Read Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Online
Authors: Angela Wray
Tags: #Romance
Nate kissed her hair and questioned her. “What happened, baby? We only left you long enough to ensure the house was secure. You were asleep. Did you have a bad dream?”
“Yes. I was home alone and all of a sudden I was tied to the bed, and there was a man in a mask holding a whip and he kept hitting me. I kept screaming for you both and I couldn’t find you. Then I was running and you were pulling out of the drive and I couldn’t catch you. I was so scared,” she finished on a hiccup.
“Honey, we wouldn’t leave you alone. We would never allow anyone near you with a whip but us, and that’s only if it’s something you want. And as for us leaving without you, that’s impossible, baby,” Ty soothed.
Feeling the shudders wrack her body, Nate picked her up off the comforter, and Ty pulled the covers back. They both got in, and she snuggled up to them, her hands clutching them anxiously. Continuing to pet and ease her, they waited for her to fall back to sleep. Normally they would have clouded her brain with sex, but since Ty had told him she was tender, sex was out. As crazy as it sounded coming from them, he loved holding her as much as he enjoyed loving her.
Nate couldn’t wait to introduce her to his family tomorrow night. They had dinner with them every Tuesday, and he wanted to show his brothers how beautiful their woman was. Knowing that they’d be drooling all through dinner made him want to rub his hands together in triumph. His mother would immediately see a broken heart like she had seen with Ty and do her best to alleviate any pain she could. It was exactly what both of his loves needed. Hopefully one day they would have their own family dinners. The idea of having his family over to help them enjoy the children they hopefully would have made his heart ache. Thinking of ball games and ballet recitals made him anxious to have it all now. Looking over at Ty, he found him awake and looking at the ceiling, too, lost in thought.
“Hey, you okay?” Nate questioned.
“Yeah, babe. I was just thinking about her nightmare. Do you think it was my fault because I spanked her? I know she is attracted to the lifestyle, and she is such a natural sub. Do you think I moved too fast?”
He could hear the fear in Ty’s voice. “No, no way. This is the shit from her apartment, you know that. I actually think she needed the spanking like a release valve. You know as well as I do that all subs need discipline, craving it just as much as we crave giving it to them. No, don’t second-guess our method. You are just letting your feelings for her get in the way of giving her what she needs. Stay the path. Tomorrow we are going take her shopping and then to my folks’ for dinner, which will be a nice distraction for her. You will see, babe. I promise. Try and get some sleep, we both need it.”
Leaning over to kiss Nate’s lips, Ty nodded his understanding and agreement that they were on the right road.
Ty woke with a warm, sleeping woman sprawled over his chest, her hair was tickling his face, and he saw Nate pressed to her back. Both had him on the edge of the bed, nearly falling off. Untangling himself, he slipped from the bed, hoping to get breakfast made before either one woke up. Going to the room he normally shared with Nate, he opened his dresser and grabbed a pair of jeans to put on. Ty looked at the bed he’d always shared with Nate. There were so many happy memories with Nate in this room, but he knew what they could be potentially building would be for the three of them.
Going downstairs, he wondered what would happen from here. Grabbing the things he needed for French toast, he sat them all on the counter. After pulling the French bread out of the cabinet, he started mixing the batter and slicing the bread.
When he had everything nearly done, he turned to see Nate standing in the doorway watching him. Dressed in nothing but jeans, he looked so damn good, arms braced on both sides of the doorjamb and his eyes heavy with sleep.
“Hey, babe,” Ty said.
“Morning,” Nate murmured.
Ty walked over to him and kissed his mouth, loving the feel of his scruff and the contrast of his soft lips. Wrapping his arms around his middle, Ty rested his forehead against Nate’s and closed his eyes, absorbing his embrace and affection. That was one of the things he loved most about Nate, his easy acceptance and willingness to love. He wished it was as simple for him. It just wasn’t. He struggled with his emotions and feelings.
Thankfully Nate loved him regardless. He wasn’t afraid of the times when he was in a shitty mood because of a dream or memory from his childhood that crept up. Gratitude washed over him, he was so fucking lucky to have this man in his life. He may not deserve him, but he’d be damned if he would ever let him go. It was plain and simple Nate saved him. Saved him from his own self-destructive ways and was a friend even before he became the lover he could never live without.
