Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Turning to see Nate standing in the doorway, his eyes bright with hunger and his cock erect in his jeans, Ty briefly wondered if they would even get to eat and said, “If you don’t want burned kebobs, please don’t fuck her at the table. I’ll never be able to watch the food. All I will want to do is watch you both and then join in. So if you are going to take her, do it in another room.”

“I think I will, thanks. I need an appetizer.”

Coming over to the table, Nate grabbed her by the hand and towed her to the door as she giggled.

Ty’s voice made them pause for a moment. “Nate, don’t clean her up. I want to fuck her again while she is filled with us, but most of all I want to taste the two of you again.”

Chapter Eight


Nate closed his eyes, and his huge shoulders lifted as he took a deep breath, desperately trying to control his movements. He was so damn aroused he thought he’d blow before he could get inside her. He nodded to Ty and continued out the room. Leading Ashton into the hall bathroom, he picked her up, placing her on her stomach on the large counter facing a mirror. Her feet couldn’t touch the ground, but that didn’t stop Nate from spreading her cheeks, opening the seeping slit to his gaze. Nate wondered if it aroused her even further knowing he was looking at her pussy, which was still wet from her encounter with Ty.

Her pink folds were glistening with Ty’s cum. Unable to resist, he dove in, his tongue running from one hole to the other to gather all the moisture in its path. Nate was incapable of waiting any longer, and he notched his cock against her tight cunt and pushed in one thrust. Using the grip he had on her shoulders, he kept slamming her back onto his throbbing cock unmercifully and when he felt her cream gush, he let loose like a geyser, emptying his balls deep against her womb.

He watched Ashton in the mirror as her pussy continued to clench, seeming to prolong her pleasure. The contractions wracking her almost seemed torturously long. Panting, she raised her eyes in the mirror and met his. It made his stomach flip, the utter surrender she offered, but he regretted that everything appeared to be in fast forward. A special woman like her should be savored.

Pulling her off the cold marble countertop, he flinched when she slid across it. God, he had completely lost his touch. Ashton had to be his kryptonite. That’s all there was to it. Never had he been so quick on the draw.

He groaned as he recalled all the sorry-ass places he had taken her—a fucking door, a bathroom counter, the floor of the club. Sure, it had been the suite’s floor, not the actual floor of the club, but a floor was a damn floor. He normally had more finesse than to fuck a woman in such tacky places. He would be lucky if she would allow him to sit at the same damn table after that slack showing of stamina.

“Did I do something wrong?” She looked worried.

“No. Actually, I was upset that I was being a crappy Dom. I should have taken better care of you. Not fucked you on the floor and other places. My job is to care for you, and all I feel like I’ve done is be a selfish pig. A typical vanilla man,” Nate finished with disgust.

“Please don’t feel that way. I’ve never felt as wonderful or as well-loved as I do since I’ve been with you and Ty. Please don’t take this away from us…”

Nate stopped her. She was clearly upset even if he hadn’t heard her outburst with fingers over her lips. “It’s okay, baby. What I meant was that, despite you deserving better, I would never be able to let you go. I’m just sorry you’re not seeing my normal skill and charm. Right now I’m too hungry around you. Any time I see you, I’m like a rutting stag. All I want to do is claim you over and over again.”

Ashton opened her mouth to say more, but Ty appeared in the doorway. “Dinner’s ready. The beef is resting. Do you need anything, Ashton, before we sit down to eat?”

“Socks would be great because my feet are freezing and maybe some panties. I’m afraid I’ll make a mess anywhere I sit,” Ashton remarked in an almost embarrassed laugh.

“Why didn’t you say something? You don’t walk around uncomfortable. Ever. Do you understand?” Ty demanded.

She rolled her eyes, but replied in a snarky tone, “Yes, Sir.”


* * * *


Ty took off upstairs, making a mental note to make sure she kept socks on her feet. It was only September and not very cool, so she would be freezing by November. They would need to figure out a comfortable temperature so she could wear minimal clothes all the time. Ideally they would love to keep her naked. Grabbing socks and a pair of silk panties out of the bags on their bed, he looked around the room. Tonight would be the first night they would spend in the room. He and Nate had worked to create the perfect suite for them.

