Dark Desires: Genesis (5 page)

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Authors: Kourtney King

BOOK: Dark Desires: Genesis
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felt the woman who had become his recent obsession stir and thought she was
looking to make an exit. He squeezed her right breast and tightened his thigh
against her hip in an unconscious effort to let her know that he had no
intention of letting her go yet. She wiggled within his grasp but after
realising it was of no use she stilled her movements. “I want to switch sides
before I develop bed sores” she offered in explanation. He loosened his grip
just enough to grant her request but kept his hold close enough to ensured she
would not be moving away from his body. When Val found herself face to face with
the man that had given her the most exhilarating two days of her life, she
couldn’t help but study his features. He no longer looked like the formidable
sex god she met at the bar. He looked younger in his current state of
relaxation. Something she had a feeling he hardly indulged in. She closed her
eyes and decided to rest for a few more minutes before high-tailing it home.
This was getting to close for comfort with her thinking thoughts she had no
right to think about. At that moment Vlad caught sight of her within his arms
and something about the innocence radiating from her youthful face coupled with
the short time he has spent observing her had him asking;

old are you?”

she replied, eyes still shut, “How old are you?” Val queried back.

thirty,” he replied curtly not knowing how she would feel about his age after
discovering she was much younger or he was much older than either was
accustomed to. He saw the edges of her mouth pull up at the hint of a smile.
“Is that funny?” he questioned feeling self-conscious about this new

in the way you’re thinking, but you look much younger than your chronical age

you just happen to look like you’re 18 this morning, making me feel like a
borderline paedophile amongst the many other issues I probably contend with

old do I look?” Vladimir probed, trying to discern the directions her thoughts
were taking her while attempting to disregard his, never mind the morning wood
he found himself sporting.

when you’re in bed with your eyes closed like right now but then again you have
these harsh lines here and here” she said in conjunction with running her lone
finger along the creases of his crowfeet and his forehead. “Yup, these are the
markings of a 30 year old.” She added in mock amusement. Feeling uncomfortable
at the personal direction this conversation had taken he grabbed her finger and
directed the rest of her arm above her head. He rolled onto her, pinning her
other arm to the bed. He felt the wetness of her cunt as his cock stroked her
outer folds. His breathing grew rapid and he wanted to claim her body yet
again, age be damned.

not again,” Val moaned in protest. “I’m sore and in need of a break”

I need you now” he stated with no intensions of heeding her request.

you ever get tired?”

but I’m not tired of you yet.”

“yet” brought Valerie back into the reality of what being in bed with this man
meant. He was a stranger, someone here for a good time but not a long time and
she needed to end things right now before she found herself getting attached to
the person who was supposed to be helping her get detached from the ex and
memories she had initially tried to escape. She decided to appeal to his voice
of sexual reason.  “Please, we’ve been at this for two days and I’m not as
experienced in this as you are,” she threw in a wink trying to come across as
the sexy vixen that he’d met at the bar instead of the emotionally unstable
woman she was beginning to unravel into.

smiled at that and let go of her arms then moved to lie next to her. Vladimir
was still feeling horny and decided to grant her a reprieve for now. After a
few beats he decided to get to know the woman he had been sharing his bed with.
Trying to keep things as casual as he could he went for the mandatory FAQ he
had mentally compiled; short questions that most people asked of their dates
even though he in all honesty didn’t really care to learn the small details. He
was merely enquiring to avoid the awkward situation of his raging hard on and
an unwilling woman in his bed; “what do you do when you’re not in bed with
strange men?”

Valerie were slapped she would have been better equipped to have dealt with the
anger she felt at his condescension.
?! Really… as if she
slept with random guys as part of her repertoire. Trying to keep in mind that
this little affair of theirs was not going anywhere and it would be the last
she EVER indulged in if this is what guys really thought of their conquests,
she replied with as much civility as she could musty, “I’m a student, finishing
my degree this year”. His “question” had put her in the frame of mind to leave
right this second. Thinking back to the previous night her heart nearly stopped
as a sickening realisation dawned on her this morning. She leapt out of bed and
began a frantic search of her clothes. She found her thong and pulled it up her
legs but her dress was an entirely different matter - it was ruined. Vlad sat
up against the headboard watching her face play out a number of undecipherable
emotions he did not have the patience to read.

are you going?”

didn’t use protection” she supplied in answer to his question. “I need to go to
the pharmacy and get the morning after pill”

ripped the dress so-“

you sick? Do you have anything I need to worry about? When last were you

The Fuck?
realised the look on her face right now was panic. He ran through what she had
previously mentioned in her frantic state as he had not been paying attention
when she voiced her concerns.
He had been so hard he didn’t bother
to wrap up. He always used protection unless he was sleeping with the regulars
he considered part of his harem. They always got tested and were on birth
control. Last night, his mind had claimed her as his, forgetting the necessary
precaution he took with one-nighters; this morning was a different story, he
did not need a little bastard running around. He got tested every few months, the
results boasting a clean bill of health. He could put her mind at ease with that
part but the unwanted pregnancy was something they would have to fix
immediately. A thought struck him and even though it was unconventional, it was
worth a try. He picked up the phone that was on his side of the bed and dialled
the concierge. When the man on the other side of the line answered he asked to
be put through to the closest private physician. As the phone rang he turned
his gaze to the naked woman who was looking at him as if the world was coming
to an end. He felt a tinge of guilt for the position he had put this young
woman in, neither wanted any accidents from a night that had promised unbridled
passion, but looking at her forlorn expression he knew he should have taken
better care in this. He was more experienced and she was very young and new to
this kind of relationship. After giving a quick synopsis of what he required to
the doctor, he hung up the phone then stood to face her. “The doctor is on the
way with the pill and I’m clean. I can email you a copy of my latest results
which I had done last month.” He saw her visibly relax at the news. “Go take a
shower and I’ll order room service, you need to eat before you take any kind of

