ClaimingRuby (3 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Sanderson

BOOK: ClaimingRuby
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“Good complicated? Or bad complicated?”

Joshua rubbed his chin. “Define ‘bad.’”

Alex waited a beat before saying, “Like you’ve just been
kidnapped by a rebel dictator and he’s about to cut off your left nut unless
you give up intel on your buddies.”

“Definitely good complicated.” Joshua almost smiled. Leave
it to Alex to break it down to a basic level.

Alex crossed his arms behind his head. “Then we can solve

Joshua stood and walked over to the minibar. This
conversation called for a good Irish malt. He pulled out two glasses and a
bottle before pouring two fingers in each tumbler.

“I met a woman.” He handed the drink to Alex.

“Ah, that age-old shit storm.”

It was a shit storm, a big one of his own making. If he hadn’t
been such an overbearing jerk, Ruby might have agreed to go out to dinner. “Blow
me, asshole.”

“Not my type. So you met a woman. Another model?”

He swirled the amber liquid around, wrinkled his nose and
sniffed. Earthy. Peaty. A small scent of home. “Not a model. A businesswoman. A

Alex’s eyebrows shot up. Joshua knew he wasn’t
surprised—being in the forces together had left them with no secrets. Their
other friend, Sebastian Berkley, completed the group. They were all Dominants.
On leave in various parts of the world, they’d visited clubs and seen some
kinky shit. Indulged in it. Sometimes all three of them would top one willing

“How could you tell?” Alex asked.

“I saw it in her eyes.” She’d been so aroused. So in need.

He told Alex the full story, right down to the flowers.

“Some would label that stalking.”

Joshua shrugged. “Not in my world.”

“Maybe she doesn’t like flowers.” Alex swirled the alcohol
around his glass before taking a sip as if contemplating. “Maybe she has

“You might have a point,” Joshua replied. Maybe another gift
would win her over. Maybe flowers were too corny. “What about jewelry?”

“Too flashy.”

An image of Ruby dressed in nothing but restraints and a
simple silver collar shot straight to his cock. “I want her, Alex.”

There’d been plenty of willing submissives over the years
but none he wanted to commit to emotionally. They were under no illusion—time
with Joshua was limited. The women he took to premieres were just another
accessory. Another part of his glittering façade. They were using him as much
as he was using them. Being seen with him boosted their profile, catapulted
them onto the front page of the tabloids. He’d never wanted to possess anyone.

Until her.

Until the curvy businesswoman with expressive eyes.

He didn’t just want to fuck her, he wanted to protect her.
Nurture her. Claim her.

He scrubbed a hand over his face. How could he convey that
she raised all his darkest Dominant tendencies? He’d always been obsessive,
especially about work and the service, but this single-mindedness about Ruby
confused him. Scared him a little. Maybe his mother was right. Maybe his “man
clock” was ticking.

“If you want her, take her. But tread carefully, my friend.”
Alex’s phone beeped. He pulled it out and scrolled through a text message
before saying, “Gotta go.”

“Bond shit?” Joshua tried to cover his unease about Ruby
with humor.

“Fuck you.” He rushed out the door, murmuring loud enough
for Joshua to hear. “See you Friday, dickwad.”

“Asshat,” he threw back fondly.

As he glanced around the empty room, the silence roared in
his ears. He stared at his computer screen. There were dozens of unread emails.
While he’d been pondering his sex life, the world had continued to turn.

“Fuck it.” He couldn’t concentrate.

How was Ruby taking his latest delivery? Still no call.
Maybe she was allergic to pollen. Maybe the flowers weren’t that impressive. He
needed to think bigger.

His buzzed his secretary. “Janet, ready the jet. And book
that French restaurant I like. The one with the views… That’s the one. As soon
as possible.”

He ended the call and prepared another note.

Maybe she’d prefer Paris.

* * * * *

It was ridiculous. Her bookstore smelled like a florist—like
sweet, almost overpowering rose petals.

Joshua Quinn had more money than sense. What kind of idiot
spent that much on flowers? They probably cost as much as her monthly loan

Jamie bounced around with two roses slotted in her hair. “I
so wish I had a rich guy this crazy about me.”

Ruby scowled. “No. You don’t. It’s creepy.”

“And hot.”

And hot. Her submissive side responded to the stalker-like
obsessiveness. But she would never, ever admit that.

