Dark Secret (13 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Secret
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Harriet began to wriggle with impatience, suddenly no longer concerned with whether or not she could see any true emotion in his eyes. All she wanted was to have him inside her, to be filled yet again in order to satisfy the craving that
he had aroused in her.

Lewis was lying on his left side and he raised Harriet’s left leg over his waist then slid deep into her, his hands clasped round her buttocks. For a moment they both stayed motionless, each of them savouring their body’s sensations, and then Lewis moved.

He withdrew to the entrance of her vagina, tantalised her frantic flesh for a few seconds, then pulled hard on her buttocks so that she was propelled on to him and he re-entered her in a rush.

The angle of penetration was perfect for Harriet because every time he withdrew and then pulled her back to him all the nerve endings around her clitoris were stimulated and the tense tightness that she’d come to associate with their love-making filled her pelvic area, spreading slowly upwards in darting streaks.

When the tempo of his thrusting increased, Harriet lost all control of herself. Her only thought was for the pleasure he brought her and she gave herself over to it utterly. Her tiny cries and whimpers stimulated Lewis more than any wild thrashing would have done and when she finally took up the rhythm he’d started for herself, moving her own body against his at the pace they both wanted, he let one of his hands move between the cheeks of her bottom and inserted a finger into her rear.

He moved it very slowly, just sufficiently to allow him to press firmly against the walls of her rectum and as Harriet’s body gathered itself together for the final explosion of excitement the delicate nerve endings deep within her were
stimulated and the pressure travelled through to her front so that all sensations were doubled.

Lewis felt her body arching against him, heard her moan of delight and then she was twisting and turning, almost jerking away from him in the mindless spasms of her climax. Aroused to incredible heights himself he caught hold of her body and roughly pulled her back against him, his penis now so tight and swollen that he could feel the sides of her vaginal walls pulsating around him and with a shout he spilled himself into her warm velvet softness.

As Harriet’s body started to recover from her orgasm she realised that there was still a soft but undeniable pulse beating between her thighs. She tried to keep still, ashamed to think that her body might be demanding yet more satisfaction.

Lewis lay quietly, his erection subsiding within her, but watching her closely he knew from the expression in her eyes and the almost imperceptible movements of her hips that she was capable of more.

He was pleased. This was what he’d hoped for. A woman who would become more and more capable of sexual arousal. A woman whose body would take over from her mind so that in the end she would do anything for the satisfaction he had taught her to need.

‘You’d like more, wouldn’t you?’ he whispered.

Harriet shook her head, still denying her own sexuality.

‘There’s no reason to be ashamed,’ he assured her. ‘It’s a compliment to me.’

‘But I’ve never been like this,’ protested Harriet, remembering how relieved she always
was when James had finished.

‘This is a new life. You can be quite different here,’ he murmured and with relief she felt one of his hands pressing against her lower belly just above the pubic bone, exactly where she always ached when need for release started to build in her.

His hand moved in circles, the pressure increasing as Harriet’s body responded. Suddenly she felt a new sensation, a strange heaviness buried so deep inside her it was impossible to be sure where it began, and sharp sensations like currents of electricity speared through her from below her clitoris up to where his hand was moving relentlessly.

Lewis knew exactly what was happening. He was arousing not only the nerve endings from the clitoris but also those leading from the bladder and the combination lead, for some women, to their most intense orgasms.

Harriet seemed likely to be one of those women because she began to cry out, and her eyes were enormous as she looked up at him. ‘Don’t stop!’ she begged when his hand was briefly still. ‘It feels incredible.’

‘You like it?’

Harriet bit on her lip as his hand dug deeper and the hot, tingling pressure intensified. ‘Yes,’ she assured him, although now the sensation was so intense that she wasn’t quite sure it could be pleasure.

Her body knew better than she did, and began to swell until the skin of her abdomen felt too tight. Moaning she tried to move, to slow down the mounting sensations that threatened to
overwhelm her. Lewis simply let the fingers of his hand part the top of her outer lips, and while he continued to press firmly against her lower belly he also teased the sides of her pulsating bud, never staying in one place for more than a few seconds but all the time moving so that her flesh jumped and the throbbing between her legs seemed to be echoed by the sound of her pulse drumming in her ears.

