Dark Desires: Genesis (6 page)

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Authors: Kourtney King

BOOK: Dark Desires: Genesis
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me!” Val shrieked. She had never shrieked before, it was not her MO. It’s just
that her voice had failed her; she could not believe the audacity of the man
who had been called out for her benefit. Val had no idea what the hell this
crack-pot of a doctor was insinuating but it didn’t take a genius to figure out
that it was by no means pleasant.

Vladimir, I don’t know how long you have been in the country, but STIs run
rampant among the blacks. You may want to get your health insurance to run a
full blood panel after your encounter.” He finished off with an air of
grandiose know-it-all that only a doctor could dispense when it came to medical
news. Val stood there stunned as a range of emotions ran through her and she
wasn’t sure which one she should use to address this situation with. Hurt,
humiliation, shame and anger. She held on to the last one as it seemed to have
the strongest current that would hopefully propel herself home and away from
any other situation like the one she currently found herself in. She had a few
choice words for Dr. De Beer but knew that when it came to men like him, men
she had unfortunately met in her lifetime, words would do very little to sway
their way of thinking – prejudices that had grown up with them. She stormed out
of the space to avoid slapping him which her twitching palm was begging to do.

had watched this encounter play out and knew exactly what was going on, but
erring on the side of caution he decided to clarify with the good doctor. He
chuckled to himself thinking of how he was never wrong in the way he read
people or situations, but he still went about the rather tedious, useless task
of double-checking his facts. “This is a very grave matter Mr Vladimir, unless
you laughing is a knee-jerk reaction to you receiving shocking news. I’ve been
in practise for over twenty years and have seen my fair share of how differently
people cope with stress.”

worry about me; I’m more interested in your professional opinion. Who do you
think that woman is to me?”

told me she’s not your girlfriend and if she were your wife or someone
significant you would have corrected me earlier or given her a title, let’s say
a friend, so I assume she is a ‘lady of the night’ as they call themselves
these days.”

other than titles makes you think she’s a hooker?”

seem to be well educated and travelled. Europe has some beautiful women and I
can only presume that you were looking for someone to warm your sheets without
having to go through the motions of courting more decent company. I don’t agree
with prostitution being a Christian man myself, but I can’t stop others from
making their own decisions.”

he was right about not wanting the chore of woo-ing a woman but he hadn’t had
to pay shit for the past two days. Come to think of it, sex had always been
freely offered wherever he went. “And what did you say about my health
insurance?” he asked lastly.

couples worry about an unplanned pregnancy but you both don’t constitute a
couple and I can tell with that one you would have to check for STIs. I know
this is not an epidemic where you’re from but it is in this country. I strongly
recommend you get tested as soon as possible. Those kaffirs have run around
‘free’ and are killing this country and killing themselves but don’t let them
kill you.”

was quiet as he took in the conversation. He had the man pegged down to a tee.
He really needed to stop second guessing himself. He chuckled again at the situation
and walked back to the bedroom to find Val. If he thought she was in a sullen
mood before the doctor arrived, she was in fine form now. Based on the look of
unadulterated rage on her face, he knew she was ready to spit. He saw his
chances of bedding her slip through the cracks and that had him feeling quite
irate himself over the spectacle that had just played out. He braced himself
for her wrath knowing that more often than not, a woman’s anger was directed at
the wrong target. “Are you ready to come out and get the check-up done?” he
asked her as calmly as he could. The look she gave him would have been amusing
to an outsider looking in, he would have laughed himself had he not witnessed
the fall out in the lounge, and he knew he was up shit’s creek along with the

you lost your fucking mind?!” Val hollered. “I will not go out there to some
morally twisted physician who not only insults me but completely disregards my
integrity by diagnosing you with hypothetical ailments that you supposedly got
from me, without the added fanfare of whipping out a fucking stethoscope. What
is he going to do next? Read my palm and tell me that I have HPV? Actually fuck
that, he won’t even touch me so it has to be a crystal ball that’s going to
tell him all he needs to know!” She was so pissed she couldn’t even think
straight and the brunt of her frustrations were taken on by the carpet that she
would wear thin in her pacing. She stopped and looked at him. He was smirking,
fucking smirking because this racist bullshit probably flew right past him. He
was not the victim. He never received the harsh criticism that came from being
birthed to the losing side of the race war. She walked up to him and slapped
him as hard as she could, hoping the force that connected her hand to his face,
would grant him some humility and wipe that smug smirk that had tipped her
sanity from manageable to volatile.