did as instructed and fifteen minutes later she walked out of the bathroom with
a towel wrapped around her body. Room service had also just arrived and she
could hear Vladimir talking in muffled tones with whoever brought the food up to
the living area of the suite. During the shower she realised that she had made
one of the biggest mistakes in her adult life – sleeping with someone she knew
absolutely nothing about without protection. She could be pregnant or hosting
an STI, only time would tell. When Vlad walked back into the bedroom she asked
one of the questions that had been floating around in her head during her
shower. “What do you do for a living?”

didn’t know how to answer that. The only people that did know what he did were
in direct dealings with him. How could he explain what he did for a living
without eliciting fear or disgust for his crimes or the role he played in the
crimes perpetrated by others aided by him. He decided to masquerade it as best
he could. “I’m an independent contractor. I go in and offer specialist advise
for the people who require my services.” It was vague enough to fit a vast
array of professional categories without giving anything away.

does that mean?” Valerie inquired. She knew what consultants did but most were
usually forthcoming about the field of consulting they specialised in. The
answer Vlad had supplied her with was too ambiguous to be genuine and she had
had her fair share of surprises with this guy to withstand one more.

have to have a contract for specifics my dear and you are definitely not the kind
of client that I would offer my services to. So I doubt you would ever know
exactly what it is that I do.”

was quiet as she mulled over what he had just told her, which was not much. She
decided to drop the subject. After today she had no plans to see this man ever
again. What started out as a fun way to forget her past had almost wreaked
havoc on her future. It still might but only time would tell. “Okay,” she
replied. She wasn’t going to waste her energy trying to figure out a man who
intended to be cryptic. He had been careless with her health, granted that was
her responsibility as well, but he also didn’t seem to have a high opinion of
her – insinuating that she straddled the hoe line. To make things worse she
could have fallen pregnant with a man that she was likely never to see again
after tomorrow. She didn’t even have his number for Christ’s sake! What a
fucking mess she thought as she sat back on the bed waiting for the doctor to

few minutes later there was a knocking on the door. Val was still in bed
contemplating the subject matter that was her life and seeing that Vlad was
more appropriately dressed in some sweat pants and a t-shirt, as well as being
the resident of the suite, he went to get the door. He hoped it was the doctor as
Valerie seemed to have withdrawn into herself when the passions of the previous
night’s encounter made way for the burgeoning truth of the morning after. Opening
the door he was met with a man that was far shorter than he. He was balding and
wore oversized glasses. His attire consisted of brown slacks, a white button
down that clung heavily to his mid-section and a pair of sandals – this was a
strange choice in shoes but considering that it was a Sunday and they lived a
walk away from the beach, it was easy to look past. He moved the briefcase he
was holding over to his left hand and proffered the right in greeting as he
introduced himself, “Hello, I’m Dr. Mark De Beer”.

he introduced himself and shook the doctor’s hand. “I hope that you can give
her the prescription. We couldn’t quite leave the room and I assume
doctor-patient confidentiality will be extended to keep things discreet.”

course! Always happy to help the tourists who take the time to visit our
beautiful country. Where is your girlfriend by the way? It would be better if I
had a short consult with her before I gave her any medication.”

not my girlfriend” having no desire to prolong the interaction or explain
himself any further than was required, Vlad excused himself and headed to let
Valerie know she didn’t have to stress as much seeing that the doctor had
arrived. He went into the cupboard and pulled out one of the hotel robes
tossing it onto the bed. “Use this to cover up, he’s here.” He watched her as
she got up and dropped the towel, revealing the naked form he had spent the
previous night and part of this morning getting acquainted with. The sooner
this was done, the sooner he could coax her out of her sully mood, and maybe
squeeze in one more round for the road. When she was covered up, he led her to
the living area and introduced the two. She reached out her hand to shake the
doctor’s but he simply gave her and her outstretched hand a dismissive look
before turning his attention to address Vlad.

know we spoke on the phone with regard to emergency contraceptives but I think
you need to tell me what happened so I can offer you the best medical advice
given the limited resources I brought with,” the doctor asserted in a cool

was stunned into silence. The doctor was called for her. She was the patient!
So why was he ignoring her or worse yet, acting like her presence was a
non-entity in this discussion? She was the one who could possibly be carrying a
stranger’s baby. Pregnant even before the school year was set to begin – it was
a sad cliché and the thought drove into her what poor judgement skills she was
actually equipped with. Right now she had to ponder how she had made it this
far in life because at this rate she could be dead by year’s end. Vlad’s voice
broke into her silent musings. “We had unprotected sex and we don’t want an
unplanned pregnancy.”

baby is the least of your worries when it comes to unprotected sex” the doctor
answered in reply. He then turned his beady gaze in her direction, addressing him
while staring at her “especially with the likes of her.”

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