The bell chimed. Palpitations fluttered in her chest. The
delivery guy came in and she almost passed out
Her fraught nerves
couldn’t take much more.

He didn’t have any flowers. Thank heavens. She had no idea
where she’d put more blooms.

“No flowers this time, Ms. Romano. Just an envelope.”

Relief washed over her. She forced herself to relax and
smile. Everything was fine. She signed her name for the third delivery of the
day. “Thanks.”

“Maybe I’ll see you later.”

The blood drained from her brain. She couldn’t handle any
more contact. “I really hope not.”

What did Joshua have to say for himself? Maybe a surprise
apology rather than presumptuous commands.

But you’d like him to command you, wouldn’t you?

She bitch-slapped her subconscious and opened the envelope
with trembling fingers. She scanned the contents and almost choked. “The
arrogant bastard.” The leaves of paper fell to the floor. Anger exploded as all
the emotions she’d been bottling up spilled out. “Does he really think he can
buy me like a cheap whore?”

“What? What’s he said?” Jamie snatched the letter and read. “Oh
my god! He wants to take you to Paris!”

“Yes!” She lifted her hands. “Like a whore who drops her
panties for money.”

“Good money from the look of these reservations. Enough to
feed a small country.”

“That doesn’t help,” she replied.

She grabbed the phone and punched in Joshua’s number. She
conjured up a picture of him in her head and mentally slapped him as she waited
for the line to connect. The only way to end this was to give him a piece of
her mind.

He’d sent her a copy of a reservation for an expensive hotel
room, with dinner reservations at one of the most prestigious restaurants. Did
he think she was going to be a meek submissive because he’d offered to take her
to Paris? A weekend booty call with an added dash of kink?

She despised his arrogance. Men like him were all the same.
They used women for amusement.

“Hello.” His deep, masculine tone startled her. She’d
expected a secretary, a barrage of people keeping Mr. High and Mighty away from
the masses.

“Is this Joshua?” She knew damn well it was him. Only he had
an accent like that.

“It is.” He didn’t elaborate. Damn him.

“This is Ruby Romano. You’ve been sending gifts to my store
all day. I’m calling to ask you to stop.”

“You didn’t like my gifts?”


She heard the creak of leather as if he’d leaned back in a
chair. “What would you like, Ruby? Would you have preferred a paddle? Some
pretty nipple clamps maybe?”

“Fuck you.” A slither of heat ran down her spine. His
illicit words sparked her desire to astronomical levels. Her skin itched. He’d
shocked and aroused her so easily. Thrown her off balance.

“Not yet but we’ll get to that. I’m going to have you.”

“In your dreams.” And hers. Probably for the next few years.

“Methinks the lady doth protest too much.”

“Leave me alone, Mr. Quinn.” She couldn’t deal with his
incessant badgering. He aroused her to the point of madness. Eventually,
despite all her protests, she would give in and that would be disastrous.

“I can’t.” There was no doubt in his tone. No frustration.
He stated the words as though they were facts.

“Please,” she whispered. Maybe if she begged, he’d listen.

“I’ll leave you alone on one condition. You answer a
question truthfully.”

“Okay.” She could do this, whatever it was. Desperation
gnawed at her insides.

“How did you feel when I approached you last night? Truth,
Ruby. I’ll know if you’re lying.”

She swallowed her raging pulse. One truthful answer and he’d
leave her alone. Did she really believe that? No, but she sure as hell had to
try. “I felt…”

It was harder than she’d thought.

“Tell me.”

“Scared. A stranger approaching me alone, of course I was
scared. You could have been anyone. You could have hurt me.” She paused. In
some part of her she’d wanted him to hurt her. She wanted to feel the sting of
pain burning her skin.

“Go on.”

“You annoyed me. Seriously pissed me off. ‘Are you a
submissive?’” She threw his words back at him and snorted. “What gave you the
right to ask me that question?”

“I apologize. Anything else? Don’t lie to me.”

The harsh command melted her insides. “Aroused, okay? I felt
hot and horny.”

“Did you think about me taking you? Did you imagine me
commanding you? Did you want to be a good submissive for me?”

Of course she had but she couldn’t admit that to him. If she
did, he would never leave her alone.

“Have dinner with me.”

This conversation wasn’t going the way she’d expected. He’d
taken control so easily. “No. Goodbye, Mr. Quinn. If you send any more little
gifts, I’ll have no choice but to get a restraining order.”

