Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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When he walked back, Nate was lounging on the bed while he watched Ashton select her clothes. Ty guessed the black panties and bra were Nate’s choice. A dark pair of jeans and a black sleeveless V-necked top in some sort of stretchy material sat on the bed. It didn’t matter what it was made of. All that mattered was how well she filled it out. Anticipating seeing her generous breasts overflowing the black lace made his cock beyond hard.

Both men dressed and watched her slip into each article of clothing, one piece at a time. They wanted her to feel more desirable than she had ever felt in her life. Ty even loved watching her push her dainty feet into the heeled sandals, and when she glanced up to find him watching her, she offered him a smile, warming him instantly.

Nate was looking through some of the boutique bags and pulled out some boxes, taking them over to the bed. Curiously, she walked over to the bed. Gasping in obvious pleasure, she seemed stunned at the jewelry they had chosen for her while she had been trying clothes on at a couple of the boutiques. He loved seeing Ashton admire the various earrings, bracelets, and necklaces, some bright and sparkling, others more muted, but all beautiful and real. They had chosen the pieces with great care so that they would coordinate with quite a few of the outfits they had bought for her.

She quickly spotted the gold heart pendant. It had three intertwined hearts, and its symbolism was truly perfect. Ty rummaged through the boxes, looking for the gold hoops for her ears. Along the way, he found the gold bracelet they had bought because it reminded them of some of the slave bracelets they had admired at Michael’s jewelry store. Ashton sorted through the rest of the jewelry and putting her things away as he and Nate lounged on the bed. Nate had his eyes closed, but Ty tracked her every movement, thoroughly enjoying watching her do mundane feminine tasks. Like seeing her mist her perfume and the makeup she artfully applied that made her eyes so deep and luminous. Turning toward them, she was apparently done, so he nudged Nate to let him know she was ready. Nate got up and stretched, and Ty grabbed her hand, wrapping his fingers in her tiny ones.

They couldn’t wait to take her to Michael’s and pick out various pieces that would mark their ownership of her and the commitment they hoped she would make to them for a lifetime.

Chapter Eleven


The three of them climbed into Nate’s SUV, and the ride over was so quiet. Ashton was so nervous. She felt certain she would throw up at any given time. A man had never brought her home to meet the family. She wondered if they would be openly hostile, thinking she was trying to destroy their relationship. Every thought made her made her heart race even more than the last.

They pulled up to a white, two-story Spanish-inspired villa just as she was certain she was about to go into cardiac arrest. The striking home was illuminated by security lights that had been installed in various places all over the lawn. It was a beautiful home on the outside. The driveway was filled with trucks, muscle cars, and SUVs, which led her to believe the house would be littered with men. Nate opened her door and held out his hand. She knew it was do-or-die time as she placed her hand in his and they both helped her down from the high perch of the truck.

Nate pushed the huge wooden door open, and she was immediately assailed with various sounds and smells. Several men called out greetings to them both, and when Nate pulled her in front of him, the huge space full of men grew stunningly quiet. Looking at everyone, there were five young men in different places in the area, and the patriarch was seated on the couch. It seemed they were watching soccer on the television, but the sight of her had dragged their attention away from the important game.

Every man in the room bore a striking resemblance to Nate and his father. She could easily imagine Nate looking just like the handsome man who jumped up from the couch in thirty or so years. These men were stunning. The healthy tan, dark hair and eyes were standard with Hispanic men, but these men took hot Latino man to a whole new level. They all had blinding white smiles filled with perfect teeth and laugh lines that showed these men laughed often. Time would be very good to Nate. The gentleman, who was obviously Nate’s father, was smiling at her, his eyes crinkling on the sides as Nate made the introductions.

Papa este es nuestro amor
, Ashton,” Nate spoke confidently in Spanish. “Ashton, this is my Papi.”

Ashton was immediately enveloped in a huge hug from the man, and he leaned down to kiss both her cheeks.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Ashton. I’m Manuel. Ty, it’s good to see you.” He held an arm around her shoulders, but stuck a hand out to shake Ty’s.

