ClaimingRuby (11 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Sanderson

BOOK: ClaimingRuby
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Safety. Comfort. Home.

She began to strip, ridding herself of the reminders. She’d
burn them later.

She padded into the bathroom. Steam and lavender scented the
air. The marble sunken bath dominated the space. Chrome was the name of the
game. His bathroom matched his personality. Functional and luxurious with no

He sat on the side of the tub, sleeves rolled to his elbows.
He tested the temperature before switching off the faucet.

“Thank you.” She didn’t know why she said that. It seemed
right. He’d rescued her, taken care of her and was running her a bath. Above
and beyond the call of duty. He could have just taken her home. He didn’t have
to deal with the fallout or the emotional breakdown. It wasn’t part of their
deal, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave.

He stood. “Get in.”

No pleasantries. All business. Would he ever speak to her in
a civil tone again?

She yearned to break through the stoic exterior he was
projecting. “Joshua, please.” His coldness sparked anger. She focused on that
rather than the trembling sensation in her hands.

“Please, Ruby, just get in the damn tub.”

She heard the plea behind his strained words and moved
around him before sitting on the edge and swinging her legs into the water.

As she sank, the warmth seeped into her joints. Knots of
tension unfurled and she groaned. It felt good.

His hand on the back of her neck startled her. “Easy. Lean

She did and he rubbed a soft cloth across her shoulders then
lower down her spine.

“That okay?” Was his clipped tone hiding arousal or some
deeper emotion?

“Feels good.”

He swiped the cloth back and forth. It lulled her frantic
emotions and she moved into a trance, letting the water wash away the memories.

“Do you have any idea how it felt seeing you like that?” His
words were thick with tenderness.

“It wasn’t my fault.” What else could she say? She needed
more from him. Needed him to open up.

“Of course it wasn’t your fault. Just seeing you trapped,
vulnerable and scared like that…” His voice cracked. “I wanted to kill them.”

She twisted to look at him. His shoulders hunched and pain
furrowed his brow. He looked defeated. She touched his forearm. “I know. I
wanted you to.”

“Fucking Christ.” He stood and paced before scraping the
hair back from his face. “They were going to rape you.” The last two words
echoed around the room.

She flinched. Tears splashed down her cheeks as all the
emotions she’d been trying to keep at bay came rushing forward. “I know.”

They’d used submission to treat her like a whore. Without
knowing anything about her, they’d played on all her deepest fears about dominance
and abuse. They’d taken away her choice. She knew it wasn’t real dominance but
it shattered her. She’d concentrated on Joshua and his reaction to stop herself
from truly analyzing the danger she’d been in.

“Arggh.” He punched the wall and knocked lotions and
toiletries from the vanity.

She pulled her knees up and watched him release the violence
he’d leashed. Despite his actions she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. He needed to
vent his frustration and she let him. Ruby would vent hers later when she’d
processed everything.

When he stopped, his chest heaved. He dropped to his knees
and crawled over to the tub. As he stroked her cheek he said, “If they’d have
hurt you, it would have finished me. Don’t you know how much I care about you?”

She couldn’t take any more. He didn’t have to lie to make
her feel better. That would break her far more than anything Jason could have
done. She’d live through physical assault but Joshua’s lies would kill her.

She pressed a finger to his lips. “You don’t have to say
that just because of what happened.” Despite her confident tone, her heart

“Christ, Ruby. You’re a stubborn woman. You drew me in,
turned my world upside down and expect me not to care? How dead do you think I

“I don’t. It’s just…you date models, actresses. Why would
you care for me?”

“Because you’re amazing. You drive me crazy and I can’t stop
thinking about you. You are the only woman, the only submissive, I want. Mine
to protect and care for. Nurture. I want your submission and everything that
comes with that.” His eyes blazed with conviction.

What could she say in the face of such overwhelming
certainty? She sobbed. Tears of joy? Maybe. She was turning into a fucking
whiny crybaby.

“That’s not the reaction I’d hoped for but I understand it’s
been a tough night.”

His wry humor drew a laugh. “There is no one else, Joshua.
You have me. All of me.”

He kissed her. Not a kiss of passion and eroticism but one
of longing and sweet tenderness. He nibbled at her lips. There was no urgency.
His tongue brushed alongside hers in a slow, leisurely caress. He kissed her as
if they had all the time in the world. A lifetime. Forever. This was a side she’d
not seen before. Facets of his personality were unraveling. The more she saw,
the deeper she fell. The darkness inside her eased.