She hit the End button and threw down the phone. She stared
at it, expecting it to have teeth.

There. She’d put a stop to that nonsense. Her body shook.
Anger and desire overloaded her system. Contempt was the best way to deal with
men like Joshua Quinn. She’d formed an opinion of rich men through her ex and
his friends. She’d watched them use women like toys, throwing them away when
they no longer had use for them.

They’d wasted money with no regard to what the average
person went through on a daily basis.

The mental abuse Toby put her through…he’d treated her like
a possession. When he’d found out she was a submissive, she’d practically
become his slave. No way in hell would she enter that world again. Not even for
a man as pretty as Joshua.

Once she made a decision, she always stuck to it. So why did
she feel so desolate inside?

Chapter Three


Joshua took a sip of whiskey and scanned the crowd. Club
Decadence buzzed with sexual arousal and anticipation. Moans of pleasure and
pain mingled with the heavy slap of floggers and the sharp thwack of canes.

He’d come here to work off some frustration. Ruby’s words
still rang in his ears. No one ever refused him. She’d had the audacity to
raise her voice. It sent him reeling.

His temper flared. Why did he care so fucking much that she’d
defied him? What was it about her that drove him to distraction?

A blonde with huge, obviously plastic tits walked by. She
flashed him a coy smile before averting her eyes in a gesture of submission.
She wore a red bracelet indicating her status. An unattached submissive who
enjoyed pain.

His cock twitched. He wouldn’t label himself a sadist but he
enjoyed taking subs to their limits. He enjoyed the control, pushing their
boundaries in the pursuit of pleasure. The blonde looked at him again and he
crooked a finger, motioning her over. Her hips swayed as she glided toward him
on four-inch stilettos. Her pouty lips parted and blood rushed to his groin as
he imagined those lips around a ball gag.

“Hello Sir.”

“Hello. What’s your name?”

“Susie.” She towered over him but he wasn’t intimidated.

He took another drink. Ice cubes clinked in the glass as he
raked his gaze over her, assessing whether she’d be able to fulfill his needs.

She was the complete opposite of Ruby Romano. Exactly what
he was looking for.

“Are you looking to play, Susie?”

Her nipples stiffened and her pupils dilated. “Yes Sir.”

He nodded. “Assume the position.”

She dropped to her knees, arms crossed behind her back,
breasts high and jutting. He tested the weight of the warm flesh, kneaded and
pinched her nipples. They puckered and she gasped as he increased the pressure.

“I’m going to work you over hard. I’m going to use the cane
on your pretty ass and then I’m going to create a pattern on your tits. Tell me
now if it’s too much.”

She shook her head. “No Sir.”

“Do you enjoy pain, Susie?”

“To an extent.”

“Good.” He craved the release control gave him—the euphoric
moment when a sub trembled and begged for more.

He put down his drink, stood and offered his hand. She had a
firm grip despite her palms being damp. He led her over to the discipline
bench. It was shaped like a classic sawhorse—a basic wooden A-frame with a wide
padded top covered in dark-red leather.

“Assume the position, facedown. Hold the sides and don’t let

She did as he asked and draped herself facedown over the
horse. She pressed her cheek into the leather so he couldn’t see her face and
clutched the legs. Her lush ass and creamy, smooth back taunted him. A perfect
submissive pose for punishment.

Joshua rubbed his jaw and contemplated the vast array of
toys. From soft paddles to oak canes and vampire gloves, he’d worked with most
of them.

He selected a flogger. The thin fronds were made of horse
hair. It would provide enough pressure without too much pain.

Something light to start.

“Ready, Susie?”

She murmured something.

“Then we’ll begin.”

He brushed the strands across her ass before lifting his
hand and flicking across the flesh. The whistle and soft crack calmed his soul.
This was who he was—a man who knew what a submissive wanted. Needed. Someone
who could bring her to the edge and beyond, not a bumbling idiot who couldn’t
woo a woman.

He crisscrossed Susie’s ass, creating a soft blush. Why was
Ruby being so stubborn? What more could he do? He couldn’t remember how long it
had been since a woman refused a date with him. There’d been times when he was
just a marine, a simpler time when he’d been shot down by tons of females like
any regular guy. Then he’d hit the big time, gotten rich and women threw
themselves in his path.

He swallowed the bitterness and switched to a paddle with
tiny needles attached. He had to focus on the sub, not on maudlin thoughts of
his past.