Ty replied immediately in a softened tone. “You, too, sir, thanks for having us over.”

Nate and his father introduced her to everyone in the room. Each man stood and kissed her cheek in welcome. Ashton felt a little disconcerted to be the focus of all the male attention, but each man was clearly appreciative and found her attractive. After she met the last brother, everyone looked over her shoulder at the appearance of someone else in the room. Turning toward Nate’s mother, a tall, statuesque woman as beautifully tanned as her family, it was clear she was waiting for an introduction. As Nate walked Ashton over to the lady, she felt somewhat intimidated, but Nate’s mother strove to put Ashton at ease, gifting them with a huge smile, and her face lit up. Seeing that, Ashton couldn’t help but return her smile.

Mamá, este es nuestro amor
, Ashton,” Nate said to his mother.

Enveloping her in a hug, she kissed Ashton’s cheeks and smiled, turning to hug Ty. Keeping an arm around Ty, she turned back to Ashton and said, “Ashton, I’m so happy to meet you. Where did you meet this lovely flower, huh, Nathan, Ty?”

Ty answered honestly, “She was trying to beat down our door, ma’am.”

Ashton gasped in outrage that he would tell Nate’s mom about their first encounter, her face beet red. She wanted to kill them both.

“It’s true,
. She was fierce, this little flower,” Nate said with a chuckle.

Seeing that the little flower might smack one or both of her men, Anna immediately wrapped an arm around the young woman and towed her into the kitchen, talking all along the way.


* * * *


In the kitchen, Nate’s mom sat her on a stool and, while peeling ears of corn, they talked about Ashton’s job at the hospital, and she learned that Anna had always been a homemaker and was very proud of it.

“I would love to stay home when the time comes because it’s an admirable choice which too few women are making,” Ashton said quietly.

Nodding agreement, Anna asked questions about her family. Unsure of what to say, Ashton just said that her mother and father were alive and divorced. Anna seemed to understand her reluctance to speak of them and steered the conversation toward pets and different scrapes the boys had gotten into over the years. She learned that Nate’s father owned a plumbing company and that Nate had worked in his uncle’s construction business briefly before joining the military. Anna proudly described what each of her sons did and how successful they were. All five of her boys owned their own companies or businesses. None were married, but they were all playing the field she said with an eye roll, but they seemed happy and that’s what she wanted most. Looking at Ashton, she said curiously that Nate was the only one of her sons in an honest-to-goodness relationship.

“I’m not trying to break them up or anything. I…ah…” Ashton was at a loss as to how to explain their relationship.

Anna saved her. “When Nate introduced you, do you know what he said?”

Shaking her head she answered, “Not really. I mainly just know he said my name.”

“He said this is our love. Not ‘this is my love’ or ‘my girlfriend.’ He said, “
este es nuestro amor,
Ashton.” This literally translates as ‘Mom, this is Ashton, our love.’ I know that you aren’t doing this to break them up. I guess I really wanted to hear that you love and accept them for themselves, for loving one another as much as they will love you. I know it’s not my place, but I love Ty as much as I love my other sons, and his soul is so beaten, I worry, that’s all. I know it’s not my business, but a momma is just going to worry regardless, you know?” she said in a rough tone.

Ashton, seeing the tears in Anna’s eyes, immediately wrapped her arms around the taller woman, and they hugged. When they drew apart, Ashton assured her the best way she could. “Anna, I will love them forever if they will let me. As far as the men loving one another, I love that about them too. I love them completely for themselves, not for any other reason.”

They drew away and kept working companionably. Dropping the corn in the milk-and-butter water heating on the stove, they pulled out various dishes from the two ovens in Anna’s kitchen and shuttled them to the huge dining room table. It was laden with food already, and Ashton was astounded at the amount. When the prime rib came out of the oven, Anna sat it to rest on the table, and they drained the corn and buttered it while Anna put her to work making a salad to go with the food too. When she was placing the huge salad bowl down, the men were making their way in at Anna’s call that dinner was ready.

