Dark Desires: Genesis

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Authors: Kourtney King

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Dark Desires








Dark Desires: Genesis © 2016 Kourtney

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Thobie, thank you for being so demanding, it is only through your weekly,
sometimes daily, requests of the next chapter that I managed to finish this

all those who’ve had their heart broken - keep going. You’re not dead yet.



I want to thank Thobie for introducing me to this wonderful yet hidden sub-genre
in romance. May this year bring great new stories including the ones I write.

you Dom, for being king if kink and encouraging the safe, consensual sexual
exploration of all women. The world needs more men like you.

thank you for offering the psychoanalysis of Vlad. Your future patients are in
be the best of hands.

all my open minded friends, let’s keep pushing the boundaries and questioning
these social constructs.

Chapter One

at the bar having a glass of dry white Val could not help but think of the
idiot that she was. The recent events could not help but play out like a broken
reel in her mind’s eye. There were signs but as they say hindsight is 20/20. It
was unfortunate that Aadil had to be the one to tell her that the man she had
given her all to for the last year had no intention of being with her much
longer as he was already in the midst of a marriage arrangement with a girl his
family approved of from Iran. The part where Aadil claimed that Rehan had loved
her and was just under pressure from his family to follow tradition was most
probably a cop out in order to salve the wounds his confession had inflicted.
Definitely a copout; she snorted in disgust at the entire situation and
everyone involved - her for being so trusting, Aadil for being the messenger of
death and that bloody coward Rehan who didn’t even have the decency to break
the news to her.

she was still thinking about that ordeal then she wasn’t drunk enough and that
was the goal of tonight. Getting drunk and getting into bed with the complete
opposite of everything Rehan was. The devil’s piss was needed if she was to
move onto phase two of the evening’s agenda

I have a shot of Stroh rum Sam?” she voiced to the bartender who was busy
drying a glass.

beautiful” he replied as he put the dishrag down and reached for the dark brown
liquid as well as a tot glass to pour the drink in. “Now why would an
attractive lady such as yourself be alone at a bar with the clear intention to
get drunk?” he asked. Val mused to herself and she would have guffawed at the
cheesy line if she was certain it would come through as a weak laugh of
nonchalance at best instead of the dam of tears that was threatening to break
through. What she did manage was a sigh.

new beginnings” she raised her glass in a mark of salute and as a way to evade
the painful question and the even more excruciating story behind why she was
steadily drowning her sorrows. After taking the shot she felt the burn down her
throat and the fire start in her stomach. The devil’s piss maybe a bit of an
understatement for that shit she had just consumed, but thank God the burning
sensation started to ebb and in its place was the beginning of the drunken haze
that frayed her mind. In this state, her mind would mellow out prohibiting any
thoughts as the drink took its effect on her body.

finally looked around for the first time tonight as the alcoholic calm settled.
There was a good crowd of people gathered tonight especially among the men- she
was specifically looking for a man. The kind of man that would make a girl
forget. What was that saying the girls at work had? ‘The best way to get over someone
is to get under someone’ and phase two was ready for take-off. After surveying
the bar’s male stock she noticed a few single men and decided to play a bit of
eye hockey with the group directly in front of her. They looked like a bunch of
gym fiends but that was perfectly okay seeing that the aim was not to date but
to get a good fuck. A good hard fuck at that and hopefully one of them was
going to deliver. Opening up her purse in search of her compact mirror, she
made sure everything was in order – that was when she heard
. A deep,
accented baritone rang in her ears and the rich smell of male musk cologne
permeated her nostrils.