“I had to get out of bed. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep from fucking her. Plus I knew you would be up cooking so I decided to see if I could help you,” Nate said.
“No, I pretty much have it all done. I’ll pull out the juice and get the plates if you will go and wake her up. I can’t, because I know I won’t be able to keep from having her either,” Ty replied with disgust at himself.
* * * *
Ashton felt a hand brushing the curls away from her face, and a voice gently called her to wake up. “Baby. Ty has breakfast ready. We have a lot to do today. It’s time to get up. Come on, sleeping beauty, and wake up.”
She huffed and turned away, but then the covers were dragged from her body. She grabbed them in a death grip, pulling them back up. Fisting his hands in the covers, Nate ripped them off, swatting her on the ass. She glared at him through the curly mess of her hair. He laughed like a stupid hyena. Ashton got up in a huff and stomped off to the bathroom.
When she came out of the bathroom, he held out her robe. She slipped her arms through it silently, and when he held out his hand to walk downstairs, she took it without thought.
Ty was cutting fruit up, and when they walked in, he crooked his finger at her and she quietly obeyed. He curled a finger under her chin and kissed her lips in a gentle moment and turned her toward the table, smacking her on the butt. It earned Ty a glare, one he smirked at, and she returned the action with an eye roll.
Ashton was still pouting a little, but after the first bite of heaven that was Ty’s French toast, she could only sigh. She devoured her three pieces and two pieces of Canadian bacon and then leisurely enjoyed her fruit. As she watched her men demolish their food, she admired how good-looking and sexy they were. Not only were they hot, they were sweet, and Ty was a fabulous cook, which was a good thing since she was barely able to boil water. They were obviously morning people, but no one was perfect. She could deal with mornings if they came with a side order of those two forever. Choking on her juice, she surprised herself with wanting it all with them. No more lying to herself. She wanted everything with them. Waving each man away since they seemed determined to pat her to death on the back for choking, she cleared her throat, trying to regain some of the dignity she had lost when she almost spit orange juice all over the table.
Speaking first, Nate pulled her out of her deep thoughts. “We thought we would take you shopping this morning. We are having dinner with my family tonight. We go every Tuesday night to my parents’ house. It’s a blast. I have a huge family, but you are going to love them and they are going to love you. First, though, I want those sassy little lips around my dick. Go upstairs and wait for us. Kneel on the bed, hands down by your sides, shoulders back, head bowed. Go now.”
Sometimes she forgot that Nate was just as dominating as Ty, but she felt the tone ripple through her body. Ashton’s pussy was already weeping moisture, and each step she took made her clit throb and ache for them. Quickly making her way up the stairs, she slipped the robe off. After climbing onto the tall bed, she sat on her knees, bottom resting on her feet. Trying desperately to calm her breathing, she straightened her shoulders and bowed her head, hoping she had gotten the submissive gestures correct. It took every effort not to raise her eyes when she heard them come into the room. Biting her bottom lip, she waited as they approached the bed, anxious to see if they were pleased. She realized they were right. This choice, this relationship lifestyle, brought her peace and made her feel more loved and cherished than she had ever felt in the so-called normal world.
Nate ordered, “Ty, lay on the bed on your back, feet shoulder width apart.”
Ty immediately obeyed, and his quick acquiescence made her stomach jump in excitement at all the possibilities open to them.
“Ashton, climb on top of Ty and straddle his face, but backward. I want you to be able to suck Ty’s cock while I take his ass. Ty, love her pussy. Make her juice all over your face, baby.”
They both helped her get into position, and the moment she placed her pussy over Ty’s mouth, he dove right in, licking and sucking her folds, pushing his tongue deep into her. She gasped and moaned with pleasure. Seeing Ty’s cock just inches from her face, she grasped the root and directed it toward her mouth. Sucking the head, she kept working his cock farther and farther down her throat, swallowing as much of his length as she could manage.
