Cooking For Cowboy (Stampede Sizzlers) (21 page)

Read Cooking For Cowboy (Stampede Sizzlers) Online

Authors: Brenda Sinclair

Tags: #Brenda Sinclair, #cowboy, #series, #Calgary Stampede, #Romance, #steamy romance, #contemporary western, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Cooking For Cowboy (Stampede Sizzlers)
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“Chad.” She sat up in bed, flicked on the bedside lamp. “I’m still awake. Come in.”

She heard him blow out his breath. “I need to talk to somebody,” he admitted as he crept into her room, closed the door behind himself.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.” He silently crossed the carpet, stood beside her bed, and met her eyes. “You’ve been crying.”

“I’m okay, now that you’re here. How are you doing?” She pushed strands of hair out of her eyes and swiped the tears off her cheeks. “I got your text. I’m glad Chris is going to be okay.”

“He has bruises from here to Sunday. A cut above his eye required a couple of stitches, but thank God he wasn’t seriously hurt. The doctors don’t think he has a concussion, but they’re keeping him overnight just in case.” Chad shook his head. “My heart almost stopped when the other wagon struck my wheel. And then after they got the rig under control, I looked back and noticed Chris lying lifeless on the ground.”

“Your mom actually leapt out of her wheelchair when it happened. I had to help her settle into her seat again.”

“And here I was worried about how my other outrider would do tonight.” Chad shook his head.

“I couldn’t believe what happened. I know it wasn’t intentional. The wagon wheels tapped each other, but I never dreamt such an innocent thing could cause such a catastrophe.” Sierra reached for his hand. It felt cold as ice.

“It doesn’t take much. I rode along with Chris to the hospital in the ambulance, so I haven’t heard if the judges announced any fines yet. Charlie texted me that no horses had to be put down, and the other drivers and outriders are okay.”

“Thank goodness. Having something like that happen in the last heat was unfortunate.” Sierra climbed out of bed, reached out and gently touched his face. He looked totally exhausted, and she just wanted to wrap her arms around him and make him forget everything bad that had occurred tonight. “Do you need something to eat?”

Chad shook his head and dragged his hand through his hair. “I need to lie down before I drop.” Sierra crawled onto the bed and patted the space beside her. “Stay here for awhile. Lie down and relax.”

He paused for a moment, considering her suggestion. He stepped over to the boot jack and pulled his cowboy boots off, and returned to the side of the bed. She reached for his hand, drew him forward, and he stretched out alongside her.

“Close your eyes and rest. If you fall asleep, that’s okay, too.”

Chad took a deep breath, closed his eyes and folded his hands over his stomach. “God this bed feels good. It feels like I’ve been awake for days and days.”

“You need sleep,” reiterated Sierra, brushing her fingers across his forehead and rubbing his temples.

“Who says there are no angels on earth?” Chad sighed deeply. In an instant, his eyes flew open. “When I close my eyes, I see Chris lying on the ground. Thank goodness he was riding alongside the rail and rolled into the grass and off the track. Otherwise, he could have been trampled by a horse, run over by a wagon...”

“Chris will be fine. Now relax and count sheep or something.” Sierra forced a smile past her lips. Why she expected him to sleep seemed ludicrous since she’d been crying instead of sleeping for the past hour.

Chad reached out and touched her hair. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

“Right. No makeup, hair a mess, puffy eyes from crying. Besides, you’re changing the subject.” Sierra reached for his hand and held it to her cheek. “If I could sing, I would serenade you with a lullaby. Actually, you might go to sleep with my singing…so I would stop.”

Chad laughed. “Have you ever been too exhausted to sleep? I don’t think anything would help me sleep tonight.”

She felt a grin crease her face. “Not anything?” she asked, coquettishly.

“Oh, you’re bad,” answered Chad. “Did I mention I’m exhausted?”

“Too exhausted to…”

“Never too exhausted for that.” He rolled onto his side and wrapped her in his arms. “Man, I must be tired I just now noticed what you’re wearing.”

Sierra forgot she’d thrown on a short nightie while busy tending to Bonnie. “What I’m barely wearing you mean?” She pulled his head down for a kiss.

Chad tucked her against his body and deepened the kiss. He pulled back and searched her eyes. “I could get used to coming home to this every night,” he whispered, almost worshipfully.

Sierra stared into his eyes, depthless pools that threatened to drown her. She couldn’t think of a better way to die than being loved by this man. “I…I agree,” she managed to stammer.