The meal was so wonderful. Everyone was very nice and the conversations were loud and crazy. Nate and his brothers bickered endlessly. Wanting to just take it all in, she looked over at Ty, and she felt pretty confident his look mirrored hers. Laughing internally, she figured they would just have to get used to the large group and the chaos that ensued. She silently offered reassurances to her men, who sat on both sides of her.

Toward the end of the meal, the brothers seemed to warm up and started heavily flirting and propositioning her, making both of her men tense a little more with each comment. When Isaac offered to take her home with him and take care of all of her needs better than his jackass brother, only her grip on his thigh kept Nate in his seat. The slap on the back of Isaac’s head his mother delivered had him choking on the beer he was drinking. His kidding apology was delivered, and when it was time to leave, Anna and Manuel asked them to come back on Friday for dinner, and they agreed.


* * * *


On the way home, Ty was on edge. He usually left Nate’s family like that, but it was worse now. All Ty could think of was taking Ashton to their playroom and reaffirming she belonged to them. He wanted her complete submission tonight. Ty acknowledged the fact she would be too sore for him to take her ass. But he couldn’t help but think of the many other ways for him to take possession of her sweet, obedient body. The thought of securing her to the St. Andrew’s cross and marking her pretty, golden ass with marks from his favorite crop nearly had him bursting in his jeans with just the image.

When they got home and crossed the threshold, he turned to Ashton and, cupping her face and turning it up to his, he addressed her hoping his anxiety wasn’t transparent. This was a big step for her to make. “Ashton, I want your submission tonight. I want you to experience some different pleasure than we have offered you before. Would you like to come with us to our playroom and sample some more of our lifestyle? If you choose to come into the playroom you will have a safe word. I would love to gag you, but until we establish your boundaries I want your mouth free to say your safe word if something is too much. Your safe word is red because it’s your first time. I think it will be easy enough for you to remember.”

Her nervous, nearly timid nod was so arousing, and the anxiety in it turned him on just that much more.

They led her to a room downstairs, and as Nate pushed open the large wooden door, she gasped at the different implements in the room. Ty’s dick hardened even more watching her take in the room from a novice standpoint. There was a swing hanging from the ceiling, a bench, and a St. Andrew’s cross. Against the wall was a large wardrobe and shelves that housed all kinds of different whips, cuffs, and restraints. Most of it was probably so foreign she probably wouldn’t know what the implements were all used for.

Certain that she would most likely be intimidated, he wanted to know what was going through her mind. “What are you thinking, Ashton?”

Ashton visibly steeled herself for her explanation. “It’s all scary. It appeals to me in a dark way I don’t know how to explain, but it makes me anxious to explore.”

Nate led a wide-eyed Ashton to the bench and stripped her, securing her facedown to it. Watching her back rise and fall with her excitement was making his dick throb and ache.

Ty picked the perfect tool for the session—a wooden paddle. A great beginner’s toy. Ty approached Ashton’s sweet body secured to his favorite piece of furniture, admiring her smooth flanks and rounded ass. Setting the paddle down, he stroked her cheeks and thighs, warming the flesh beneath his fingers and palms.

When the first blow fell, it was open-palmed and light, and she didn’t flinch or make a sound. On and on it went, her flesh warming, and she gradually started to rear backward, seeking more of the pleasure.

Seeing Ashton push back against the gentle taps he was delivering to her sweet ass signaled him that it was time to use the paddle. The first rap made her exhale and inhale, the second made her moan, and by the third she was crying.

She seemed to jump from begging him “to keep going” to pleading with him to stop. Ty was hoping his well-placed wallops made her want so much more. He knew he was good, but she had no experience and therefore she wouldn’t know that someone could make her crave the red-hot pain and pleasure associated with a thrashing. Suddenly, it was all too much. The sound of her whimpers and the look of her blushing ass, he felt desperate to have her. Dropping the paddle, he gripped her ass cheeks, and, spreading them wide, he pressed the crest of his cock into the mouth of her pussy, the pressure almost more pain than pleasure. The sensations quickly morphed into ecstasy.

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