Dark Desires: Genesis (13 page)

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Authors: Kourtney King

BOOK: Dark Desires: Genesis
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He grabbed a hold of her waist and settled her
in the middle of the bed so she was lying across the width of the mattress. He
stood and removed his shoes, socks and shirt, then proceeded to walk to the
other side of the mattress where her head lay. Gently he moved her shoulders
closer to him so that her head was now hung off the edge.

“If you want to stop, just tap my leg.”

“Makes sense, I know it’s not polite to talk
with my mouth full” she teased.

He grinned down at her, “Open wide and relax.
Don’t worry about your gag reflex.”

She opened her mouth and he slowly slipped the
tip of his dick in. His thrusts were slow and methodical, giving her a bit more
each time. Soon he was hitting the back of her throat and she felt her
oesophagus close at the intrusion. He paused and leaned down to massage her
breasts and nipples. Even though her mouth was full and her throat was closed,
Val felt her body relax as the erotic feeling of him touching her shifted her focus.
He straightened up a few moments later and ordered, “touch yourself for me.”
She was quick to follow his directions, her body was thrumming with need which
only began to abate when she pinching her nipples in between her thumb and
forefinger with one hand while massaging her clit with the other. The faster he
tunnelled into her mouth, the faster she rubbed herself, finding that her mind
was focused on the pleasure of both their actions. Soon she felt his dick slip
down her throat, when she reflexively swallowed he groaned at the sensation.

Vlad had never walked a woman through deep
throating. Tonight in this act he was the teacher and she was his diligent
pupil. He was proud of her; she followed his instructions with enthusiasm. He
wanted to ruin her for all other men, in every act, every thought, every kiss
and caress; he wanted her to think of only him and know that she belonged
solely to him. When she began to involuntary try and swallow while his cock was
lodged in her throat, his balls began to tighten and his spine began to tingle,
he knew he was about to come. “I’m going to come, let me know if I should pull
out” She gently shook her head no with her mouth full. He smiled down at his
angel and pumped his cock in and out of her. His balls drew up, his muscles
locked and his legs began to shake as he emptied himself down her throat. When
he was done, he slowly pulled out of her and helped her sit up.

“Are you okay?” he asked while stroking her

“Yeah, it was… different. I don’t really have
anything to compare it to.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“I enjoyed watching you and the power I had in
making you come.”

Vlad smirked at that, “It’s now time for me to
make you come”. He pushed her body back on the bed and settled himself between
her thighs where he made her come over and over again.

Having tired themselves out for the night, he
pulled Val’s body against his hard chest. “I thought of us moving in today but
I guess we’re both too tired to head back to the hotel and pack?” He waited for
her response but none came. Thinking she had already fallen asleep he called
her name. “Valerie?”

“Yeah, I heard you. I just…”

“What is it?” he asked more forcefully than he
meant to.

She wasn't sure about moving into his home.
Living at the hotel with him was different; it was fun and casual, kind of like
an extended holiday romance. This sounded like a very official request to move
in with him and they still had not determined the state of their relationship.
This would be a big step forward but she wasn’t sure exactly where they were
going. Finally she spoke up and gave it to him straight.

“I can't move in with you.”

The response from Val was a shock to Vlad, they
had been living with each other for over a month and they were happy. He
thought that buying them a place of their own would allow for a certain level
of comfort that a hotel couldn’t provide. He needed clarification on her
refusal and moved over her body to the other side of the mattress so that he
could face her.

“Why not?”

She felt his hands tighten around her waist;
both his crystal blue eyes and his flexing fingers seemed to crush her as he
waited for her reply.

“Why not?” She echoed his question as she
searched her mind for the best way to answer him. She wanted to bring up the
fact that she didn’t have the security of commitment with him, instead her
cowardice left her offering up the only excuse she could think of.

“It's a bit far from the university, the hotel
was already a stretch. It was manageable but still a stretch.”

“I thought of that and I can get you a car or
drive you if you don’t have your licence.”

“No! You don’t need to do that.”

Seeing that he would probably have an answer to
every excuse she gave, she sighed in defeat and chose to be honest. “We talked
about taking things as they came and talking about any situations that made
either of us uncomfortable. Well, this makes me uncomfortable. Moving into this
house with you when I still have a lease on my own place; that would be
frivolous on my part and I can’t confidently give up a place of my own when I
don’t even know whether this thing between us will still be there three or even
six months down the line.”

“We’ve been doing well these past few weeks,
why don’t we just try it out?” He bent down to kiss her but she turned her face

“No Vladimir. I’ve tried a lot of things with
you but for something as big as this I need time to make a decision.”

“Okay so you want to stay at the hotel for a
few more days and think about moving here?”

“No, I want to go home, to my own bed and think
about things between us.” She started to get up but Vlad grabbed a hold of her
arm, preventing any further movement. “Can we go? Can you drop me off at my
place?” They were trapped in a tableau; him not wanting to let her go and she
being on the verge of leaving. They just stared at each other, waiting to see
who would break first. Eventually Val yanked her arm out of his grip and got
off the bed. He hadn’t answered her questions regarding their relationship and
she wasn’t sure he could, which meant she had made the right decision in not
moving in. She found her scattered lingerie and the dress and put them on. The
entire time Vlad remained in bed.

