Dark Secret (11 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Secret
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Harriet longed to move, her hips seemed to have taken on a life of their own, and as the nerve endings sent thrilling messages of pleasure to her brain she had to fight to still her movements. It was agony, but exquisite agony, and lack of movement meant that she was even more aware of the incredible sensations that were engulfing her.

Lewis watched her carefully, admiring the way she kept her hips still and her acceptance of this new sexual game, so clearly not a part of her previous experience.

Her breathing was audible and ragged as the pressure within her increased and her tight stomach was further stimulated by the pillows beneath it, pillows that positively invited her to press deep into them and gain further satisfaction, an invitation she knew Lewis would not expect her to accept.

When she was fully in control of herself, enjoying the glorious streaks of ecstasy and the mounting heaviness deep within her core, Lewis decided to add more stimulation. Slowly he slid the head of the vibrator down her damp, slippery channel and into the hungry opening of her vagina. At the same time he lowered his head and
let his tongue take over from the vibrator around her clitoris.

Harriet felt like screaming at the new sensation. Lewis started to vary the speeds of the vibrator. When he slowed it down he slowed the movement of his tongue, quickening them both in unison as soon as her body had adjusted to the more rapid touch. As the stimulation continued she lost all sense of what was happening to her, all she could concentrate on were the mounting waves of excitement and the increasingly rapid pulse beating behind the clitoris itself.

Her stomach ached it was so tight and tense, and she heard herself pleading with Lewis to allow her to move but he flicked his fingers against her inner thighs and she knew the burning stinging sensation was his answer. Suddenly all the sparks of sensation, all the sharp darts and tendrils of arousal, began to join together and Lewis saw the cheeks of her bottom tighten as her orgasm approached.

‘Keep still a moment longer,’ he whispered to the straining Harriet, and then he withdrew the vibrator and with one abrupt thrusting movement allowed his rampant erection to slide into her, taking care to keep up the stimulation of her clitoris with his fingers instead of his tongue.

Harriet felt that she was going to explode. Her body was being racked by liquid fire and then the incessant drumming of the pulse between her legs changed to a startlingly intense tingling that felt hot and rushed upwards through her with terrifying speed.

She shouted out loud, knowing that she could no longer keep her body still even to please this
man who meant so much to her.

At the sound Lewis moved his fingers to the side of her clitoris and rubbed the slippery tissue with tiny circular motions as he moved in and out of her, his own body straining for relief from the continuous sexual tension as much as Harriet’s.

It was Harriet who came first and as her body went taut with the first fierce contractions of her orgasm her vaginal walls contracted tightly around Lewis so that she felt as though she was milking him. She heard him groan and then he was thrusting without thought for her, thrusting solely to give himself the satisfaction that he knew Harriet was about to get.

Harriet’s climax, having been delayed so long, built to a crescendo and then stopped, keeping her body tight and balanced on the edge of release for so long that she wondered how it was possible to bear such pleasure. Then it flooded through her and she felt the resulting explosion in every part of her, even her fingers and toes tingling with the final orgasmic convulsion.

Beads of sweat covered Lewis’s forehead and upper lip and for a moment he looked down at Harriet’s supine body with an expression of surprise on his face. Even for him it had been an unusually intense orgasm and he wondered why it had been so good.

Harriet, unable to see his face since her head was still buried in the duvet, longed for him to say something loving, something to show that it had been special for him, but all he did was lie down next to her and draw her to him, soothing and petting her with his large hands.

Through the peephole, Chris continued his
silent vigil. His own excitement was so great that he could scarcely control it, but he had no intention of going to Rowena tonight. He wanted to lie in his bed and think about Harriet. She’d been wonderful with Lewis, obeying his every command and showing depths of passion that were amazing, but it wasn’t the same as it would be when Chris finally got to have her.

Then the instructions would be orders, and disobedience would be punished by more than a gentle flick of the fingers. He wondered how she would respond to that kind of sexual game. As for Lewis, his behaviour had been intriguing. Chris had seen his brother-in-law making love to Rowena in all kinds of ways but he’d never seen him so involved. The man had always appeared detached, taking his sexual pleasure in much the same way as through food or drink. Tonight he had let himself lose control, and the final soothing of the post-orgasmic Harriet showed far more concern for her as a person than Chris would have expected. All in all he thought it was a very interesting situation.