Susie strained at her bonds as the sharp points pierced her
skin. His cock twitched again. Nothing more. Usually he was rock-hard by now.
Ruby’s face flashed into his mind. She’d look beautiful tied like this—curves
red and hot under his control.

Would she struggle? Probably.

Would she give him everything he demanded? Definitely.

His dick bit into the zipper of his pants.

Major hard-on.


“Sir?” Susie’s hesitance cut into his thoughts.

He’d stopped midsession.

Bad form.

“Sorry.” He called to another Dom, “Can you take over?”


“It’s an emergency.” He rounded the bench and stroked Susie’s
face. “Sorry. Master Z is good though. You’ll enjoy him.”

He pushed for the exit. It had been years since he’d been
unable to finish a scene. Back then he was young and inexperienced. When the
submissive started crying, he’d freaked out and panicked, fearing he’d pushed
too far. He’d frozen midscene, unable to continue even though she begged for
more through the tears. Now he had no excuse except for one redhead who’d burrowed
under his skin.

He had to have her.

The valet handed him his keys and he slipped behind the
wheel of his Bugatti Veyron.

He programmed Ruby’s address into the GPS. He wasn’t leaving
her place until she agreed to a date.

* * * * *

Ruby settled into bed and plumped the covers before reaching
for the book on her bedside table. The comfortable flannel of her pajamas
cocooned her, made her feel safe and cozy. After the day she’d had, she needed
familiar and comfortable.

The audacity of Joshua Quinn. The way he took control and
barrel-rolled over everything drove her crazy.

She shifted and kicked the covers off her feet.

Despite her cries of protest, deep down his domineering
nature appealed to her, ignited her desires, turned her insides to molasses.
His single-minded focus should have freaked her out and raised red flags. She’d
read about guys like him.

But then she remembered his eyes, the chiseled jaw, the way
his heat had seeped into her skin when he stood behind her.

Lust swirled through her. Her clit throbbed and her labia

No. She wouldn’t masturbate. Not over him. Not a good way to
push him from her thoughts. She wouldn’t obsess over him. She was angry at
herself for letting him get inside her head. After Toby screwed her over, she’d
initiated a sex ban. Despite her craving for submission, she’d been unable to
engage in relationships of any kind.

The sexual frustration Joshua stirred in her was because of a
dry spell. Nothing more than raging hormones.

She read a paragraph and couldn’t concentrate. The words
flowed into one. He’d invaded her thoughts. All she could think about was him.


She threw the book on the bed and reached into her panties.
Maybe a quick orgasm would take the edge off and then she could get back to her
life. Her lips were already wet as she parted her thighs and softly stroked her
clit. She circled around the hardened bud. Over and over. Slow then fast.
Joshua’s face burned in her mind.

He spurred her on as she imagined him between her thighs,
purring at her with his delicious accent.
Come for me, Ruby. That’s it. You’re
so fucking wet.

She whimpered.

She was sick, fantasizing about him like this. He was a
borderline stalker yet she couldn’t deny how much he aroused her. She was drawn
to him physically.

She dipped one finger then another inside her core. The
walls pulsed and she widened her thighs so she could push deeper. She bit down
on her lip to keep from screaming as her spine bowed.

Bursts of pleasure ripped through her and raced toward the
center of her pussy.

Joshua was back, urging her closer.
Come for me now

She pumped her fingers furiously, curling them, frigging her
clit. The tension ratcheted to a boiling point.

“Coming. I’m coming.”

And nothing happened. She couldn’t come. No matter how hard
she tried, the blinding promise of orgasm eluded her.

Ruby lay there panting and hot.

She couldn’t come because he wasn’t there to command it. In
some warped, fucked-up way, Joshua had gotten inside her mind and tangled with
her submissive fantasies.

“Fuck.” Ruby thumped the bed in frustration.

Damn Joshua Quinn to hell. Everything was his fault—her
arousal, her confusion and frustration. If he hadn’t walked into her life,
everything would be fine and dandy. She’d be plodding along with her business,
not thinking about sex.

The doorbell chimed. She looked at the clock. Who would be
ringing her bell at 1:15 a.m.?

She rearranged her clothing and scrambled out of bed. As she
shrugged on a robe, she grabbed some pepper spray. A woman living alone couldn’t
be too careful.

