ClaimingRuby (2 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Sanderson

BOOK: ClaimingRuby
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The name suited him. Sexy and direct. A strong, masculine
name for a manly man.

“I’m not a submissive. Not now, never have been.”

Well, he didn’t need to know the truth. He was a stranger, a
stranger who could get ideas and think because she admitted to her desire she
was available.

“Please, call me Joshua.” He stroked his jaw. “And I think
that’s a lie.”

She lifted her chin. Did this stranger just call her a liar?
Arrogant asshole. “Why do you think that?”

“Because I saw the way your nipples hardened while your
friend danced. Your lips parted and your eyes glazed over. Was your pussy wet

“I beg your pardon?” She practically choked out the

Shock, indignation and pure excitement slammed into her. No
one had ever spoken so crudely to her so quickly, not even her previous
Dominant. Heat spread, her pulse beat in her throat. He hadn’t moved, he just
sat there looking at her with a slight curve on his lips. She didn’t know
whether to slap him or crawl into his lap and grind her mound on his groin.

“Apologies if I offended you.”

“I think you should leave.” If he didn’t she would. She
couldn’t risk embarrassing herself again tonight. If she stayed and he
continued talking, she might jump him.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m just curious.”

Ruby gathered her purse and stood. “I’m leaving. Nice to
meet you, Joshua.”

She rushed past him and bolted for the door.

“Stop.” He spoke the word with such authority. She obeyed
and placed her hand on the wall to steady herself. No one had given her a
command in so long, yet she responded automatically to his tone.

He moved behind her. He didn’t touch her. His scent
permeated her senses. His heat raised goose bumps on her skin.

She should walk away, leave the stranger and his searching
questions. She couldn’t. It was if some invisible pull made her react to his
words. Her blood sizzled. Despite the edge of fear, she’d never been so

“Don’t leave. I’ve scared you. It wasn’t my intention.” He
nuzzled her neck and inhaled as if memorizing her scent.

The erotic gesture fired her hormones. She curled her fist
around the doorframe, holding herself upright. Her muscles trembled with
desire. He’d cast a sensual spell on her and she couldn’t break free of its

“I’m usually good at this. Getting to know someone. Wooing.
Seduction. You affect me, make me clumsy like a virginal schoolboy. I have to
know. Are you a submissive?”

She managed to whisper one word. “Yes.”

“Have dinner with me.”

Dinner? That was the last thing she’d expected. “I can’t.”

“Why not?” He stroked the skin of her hand. A light caress,
barely there, yet she teetered on the edge of orgasm.

“I don’t date men I’ve just met.”

“Stupid rule.”

She hadn’t thought so until now. But she wouldn’t change her
rules. She didn’t know anything about Joshua. He could be a psycho or an
abusive Dom who preyed on vulnerable submissives. No sane man would corner a
strange woman.

Gathering all the strength in her soul, she shoved aside her
desire and steeled her spine before stepping into the hall. “Goodbye, Joshua

She refused to turn back as she marched out. One look at his
handsome face and she’d do something foolish. She needed to put the strange,
arousing, erotic encounter behind her.

Deep down she knew her dreams would be haunted by a green-eyed
stranger bringing her to orgasm.


Joshua watched Ruby hurry toward the exit. He raked a shaky
hand through his hair and let out a whoosh of air. His cock hammered, begged
for release.

“Jesus. Fuck.” He pounded a fist against the wall.

He’d acted like an inexperienced jerk instead of an
experienced Dominant. The moment he’d spotted Ruby, Joshua had been captivated.
Then she’d looked into his eyes and his cock had stiffened. He’d watched her
reactions—her wet lips parting with desire and her tits swelling. The pure joy
and desire as she watched the burlesque performance.

Just thinking about it made his cock jerk.

There had been no doubt in his mind—she was definitely a

So he’d come here and acted like a creepy idiot, practically
forced information from her and made her run for the hills. He’d gone against every
BDSM code. Poor woman probably had him labeled a stalker.

But she’d been attracted to him. He could tell from the
ragged breath and dilated pupils. Beneath the fear lay a heavy dose of
attraction. When he’d told her to stop, her arousal had ratcheted to a boiling
point. He’d had years of experience reading submissive reactions.

Oh yes, the little kitten was definitely attracted to him.

He smiled. He could work with that.