Half an hour later Lewis left Harriet asleep in her bed and went downstairs to his study. From there he telephoned Mark, who answered the phone sounding sleepy and irritable.

‘I want you over here now,’ said Lewis.

‘Bloody hell, Lew, do you know what time it is?’

‘Since you scarcely work in the day at the moment I don’t think that matters. Get here and make it fast.’


‘What’s the urgency?’ demanded Mark twenty minutes later after Lewis had let him in to the silent house.

‘I’ve had this idea and I want to sound it out on you.’

‘You’re the boss.’

‘That’s right,’ said Lewis with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. ‘I am. Now, let’s say that after making love to her brother our heroine decides that she wants to seduce her husband.’

‘She doesn’t have to seduce him, they’re married,’ objected Mark.

‘Yes, but this
a seduction. She could go to his office and make love to him there, something like that.’

‘On the desk top you mean? That always looks a bit tacky.’

‘Okay,’ agreed Lewis, smiling to himself. ‘Not the desk then, let’s say she just lifts her dress and sits on his lap while he’s sitting in his chair.’

‘Sounds good to me.’

‘Fine, then at the vital moment, when they’re both approaching the point of no return, the secretary walks in.’

‘Why?’ asked Mark. ‘Surely she’d knock first?’

‘Right, so we’ll make her knock but she takes the sounds of passion coming from inside as permission to enter.’

Mark grinned. ‘I like it! Then what?’

‘This is a bit difficult, but I think she’ll stay and watch.’

‘Miss Super Secretary doesn’t turn tail and run?’ exclaimed Mark.

‘No, she might like to, in fact we’d better make her show she’d like to, but the eroticism of the
scene stops her from moving.’

‘And how does the wife react?’ queried Mark.

Lewis smiled. ‘I think the wife would feel rather pleased with herself. After all, this girl is a threat and she knows it. How better to reduce the threat than to show the intruder that her husband can still be so overwhelmed with lust for his wife that he can’t wait for the privacy of their bedroom?’

‘But won’t the next meeting between the two women be awkward?’

‘Of course it will. The wife naturally expects the secretary to be miserable, but I don’t want that to happen. I want the secretary to unsettle the wife.’


Lewis sighed. ‘That’s the trouble, I’m not sure. By accepting it all, I suppose. She can carry on as though nothing’s happened — that would make the wife feel uncomfortable. If someone doesn’t behave in the way you’ve anticipated it’s always unsettling.’

‘You think Miss Super Secretary is capable of handling it like that this early on?’

Lewis nodded. ‘Yes, I do. In fact, to underline that nothing’s changed, she and the husband can have another passionate encounter that very night.’

Mark grinned. ‘So the husband’s a bit of a superman!’

‘No, he’s just highly sexed. Besides, isn’t it every man’s fantasy to have two women in his house, both of them anxious for his sexual favours?’

‘It wouldn’t be mine,’ said Mark, scribbling down notes. ‘In my experience women have a habit of coming off best in any situation, even one like this.’

‘That’s not the ending I’ve got in mind,’ said Lewis shortly.

‘You mean you know how it’s going to end? I thought you were working this out a step at a time.’

‘I am.’ Lewis’s voice was irritable now. ‘That doesn’t mean I don’t have a final objective in view, but you’re right, the plot might not develop the way I think.’

Mark stared at the director for a moment, wondering exactly what was going on in this house, but it wasn’t his place to ask questions and already he had the gut feeling that the film was going to be something really special. ‘What time’s dinner on Saturday?’ he asked as he put his notes away.

‘Eight-thirty for nine. Don’t bring anyone; we’ve got a spare woman coming.’

‘I hope she’s good-looking.’

‘She’s probably hoping the same about you!’ laughed Lewis, and as he showed Mark out he made a mental note to himself to invite Harriet to join them. He wanted Mark to see her, if only to discover whether or not Mark guessed how Lewis was working on his plot. Closing the front door quietly, Lewis finally went up to his room to sleep.