When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers. “Let’s
get you out of here and into bed.” He bundled her into a thick Egyptian cotton
towel and kissed her temple. “Just sleep tonight, my sweet Ruby.”

Finally she felt safe.

Chapter Nine


Joshua stretched, shifted and drew her
closer. His bed was enormous and luxurious. She wanted to sink into the
feathers and drift off.

He squeezed her shoulder. “Let’s go to the

She rubbed her front along his side,
reveling in the warmth of his naked skin. It had been days since the incident
with Jason King and they’d yet to have sex. The lack of intimate contact played
on her anxieties. She knew Joshua, being a gentleman, was waiting for a signal
from her but she didn’t know how to communicate her desire to be physical.

She prayed the whole thing hadn’t damaged
their relationship.

Ruby pouted. “Do we have to?”

“Come on, it’ll be fun.” He smoothed her
hair and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

“I don’t have anything to wear.” Perfect
excuse. Now they could stay in bed and maybe she’d be able to persuade him to
fuck her.

Joshua lunged out of bed and rummaged in a
drawer. He pulled out a few pieces of material and waved them in her direction.
“It’s your size.”

She sat on her knees, fisted her hands at
her hips and frowned at the navy bikini. “And what do you want me to do with

No way in heaven or hell would she be seen
dead in a bikini. All her lumps and bumps on show on a public beach—hell no.

“Come on.” He thrust the two-piece at her
and bounced around like an excited kid. He pulled clothes out of drawers and
the closet—shorts, t-shirts, flip-flops.

She couldn’t help smiling at his
exuberance. She’d never seen this side of him, the carefree man who wanted
nothing more than a day in the sun. It made him look younger. The lines on his
brow eased as if a burden had been lifted. She wanted to see more of this man.

He wiggled the bikini at her. “Please. For

He looked like a puppy dog, eyes soft and
pleading. Her heartbeat stuttered, flip-flopped and continued. She really did
love him.

“How can I resist when you beg?”

As she reached for the bikini he caught her
wrist and dragged her against him.

The crisp hairs on his chest tickled her
skin. The close contact sent a sudden rush of sensation through her. She
yearned to have him inside her. A dark look passed over his face and the little
boy was gone. His aura changed, became serious and dangerous. Sexual tension
vibrated from him and heat flared in her.

Maybe now he’d give her what she’d been

He leaned forward. Ruby wet her lips,
swallowed her hammering pulse. He stopped and drew back. Every cell in her
screamed in disappointment. She was primed, wet and left wanting. Damn him.
Usually she’d grab him and take what she wanted or at least be vocal about her
needs. But she was uncertain. Although her body was obviously ready for sex,
her mind might not be. What if she had a flashback to that night? What if she
was more emotionally scarred than she knew?

“There is someone I want you to meet.”
Joshua let go and she moved back, glad to be away from his overwhelming

She sighed and closed her eyes as she
silently counted to ten. It calmed her raging hormones and doubts. “Okay. Who?”

“Tell you later.”

Sometimes she got tired of his cryptic
bullshit. She gathered the flimsy bikini and padded into the bathroom. “I don’t
feel comfy wearing this in public.”

“Won’t be in public,” he shouted through
the closed door.

“It’s a beach, it’s public.”

“It’s my own private beach. I own it.”

She rolled her eyes. Of course he did.

* * * * *

The sun beat down on her. Vitamin D
penetrated her cells. She turned her face and let the rejuvenating rays
revitalize her. Ruby loved the beach. She burned quickly so time in the sun
involved copious amounts of sunscreen, a huge brimmed hat and sunglasses. She
had hoped Joshua would offer to slather on the cream but he hadn’t. She wanted
to ask for his help but was unsure of putting her needs into words. Although
she craved physical contact, what if she freaked out?

It felt good to be outside. The fresh air
and gentle whoosh of the waves were perfect medicine for the turbulence of the
last few days. She’d taken time off work—a first for
her. She’d also talked to Jamie. During the conversation, Ruby relived every
terrifying moment. Although it helped, proving to be cathartic, it was one of
the most emotional experiences of her life.