Joshua dug into his pocket and pulled out his iPhone before
hitting a contact on his Favorites menu. “Laurence, bring the car around. I’ll
be out in five.” He clicked End, shoved the phone back in his pocket and
grabbed his jacket.

As he left the bathroom, Joshua nodded to a few associates
who were leaving. He stalked through the stragglers searching for the host.

Ruby’s scent lingered. He could taste it at the back of his
throat. He needed to get his libido under control because he had a lot of work
to do if he was going to find her.

He spotted the guy who’d organized tonight and made a
beeline for him. Thomas Patterson was a business associate and just the guy to
give him the information he required. Joshua plastered on a smile. All he
needed was the dancer’s details.

Then he could find Ruby and seduce her to her knees.

Chapter Two


Ruby ticked off the final shipment on her inventory list and
scratched her temple with a pencil. “Did those Joey W. Hill books come in?”

Jamie nodded and pointed to a feature display. “Came in.
Crossed off and ready for action.”

She smiled. She could always count on Jamie. As she walked
over to the promotion stand, Ruby glanced around her store. Everything in
order. Pride filled her. It had taken years of hard slogging at jobs she hated
to save up enough money for a business loan deposit. She’d gone to evening
classes at the local business school to make sure her plan was solid and

The mahogany shelving gleamed and the scent of freshly baked
cookies on the counter added a homey air to the vintage elegance. Above the
store was her apartment. She adored this place. It was her home.

“So did you get home okay after we left?” Jamie’s
interruption triggered images of Joshua Quinn in Ruby’s mind.

A tingling sensation slammed into her belly and spread out.
She’d spent most of the night fantasizing about him. “Hmmm.”

Jamie laughed. “
Come on. You gotta gimme more
than that.”

“Okay, I got hit on by a creepy guy.”

“Yewww. Creepy horrible? Or creepy cute?”

“Jamie.” Ruby’s lips twitched. Some people didn’t appreciate
Jamie’s wacky sense of humor but it always made her laugh.


“He was gorgeous.” She toyed with a pile of books,
straightening them. Hopefully the physical distraction would help her ignore
the raging desire.

“Be still my heart. Did you get a name?”

“Joshua Quinn.” Such a lovely name.

Jamie squeaked. “Are you shitting me?”

“What do you mean?” Ruby turned and frowned. Was she missing

“You got hit on by Iron Man?”

“Iron Man?” What the hell was she talking about?

“Yeah, Iron Man. Without the metal suit.”

Confused and curious, Ruby scratched her temple. The man she’d
encountered definitely had some steel in his personality, but Iron Man? What
kind of nickname was that?

Jamie motioned her over to the computer before typing
something. “Jesus Christ, I can’t believe you don’t know.” She scrolled through
numerous links before saying, “Bingo.” She moved the screen slightly, giving
Ruby a better view.

Dressed in a sharp navy suit, Joshua beamed from a
professional photo, his arm snugly pressed around a gorgeous blonde who wore an
equally beaming smile. They made a striking couple.

She read the caption underneath.
Joshua Quinn and model
Miranda Rose attend the premiere of the latest Michael Bay blockbuster.

“Hmmp.” Jealousy left a sour taste at the back of her
throat. A playboy. Her initial impressions had been bang on. No one could be
that handsome and confident and still be a genuine guy.

Why the fuck had he come on to her? He’d seen how horny the
dance had made her. Maybe he believed she’d be easy pickings?

Crashed and burned, buster.

“That’s not the only picture.” Jamie scrolled through pages
of images, most of them at parties or exclusive social events. Nearly all of
them showed Joshua sporting a gorgeous Amazonian accessory.

“So how does Mr. Quinn earn his money?” She’d bet he had a
trust the size of Texas—a rich player splashing his family’s money around town.

“Rumor has it Quinn started out in the military. Black-ops
shit. Served in Iraq, Afghanistan. When he got out he created some hush-hush
technology for the Department of Defense and made it big. Now he’s their
largest contractor.”

Everything clicked into place. “Hence the Iron Man nickname.”
Just like Tony Stark from the
Iron Man


Ruby blew out an exaggerated breath. Thank god she’d turned
him down. He was everything she despised. “Looks like I had a lucky escape.”

So why did her pulse hammer when she looked at his picture?
He’d wanted a quick fuck, gotten a little horny and hit on her. After she left
he’d probably moved on to another woman.

“Yeah, you definitely had a lucky escape. The tabloids
report he’s into some pretty kinky shit.”