saw it coming; he was not in the least bit surprised that she had slapped him.
He saw how coiled her rage was when he walked in to find her pacing, her
shoulders drawn up radiating tension. He watched it escalate as she voiced some
of her anger regarding the incident in the lounge and when she stopped talking
he watched as her obsidian eyes settled on him, marking him the sole outlet for
what she was feeling. Fucking people. He hated dealing with them for this exact
reason. The average person never knew when to keep their mouth shut - case in
point: the doctor in the lounge that was called over to do a very simple job. The
average person didn’t know how to direct their emotions either; Valerie
depicting that example with her current actions. Two things, only two fucking
things that required people to control their fucking urges, but the average
person appeared to be incapable of doing them. ‘Control the elements within
your grasp’ was the motto he lived by yet to the average idiot, you might as
well be asking them to carry water in their outstretched hands. He watched her
face calm after realising what she had done and the look of regret soon took
over. “Don’t apologise.”

said I was planning to?” Val replied defensively, in a lower tone of voice than

written all over your face. Now why you chose to hit me rather than the man who
is the cause of your grief? I will leave that for you to figure out. Right now
I want you to go back out there and handle this as the grown woman I know you
to be.”

makes you think I want to talk to that racist fat fuck?”

I can tell that you have a few choice words for him that you wanted to say but
swallowed down, opting to come back here and hide. I think it would do us both
a world of good if you spit them out at the intended recipient. PS: Angel that
recipient is not me. Not everybody is going to like you and even though his
form of prejudice is an ugly one, there are many more like it all over the
world. Don’t let him manipulate you with his words and control you through your
own feelings.” They stared at each other for a moment. Val recognized the
wisdom in his words and felt the resolve to address the ugly issue that was
waiting for her out front.

She walked back to the living area. “Mr. De Beer” she started before she let
out an almost maniacal laugh “I hope you took note that I omitted the Dr.
title. That is because you have lost the honour to be addressed as such when
you treated the Hippocratic Oath as if it is some document that comes with
terms and conditions based on who you think is worthy of your services. I guess
you weren’t paying attention when you mindlessly recited or rather glossed over
the “to heal and not harm part”, you skipped right past that line when it came
to our introductions. I will no longer be needing your services, actually
consider yourself blacklisted from this hotel after I relay this incident
through. A few words of free advice to help you with future consultations: I am
the patient and you address me, when you go to a consult. Any other parties are
secondary when discussing me. And I hope you have an actual degree considering the
way you were throwing around diagnoses when I know for a fact screening
requires bloodwork and a few days for results to come through, so for future
reference I suggest you shut your mouth, listen to the patient and open that
fucking briefcase – which I hope to God for the patients that you visit, that
it at least has the basics - instead of using it as a fucking prop you would
bring on stage. You can grab your shit and leave now” she huffed, having said
every and anything that came to mind during her soliloquy.