She’d spoken to the police, which had been
harrowing. Essentially, as it was Jason’s word against hers, and with his
family connections, she was afraid to pursue it, despite Joshua promising his
support and legal team. She didn’t want her life dragged into the public eye.
They would find out about her submission and paint her as some kind of whore.
Her family would be hounded and her store would probably lose business. Just
thinking about the consequences made her feel sick.

Yet she remembered Jason’s hands on her.
The feeling was burned into her skin and she shuddered. No. She wouldn’t think
about that now. Too traumatic. It was done. Joshua had protected her and it was
time to put it behind her. There were women who’d survived much worse.

She slid a glance over at Joshua sprawled
out on the other lounger. The day after Ruby spoke to the police, a tabloid rumor
circulated about Jason King and his friends. A rumor about numerous women and
non-consent. Although Jason’s lawyers denied the allegations, the tabloids
latched on to the story. His impeccable reputation began to tarnish and Ruby
couldn’t suppress the sense of satisfaction she’d gotten when she’d read some
of the headlines.

She was ready to heal now. She’d focus on
her store and Joshua. He was such a pretty distraction. He lay on his back,
arms behind his head. His skin glistened with sunscreen that hadn’t quite sunk
in. Her stomach tightened. She imagined straddling him and licking her way
around his nipple before sucking on it. Would he like that?

“Hey, what’s going on here?” a masculine
rumble came from the other side of the white sand.

Ruby gulped as the hulking shapes of Alex
and Bastien drew closer. Both were dressed in board shorts and muscle shirts.
Bastien lugged a cooler while Alex had a surfboard tucked under his arm. A
teenage girl in denim cutoffs and a halter top walked between them.

Ruby shrank into the lounger and pulled her
hat down over her face. Embarrassment flashed through her veins.

“Something wrong, Ruby?”

She glared at an amused Joshua and spoke
softly, hoping no one could hear. “The last time I saw them I had your cock in
my mouth.”

He chuckled. “I remember. No need to be
embarrassed. They are both discreet.” He swung his legs over the lounger. As he
stood he offered her a hand. “You can’t hide. There’s someone I’d like you to

She got up, making sure her breasts didn’t
fall out of the flimsy cups. She wondered who the girl was. She had dark hair
and skin. A sister? There wasn’t any real resemblance.

The girl walked over to Joshua, grinned and
threw her arms around his neck, dragging him into a bear hug.

He laughed, lifted her off her feet and
hugged her back. “Okay. Okay. Enough. I think you cracked a few ribs.” He set
the giggling girl down and she turned to face Ruby.

“Is this your girlfriend?” Whoever she was,
she was direct.

Ruby didn’t know how to respond. Could she
claim to be his girlfriend? She doubted the girl would understand the term “current
submissive”. Then again, maybe she would.

Joshua saved her from having to answer. “Layla,
this is Ruby Romano. And yes, she’s my girlfriend.”

Her knees weakened. Well at least she knew

She held out a hand to Layla and
immediately regretted it. Did kids shake hands? “Nice to meet you, Layla.”

The girl was a beauty—lean yet curvy, with a mass of dark flowing hair. Her golden-brown
eyes held a hint of mischief. Layla threw herself at Ruby and hugged her.

Startled, Ruby hung on to stop herself from
being bowled over. The girl could hug.

“I’m so glad J finally let me meet one of
his girlfriends. I thought he might be gay.”

Ruby fought through the tangle of curls and
watched as Joshua winked. “Oh, he’s not gay.” She patted Layla’s back and
extracted herself.

Layla beamed. “Good. I’m his sister, by the

They didn’t look alike but from the age of
the girl and the affection between them, she’d guessed Layla was a relative.

Alex rumpled Layla’s hair. “Are we missing
out on the hug fest?”

Layla blushed. Her cheeks turned a bright
shade of pink. She ducked to avoid detection but Ruby saw. Layla had a crush on
Alex. She could understand why—Joshua’s friends were fine specimens of manhood.

The guys exchanged handshakes and bear hugs
with Joshua before turning their attention to her.

Her pulse quickened. Testosterone filled
the air. Being surrounded by three sexy Dominants was surely bad for her
health. And her libido.

Bastien approached her first. “Hi, Ruby.”

She shifted her weight, squirmed under his
gaze. Was he imagining her on her knees, servicing Joshua? “Hi.”

As if sensing her awkwardness, Bastien
gently encased her. Surprisingly, the hug was comforting. Reassuring. She softened
into it and inhaled his woodsy scent.