Lewis’s own erection had now subsided but at the sight of Harriet being aroused to new and only dimly understood heights, he felt himself start to stir again.

As the startling feelings continued to grow, Harriet’s breasts began to ache and after only a slight hesitation she reached up, drawing Lewis’s head down towards her.

‘Tell me what you want,’ he murmured.

‘My breasts,’ she moaned, thrusting them up towards his mouth. ‘They ache.’

‘And what do you want me to do about it?’ he teased.

Harriet didn’t know if she could tell him, but the insistent clamouring of her needy flesh won over her deeply ingrained reticence at vocalising her desires. ‘Suck them for me, Lewis, please.’

‘Hard or soft?’ he asked, his hand still continuing its pressing movements and his finger drawing up the clitoral hood as he worked so that he could brush lightly across the top of the exposed nub.

‘Hard!’ she begged, her body now nothing but a pressurised aching need for the final stimuation that would allow her another crescendo of pleasure.

He smiled and then his mouth closed around one of her hard nipples and he was sucking steadily. The pressure grew, just as the pressure on her clitoris and the over-excited nerves from her bladder grew and with this final touch the flashes and the streaks of bliss that were searing through her at last came together and she was wracked by almost painfully fierce muscular contractions that seemed to turn her whole body into hot liquid as it tumbled into total satisfaction.

Somewhere in the distance Harriet heard a strange keening sound, little realising that it was her own cry of ecstasy, and as her back arched and her upper torso twisted and turned Lewis let his teeth graze the very tip of the nipple in his mouth and he continued stimulating her clitoris until the final tiny muscular tremors had died away and she was at last still.

For Harriet, covered in a thin sheen of perspiration, her limbs almost weightless, it had been the best moment yet and she closed her eyes to try and recall exactly how it had felt at the final moment when her orgasm swept over her. She could remember the earlier sensations, the strange sharp pressure, the aching nipple and the feeling of Lewis’s mouth covering it, but those last glorious moments eluded her. They were impossible to recreate by memory.

When she, opened her eyes Lewis was propped up on one elbow, watching her with an expression of tenderness. ‘Do you want any more?’ he asked with a smile.

Harriet shook her head. ‘That was out of this world. I never thought … I wouldn’t have believed it possible to feel so much.’

‘Believe me there’s still plenty more for you to discover, but not tonight, I think!’ He kissed her gently on the forehead, his hands stroking the sides of her neck. ‘I really should go and do some work. Will you be all right on your own?’

‘I can’t stay here,’ said Harriet quickly. ‘I must get back to my own room.’

‘Nonsense,’ said Lewis easily. ‘Rowena won’t look in here tonight, and you’ll be up long before her in the morning. Besides, when I do come to bed I want you to be here for me. I’d like to spend the night next to you.’

Unexpectedly touched, Harriet sighed voluptuously and gave in. He must know what he was doing, and anyway she felt too tired to go down to the first floor. The prospect of a cold bed was distinctly unappealing as well. ‘All right,’ she conceded and with a final kiss Lewis left her.

‘Why do I have to keep coming out at night?’ asked Mark irritably.

‘My best ideas come to me then,’ replied Lewis smoothly.

‘I haven’t finished the last part you gave me yet.’

‘As long as it’s out of my head and into yours that’s all that interests me. I’ve decided to add a complication.’

‘You mean the film isn’t complex enough?’ asked Mark incredulously.

‘The idea is, but the relationships were too cut and dried. I want the hero to start feeling something for the secretary.’


Lewis shook his head. ‘No, not love, but
something more than he’d intended. She has to matter as a person, not just as a catalyst. He brought her in to try and get his wife back, now he finds himself feeling tenderness or compassion towards her.’

‘Why?’ asked Mark, wondering who was going to play the hero. Good looks and virility were easy enough; deeper emotions often eluded the stars who were best at the surface charm.

‘Because she’s special. She’s got to have something that draws him to her. It can’t be beauty – after all the heroine has that in abundance. Let’s say a certain unpredictability, plus intelligence.’

‘You mean she’s moody?’

Lewis struggled to keep his temper in check. ‘No, moody women are not enchanting in life or on film. I thought she might start being a little remote, succumb less easily to the hero’s seductions. When he has to work harder he finds her more interesting.’