De Beer’s face had slowly turned to a deep shade of red as he speechlessly
listened to the litany of insults Val had issued. “Now listen here you…”

Vlad finally bellowed. His silence had earned him a slap which had turned him
on. He wouldn’t mind a repeat performance had the circumstances been different.
“I agree with everything she said and in your simple mind I’m sure you can
concede that some of her points hold merit. I won’t be paying for this service
or lack thereof, so leave quickly before I hold you down and allow her to
relish in the anger she demonstrated on me a few moments ago.” He then went to
the door and held it open as the doctor made his exit.

approached her and placed his hands around her waist. He felt her tense beneath
his hold and squeezed a bit tighter. “Do you feel better now?”

really,” she sighed.

playing it like a loop in your mind and you will. It’s done.” He reached across
her front and loosened her robe caressing her now bare stomach and reaching up
to stroke her breasts.

not in the mood,” Val grated out between clenched teeth.

then reached down and stroked her clit before reaching further down and burying
his finger in her core. “Anger is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal; some
people use it for revenge or to start wars but you my angel should channel it
here” he continued stroking her deeper. She couldn’t stifle down the moan that
erupted from her mouth and could no longer ignore the very hard cock that was
now pressed against her stomach. The wave of arousal rushed through her. She
relaxed against his solid frame and let her traitorous body go to the place it
had learned to call home for the past few days.

she said. Giving him the greenlight to ravish her and grant a temporary
reprieve from the events of this morning.

Chapter Four

lay in the afterglow of yet another steamy session with Vlad, the man was
insatiable and she found that she was unable to deny him. She needed to get
home and prepare for tomorrow, but there was the issue of her only clothing
having been ruined and lest she forget, she still needed to get the pill. She
could ask him to grab her clothes from her house… but she was going home anyway
so that would be a useless trip if she weren’t in the car as he drove there and
back. There were a few boutiques that lined the street where the hotel was
located, maybe she or rather he could go in and grab her something to wear, at
this point she would settle for anything decent enough to allow her out into
the public’s domain. She’d seen a girl in a magazine turn a dress shirt into a
shirt-dress, maybe she could try that. She got up and walked to his cupboard,
well aware that she was being watched. She found a plain white shirt and put it
on, however it was simply too big and it would look wrong in so many ways.
this is not going to work. He should just run down to one of the stores and get
me something decent seeing that he was the one who ripped my dress in the first
  She met his gaze and just asked, “Hey, do you think you can pick up
some clothes for me to wear?”

had watched her lay in bed and think, that’s all she had done this morning only
heightening her stress levels. When she got up and went to try on his shirt
followed by her request, he realised what had been on her mind. He flashed back
to how he had ripped open the dress she wore last night to reveal her full
bra-less breasts and felt his cock stir. He needed to stop the madness that
consumed him whenever she was near. A nice walk would help cool him down and
offer him a chance to get back to his old self. “Sure, let me take a quick
shower and I’ll head down. Any special requests?”

a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Oh and a bra! 34DD - tell that to the ladies and
they should be able to sort you out.”

size clothing do you wear?”

be on the safe side, ask for an SA size 34 with the jeans and a medium t-shirt
– sometimes these clothing stores seem to cater to the smaller women, so the
rest of us have to make adjustments. Do you want me to write this down for

I’ll remember it all” Vlad replied back as he got up, making his way to the

your sake you better remember,” she muttered under her breath. He had heard her
but chose not to reply, she had been combative enough this morning.

she heard the shower begin to run, Val slipped back into the robe she had worn
earlier and grabbed the remote that was sitting on the side table. She would
watch some TV and try to relax, all she could do was wait. Vladimir was showered
and dressed within half an hour; he had put on the white down shirt she had
tried on earlier and a pair of grey slacks before he was headed out.
Damn he
looks good with zero effort!
As he walked out of the bedroom and she heard
the door close, she turned her attention to the flat screen mounted on the

walked down the street and realised that there were quite a few clothing shops,
he just needed to find one that supplied everything that was on her list. Through
random selection he walked through a black door and was greeted by a lady waiting
on the other side for prospective clients. He caught the quick appraisal she
gave him, liking what she saw, her smile morphed from friendly to flirtatious
as she moved closer to him.

day Sir, how may I be of assistance?”

would like to by a lady friend of mine an outfit. Jeans and a t-shirt.”