Her heart beat erratically, almost painfully in her chest, and she considered the possibility that this was what having a heart attack felt like. She actually hurt for him, seeing how his concern for the outrider had taken an exacting toll.

She pulled the snaps open on his shirt and dragged it off his shoulders. She made short order of his t-shirt as well. She couldn’t wait to feel his beautiful bare chest against her own skin. As if he’d read her mind, he slipped her nightie off over her head.

For a moment, they just stared into each other’s eyes. Chad shed the rest of his clothes and slipped under the covers with Sierra.

Their tongues tangoed while their bodies lay side-by-side.

He peeked up at her. “That fluffy pillow behind your head looks as soft as your skin.”

“This pillow is soft. Very soft,” she whispered.

“Just like your body,” repeated Chad, kissing her lips, the indent in her throat, working his way down to her breasts.

Sierra’s nipples pebbled, and Chad’s mouth suckled each one in turn, while his hands roamed her torso. Her breath caught as he rained kisses downward, circling her belly button with his tongue.

He kissed his way across her belly as he moved downward, finally burying his face in the wispy blonde curls that hid her feminine treasures.

Warmth started in her core and slowly crept up her body. “That feels wonderful,” she whispered, breathlessly, as his tongue worked its magic. “You’re driving me crazy.”

She told herself she shouldn’t be doing this. He hadn’t confessed his feelings for her. Was she hoping for something that was never going to happen? But his love-making created a magnificent response in her body, a strong connection that she’d never experienced with any man before. When she thought her heart would stop with all that she was feeling, Chad slid up her body, feathered kisses over her face and then possessed her mouth.

“Your hair smells like strawberries,” he said, nuzzling her neck.

She tasted herself on his lips while his erection pressed against her belly. She was wet, ready for him. “I love you so much,” she whispered, without realizing she’d said it aloud.

“I love you, too,” he replied immediately, eyes closed, returning to her lips and appearing to savor what he was doing.

Sierra’s heart leapt in her chest. Had he meant it? Or was it just a spontaneous response, uttered in a moment of passion, but meaningless?

Chad broke the kiss and searched her eyes. “Where did you go just then? You stopped kissing me back.”

Tears welled in her eyes. If he hadn’t meant it, she’d be so distraught. No, damn it. Chad was not the kind of man who told a woman he loved her unless he meant it. She had to believe that. “It’s…just…”

“I mean it, Sierra. I do love you. This is not just recreational sex for me. I love you so much, sweetheart,” he repeated the words with increased conviction.

“I meant it, too, Chad.” She felt her eyes welling. “I love you.”

He searched her eyes as he lay beside her. “You are so beautiful. I can hardly believe you’re mine.”

Sierra savored the overwhelming emotions she saw reflected in his eyes. Shared emotions. Deep, enduring emotions that she knew could last a lifetime.

Chad dug a condom out of her bedside table, slipped it on, and returned to her side on the bed. “I’m too tired to worry about the recipe tonight. But I need you so badly.”

“I need you, too,” she whispered, reaching for his hand and placing it between her legs where she ached most for him. She wrapped her hand around his erection and started stroking him slowly.

They touched each other gently, losing themselves in the joyful knowledge that they truly loved each other. Chad lay on top of her and she sighed, loving the feel of his weight. He slipped inside her and they matched their movements, thrusting together in an age-old rhythm until they climaxed almost simultaneously. Their lovemaking had been sweet and loving.

Afterward, they cuddled under the covers. Wrapped safely in his arms, Sierra heard Chad snoring softly and then she fell into a deep restful sleep.

In the morning, even the rooster’s best efforts didn’t wake them.




Chapter 17


“Where’s Sierra?” asked Bonnie, wheeling herself into the kitchen to help prepare breakfast with Celia and the young chefs.

Celia answered without meeting her employer’s eyes. “I peeked into her room earlier and didn’t have the heart to wake her.” She didn’t add who she’d noticed also occupied Sierra’s bed, or that she’d coaxed Barney out of the room and sent him outside to play with Sandy.

“I noticed Chad’s door was still closed also when I left my room.” Bonnie sighed. “After the accident on the track last night, he must have decided to sleep in, too. I discovered a note taped on my door this morning saying Chris had bruises and a few stitches but would be just fine. I guess he didn’t realize I was with Sierra when he texted the news to her.”