Mark sighed and started to scribble notes.

‘Why the sighing?’ asked Lewis.

‘You know what they say about film treatments – you should be able to sum up the basic idea in one sentence. I’d like to see you do that with this story.’

‘None of my films have conformed, but it hasn’t stopped them succeeding.’

‘I’m not saying this won’t be a great film, just that you’re breaking all the rules.’

‘I certainly am,’ retorted Lewis.

At that moment Rowena put her head round the door. ‘Heavens, still working, Lewis? And what are you doing here at this hour, Mark?’

‘I called him over. How was

‘It was
and it was great. For once the acting was good too.’

‘I’ll take your word for it.’

‘Will you be long?’ asked Rowena, and Lewis knew by the look in her eyes what she meant.

‘I’m not sure,’ he said carefully, but he made sure he gave her a warm smile before turning his attention back to Mark.

‘Try not to be,’ murmured Rowena, closing the door softly behind her.

Mark, who still thought Rowena was the sexiest woman he’d ever met, glanced at Lewis. ‘Do you want to leave it there?’

‘Just read it back to me,’ said Lewis. ‘I want to be sure you’ve got it right.’ As Mark read back his notes, Lewis tried to picture what was going on upstairs.

Rowena, encouraged by her husband’s warm glance and feeling aroused after the excitement of the opera and a long, lingering meal with Chris, had decided that she’d wait for Lewis in his room. Chris would be expecting her, but tonight she wanted Lewis. She wanted to be in control, to play the sex goddess. It was never like that with Chris. He’d known her for too long and understood her too well for it to be possible.

She didn’t bother to change her clothes. Lewis enjoyed undressing her and frequently chose to leave some of her underwear on while he took her, finding the sight of the soft silks and satins with their hand-made lace edging against her skin arousing.

Walking along the top landing she opened the door into his bedroom and was halfway towards the bed before she realised that it was already
occupied. With a quickly smothered sound of surprise she stood looking at the sleeping Harriet.

Exhausted, Harriet had fallen asleep on her back, totally naked, and was lying with her limbs sprawled out over the duvet. Her normally smooth hair was rumpled and her skin shone with what Rowena recognised as the glow of total sexual satisfaction.

For a long time the film star stood there, studying the naked woman, realising that while she and Chris had been dining together, exciting each other with tales of what they would do with Harriet when she’d been drawn into their sexual games, Lewis had yet again been making love to her.

Remembering how the younger woman had looked the first time she’d been to bed with Lewis, Rowena wondered what she looked like now. She wondered if her body was more adventurous, if she played a more active role, and as her thoughts took off in that direction she found herself becoming even more aroused.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she never heard Lewis come in — it was only when he put a hand over her mouth from behind that she realised he was there. ‘What were you thinking?’ he whispered softly.

‘I was wondering what she’d been like tonight?’ Rowena whispered back.

‘Magnificent. Do you want to touch her?’

She frowned. ‘Surely she’d never let me.’

‘She won’t know,’ Lewis promised her, keeping his voice low. Rowena watched him draw a black velvet mask from his pocket, then he sat on the bed beside the sleeping Harriet and carefully
slipped it over her head until her eyes were covered. Exhausted, Harriet slumbered on.

‘Touch her,’ breathed Lewis against Rowena’s ear. ‘Touch her breasts, they’re very responsive. If she wakes, I’ll speak.’

‘She’ll know it isn’t you.’ Rowena’s protest was only half-hearted. The prospect of touching the unknowing girl, of stirring her senses back to life, was deliciously exciting.

‘She’s very tired,’ Lewis assured her. ‘Her mind won’t function that well, and she certainly won’t be expecting it to be anyone but me touching her.

Rowena licked the tip of her right forefinger and then crept close to the bed. As Lewis sat at Harriet’s head, Rowena sat halfway down the bed and then leant over the prone figure to draw a damp teasing circle round Harriet’s right nipple. Harriet made a small sound of pleasure in her sleep and the nipple began to swell. Rowena glanced at her husband but he was watching Harriet’s reaction. Encouraged, Rowena slid her fingertip round the areola and watched the ring of flesh expand.

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