assistant bucked a little when he mentioned ‘lady friend’ but in the next
second she recovered herself to continue. “Are you sure that’s an outfit you
should get your lady?” Vlad did not miss the insinuation that he was shopping
for a woman that was probably more than just a friend while trying to decipher
whether he was available. He looked at the ID badge attached to her right
breast that read Margaret. His eyes were glued to her rack before trailing down
to give the rest of her a once over. She was petite and lacked the volume he
had gotten himself accustomed to with Val. Thinking of Val he remembered his
objective and steered his thoughts towards her shopping list. He decided not to
dignify her question with a response because it truly was none of her concern;
furthermore he never explained himself to anyone and was not interested in her advances.

the handsome man that had come through the door was all business, Margaret
shifted back into her professional mode. "Maybe I can interest you in our
newest looks for the season; would she like something casual or perhaps an
evening dress for a more formal occasion? With us women, we choose clothes that
make us look good and boost our confidence when we go out. Is it possible that
your friend thought you would not be able to find something up to her standards
and made the simple request because it was an achievable task? A word of
advice; woman like to be surprised and you would be doing yourself, and her, a
favour by going above and beyond that brief."

thought about it and she did have a point. He was not very experienced with
women beyond the bedroom and was also responsible for her ruined dress so it
seemed only fair that he replace it. “Okay what would you suggest in the dress
department, not quite formal, something with class?” Margaret’s face lit up
with a brilliant smile. He wasn't sure whether this had to do with the fact
that he took her advice into consideration or whether it was from the hefty
commission she would be making from the sale. She walked to a section of the
boutique that was filled with dresses and started pulling out a few items which
she assumed a woman would like according to her personal taste. When she
returned with her finds, presenting each one for his approval, Vlad could not
decide on one because in his minds-eye Val would look great in all of them,
simply because she already looked great naked. He then came to the realisation
that she had not given him her dress size even though he could describe every inch
of her body in vivid detail. “I know she wears a size 32 in jeans and a 34DD
bra, so what dress size is that.

eyebrow quirked up in response to the manner he described his ‘friend’s’ features.
She thought about it for a moment, retracing her steps she returned all the
dresses she had pulled out to their rightful place. She then came back with a
black number; it had a plunging neckline in the front and was open at the back,
the material would cover her breasts, abdomen and legs. It was a variation of
the Little Black Dress, on Val’s body it would fall past her knees, sexy yet
sophisticated. “I'll take it.”

Would you like me to add some accessories as well to complete the look?”

don't know her shoe size either but you can suggest some jewellery.” Before she
could turn around and gather his order, he added that he needed something more
casual in addition to the dress and a lingerie set. After Margaret had rounded
up all the items on his list as well as a few extras that included a necklace,
earrings and a bracelet, he paid and left the boutique to head back to the

back in the suite Val was still in bed with her thoughts running a mile a minute.
All of them centred on Vladimir and how little she knew about him. She wasn't
paying attention to the TV and turned it off. Getting up to walk around the
bedroom, she tried to get a sense of who the man she'd spent the last two days
with actually was, seeing that he was not very forthcoming about revealing
anything about himself to her. She started opening the cupboards to rummage
through his closet. The clothing he wore was all formal attire. She had noticed
that he owned a pair of sweats and a T-shirt but that was probably used when he
was lounging around in the suite. Maybe he was here on business she mused. She
saw a laptop on the work table and opened it hoping to find out what he was
working on, however it was locked. She was not surprised because everyone kept
the work on their PC’s private – herself included. She saw a rather large
silver suitcase that was lying on the floor, partially covered by the curtains
and decided to see what he had packed up or what was still unpacked. She
unzipped the luggage from both sides, pausing briefly at the thought of
invading his privacy, in the end her curiosity won over her sense of propriety.
She flipped the lid back and stared at the contents in shock.

