Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Collared: Ashton [Collared Lovers] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Stop looking at me like that querida. We are going to talk and not make out. We have skipped some steps and I have every intention not to do it again until we know more about one another,” Nate said, with purpose. So serious she couldn’t help but giggle a little. It surprised him as much as it stunned her. She wasn’t a woman that giggled. Throwing back his head he laughed a deep sound that Ty, walking back into the room carrying three bottles of water, could do nothing more than grin at. He clearly loved to see his partner happy and laughing.

They went back to watching the movie and when the credits were rolling Ashton had made several decisions about herself. She knew part of the reason she objected so strongly to Sophie’s choices was that she was afraid to acknowledge that she had feelings that were strong when it came to aspects of the lifestyle. Ashton was afraid to admit she clearly had a freak flag and it wanted to come out and be flown so to speak.

The idea of ceding control to someone was terrifying at best, and yet it made her nipples pebble and her cleft grow wet and slick. If she were honest with herself, she knew the times she had spoken to Sophie about what happens at the club tripped her trigger in a way straight vanilla sex never could. It made her hunger for the dark, edgy sex that she knew was prevalent in the lifestyle. While she was on a roll she had to recognize the fact that pain wasn’t unwelcome for her. She often had a better orgasm masturbating, when she pinched her nipples or clit.

Ashton conceded that she was nearly desperate for something to change in her life and this was the perfect opportunity to stop hiding. Ashton knew these men were committed to one another so it was unlikely tonight would be anything more than a peek into something she potentially had interest in. Watching the two men on the sofa she had to acknowledge that she wanted what they had and she wasn’t going to find it drowning herself in endless shifts at the hospital. It was time for her to start living, and she was going to start by throwing herself completely into this experience and enjoying it to the fullest.

Chapter Three


Nate watched as Ty eagerly got up to answer the doorbell to collect the things that had been ordered for Ashton while she had been asleep.

He had been thrilled when she had agreed to stay, and they had spent the early afternoon together talking. Ty had made them lunch, and they convinced her to take a nap while they were watching television. She had curled up in the huge lounge chair while both of them lounged on the large, overstuffed sofa. Each man had been careful not to touch her throughout the rest of the afternoon to give her time to just get to know them. When she had fallen asleep, Ty had made arrangements for some proper sub and toiletry items to be sent to their home.

For the last hour Nate had been watching her rest. Her hair was curling in wild disarray, and her skin was flushed with sleep. She was so beautiful. He would give almost anything if they could make this work, to hold them at night and wake up to both of them every morning. He knew she could help them heal, but she had to want to be with them, to accept their love.

Watching her blink sleepily, Nate saw her wake slowly as Ty came in carrying bags and a gift box from the exclusive lingerie boutique most of their clients used.

Ty held three bags out for Ashton and explained. “Ashton, here are some things you might need to get ready, and something to wear this evening. You can use the bedroom upstairs at the end of the hall on the right. If you need anything we are in the bedroom to the left at the top of the stairs. We have a few things to do before we can get ready to go, but go on up and make yourself comfortable. Would you like a glass of juice or a bottle of water?”

“No thank you,” Ashton said, curiously peering at the bags.


* * * *


Getting the bags from Ty, Ashton carried everything upstairs and went to the bedroom the guys told her to use. The beauty of the room left her speechless. The suite was gorgeous. The walls were a light, cool blue, the intricate trim was white, and the large furniture all in black. The decorations were all coordinating tones of black and white, even the pictures. The comforter was varying shades of the colors in the room.

She dumped the bags on the bed. The contents that spilled out surprised her. It appeared that they had thought of everything. There was shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a body poof, a razor, shaving cream, toothbrush and toothpaste, and a perfume set that had lotion. Even a brush and a tube of hair gel sat at the bottom of the bag.