They had spent six months working with an interior decorator to find all the perfect elements. There was the closet the designer told them would be any woman’s dream come true. He just hoped Ashton liked it. It was a walk-in, and they had ordered a designer to come in and add plenty of elements most of their female clientele found appealing in a closet. For the bathroom they had chosen a huge tub that would fit the three of them and similarly the shower. The designer only raised her brows when they demanded a third sink, but she really flipped her lid when they requested a third closet.

Jogging down the stairs, he loped into the kitchen to find Ashton sitting in her chair and Nate dishing up their plates before grabbing their glasses to fill from the table. As he walked over to Ashton, she smiled and held out her feet. He couldn’t resist tickling the bottoms quickly before slipping the soft white ankle socks on her dainty little feet. Holding out his hand, he helped her up and bent to smoothly move the pretty silk and lace panties up her thighs, caressing them as he went. He growled. He shouldn’t be hard, but there he was throbbing. Ty slipped his hand into her panties and ruffled the soft curls. Sliding down her cleft, he pushed his middle finger between the folds into the slippery heat. Withdrawing, he rolling her little button with his wet digit. Ty smiled when he felt her knees give just a hair, and he pulled his hand away. Ashton’s eyes followed the finger he lifted to his mouth, watching as he sucked all the juice off. Seeing her lips part, he knew he was just seconds from throwing her onto the table and fucking her senseless.

Luckily, Nate saw and, cutting in, he turned her to a chair, sitting her in it. Remembering the surprise he had for her, Ty grabbed the bottle of diet citrus soda out of the refrigerator. She squealed when she spotted it. Nate and he looked at one another in bewilderment and humor, but Ty sat the bottle down beside her glass then brought the pitcher of water out for them.

They finished dinner, and Ty and Nate cleaned the kitchen. They were content to watch Ashton squirm in the chair, knowing that it wasn’t only anxiety, that it was primarily arousal. Ty guessed she knew they were going to devour her as soon as they got done with the mundane things that needed to be taken care of.

When they were finally done putting the kitchen to rights, they turned and leaning against the counter. They motioned her over, dropping their jeans as one, letting their cocks just bob in the wind. Ashton walked over to them slowly, looking her fill. Ty admired the sight of her dropping to her knees, and she allowed her fist to glide over each erection, stroking one then the other. Ashton opened her mouth, and she held both heads together, licking first one tiny hole, then another, each leaking fluid. Seeing her mouth stretched as wide as it would go, she managed to fit both of the heads in, but no more. When she allowed Nate to slip out of her mouth, she reached down and cupped his balls, giving them a tug as. She kept her hand circling Nate as she swallowed Ty’s length as best she could, gagging a few times. Ty whispered to her to swallow and breathe through her nose. Swallowing him down, she nearly brought him to the brink of climax before releasing him. She repeated the process with Nate, clearly enjoying each man’s individual flavor by the deep moans escaping her mouth. Both men stopped her by grabbing her arms and hauling her up as she reluctantly released each cock.

Nate bent and put Ashton right over his shoulder, and they made the stairs in double time. He put her on the bed and snapped the little strings on the panties and eased his ruined shirt off her shoulders. Breathing hard, Ty saw Nate turn to see what they should do next, and Ty eyed his cock with hunger.

“Fuck Ashton, but don’t come. I’ve missed having your cum in my mouth. I want to fuck her and suck your dick at the same time,” Ty demanded.

Seeing Ashton’s eyes glossy with need as he said this, Ty watched as Nate pushed his cock into her juicy little slit and rested there for a moment before he started pounding in and out of her until Ty felt compelled to slow Nate down by nipping him on his shoulder to draw his attention to him.

“Don’t come. I mean it. I want you to shoot every drop into my mouth, but only while I’m fucking our woman.”

