Dark Desires: Genesis (10 page)

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Authors: Kourtney King

BOOK: Dark Desires: Genesis
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where did you go tonight?”

did not like the edge in his tone, he was acting as if she was sneaking around
on him when they weren’t even in a relationship. “Just out for a chilled night”
she replied trying to not give too much away as retribution for how private he
usually was when it came to his personal life.

that the conversation was going nowhere and she probably would evade what he
was trying to discern – what she did tonight when she went out with her friends
- he grudgingly dropped the subject. “Fine, never mind.”

was your trip?” she tried asking again.


are you right now?”

don't want to talk about that.” Vlad knew he was being a poor conversationalist
but he was too irritated with her to give anything except monosyllabic answers.

so what do you want to talk about?” He watched her get up and carry the laptop
to bed where she lay down, supporting her head with one arm resting on her
elbow. It brought attention to her breasts which stirred his sexual hunger.

about you take off what you’re wearing and then we can talk” he smirked,
shifting back to the topic of sex which was far easier than finding out about
her after-hours activities.

rolled her eyes and got up. “I have a better idea.” She moved out of the frame
and disappeared for a few minutes. Vlad wondered what she was doing and before
he called her name to find out whether she was still in the room where she’d
left her laptop, she came back into the frame with more clothing than he

are you wearing?”

sleeping ensemble” she replied with glee knowing that she had done the complete
opposite of his request. She had to have the talk with him; they could only be
friends. If he wanted a plaything then he was going to have to find a
replacement because she was not interested in the role.

on your head?”

this?” she touched the scarf on her head as if realising it was there for the
first time. “I wear it to bed so that my hair is easier to manage in the
morning. Clearly you haven't been with a black woman before because it's in our
hair bible.”

been in bed with you twice but you've never worn one.”

face came alive as she burst out laughing before indicating with her fingers,
“(a) I never thought my one night stand through to the point where I would
carry a headscarf (b) I doubt it would look sexy in bed and (c) our second
encounter was not planned but on that night, had I made it home, I would have
worn one.” His lips quirked up in a smile, he had never seen this side of her –
laughing and animated. She’d moaned when he was wrapped in her thighs, he’d
witnessed her angry at the racist doctor and then she was contemplative
whenever there was a problem. He’d never seen her in her element and he finally
understood what she meant about getting to know him, he felt compelled to know
her now – beyond the treasure of the body she offered.

look beautiful.” He assumed she was blushing by the way her lids flattered
after offering up the complement and the soft smile that graced her luscious
lips. Truly she did look beautiful. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt and her
face had been washed clean of the make-up giving her a youthful look of
innocence. To look better without make-up was a true testament to her alluring


you blushing? I can't tell.”

laughed again and he begun to worry that she was laughing at him. He’d been
described as serious, formidable and ruthless but never as funny. “Why are you
laughing?” he asked earnestly.

you always so blunt? You can’t tell whether I’m blushing because my cheeks
didn’t turn red? I mean blushing is about being shy or embarrassed regarding
what someone has said or done. Thankfully this brown skin isn’t as obvious
about displaying my temperament in such situations. Anyway it's more to do with
the fact that you've never complimented me before rather than anything you’ve

have told you that you have nice breasts.”

I believe your exact words were something to the effect of… ‘they look good on
you’ which by the way is not a compliment. It’s more like something one would
hear from sleazy men at a bar who happened to bypass my face in order to
address the boulders on my chest”

you were with sleazy men at a bar tonight?” he asked remembering the irritation
from earlier on.

not what I said. I was referring to when I go out, or any other woman who is
well endowed for that matter, and the first thing a man notices is your rack.”
He did know what she was talking about because he was that man – often. He was
annoyed that complete strangers had seen her in that light. Of course she was
an attractive woman and any red-blooded man was bound to notice her, he just
didn’t want them to and would gladly gauge a man’s eyes out for staring at who
he was beginning to feel possessive of.

still haven’t told me where you were earlier or if you’ve been with other men.”
Val did not like the insinuations he was making. He seemed to have garnered
this image of her being a loose woman who couldn’t control her sexual urges.
Granted, they had met under the most unconventional circumstances which would
not bode well for any woman in society and she felt the right to feel incensed.
It was her body and who she chose to share it with was her prerogative.

is that any of your business?”

have a lot of sass when I’m not there with you. By now I’d have fucked the
truth out of you.”

his words her indignation turned into smouldering need. She remembered being
with him and it turned her on immensely. She was hanging on by a thread to not
give in to her baser urges and wrestled with her emotions to steer the
conversation in a safer direction. “Right, I was hoping you called so that you
would give me a face to face reply on my previous mail.”