Looking up, still worshiping Ty’s flesh, she saw Nate approach, lubing his massive erection with one hand. Seeing him swipe his greased fingertips against Ty’s rosette made her pussy cream even more. She loved to watch them, their bodies rubbing, and the visual stimulation for them making love was so arousing to her. It gave her a secret thrill to be able to witness such an erotic moment.
She watched as Nate pushed a finger into Ty and then worked a second and third. Working his fingers back and forth, he eased the small muscles, getting him ready to take his dick. Ashton saw him placing the flared head against the ring, pressing forward. Using small strokes, he eased his whole length into Ty, resting balls-deep while giving him a moment to adjust. Then he began to thrust, the strokes coming one after the other. When Ty pushed Ashton to climax, the sounds vibrating in her throat caused Ty to buck up into her mouth and throat and push back against Nate. Then the fight was over. Nate shoved only a few more times and finally pushed deep and held, his release flowing from him.
Falling to his left, she smiled as he watched her wipe her mouth, glistening with cum, with two fingers and suck them clean, making his cock twitch.
“Stop, please! I can’t possibly go again. Don’t tease me for at least an hour, woman. Give me some time to recover, please,” Nate grumbled at her.
Ashton giggled, but the sound was muffled because she had gone back to nestling against Ty’s dick. She flopped over and gave them a huge smile, and they returned it. Closing her eyes, Ashton felt so completely content and comfortable that she drifted off to sleep easily with both men murmuring plans for the day.
Trusting them to take care of the details, she slept deeply until Ty was gently rubbing her back and shoulders, trying to rouse her from her nap. “Ashton, honey, we ran you some water in the tub. You have about a half hour you can soak and then we need to get on the road.”
Pulling her up, he led her into the bathroom and helped her into the bathtub. Almost moaning at how good the water felt, she felt like she was floating, because they had nearly filled the huge monstrosity to the top. She soaked for almost twenty minutes and drained the tub. Starting the shower, she quickly shaved and washed her hair and body. She had just wrapped a towel around her body when Nate came in.
“Good, you are done. We put away some of the things you asked for and laid out an outfit on the bed for you to wear. Do you need anything or any help?”
She shook her head, and he walked out. Quickly drying off, she went to the bedroom to find a pretty sundress and cardigan sitting on the bed and pair of short-heeled sandals on the floor. Walking over to it, she was anxious. Nothing usually fit appropriately. What if they bought the wrong size? Oh God, she would die of embarrassment before letting them know she was too fat to wear an outfit they bought her.
Good Lord, listen to me
. Sophie would tell her she was being absolutely ridiculous in her drama.
Not wanting to disappoint them, she snagged the dress up and slipped it over her head and then grabbed the zipper, praying the thing would meet, and surprisingly it did. Looking in the mirror, she admired the color and the design because the dress suited her and flattered her curves. Snatching the sweater off the bed, she slipped her feet in the little sandals and rushed out the door and down the stairs, anxious not to keep the guys waiting.
* * * *
Nate looked up to see Ashton coming down the stairs looking beyond beautiful. Her sweet softness was one of the things he loved about her. But what he loved most was her feistiness. Thinking back to the morning they met, he couldn’t believe that was only a few short days ago. It felt like he had known her forever. He didn’t believe it when someone once told him they had known their spouse was the one the moment they had met, but he’d immediately known. Nate felt the pull the moment he’d looked into her pretty eyes. The feeling was like two magnets. He felt drawn to the point of not being able to resist the lure of Ty or Ashton. Even with Ty, Nate remembered being nearly mesmerized by the fellow soldier. It had scared the hell out of him for a little while and made him question his sanity. He’d never even been attracted to another man, but after years of loving the feel of a woman, he was suddenly desperate for Ty’s touch. That was a spotty time in their lives he was thankful they’d been able to work through that had resulted in the great relationship they now shared. Reaching for her hand, Nate walked her to Ty’s Hummer. They seated her in the back and started toward town. Ty and he had made various appointments for Ashton in some of the more exclusive places. Some catered to their lifestyle, but most were regular stores that would have the nice wardrobe they wanted to pick out for her.