Are you a submissive?

Her vocal cords didn’t want to work and she swallowed a few
times before answering. “Really?”

She walked away from the computer and fumbled with the cash
register. What did the tabloids mean by kinky? To them a spanking was hardcore.
Numerous scenes flashed into her head in quick succession. Joshua dressed in
leather, flogger in hand. Joshua securing her bonds before suspending her from
the ceiling. Joshua looming above her as he pushed his hard cock inside her.

Jamie bustled around, thankfully oblivious to Ruby’s
arousal. “Yeah, like seriously kinky. There was talk of sex parties where one
woman got pleasured by a group of guys. They say he likes to tie women up and
watch as other men fuck them.”

A small whimper escaped her throat. She coughed, cleared her
throat and hoped Jamie hadn’t picked up on her arousal. “Is that what they say?”

Joshua was a hardcore Dominant. Everything she ached for.
Everything she was afraid to embrace. She’d done the right thing last night;
she couldn’t handle his level of intensity.

The bell above the door jingled and she blinked. Finally a
customer to distract her from the pulsing sensation between her thighs.

She pasted on a smile and looked at her distraction. “Good
morning. Can I help…”

The words died on her lips as a delivery man with the
biggest bunch of roses she’d ever seen hustled through the door.

“Delivery for Miss Ruby Romano.”

She picked her jaw off the floor and managed to choke out, “That’s

Blooms of lemon and white roses obscured her view. A muffled
voice asked, “Where do you want me to put them?”

Jamie swooped into action. “Over here. I’ll clear a spot.”
She moved aside piles of books and helped the guy set the flowers down.

Ruby felt numb. Shocked. The delicate fragrance assaulted
her senses. They were beautiful—the colors blushed, blending together
perfectly. She adored roses.

“Please sign here.” The man handed her a digital notepad and
pen. She scribbled her name and gave it back. Her gaze drifted over the
bouquet. “Here’s a letter from the sender. Have a nice day, ma’am.”

The cream envelope was heavy, a sign of good quality paper.
A nervous feeling fluttered in her stomach. Were the flowers from Joshua? It
seemed strange that he’d come on to her less than twenty-four hours ago and now
an elaborate bouquet appeared on her doorstep. Did he want to apologize for
being a dick?

She dismissed the girlish thought. She was leaping to
conclusions. Guys like him didn’t make apologies for their behavior.

“For god’s sake, open it.” Jamie’s high-pitched squeal
spurred her into action.

She ripped it and pulled out an expensive piece of paper.
Her pulse hammered as she unfolded the vellum. A masculine script adorned the
page with one simple sentence and a telephone number.

I want to see you. J.

No pretentious words. No apology, just a simple desire. Her
mind raged at his audacity. Her limbs become weak and pliant. Intense need
swept through her and almost buckled her knees.

“What does it say? Gawd! Don’t leave me in suspense. You are
killing me!” Jamie practically hopped up and down.

“‘I want to see you. J.’ Nothing else.”

“Oh my gawd. Oh my gawd. You got flowers from the Iron Man!”
She bounced over and hugged Ruby. “Fucking awesome.”

She couldn’t help but smile at Jamie’s enthusiasm. An
internal debate raged inside her. Only a few minutes ago she’d been ready to
dismiss him from her life. If all he wanted was a quick fuck, would he send
flowers? What kind of game was he playing? Should she make plans to see him?

No. He was everything she hated. Rich. Arrogant. She bet
underneath the façade he wasn’t even a real Dominant, just an abusive asshole
who got off on the pretense.

Pain reared its ugly head and threatened to consume her.She
slammed shut the memories that leaked into her head. She would never again
submit to a rich, arrogant asshole who broke her confidence. She refused to put
herself through it twice.

Ruby tore the letter in two and tossed it in the trash.

She sighed and said, “There. Decision made.” When Jamie
started to protest, Ruby cut her off with a slice of her hand. “I don’t want to
hear any more about Joshua Quinn. One more word and you’re fired.”

“Yes, boss.” She sloped off into the storeroom, mumbling to

With Jamie out of sight, Ruby allowed herself to look at the
flowers. Her mood thawed a degree. He might be an asshole but he was an asshole
with impeccable taste.

* * * * *

Two hours later, after a steady stream of customers, Ruby
sank onto a stool and sighed. She kicked off her shoes and massaged her arches.