was glad that he still affected her. He saw the way her breathing had picked up
and he could see the peaks of her nipples through her shirt. Seeing that he
would not be able to sate both their needs with the distance between them, he
allowed the change in conversation.

told her a bit about his life as an orphan on the streets of Satu Mare and
talked a bit about the countries he’d visited – being sure to leave out any
ominous details she may find abhorrent with regard to the lifestyle he led and
the crimes he committed. There were times she wanted more details on certain
things like how he survived and who was present in her life, for the most part
he kept things vague and she relented which he was grateful for. Most women would
have pushed for him to open up about things he didn’t want to relive. They
wanted to “heal” him and considered him a “broken” man – he didn’t consider
himself broken and there was nothing to be fixed. Yes he did bear emotional
scars that others may not have; he just chose not to be a victim of the hand he
was dealt in life.

conversation then turned to human interaction which he found stimulating. She
brought up very good points that he conceded on which included that fact that
being shut off from the world robbed one of their humanity. She used the phrase
Umuntu gumuntu gabantu
which translates to ‘a person is a person because
of other people’. His cold nature was adapted from the need to survive on the
street. A place where one got robbed of the little they had and it was a
physical fight to survive each day. It was because of his closed off nature
that he could be an arms dealer –able to supply weapons that took away
thousands of lives. There was no humanity in his trade; it was the order of the
industry. He also gave her something to think about in turn – that not all
people were “good” and being open and caring towards them gave them the power
to manipulate you according to their whims. The world warned you about
psychopaths and serial killers but they failed to comment on the everyday evils
where husbands beat their wives or politicians stole from their people, both of
which he had borne witness to.

Val yawned for the umpteenth time he realised that it was officially morning
and he ended the conversation, she was probably too polite to do so herself,
with the promise to continue their têtê-á- têtê soon. He reflected on their
conversation for a while afterwards and concluded that Valerie was a remarkable
young woman. She deserved someone good and that did not include him as he
currently was. He needed to see Razvan and get some advice on women because he
was out of his depth with this one. If Razvan could get married and have a
family after all the shit they went through in their younger days, then there
was hope for something long term between the two of them, even if it would take
time for him to change his ways and adapt to a less turbulent life


That weekend Vlad made arrangements to meet up
with Razvan who he found out had relocated to their country of birth, Romania,
and was residing in the capital city of Bucharest. It felt strange returning to
the place where he was born, he associated the country with hardships and
remembered promising himself to never come back. His brother was a different
breed of man if he was capable of returning to their personal hell and making a
home for himself there, he surely couldn’t. This is where Dorin, the weak poor
orphan died, and in the Ukraine he became Vlad- a man of conviction and
fortitude. He intended to book himself into a hotel but his brother would not
have it. In fact he even came to escort him from the airport to his home, where
he would be a guest for the duration of his stay.

Seeing Razvan for the first time in a few years
was like looking at a completely different man. Gone was the black hair he
continuously dyed to cover up his natural blonde in an attempt to look more
sinister. The harsh colour was a startling contrast to his pale skin and with
the quiet temperament he had around strangers, he became known as The Ghost.
Razvan now possessed an ethereal kind of beauty that was well hidden behind
glasses and his former hulking mass had been cut down to a more athletic frame.
They embraced shortly and each man took in the others appearance, noticing the
changes that had been brought on over the years.

“You’ve gotten bigger” Razvan commented,
feeling the slight sting on his back from the brotherly hug that included what
was supposed to be a friendly pat.

“You on the other hand have shrunk considerably.
No time to hit the gym with that family life you’ve taken on?” Vlad retorted

“There’s no need to walk around like the Hulk
in my line of business and the wife has no complaints, it’s quite the contrary”
he added with a smug smile.

They both laughed at this and headed to the
luxury sedan that displayed his affluence in a reserved manner. As they drove
through the city, Vlad found himself pleasantly surprised by its modernity and
medieval architecture. He could not compare Bucharest to the small town he'd
grown up in and maybe this was why Razvan had decided to relocate here.  They
arrived at a quaint house that was large enough to host a big family but not
quite in the realm of mansion estates. Walking through the door he was hit with
the mouth-watering aroma of cooking food. Shortly afterwards he was greeted by a
striking woman with long brunette hair and startling grey eyes who welcomed him
into their home. She introduced herself as Mihaela. She was warm, inviting and
made him feel at ease in her presence. It was easy to see why his brother was
content with married life. He heard a rattling noise moving through the house
before it drew closer to where they were all standing, in view appeared a blonde
haired toddler with rosy cheeks.