Bad idea. It washed over her senses and
sparked a fire in her loins. Bastien was taller and more muscular than Joshua.
His size made her feel safe. She wanted to climb him and have his hands on her
butt as he held her weight while she kissed him. The strong reaction surprised
her. Maybe she was healing quicker than she’d thought.

She patted his back and drew away, trying
to cover her horny reaction.

Bastien’s smile spoke volumes. He knew
exactly how she felt. Dammit. She flashed a look at Joshua. He knew too.

Alex shoved Bastien out of the way. “My
turn.” He didn’t give her a hug. Instead he took her hand, lifted it to his
lips and placed a tender kiss in the center. “Hi, Ruby.” His tongue snaked out
and licked the creases. The barest contact yet her pussy burned.

Layla coughed and broke the spell.

She snatched her hand back. Jesus Christ.
She shouldn’t be feeling this turned-on after what had happened but she couldn’t
help herself. It was as if her body knew these men were different—they would protect her, not hurt her.

Joshua slapped Bastien on the shoulder. “Why
did you bring the cooler? We have everything stocked in the hut.”

The “hut” was more like a small home,
complete with upstairs bedrooms and opulent bathrooms. She’d already checked.

Bastien scratched his stomach. “Sometimes I
just want to bring my own shit.”

“Okay,” Joshua said as he shrugged.

Layla sprawled on a sun lounger and Ruby watched the
interaction between the three men. They had an easy relationship. She could see
it in their relaxed movements and their glowing smiles. These men were genuine
people, with genuine love for one another. They would never admit that to
themselves—guys rarely talked about feelings—but it was obvious.

She’d picked up bits and pieces from Joshua, and his friends
weren’t rich yet he continued to class them as his best friends. True loyalty
and friendship. True Dominants. She’d read about them in books and hadn’t
believed they existed. They treated her and Layla with respect and kindness—the
complete opposite to Jason and his asshole group.

Alex and Bastien were amazing eye candy but Joshua commanded
her attention. Watching their interactions eased some of the pain inside her
and restored some of her faith in men.

Bastien rummaged in the cooler and pulled out a Frisbee. “Up
for a game, losers?”

The men trotted just far enough away so the women wouldn’t
get hit, throwing insults at each other. Ruby looked at Layla before lying back
down. She wasn’t sure what to say to a teenager, especially one like Layla, who
came from a rich family.

An awkward silence descended and Ruby decided to go for
topics she knew. “So, Layla, do you read?” she asked. Everyone liked books of
some kind.

“Sure.” Layla launched into a speech about her favorite
authors, whom she hated and why.

“I own a bookstore.” Ruby rubbed more lotion into her skin
and offered the bottle to Layla.

“No shit?” She refused the bottle. “I’m good, thanks.”

Ruby nodded. They discussed the business side of things.
Layla was bright, intelligent and funny. Ruby had been under the impression
privileged teenage girls were rude and fame centered. A narrow-minded view, but
something perpetuated by the contact she’d had with teenage girls in her store.
Most girls who came in were polite and normal but the rich, pampered ones acted
like the world owed them something. Layla was nothing like that and Ruby chided
herself for thinking the worst of the poor kid.

As the conversation hit a lull, Ruby glanced at the men.
Joshua caught the Frisbee with ease. Alex aimed high but Joshua still managed
to grab it from the air. The muscles in his torso rippled. Her palms itched to
slide down the sweaty abs and cup his crotch, feel him swell in her hand.

She crossed her legs.

It was Joshua’s turn to throw. “Okay, Bastien. Name any part
of your body and I bet you ten bucks I’ll hit it.”

Bastien frowned. A second later he slashed his hands at his
crotch. “Frisbee my cock.”

Layla covered her ears and muttered “ewww” while Ruby burst
into laughter. She caught Joshua’s attention. He fixed her with a killer smile
that stole her breath and robbed her of all rational thought. He was beautiful
with the ocean behind him. She’d never seen him so relaxed, yet his smile was
full of fire and promise. His chest heaved from exertion. She felt connected to
him. Drawn to him. Her heart fluttered.

“Hey, Joshua, we playing or not?”

Joshua threw the Frisbee and it blasted toward Bastien’s
groin. He managed to step back seconds before impact and the plastic only
grazed him.

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