Loading her arms with the things she would need, she realized it would actually require a couple of trips, but she managed to place everything appropriately in the bathroom. The sink surprised her most. There were three basins instead of the normal dual. Opening the large glass enclosure that housed the shower, she put the items in it on the shelves and took a moment to admire all of the shower heads and the travertine tile.

Stripping off her clothes and placing them in one of the bags on the bed, her eyes—and her curiosity—were caught by the box from the exclusive lingerie boutique. Slipping the lid off, she gently moved the tissue paper aside and gasped at the contents. Nestled in the tissue was an emerald-green corset set with a matching robe, and tucked at the bottom of the box was a pair of clear heels.

Ashton left everything on the bed, and went back to the bath and showered and brushed her teeth.

Toweling her hair, Ashton added the styling products, and she tamed her hair into a simple but hopefully flattering style. Ashton went into the bedroom, and slipped the corset on and hooked the eyelet closures, adjusting her breasts as she did. Holding the bikini panties up she couldn’t help but admire the delicate fabric and beautiful design, and slipping them over her hips, she added the robe to cover the ensemble.

All afternoon she had wondered what the hell she was doing here and why would she be willing to even do this. She couldn’t help the moments of fear but it wasn’t going to win. Ashton admitted to herself she was tired of hiding and denying the feelings she kept shut away. She was going to give this situation every chance and not look back.

She couldn’t deny she looked great in the corset because it made her small waist even smaller and full breasts and hips appealing. Ashton was anxious to go downstairs, and she wondered if they would find the outfit sexy on her. Putting the room and the bathroom back to rights, she slipped the heels on and stepped out. She didn’t have long to wonder about the men’s reactions as they were both waiting for her at the top of the stairs.

“You look beautiful, Ashton,” Nathan told her.

Ty grabbed the belt of the robe and untied it, and after giving her a thorough inspection said simply, “Perfect.” Ashton tugged the edges of the robe back together, and tied the sash with shaky fingers. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She’d never allowed such forward behavior from someone. In general she was a non-touch type of person, however, these men made her want their caress.

“Thank you, but I don’t know what to say. I love the lingerie, but I hardly think it’s appropriate for a club. I would like to pay for the items you had sent over, we’ve just met and I honestly don’t feel comfortable with you buying such personal things for me.”

Obviously ignoring her, he continued with his explanation “We won’t be in the bar portion. We are going straight into the club through a private entrance. For the duration of the night when you are in the presence of another Dom you are to address us as ‘Sir.’ Keep your head lowered, and sit on the cushion at the foot of our chair. Don’t look another Dom in the eye. It’s considered disrespectful, a challenge. It’s important for you to experience the club under our protection.”

“Most of all, we want you to see how the people in our lifestyle behave and how loving most of those relationships are. The lifestyle takes a high level of dedication to your sub and always putting the needs of your sub above your own as a Dom. Hopefully you will understand all of that soon,” Ty explained.

Ashton’s heart pounded, and her pussy dampened at Ty’s instructions. She was always thankful no one knew that deep down she became turned on at the thought of a dominant man. The sheer thought of a man spanking her or having her while she was restrained always made her peak so quickly. Her stomach started to flip over, and anxiety at going to such a forbidden place was making her almost queasy.

Nate took her arm and, as Ty locked up the house, he escorted her to a large black Hummer with dark windows. After putting her in the back, he got in on the passenger-side front seat, and Ty got behind the wheel.

It was a smooth drive and took very little time, so soon they were pulling into the club. A garage door opened into a private entrance, and she realized it was their own private parking deck, large enough to hold several large vehicles. She had suspected that these men were previously military, from the closely cropped hair to the way they both seemed to take in everything about their surroundings and Nate’s vague reference to hellish experiences, but all of this security and almost paranoid behavior affirmed it.

The elevator required a key and took them directly up to a suite. Looking around at the opulent surroundings made her feel so out of place. The living space was comfortable, though, and decorated with modern pieces. It reminded her of their home.