“Dorin, what have we discussed about riding
your bike inside the house?” Mihaela admonished her son. Vlad’s eyes stretched
in shock that the little boy was his namesake and made a mental note to ask
Razvan why he had christened the boy with the cursed name.

“Sorry mum,” offered Dorin’s tiny voice in
apology. He was about to roll back out the way he came before his mother shot
him a look he caught the meaning behind, picking up his toy bicycle, he went to
pack it away in his bedroom.

“Please go and relax, dinner is almost ready”
Mihaela suggested, heading back to the kitchen to finish preparations for the evening’s

The men walked to the study and Vlad took in
the surroundings. It was a beautiful home, much better than the one he’d grown
up in or any of the properties he owned. The interior was painted a warm yellow
and the walls were adorned with paintings and family portraits of the family at
various events they attended or took in this very home. Razvan played the part
of family man well, the man standing before him today was nearly
indistinguishable from the man he grew up with. The host poured two glasses of
ţuică and joined his guest in the opposite leather seat of his study.

“It’s been three years brother, what do I owe
your sudden visit? You were quite cryptic on the phone”

“Where do you get this from?” Vlad motioned to
his glass, followed by another sip of the brew “it’s very good.”

Razvan laughed, he had never known his old
friend to deflect questions, and he was usually brazen when it came to conversations
and requests. Taking things in stride he decided to entertain it, one way or
the other he would find out what was going on with his brother. The past few
years have gone by very quickly, contrary to his plans, he had a wife, son,
home and great business. He hadn’t seen Vladimir because of their conflicting
schedules and the man was tough to reach if he didn’t check in himself – which
he hadn’t. He was constantly travelling and the business he’d adopted was
something he didn’t want to involve himself in for the sake of his family – it
closely mirrored the life his brothers had promised to leave. Andrei and
Vladimir were reckless in their younger days and even though they had become
more adept over the years, he wasn’t surprised by their respective career
paths. He on the other hand chose to do something more constructive, to build a
legacy that he could leave to his children without fear of their safety.
“Actually, Mihaela makes it for me. She’s quite the talent in the kitchen” he

Vlad saw the mention of Razvan’s wife as an
opening to ask about Valerie but a more important question was burning his
mind, “Why did you name your son Dorin?”

Razvan knew he would ask about his namesake, it
was only a matter of time and he was prepared with an answer. “I named him
Dorin because it represents the boy I knew when we were kids. He will have the
life, love and opportunities we never had. Hopefully he will become the men we
should have been had we been born under different circumstances. Plus you
discarded the name while the rest of us kept ours – it was available for free
use.” Based on the smirk on Vladimir’s face, Razvan knew he appreciated the
gesture and reasoning behind it. “Now, enough of the idle chatter. Whatever it
is that’s bothering you, just spit it out so we can make a plan.”

Sighing deeply Vlad just asked what he’d flown
for over two hours to discuss. “I met this woman and she is difficult but I
can't seem to let her go.”

“That's where it all starts.”

“She's smart and beautiful but I don't think I
can be with her, not like the way you are with Mihaela.”

“Listen Vlad, our relationship hasn't always
been perfect. We aren’t as picturesque as we may appear. There were many
complications along the way, especially when you take into account the life we
led. When I met her, I knew she was special beyond the beauty she possessed. I
wined and dined her but eventually she grew tired of the fanfare because she
wanted to settle down and I kept avoiding the topic of commitment. I realised I
was going to lose her, which was my turning point. It made me open up to her
about my apprehensions based on the past I had. I was the man with too much
baggage but the communication between us cemented our relationship. From then
onwards we’ve continued to grow not only as a couple but also individuals. Can
you relate what I’ve said to your special woman?”

“I've never considered having a relationship
other than one that caters to sex and offers female companionship. I don’t want
a wife or children because of the past I’ve had and the life I lead.”

“I can understand that
, we don't
have to repeat the mistakes of our parents, and we can change and decide what
it is we want. The same resilience we showed when we moved to Ukraine and
Russia is the same resilience I used to create a life for my family. I know
that you and Andrei took to that life better than I did at times. Sometimes I
think of Christi and David, wondering what direction their life would have
taken were they still alive.” A deep sadness filled both men as they thought of
their dead brothers losing their lives at such a young age because of the
criminal life. “Take things slow with her and make sure to communicate – think
about exactly what it is that you want and how you feel, then let her know. I’m
not saying change who you are and become Casanova.” Razvan snorted at the
preposterous thought of the brute man becoming a charming lover, “I’m just
advising you to be honest with yourself and her. If she is the right woman
you’ll work something out.”