It rang again. She flicked on the lights and muttered, “I’m

Heat rose in her cheeks. It was the only “coming” she’d be
doing tonight. The lack of an orgasm still irked her. Scared her a little too.
What if the orgasm block was permanent?

“Over my dead body.” Those were stupid thoughts. She put it
down to a tough day. Now that she’d told Joshua to stop harassing her, she
could get back to an even keel.

She padded down the stairs into the dark store and navigated
through the various tables and displays.

The bolts on the front door moved easily as she pulled them
back but left the chain securely in place. She held the spray ready before
opening the door a crack. “Yes, can I help you?”

Joshua graced her doorstep, arms braced on either side of
the frame, head bowed intimately toward the gap. “Hello, Ruby.”

Her throat constricted. Arousal shot through her so fast she
had to steady herself on the wood.

“Can I come in?” He looked serious, his eyes dark and
stormy. His disheveled hair added a sense of wild urgency. She’d only seen him
perfectly coifed.

His scent—musk and earth—mingled with a hint of whiskey and
made her mouth water. She wanted to lay her lips on the column of his neck and
taste him.

“Don’t think that’s a good idea.”

He turned his head. “If you don’t let me in, I think your
neighbors might call the cops.”

The thought of him doing time in an orange jumpsuit wasn’t
unappealing. “Maybe some time in a police cell would curb your stalker

“Please, Ruby. I won’t hurt you. If you don’t like what I
have to say, I’ll go and you’ll never hear from me again.”

She believed the honesty and conviction in his words.
Strange, considering she didn’t really know him. It confused her further.

Relenting, she unhooked the secure chain and gestured him
inside. He brushed past her, inhaled and his nostrils flared.

“You smell like cum.”

“I do not.” She slammed the door shut. Her cheeks pulsed
with embarrassment and she was sure they glowed like beacons of shame.

He grabbed her wrists and lifted her fingers to his nose.
Sniffed. His tongue snaked out and licked the tips, one digit after the other.
Slowly. Deliberately. His gaze locked on hers.

“Mmmm.” The sound rolled from his chest, sending a fresh
gush of moisture between her thighs. “You’ve been a naughty girl, Ruby. I can
taste cum on your fingers. Your face is flushed and I bet those rosy nipples
are stiff.” He sucked on the tips. “What did you think about while your fingers
were inside your cunt?”

It felt as if he’d flipped a switch deep inside. She was
frozen by his crude words. He’d taken command so easily. Her muscles relaxed
and turned to jelly. She’d missed being teased.

She wanted to answer.

“I thought about…” She swallowed, stammered. Moments ago she’d
been ready to have him arrested. Now she couldn’t think straight, all her anger
disappearing as he licked and nuzzled.

“Did you think about me? Tell me the truth, Ruby. No lies or
I’ll have to punish you.”

A mewling sound escaped her dry throat. “Yes, I thought
about you.”

He traced circles on the pulse point of her wrist, lulling
her, arousing her. “What was I doing?”

“You were between my thighs. Licking me. Talking to me.” She
felt compelled to answer him. He’d woven an erotic spell on her and she was
powerless to resist. Maybe her sexual dry spell was making her more
susceptible. She didn’t care.

“I’m going to kiss you now.” Not a question, not a demand,
just a simple statement.

“Yes.” She’d rather face Dante’s seven levels of hell than

He fisted a handful of her hair, immobilizing her. Sharp
stabs of pain jackknifed through her skull. Anticipation made her teeth ache.
She knew he would control the kiss, take it at his pace. She was desperate. She
wanted to plaster herself to him, feel his taut muscles moving against her soft

Agonizingly slowly, he leaned down, pressed a chaste kiss to
her lips. She strained, desperate to get closer. He tightened his grip. The
nerve endings in her scalp screamed as the pain rushed down her spine and
sparked a chain reaction in her pussy.

“Greedy.” And then he

Teeth nipped, tongues dueled as he forced his way inside. He
kissed with unleashed desire and skill. Gone was the calm businessman, replaced
with an invader. He took possession of her, stripping away her defenses with
his lips, one hand in her hair, the other pressed into the small of her back,
angling her against him.

His cock prodded her thigh and she couldn’t stop the deep
moan from rolling out of her chest. He caressed the cheeks of her ass before
pinching. She’d have a bruise tomorrow but she didn’t care. The pain fired her
synapses, making them sing. And still he kissed her.

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