He was in a state of shock and hadn’t moved an
inch since he let go of her arm. He merely watched her in what felt like a
trance as she got dressed and walked out of his bedroom. When he heard the door
close he snapped out of his state. If she was so determined to leave then she
was welcome to. He had never begged anyone in his life, let alone a woman and
he wasn’t about to start. As the minutes wore on in silence, he came to the
conclusion that she wasn’t coming back; the part of him that had become
vulnerable to her became louder, the part that his pride and years of solitude
had stifled during her confession roared back to life.
She wants to leave!
She wants to leave me and our home, she wants to leave us!
She was adamant
about her decision and there was nothing he could do about it unless he
committed to her – that was something he wasn’t sure he could do. He’d spent
half the night fucking her so he knew sex wouldn’t be the answer and the
communicating seemed rather final from her end. She knew what she wanted, after
getting to know her these past few months; he knew he could not convince her
otherwise. He was filled with an emotion he identified as rejection which only
served to infuriate him. He thought that they understood each other, that she
understood him. The one person who he would have confidently said would be
there with him was now leaving. Like his mother left him, like his adopted
parents left him and like the brothers who had died left him.

Val was on the ground floor, sitting in the
lounge waiting. He had been silent after her confession of the uncertainty in
their relationship; he had remained mum when she asked to be taken home. She
waited for over fifteen minutes even though she already knew he wasn’t coming
down. He wouldn’t offer any kind of assurances; it seemed that a
happily-ever-after was not in her calling cards. Finally she pulled the phone out
of her bag and called a cab, a few minutes later it had arrived and he still
had not come down. She headed out of the door and what seemed inevitable, out
of his life. She would need to head back to the hotel and pick up the
essentials, her book bag and whatever else she could fit into the overnight bag
that had transported half her wardrobe over to his suite. She needed to remain
focused on her education, once again another man had let her down but she
refused to let herself or her goals suffer the same fate.

Hearing the door shut downstairs seemed to cut
the cord to the little sanity he had remaining. Vlad was still lying on his
bed, subconsciously hoping she would come back. Valerie leaving their home had
him on the verge of explosion. This was not how he envisioned things happening
tonight. He wasn’t supposed to be in bed alone while his woman was somewhere
else at this time of the night other than school.
She’s mine and her place
is in my bed! I may as well drag her ass back here because there is no way she
is leaving me!
He sounded crazy, even to himself, which did not bode well
to anyone that may cross his path especially her – the cause of his rage. He
couldn’t think straight because all his thoughts centred on her. How was he
supposed to fix the mess he had unknowingly created? He didn’t have a clue
about how relationships worked and he didn’t trust himself to go to her now, he
needed to cool off and calm down; then and only then would he approach her in
the hopes of salvaging whatever remained of them.

Getting out of bed, he pulled on his boxers and
pants before heading to the basement. The thought of being denied the
opportunity to show her this part of the house sent him reeling, a few hours
earlier he was too eager to have her upstairs in their bedroom and now she
wasn’t even in the vacinity. Walking past the wine cellar, a feature that would
have had her giddy, he began pulling bottles from their shelves and throwing
them against the opposite wall. The floor was covered in broken glass and red and
white liquid mixing together producing a strong smell of alcohol. Having
loosened some of the tension, he proceeded to the door down the passage and
pushed it open to his private gym. He planned to work his body so hard that his
mind blanked out, only then would he be clear headed enough to think.


Val was finally home and in her own bed. The
place had developed a strange aura that seemed foreign because she had gotten
used to Vlad’s suite. She was even having trouble falling asleep without the
hulk of a man by her side, cradling her to his chest. When she left his home
she had felt disappointment. When she was on her way to the hotel that
disappointment turned to anger which at first was directed at him for leading
her along and thinking she was stupid enough to follow like a bitch on heat.
That anger then turned towards her; how could she have been so stupid to fall
for another man who thought of her as a bed warmer. She was angry that she was
being rejected by her rebound, angry that she’d unsuspectingly given her heart
to someone unworthy and angry that history was repeating itself in the span of
a couple of months.

Lying in bed she wanted to call Natasha and
vent maybe even have a junk fest and bash men with all the girls, but she nixed
that idea knowing that she hadn’t introduced the new man in her life to her
best friends. In actual fact she had been scarce when it came to their
gatherings, opting to spend time with Vlad. She felt like a royal asshole
knowing how she hated the women who forget about their friends the minute they
got a man.
For heaven’s sake he’s not even mine!
The thought brought
tears to her eyes and she let them flow feeling the loss of someone she never
admitted she was in love with – even to herself.

Vlad was back at the suite, grateful that the
drive from his new home to the hotel was under ten minutes because he could
barely feel his legs as he drove. He headed to the bathroom to take a shower
before bed which is when he noticed that all of Val’s toiletries were gone. Finishing
up in the bathroom he opened one of the drawers to retrieve a fresh pair of
boxers. He was apprehensive about checking the rest of the cupboards out of
fear that she had cleared out everything. Her bags were gone, her underwear was
gone, some of her clothes were gone but a number of them still remained. It
gave him a sliver of hope that he would see her again. It wasn’t much but it
was something. Lying alone in bed was something he would have been non-pulsed
about. However the past month, ever since they first met that night, she had
been welcomed into his private space and he never would have imagined how
deeply he would feel the loss of her presence. He would wait until she came
back. He would figure out a way to make things work.

The following day, Val woke up with a headache
and feeling groggy, the evidence that she had cried herself to sleep and had a
restless night. She got up to make breakfast and steeled her will to be a
productive human being despite her emotions. In the afternoon she met up with
the girls for lunch, an event that was scheduled fortnightly, which she had
missed to be with Vlad. She knew her absence would be questioned so when Macy
asked her where she had been over the last two dates she took a sip of her
juice and nonchalantly replied, “I was busy with test week.” Macy didn’t say
anything; instead her gaze bore into Val letting her know she didn’t buy the

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