Brisk business was good for the store. It meant she’d made a
success of something she’d worked damn hard for. The store was one of the most
important things in her life because it was hers.

She mentally patted herself on the back. She loved her
family but they had been against the idea from the outset. They worked blue
collar jobs and believed Ruby was crazy for wanting something more. She’d
proved them wrong—owning a business wasn’t only for rich people.

The bell chimed.

“Shit.” She pushed her feet into her pumps and went out to
the counter. Jamie had left for lunch.

The delivery guy stood in the entrance, holding another
gigantic bouquet. He popped his head around the bloom and smirked. “Another

Overwhelmed, she didn’t know what to say. “Put it on the
counter.” Goddamn Joshua. How did he know she had no intention of calling? “Where
do I sign?”

“Urmm, let me go get the other one.”

“Other one?” Ruby gulped.

“Yeah, there are two arrangements. Looks like he’s smitten.”

Smitten? More like stupid. Was the gesture meant to impress
her? It would take more than a few flowers.

This time he’d chosen three-dozen blood-red roses. She
repeated the signing process and got handed another letter.

I need to see you. J.

“Need” this time, not “want”. Butterflies danced in her
stomach. She dared not admit she’d thawed since the earlier delivery. She
couldn’t engage with him. Even if she met up with him, it would never work.
They had nothing in common. The gap between their social statuses was huge. He
dated models and she was nowhere near model material. Right now she was a
novelty, probably the only person to say no to him. What would happen when the
novelty wore off and he moved on? She couldn’t allow herself to be that

She’d be sobbing into a bucket of Häagen–Dazs.She
needed to stay strong.

The note followed the first into the trash.

“What’s going on? More flowers? Oh my god! Did you call him?”
Jamie rushed in, cheeks flushed from the cold.

“No. And I’m not going to. If he thinks he can win me over
with flowers, he’s wrong.”

* * * * *

From his top-floor office, Joshua looked out over the
Hudson. He drummed his fingers on his knees. The rhythmic movement settled his

Why hadn’t she called? Usually women couldn’t wait to coo in
his ear, whisper words of gratitude and encouragement. Why was she different?

Ruby. A little spitfire.

His cock hardened as he remembered her lush ass and tits.
Memories of her were driving him crazy. He wanted to taste her, bind her legs
and spread open the folds of her pussy before giving her a long lick.

“Fuck.” His balls tightened. He could almost taste her sweet

How the fuck had she gotten under his skin? He’d spent last
night doing research. One thing he’d learned from business was to know your

Ruby Romano. Twenty-nine. Independent bookstore owner.
Unmarried. No kids. Modest bank account and credit-card statements. She didn’t
overspend, wasn’t frivolous. No significant other. Lived for a few years with
an investment banker but it didn’t work out. The burlesque dancer was her
assistant and friend Jamie Hart.

The information wasn’t enough. He needed to know more.

“If you stare out there any longer, I’m gonna think you’re
contemplating jumping.”

He swiveled around on his chair and glared at the
interruption. “Alex. How did you get in here?”

Alexander St. Clare, former US army, current operative for
the CIA and one of his closest friends, sauntered across the room.

“I have ways. You’re slipping, old man.” The blond,
blue-eyed devil flashed him a cocky smile and put his feet on the edge of
Joshua’s expensive mahogany desk.

Joshua glared at the disregard for his furniture. Despite
his fortune he remembered a time when luxuries were scarce. “Slipping? I can
still whup your ass,” he barked.

Alex let out a deep-chested peal of laughter. “Now that I
would like to see.”

“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be doing some Bond shit?”

The mention of Bond wiped the smirk off his face. Pretty boy
hated being associated with the fictional spy. “Came to see if you were still
on for poker on Friday.”

“I’m up for anything that involves relieving you of money.”

“All talk and no action,” Alex shot back.

“Yeah. Yeah.” Usually, Joshua enjoyed the exchanges with his
friend but he just wasn’t in the mood. Distraction was a bitch.

Alex unhooked his feet and his expression darkened. “Seriously,
you okay, buddy?”

Where did he start?
I met a submissive at a party and
acted like a total fucktard. I did some digging and found out she is a
respectable businesswoman. I’m wooing her with flowers but she hates me and now
I can’t get her out of my head.

“It’s complicated.”
didn’t even begin to
explain the situation. It was completely fucked.

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