Russian” the gentleman next to her ordered. As he stood there waiting for his
drink and sending a text she got a chance to survey his profile. Tall, pale,
built and well dressed. Noticing the fitted powder blue shirt and trim black
slacks that were moulded to his frame, she had to amend the last assessment to
very well-dressed. Now if only he would turn around so she could have a look to
see whether his face matched the impressive physique. Taking a quick last look
in the mirror she was relieved that she didn’t need a touch up. The lipstick
was still in place and her eyes weren’t bloodshot, signalling she didn’t look
as drunk as was starting to feel. With everything in order she could continue her
pursuit. She put the compact back in her purse and gulped down her wine in a
haste to order her third drink.

the barman caught sight of her empty glass and asked for her next order as he
sat down the gentleman’s drink. “What will it be this time beautiful or may I
make a suggestion?” At that point she had caught the attention of mister
sex-on-legs – exactly as planned! She could feel his gaze roaming her frame or
rather what little of it there was seeing that she was only 5”3 but in her 4”
heels she wouldn’t be classified as a midget tonight.

I’m having a hard time deciding whether to get a Slipery Nipple or a
Lick-My-Pussy. Or would you recommend a Black Russian?” she teased as Val
turned her gaze to the man next to her. She caught sight of his eyes and was
mesmerized. Gorgeous! That was the only word that could be used to describe the
god in her midst. His blonde hair was styled in an undercut; long and slicked
back at the top with a faded shave on the sides and back. His eyes were a
crystal-like blue framed with thick brows and long lashes that were a shade
darker than his hair. His face was cleanly shaved that gave his strong jaw line
a regal look however; it was the rose pink lips currently sitting in a smirk that
sealed her resolve - he was the one.

the bartender started responding she felt she had to literally tear her eyes
away from Gorgeous in order to continue this nonchalant vixen demeanour she had
now decided to adopt for the night. “They’re all sweet. Some are sweeter than
others. If you’re looking to continue with the rum theme then I could serve you
the Pussy. If your throat is still raw from the shot of Stroh, then the
slippery nipple will help cool it down but if you want to go in a completely
different direction then the black Russian would be the best bet” the barman
expertly advised.

definitely want a party in my mouth” Val replied as she bit her lip
suggestively “give me the Slippery Nipple”. The bartender gave her a wink
before reaching for one of the bottles and a can of whipped cream.

certainly going to be a handful for your boyfriend tonight” the man next to her
voiced, bringing her attention back to the subject this whole display was for.

he wishes and he’s thousands of miles away. You should also add the prefix of
EX to the boyfriend title which means that the only one having to deal with me
tonight is my B.O.B”

the guy asked curiously.

you go beautiful” Sam interrupted before she could respond. Swiping the cream
that was standing off the top of the shooter glass onto her index finger she
gestured to the barman, after all if things didn’t work out with Gorgeous she
could go home with Sam. He was lean, sporting a brush cut head, and the two
gashes on his mocha cheeks masquerading as dimples enhanced the charm he naturally
seemed to exude. Not to mention he had kept her company earlier on and seemed
to be the only life buoy when her reveries of Rehan threatened to drown her in

know you said you don’t drink on the job but I don’t think you’d be breaking
any rules by sharing the cream with me” she said, still holding up her finger
as an offering for Sam to lick it clean. Sam was grinning; he approached the
bar to accept her coy gift when her wrist was pulled back. Startled she followed
the direction of her hand and found Gorgeous staring at her with rapt intent. He
raised her hand to his mouth and swallowed the proffered finger, seductively
sucking the cream off and rolling her finger over his tongue before releasing
it with a pop.

you want to share anything, I suggest you do it with me. Now tell me about bob.”

was stunned as she stared at the man who still had her hand within his grasp.
She turned to Sam to find that he had taken a step back and wore an expression
of confusion as to what was going on. She felt a strong hand grip her waist and
the one that had her hand moved to slide up her arm, down her side where it
came to rest on before he hoisted her off her seat and onto the floor. He then
leaned down and whispered “If you were hoping to end your night with the barman,
tell me now before I proceed.”

that my intention was to spend the night with Sam, don’t you think you’re
little display might have been out of line” Val retorted.

fact that he stepped back when I had your finger in my mouth tells me
everything I need to know” he replied smugly.

could only crane her neck up at this man and glare at his audaciousness. He was
the better catch and he was available now as opposed to Sam who would only be
getting off in the wee hours of the morning. Feeling the alcohol kicking up a
gear she decided this was it. “No I think I’ll see Sam on another night” she
stated with as much bravado as she could muster to ward off the shivers that
ran down her back, revelled at the feeling of his hands on her body and his
focus locked solely on her.