In the morning Rowena was in a foul mood. She didn’t appear until the others had finished breakfast, then when she finally joined them there were dark shadows beneath her eyes and her face looked puffy.

‘Bad night?’ asked Lewis after one quick glance.

‘Yes, I couldn’t sleep. Even the pills didn’t work.’

‘You’d better have a facial.’

Rowena glared at her husband. ‘I know I look bad, you don’t have to rub it in.’

‘I didn’t say that. Facials always relax you. Do you need me for anything this morning, only I’d planned to go out for a couple of hours. People to see, papers to sign, that kind of thing. And this afternoon I’ll need to borrow Harriet.’

‘I’m sure Harriet won’t mind, will you?’ responded Rowena.

Harriet smiled at Lewis. ‘I’d be delighted.’

The smile irritated Rowena even more. ‘Unless you intend to work your way through another pot of coffee perhaps you could go through some of those letters from agents representing authors who want to do my authorised biography,’ she said curtly. ‘Weed out anyone who hasn’t already done at least two, and check the names against my hate list.’

‘Hate list?’ Harriet was bewildered.

‘My beloved sister keeps a list of all the people she’s offended along her climb to stardom. She’s terrified one of them will come back and wreak vengeance one day,’ explained Chris.

‘Do you think you can manage that?’ demanded Rowena.

Harriet nodded, turned to leave and bumped into Lewis, who had turned to go at the same time. His hands caught her arm and for a moment his grip tightened into intimacy, which set her blood racing. ‘Sorry!’ he apologised, and then with a wink he was gone.

Rowena missed the byplay, but her half-brother didn’t. Once the pair of them were alone he considered mentioning it, then decided there was no point. He hated it when Rowena got in a bad
mood and always tried to bring her out of it.

‘What are you staring at?’ Rowena demanded.

Chris smiled his lazy smile. ‘I was admiring your outfit.’

Rowena was wearing a short, figure-hugging black skirt, a lace trimmed black bra and a pure white linen overshirt that reached to her hips and was unbuttoned far enough to show the black bra peeping through. Once it would have been an unthinkable way of dressing, but Rowena was careful to keep up with new fashions and this look was very popular at the moment. It was also, as she appreciated very well, sexy.

‘Where were you last night?’ she muttered. ‘I needed you.’

‘I was asleep.’

‘Liar! I rang your room and you didn’t answer.’

‘I don’t answer the phone in my sleep.’

‘Didn’t you guess I was expecting you? I don’t like what’s happening; I don’t know how to react or even what I really want. I’ve got to be able to depend on you still. We’re always there for each other, you promised that wouldn’t change.’

Chris tipped his chair back. ‘I thought you wanted it to change. The whole idea of this film is to get you away from me, isn’t it?’

‘Just less dependent.’ Rowena’s voice was soft now, almost caressing as she started to play him like a fish. Her body lusted for him, for his urgent, harsh love-making, but she knew that he liked to hear how much he was wanted.

‘It wouldn’t appear to be working.’

‘I know one thing,’ said Rowena with total honesty. ‘I hate having Harriet in the house. It’s ridiculous, she was meant to be jealous of me and
I’m becoming jealous of her.’

‘It’s a competition — of course you’re jealous, but you hold all the cards. Harriet’s only a secondary player.’

‘I hope she knows that,’ said Rowena fiercely. She looked at Chris lounging back in his chair, his blond curls unbrushed and his light blue eyes continually flicking to her cleavage. ‘Let’s do it now, Chris,’ she whispered.

‘In here?’

‘Why not? Harriet’s busy, Lewis has gone out and I don’t think I can wait until tonight. Please, Chris.’

He could never resist her. Their dependency was mutual and yet as he worked out how best to satisfy her in the confines of the breakfast room he found that he was imagining doing it with Harriet watching them. This idea added to his excitement and he felt himself growing hard.

‘Crouch on the kitchen chair,’ he said shortly. ‘Put your feet on the seat and grip the back with your hands. If you thrust backwards I’ll be able to stand on the floor and take you from behind.’

Rowena’s mouth went dry. This was what she craved from him; swift, urgent couplings spiced with the risk of discovery were almost as satisfying to her as their long dark sessions where she allowed him to dominate her totally.

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