Nate shuddered and moved up to straddle Ashton’s pretty face, his balls hanging over her mouth. Moving to fit the head of his cock into Ashton’s pussy, Ty pushed in, the juices easing his way. Feeling her little muscles fight his size, he continued to persevere. Hitting bottom in Ashton was almost perfection.

It became perfect when Nate thrust his cock against Ty’s lips, and Ty sucked the head into his mouth, swallowing the delicious meat. The taste of both Nate and Ashton burst in his mouth. It was so fucking good. The feel of her tight pussy and Nate’s wide cock filling his throat made him moan. He didn’t want to come so soon. He wanted this to last forever. Letting Nate’s cock go, he took a breath, trying to hold off.

Ty whispered for Ashton to finger Nate’s ass so they could all come together, and he swallowed Nate’s meat again. Thrusting harder into Ashton, he felt his balls tighten as his cum shot out, filling Ashton, her climaxing pussy milking every drop. Nate shoved deep once more, and he poured stream after stream of semen down Ty’s throat. Ty strived to swallow every ounce. The two of them collapsed on either side of Ashton, caressing her with soft touches.

Knowing that she wouldn’t sleep comfortably without a shower, Ty rose, and scooped her up, carrying her into the shower where he stood her on her feet. The hot water felt great, but Ty noticed Ashton shifted against the shower poof he used to wash her pussy.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Ty asked.

“I’m a little tender,” she whispered in embarrassment.

“I am so sorry, honey. Why didn’t you say something? Didn’t we cover this? You never allow yourself to be uncomfortable. If there is a way for us to make things better for you, it’s your job to tell us. If you choose not to, then it’s an automatic spanking, and this one we might not let you come from,” Ty said, frustrated.

Rinsing her off, he picked her up and sat her on the counter. Spreading her thighs, he inspected her flesh. Ashton grabbed the towel off the counter and wrapped it around her, covering her face.

“You are red, but no cuts or scrapes. It should be fine in a day or so,” he said after he inspected every centimeter of her pink flesh. When he looked at her face he caught her rolling her eyes.

“Are you sure? Because I’m not a nurse or anything—I couldn’t possibly know that it was nothing more than tender, huh?” Ashton replied sarcastically, lashing out in a snippy tone.

Raising an eyebrow, he waited for an apology for her disrespectful tone and words. When nothing came, he jerked her off the counter and bent her over the surface, pushing her chest flush with it. Swatting her once, he met her eyes in the mirror and waited. Seeing her mutinous pout he knew nothing was forthcoming yet. He gave her another swat, this one a little harder than before. Seeing her stubbornness coming out, he looked her in the eye again explaining, “Since you are going to act like a brat, I will treat you like one. You are going to take five swats as your punishment.”

“One.” He counted the first one off.

“Two.” A beautiful red color bloomed on her bottom.

“Three.” That swat made tears come to Ashton’s eyes.

“Four.” She started to sob after this one.


Seeing her lay there, he was afraid she would feel dejected, so he immediately pulled her into his arms, telling her how well she took her punishment and what a good girl she was and how proud they were that she was their women. Helping her wrap the towel properly around her, he led her out to the bedroom and told her to lie on the comforter. Grabbing the towel that was wrapped around her, he watched as Nate placed another down for her to lie on.

Going to the bath, he grabbed some massage oil and brought it back to the bedroom. Both he and Nate poured some in their hands and began to knead the muscles and soothe her soft skin with the oil. When she groaned, they both smiled and continued to rub her down. Nate had chosen to take her shoulders and back, and Ty her bottom and legs. When he got to her feet, she let out an almost orgasmic moan, telling them they had found her favorite place for a massage. They continued soothing her with their oil-slicked hands, and it wasn’t long before she was softly snoring.


* * * *


Leaving her lying there, Nate followed Ty down the stairs to lock the doors. After a security check of the house they were making their way back to the bedroom when Nate heard her cry out, and both of them took off in a dead run, storming through the double doors of their bedroom. Ashton was sitting up, shaking and crying. They both rushed to her side to comfort her and find out what happened.

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