Breaking her out of her thoughts, Nate spoke first. “There is a bedroom and full bathroom through there and a small stocked kitchen through that doorway. We lived here during our early days when we first opened the club. Our office is through here and it’s the only way to get into the club from this suite. Do you want something to drink?”

“I would love a soda,” Ashton wistfully answered.

“Okay, let me call down to the bar and have someone bring up some soda to put into the refrigerator.”

Ty came over and took her hand to lead her into their office, and Nate followed. Taking her over to a wall of security screens, he pointed out several things he thought would interest her in the club—some of the dungeons, scene rooms, the dance floors, the bars, all different angles of the club.

It was almost obscene seeing individuals having sex and engaging in all levels of intimacy. She felt almost lecherous watching the different scenes of debauchery. It gave her a delicious thrill, however. The scene of two Doms with their sub made her pussy tingle the most. They had her on her knees, each taking turns feeding her their cocks. But what drew her to the scene the most was the way they caressed her face and petted her hair. Their loving manner left little doubt in Ashton’s mind how cherished the sub was. It never occurred to her before that a sub was more than a “fuck toy,” as crude as that thought was. This woman appeared to be dominated, but she wasn’t yanked around or pushed down and made to service her Doms. She was lovingly directed.

Despite being nervous, it also helped that Ty and Nate made her feel safe and secure, but free. It was an awesome feeling to be free to understand the things that society said were bad. Now she was not only able to gain firsthand knowledge, but was being encouraged to do so. They obviously wanted her to be able to experience anything that might excite her. The funny thing was they seemed to know before she did what would push her buttons.


* * * *


Watching Ashton as she viewed the scenes was fascinating, and they let her absorb everything without disturbing her thoughts. Nate had never seen it through the eyes of a total newbie before. He couldn’t wait to have her on her knees, her mouth loving his and Ty’s cocks. Nate would love to have her naked anytime they were home. This image was by far the tamest of their fantasies. The others were better kept to himself for now. Ashton might run for the hills if she knew what each man wanted from her, what they would demand from her. But as much as they would push her boundaries, they were committed to the lifestyle. A sub would always be honored, and always protected as she submitted to a Dom. Ashton would enjoy the experience of a Dom cherishing every inch of her body and soul. She was a smart woman, and she was quick-witted—the kind who would always keep them on their toes. Nate had always pictured a woman who would follow him and Ty without thought, a sub through and through. But Ashton would fight every inch to make them work for every victory. There would be no blind following from their woman. Now he couldn’t picture another sub that would be more perfect, and right now he didn’t want anyone else. Each man reached for a hand, and they led her into the hallway and to the elevator outside the office. The doors opened, and they were met by a huge man who immediately greeted both men and ran through what sounded like a security report.

“John, this is Ashton,” Ty said, introducing her. “She is very important to us. Ashton, if you aren’t with us, John is to accompany you anywhere you go. Do you understand? You go absolutely nowhere without either of us or John.” Ty made a motion for John to follow him, and Nate led her to a private alcove and sat in one of the large chairs.

When Ashton tried to sit on the floor, he pulled her down into his lap, moving her so that her back was against his chest. He enjoyed the feel of her delicate little body in his arms.

Nate knew Ty was apprising John of his change in duties. They would require him to be with Ashton anytime they couldn’t. He knew things were progressing too quickly, but the desire for her to be protected at all costs was essential. It would be simpler if they could convince her to always listen to them, but he felt he had a better chance at becoming president than telling this woman what to do. Honestly Nate had always figured if they ever considered taking a permanent sub she would be a complete submissive. He was actually embarrassed to say the kind of sub that they could take off the shelf when they wanted to play. Nate had to admit he would have described a woman that was more a toy than an actual partner. After spending a little time with Ashton, there was no way either man would ever be content with a mindless doll. Until then, however, they would do their best to ensure her understanding of how important it was to them for her to be safe. Shaking himself out of the thoughts of that potential fight with her, he elected just to enjoy the time here and now.

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