “You were amazing, sweetie. Always are.”

Jamie dropped a kiss on her forehead. “And you are always my
biggest supporter.” She stripped out of her burlesque outfit and threw on a
sweater and a pair of jeans. “Me and Daniel are going to grab some food, wanna

“No thanks. Just going to head home and read.” Most likely
watch some porn and play with her plastic friend.

“Okay.” Jamie gave her a quick hug as Daniel gathered up the
tote bag. “You walking out?”

Ruby shook her head. “Right behind you though.” She needed a
few minutes of peace and quiet to gather herself together. The submissive act
and the stranger’s eyes had really affected her.

“See you tomorrow.”

“Bye.” When the door clicked shut, Ruby ran a shaky hand
through her hair.

God, what a night. Jamie’s act didn’t usually affect her
that much. Maybe her period was due? She did the math. Nope, not that.

She missed being a submissive. As a businesswoman, she
exuded confidence and control, yet deep down she longed to serve. Tears
prickled as she remembered her last, and only, Dom-sub relationship. It hadn’t
ended well and she’d come out of it with her self-esteem in shreds.

She put her head between her legs. She wouldn’t cry, wouldn’t
waste the tears on her asshole ex.

The door opened and she caught a glimpse of male leather

“You forget something?” she asked, a hint of amusement in
her tone. Daniel always forgot things. His ditzy personality was a running joke
between her and Jamie.

The gentle chastisement caught in her throat as she focused
on the manly specimen leaning casually against the doorframe.

It was him—the stranger.

The physique matched his intensely masculine face. Long and
lean, he filled out a crisp white dress shirt and black pants to perfection. He
held on to a dinner jacket he’d slung over his shoulder and he’d rolled up the
sleeves to his elbows. She could make out taut muscles, veins and a sprinkling
of dark hair on his forearms.

The tantalizing glimpse of skin sent her libido into
overdrive. Lust slammed into her, responding to his presence in seconds.

As he stared at her, his lips twitched into a predatory smile.
Her breasts swelled and her pussy lips slicked.

Jesus. When had she ever been so turned-on from a look?

Never. Not once.

He didn’t speak, just watched her. She squirmed under his
gaze, becoming hotter by the second. Her chest tightened as though all the air
had been sucked from the room. What was it about him that made her weak-kneed?

She wondered why he was here. Guests weren’t allowed
anywhere near the dressing room. It was one of the stipulations Jamie always
made. She didn’t want to have to deal with some horny drunken idiot who thought
he could put his hands on her just because she’d performed a sexy dance.

Fear crept in and drowned some of her arousal.

“Can I help you?” Her steely tone dripped ice. If he’d come
to see Jamie he was shit out of luck.

“I enjoyed the show. Different from the burlesque I’ve seen

His accent slid over her like velvet. She couldn’t place
it—a strange mix of American, British and Irish.

“I’ll pass on your compliments.

What else could she say? It was uncomfortable being in the
same room as a man who’d caught her practically panting at the performance. He
probably thought she was some kind of easy slut.

He pushed away from the frame, entered the room and draped
his jacket over the back of a chair before sitting opposite her. “Did you enjoy
the show, Miss…?”


“Miss Romano.” Her surname rolled off his tongue in a way
that should be illegal. The deep reverberations resonated on her clit. “And
your first name?”

She stiffened. The more questions he asked, the more
suspicious she became. Was he some kind of stalker? “That’s none of your

“I can get it from the guest list.”

Of course he could. It seemed petty and childish not to tell
him. What harm could he do with a name? “Ruby.”

“How long have you been a submissive, Ruby?”

The word “submissive” sounded obscene, as if he’d just
whispered a filthy sentence in her ear. It turned her to jelly.

“I’m not a submissive. Whatever gave you that impression,
Mr…?” She threw his earlier question back at him, trying to deter any more
digging. It was none of his business what or who she was. He didn’t need to
know anything about her. After tonight she wouldn’t see him again.

“Quinn. Joshua Quinn.”

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