she was looking at were three guns neatly packed in the cushion cut-outs that
were perfectly suited for each design. Who was this man, was he a serial
killer? She quickly closed the lid and zipped up the bag, trying to place it
how she originally found it – with the curtain partially covering the suitcase.
She turned her attention to the laptop she had opened and closed that as well, going
back to the cupboards where he kept his clothing, she made sure the doors were neatly
closed. She was afraid, her hands were sweaty and shook slightly and her heart
was beating in her throat. She stood at the entrance to the bedroom and
scrutinized everything she had touched, after a thorough sweep of the room, she
tried to calm down, she had covered her tracks and nothing seemed out of place.
Would he kill her if he found out that she had been snooping and found his
weapons? Her imagination was running wild as she thought of the fingerprints she’d
left on his laptop and gun case.
She needed to get out of here and
get home but she had to wait for him to deliver her clothes, otherwise she
would draw unwanted attention to herself if she made her escape in a robe.

pacing restlessly for a few minutes she stopped and breathed deeply in an
effort to calm down, to try make sense of the situation. Maybe she was blowing
things out of proportion; maybe he was licensed to carry those guns. He had
said that he was a consultant and she would need a contract with him to find
out what it is he did. He was probably a bodyguard or worked in security for
very wealthy people. He had the build and aggressive demeanour to be in
security. Yes, that made more sense than being a hitman. Clearly she had been
watching too many movies and reading too many books, allowing her imagination
to run wild. She walked to the living room and saw the food brought in for room
service. She remembered that she hadn’t eaten since the early evening of the
previous night and it was now almost noon. She was definitely hungry considering
the busy morning she’d had. The lack of food must also be contributing to her
wayward thoughts. She sat down on the couch and decided to try watching TV
again while she ate.

heard the rustling sounds of someone outside the door and her heartbeat accelerated
once more, it must be Vlad or maybe it was housekeeping. She got up from the
couch and went to the door which now stood open; Vlad looked down at her
quizzically then lugged a myriad of bags in. “H-hi” she stammered nervously, “I
see you've been busy.” She gave him a weak smile before reaching out to help
him carry some of the parcels. “Which one is mine?” she asked.

of them.”

eyes widened in surprise, she settled the bag she was carrying onto the couch
she had been sitting on in order to see what he had bought her. Peeling of the
paper wrapping she saw a black dress that was absolutely beautiful, immediately
wondering whether it would fit. It looked to be about the right size but she
would not be sure until she tried it on. She turned to face Vlad and asked,
“Will I be going out dressed in this? We are stopping by the pharmacy so it’s a
bit… much”.

you don't have to wear that one right now, it's something I bought to replace
the one I tore off you. I hope you like it, if it doesn't fit the receipt is in
the bag and you can exchange it for something else if you wish.”

felt touched at his gesture and smiled at him with sincerity this time. “Thank

then handed her the other bag he was carrying, “this one is for you to wear
now.” Val reached out for it and again opened the wrapping to discover a form
fitting beige top as well as a pair of white dress pants. The material of the
top was cashmere and the pants felt like silk. “Wow! This looks expensive; you
didn't have to do all this.” She mumbled mostly to herself as she stared on at
her outfit for the day.

know but the shop assistant insisted and I know nothing about women or what
they actually like or don’t like for that matter, so I went along with her

thank you.” She felt her ears heat up with embarrassment, even though they
didn’t really know each other, beyond the biblical sense, he was already buying
her things. An awkward moment passed between them, she then stood up, heading
in the direction of the bedroom to change. Her nerves had calmed down with the
unexpected gift but she couldn’t keep the eerie feeling at bay –the feeling
that he was the unknown and probably dangerous.

got you these as well,” came Vlad’s voice breaking into her fractured thoughts.
Val jumped in surprise at the sound.

I wasn't expecting you to come in” she supplied in answer to her erratic
behaviour. He turned up one corner of his lips in almost a smile.

didn't know that you were shy, especially after all the things we did yesterday
and the day before that, not to forget this morning.”

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