“I couldn’t be happier.” Celia patted Bonnie’s shoulder as she wheeled past her. “Sierra filled me in when I came home, but I lay awake worrying about that young man for quite a while last night before I drifted off to sleep.”

“Well, he’s going to be fine, but I can understand why the young people are sleeping in. They must have been exhausted after all the excitement and worry last night.” Bonnie poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Oh, I image there was excitement last night all right.” Celia grinned with her secret; she couldn’t be happier for them. Although she knew Mrs. Parker wanted Sierra for a daughter-in-law, Celia wasn’t certain Mrs. Parker would approve of premarital goings-on under her roof.

“The twins and I made a quick Sunday breakfast for the ranch hands. I think I’d like to attend church this morning. Would you accompany me to services, Mrs. Parker?”

“Attending church would be most appropriate today, Celia. Someone was looking out for that young man last night. For Chad and his horses, too.” Bonnie poured herself a cup of coffee. “We’ll let the twins clean up and leave as soon as we’ve finished eating.”

“Sounds like an excellent idea.” Celia noticed Mrs. Parker wiping her eyes. “Don’t worry. That young man will be fine.”

“It’s not that. I’m just so thankful Sierra is allowing me to work in the kitchen again.” She met Celia’s eyes. “Chad hurt me so much when he banned me from cooking, but I know why he did it. I was so mean to those other poor cooks. None of them deserved how I treated them. I feel terrible. I shouldn’t have taken my situation out on them.”

“Water under the bridge now, Mrs. Parker. When we learn from our mistakes, we grow and we don’t repeat them. You’d never do anything to hurt Sierra’s feelings.” Celia hoped that was especially true if Mrs. Parker learned what obviously transpired last night.

“You’re right, Celia. Let’s have breakfast. I don’t want to be late for church.”


* * *


Sierra woke up wrapped in warm, strong arms that prevented her from rolling onto her back. And then she remembered making love with Chad and falling asleep in his embrace. Her eyes popped open and she gasped when she peeked over at the bedside clock. Twenty minutes to eleven.

“Oh, my God,” she exclaimed. “Wake up, Chad. Move, move, move.”

Chad jolted awake, allowed Sierra to squirm out of his arms. “What’s wrong?”

“We slept in big time. Get up. You’ve got to get out of here before someone finds you.” Sierra grabbed underwear out of her dresser and slipped it on. She raced into the closet, pulled out a pair of jeans and a cotton t-shirt.”

A minute later she returned to the bedroom, fully dressed, and frantically dragging a brush through the tangles in her hair. “What are you doing?”

“Lying here, thinking about what I’d like for breakfast.”

Sierra stood gaping at him.

“So far I’ve ruled out eggs, pancakes, and burritos.”

“I can’t believe this.” Sierra tossed the brush at the dresser, missed. It fell to the floor, landing silently on the thick carpet. “Will you get out of my bed?” she demanded.

“Actually, I just thought of something I’d like for breakfast.” Chad bobbed his eyebrows. “And I’m looking at her right now.”

“Oh, no. That’s the reason why we’re going to get caught together if you don’t leave now.”

“Fair enough. Come here, your hair is sticking up in one place,” he motioned her forward, pointed at the left side of her head.

“Where?” she patted her hair with her hands as she unthinkingly moved toward the bed.

Chad’s arm shot out and snagged her around the waist. She screamed as he flipped her onto the bed and held her down with his body. “Yes, I’ve definitely decided what I want for breakfast,” he whispered, nuzzling her neck.

Sierra laughed, his hair tickling her face. “You are impossible. Your mother is going to kill me if she finds you in my bed.”

“Probably insist on a wedding, since you’ve obviously compromised her son.”

Sierra punched his arm.

“Let me sneak out there and check if she suspects anything.” Chad crawled out of bed, slipped into his jeans and peeked into the hallway. He glanced back at Sierra. “Stay.”

“Oh, no!” she exclaimed, sitting bolt upright in bed and glancing at the empty dog bed situated by the chaise. “Where’s Barney? Someone must have let him out of my room earlier. They know,” she groaned with the realization.

“Shh, let me check the kitchen.” Chad closed the door soundlessly.

Sierra bit her lip and silently prayed.
God, please don’t send his mother in here
. She recalled Bonnie tearing an acid-tongued strip off her the day they met, and she couldn’t imagine what all she’d have to say to a woman whose bed she discovered her son in.

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