Feeling uncomfortable with the microscopic
conversation into his personal life, Vlad turned the conversation back to his
friend. “Tell me about your wife, she seems too good for a man of your

Razvan laughed, he could never get a compliment
from the man without an insult thrown in for good measure. “What can I say? We
fell in love.”

“How did you know you were in love?” Vladimir
inquired sceptically. They had never discussed the topic as men. Sex and women-
yes, but never

“You just know” was Razvan’s reply. He realised
that he wouldn’t be able to get away with that pitiful explanation so he
elaborated hoping he didn’t sound soft to the man they had often speculated was
incapable of feeling. “I never went looking for it; we connected from the
beginning and developed a friendship. Getting to know her grew my need to
always be around her. Our son was not something we planned but as I witnessed
this magnificent woman carrying my child, I knew that I had to do everything I
could to protect and care for them. I needed to build my life with them as my
central focus and that was the motivation that spurred me back to Romania.”

The two men sat in silence, lost in their own
thoughts; Vlad considering whether Valerie was the woman that would inspire a
change in him and Razvan reflecting on the turnaround his life had taken after
finding out that Mihaela was pregnant. A knock on the door pulled them out of
their reverie.

“Dinner is ready” Mihaela announced at the
door. She had prepared a feast of sausages, cabbage rolls, fried dough with
sweet cheese, bean soup with hocks and baked pumpkin. Vlad complimented her
culinary skills and wasn’t the least bit surprised when he found out she was a
trained chef in Balkan cuisine. What was shocking was that they not only co-owned
restaurants together but that the first establishment was successful enough to
open branches in Serbia, Hungary and Bosnia. They ate and talked, sharing
stories about adventures from their youth.


A few days later Vlad found himself on a flight
heading to Cape Town. He had enjoyed reconnecting with Razvan and getting to
know his family. He hadn't spoken to Valerie since their last Skype call and he
thought showing up to her house and asking her on a date would be a pleasant
That’s what women like right? To be surprised. This will be like
all the romantic shit Razvan does for his wife.
He booked himself into the
same hotel and requested the same suite he had stayed at. It had an air of
familiarity and within the space he could remember every cock jerking moment he
had spent with her. After unpacking, he took a shower and change into khaki
shorts and a white t-shirt that were more comfortable. Europe was freezing this
time of the year but in the Southern hemisphere the heat of summer was blistering.
He took the elevator down and walked through the lobby, when outside he hailed
a cab and gave the driver her address. Once outside Val’s residence, he noticed
that the cars lining the streets had been driven by the guests of a party held
at her house. He followed a few of the people making their way in and found
himself surrounded by college guys in shorts, some sans shirt, and girls in
bikinis. He stuck out like a sore thumb as he was not only bigger than the
other men he’d seen but also much older than the college crowd in attendance.
Not one to feel shy, he made his way through the house in search of Valerie.

“Sorry can I help you?” he heard a man ask.

“Yes, I’m looking for Valerie Thusi.”

“Oh, okay. She's outside by the pool. Follow
me.” He turned to follow the punk-rock-skater guy who seemed to know the layout
of the house as well as the guests. He remembered the file Mike had compiled on
Val and tried to recall who her housemates were. There was a Jake on that list
as well as Sipho and Thuli. He didn’t like the idea that she had chosen to room
with other men, now more so than when he initially read the file. Arriving at
the pool he saw that this was where most of the people had gathered. Some
hovered by the food and drinks tables, others were in loud conversations trying
to compete with the louder music and then there were those cooling off in the
pool. He spotted Valerie in a bright red swimsuit that was reminiscent of
Baywatch. Her hair was in a different style of long braids that sat atop her
head but the cut of the bathing suit accentuated her large firm breasts that he
would recognise in any crowd. She was laughing and seemed to be enjoying
herself immensely.

She waded over to the water’s edge and was
about to lift herself out of the water, it would have been a moment that he
could put into his wet dream archive, until a man stepped into the frame
blocking her from view. The man bent over the edge of the pool, put his arms
around her waist and pulled her out. He then held her to his chest and placed a
kiss on her cheek. They exchanged a few words that elicited a smile from her
lips. He’d seen enough and his body propelled him to interrupt the conversation
that was clearly beyond friendly. He stopped in front of them and stared
explicitly at the man’s hands that were still around Valerie’s waist.

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