Was the only word she heard from him before he turned and physically steered
her towards the exit.

I haven’t paid my bill!” Val said in a panic as she started to realise that her
one night stand was about to begin. He stopped walking and went back to the
counter leaving enough money not only to cover his and her bill but also a
hefty tip. Coming back to the spot where he had left her, he placed his hand on
her lower back and continued on his way out. Val felt uncertainty begin to
creep in and stopping in her high heeled tracks.

don’t know who you are or where are you taking me” she simply stated when he
turned to face her to find out why she had stopped moving.

He simply replied. “And unless you want me to fuck you in one of the bathroom
stalls inside this bar then I’m taking you to my hotel.” His glimmer ran over
her body. She was sporting a red dress that hugged her frame and accentuated
her apple cleavage, synched her waist in and showed off the flare of her hips.
She was shorter than the girls he was used to judging by the killer heels she
had on which displayed her well-toned legs - actually much shorter and darker.
Having lived in Europe most of his life he was used to the superficial and
beach tans but her tone was nothing of the sort. Her skin was a rich chocolate;
her eyes were as dark as obsidian on a round face currently framed by a black
shoulder-length crop cut. No, definitely not his usual, however she appealed to
him beyond looks because of her demeanour. She had the face of sweet innocence
yet her body evoked thoughts of a vixen. It was evident in her overzealous
flirting back at the bar and it was evident in her wide almost panic stricken
eyes that this was not something she usually did if she had ever done it at
all. He liked that about her. “What’s your name?” he enquired coming close
enough to place one hand on her cheek and the other wandering around her from
to caress her lower back.

I’ve never done this before. Shouldn’t we sit down and get to know each other a
bit better?”

would have dropped any other woman at this point if this was what was required
to get between her legs, sensing the hesitancy in Val and catching her glance
back at that dim-witted barman had him restructuring his routine.

had enough to drink for the night and I like my women fully aware when I have
my way with them. How about we head to my hotel, they host a four star
restaurant, we can get to know each other there. When we’re done we’ll just
head upstairs.”

hesitantly agreed. She wouldn’t mind having dinner with Vlad but she wasn’t
sure about whether she wanted to sleep with him just yet. Would he be as gentle
and passionate as… never mind. The road down which her thoughts were about to
take her had her rethinking things. She wanted this, no, she needed to do this.
Nothing passionate and sweet and sensual. Just a consensual hard fuck. “Yes,
that sounds good” she replied with faux confidence.

got into a cab that was probably waiting for those to inebriate to drive
themselves home and headed to their destination. Once they got in she could
feel his eyes on her, appraising her as he rested his chin between his
forefinger and thumb. His hand moved from his lap and onto her thigh, stroking
lazy small circles a few inches above her knee. It brought back the shivers
from earlier that sent her heart racing a little faster. She dared not look at
him in fear that they would skip dinner and head straight to the bedroom. Val
kept her eyes focused on the road ahead. They arrived at the Ritz Carlton and
Vlad escorted her inside with his hand on her lower back - dangerously close to
her ass. Like a gentleman he pulled out her chair and pushed it in as she took
her seat.

the waitress introduced herself and set down their menus giving them a moment
to peruse what was on offer, Vlad graciously enquired what she was in the mood
to eat. Val’s heart and mind were on overdrive. She had most assuredly lost her
appetite and couldn’t find it in her to conjure up any decent conversation. She
had to ditch this farce of a meal and get down to the task at hand lest she
lose her last nerve.

down her menu Val turned to look at Vlad. “You know what? My appetite is
heading towards the direction of something far more satisfying than the chef’s
special. Let’s head upstairs and I’m sure you can feed me what I’m craving.”

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