Desire's Golden Dreams (17 page)

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Authors: Tish Domenick

BOOK: Desire's Golden Dreams
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Slim turned from her. He leaned his body against the back of the couch. “You’re getting carried away with ghost stories.”

“No, no. I’m right. I can feel it.” She leaned across the arm of the couch, so close to his face she felt his breath coming out in short rapid gusts on her cheek. “You want much more from me than a quickie. What are you not telling me, Slim, or whatever your real name is? What do you want from Bolt?”

“Bring him back here with you, Hannah, if you want the truth. I’m not his rival. I just want to love you.”

“All righty, then. If you are not going to come clean, take me out of here.”

After a short pause where he blinked first, he took her hand and led her through the tunnels. He waited at the mine’s entrance while she got into her car and drove off.

Hannah didn’t stop at her house. She drove toward Bolt’s father’s ranch. She would surprise him with a visit just as he’d surprised her a few nights ago. No way would she go back to the mine anymore. She’d found out most of what she wanted to know about her ancestors. And she would not be able to resist the enigmatic ghost any longer. He was somehow in her blood, though he swore he was not a relation. She was missing something, something important. Slim was dangerous, appealing but dangerous. He was manipulating her and he wanted to manipulate Bolt. Why? Why, why, why? Who was he, really?

She stopped at a diner for a sandwich and called home to let them know she’d be away for a few days. She also texted her father. In New York, he might be at a late dinner meeting. If not, he could call back while she ate. She didn’t expect to hear from him. He wouldn’t quit working until midnight or later.

The BLT was tasteless. She ate a few bites and left the diner with a fresh bottle of water. She was more than halfway to the ranch. She’d stave off hunger for an hour until she reached it. They had an excellent cook.

She pulled up in front of the sprawling stone ranch house less than an hour later. The kitchen help was cleaning up after dinner. They knew her and offered to heat something for her or make something fresh. Hannah thanked them and grabbed a slab of chicken from the leftover roast. She walked out into the great room eating it. Bolt’s dad and his wife were having coffee, alone.

“Hey, Mr. Carmody, Jewel. Where would I find my elusive boyfriend?”

The couple stood sharply as if caught in the act of some illegal activity.

Jewel Carmody finally answered. “He’s outside.”

Hannah put her hands on her hips. “Outside as in ‘on the range somewhere’ checking cattle? Or outside as in around back of the barn, or in the corral, or shooting craps in the bunkhouse?” She was immediately sorry for her sarcastic tone, but she was tired and hungry and very in need of Bolt.

Buck raised his chin and pointed with it toward the east side of the house. “He’s in the barn with our neighbor, Jessica. She joined us for dinner tonight.”

Jewel shot him a look and poked him with her elbow.

Hannah’s gut tightened. She didn’t know why they were acting so weird, but she didn’t like it. She raced for the door, threw the slice of chicken into the bushes, and strode toward the barn.


* * * *


Bolt, on his haunches and distracted by examining the mare’s foreleg, didn’t hear all of what Jessica said. She always babbled on and on. Something about getting together. “Tomorrow? I’ll be out on the range. I guess you could come here for dinner again if you want. Jewel seems to like having you around.” Jessica was always determined not to be left out of anything whenever he visited his dad. She was a pest but not bad company. She seemed riveted on whatever Bolt said and often became his shadow when he wasn’t out in the fields.

“Bolt Carmody, are you gay or something? You’re telling me to come back tomorrow when I’m ready right now and you have nothing else to do?”

Bolt’s brow furrowed and he turned to look at her. She had both elbows behind her resting on the stall door and was naked to her waist. “Whoa. Put your shirt back on, Jessica.” He struggled to keep his balance as he stood.

Jessica put out both arms to steady him. “Surely, you can’t be surprised. I’ve been coming on to you all evening—actually all week. Can you really resist these?” She gestured to her pert breasts with one hand, but kept the other on his chest.

Too stunned to react, Bolt simply stared at the goodies before him. She moved in to graze his pecs with her nipples.

“Any ideas coming to you as to what to do about these?”

“I’ve got some very specific ideas,” Hannah shouted as she slammed the stall door open. “How about you, Bolt? Let’s compare notes.”

Jessica giggled and leaned against Bolt. “Why not join us, Hannah? We can triple our fun that way. I can eat you out as Mr. Stud, here, fucks me. Sounds yummy, doesn’t it?”

Bolt pushed her to one side and stood in front of her. “Put on your shirt.”

Hannah’s face went from ashen to pink. Her temper was about to erupt and he was at a loss as to how to calm her. “I had nothing to do with this display, darlin’, and you know it. You know me.”

“I thought I did. Now, I’m not so certain.”

Jessica scooted out from behind Bolt, still sans shirt. “Don’t be a prude, Hannah Janes. Ever since I moved next door, I’ve been dying to get Bolt’s cock inside me and this is the closest I’ve been to actually reaching my goal. I don’t want commitment. I only want to sample his wares, just a roll in the hay. Pun intended.”

“Ah, well then, since you’ve waited so long, don’t let me spoil your fun.” Hannah stormed from the barn and ran to her car. Her hand reached for the handle, but Bolt’s hand stopped it. He swung her around.

“Hannah, for shit’s sake, stop and use your brains, not your knee-jerk emotions. You can’t really think what I think you’re thinking.” Hannah’s lips moved but no words came out. She leaned her head on Bolt’s shoulder.

His own sense of calm did not surprise him. Hannah was too sure of him to think he’d have anything to do with Jessica or any other woman. Her outrage would cool once she had time to chill. They’d been through too much together to let something like this come between them. He held her tight until he felt the tension leave her body.


* * * *


Hannah pressed her eyes tightly shut. The guilt she felt over wanting Slim had colored her reason. She was transferring her guilt onto Bolt to make herself feel better. Thank goodness he stopped her. She looked up at him and smiled. He kissed her.

“Hey, if you have this fantasy of two women in bed with you, I am not opposed.”

“Every man has that fantasy, but I’ve never considered actually doing it. You’re enough for me.”

“Maybe you should think on it, cowboy.” Jessica sashayed over to them, shirt in place but not buttoned. “I’m certainly game and sounds like Hannah is also. So how about it, big guy? Can you handle two women?”

“I have no need to.” Bolt shook his head and looked at Hannah.

She shrugged. “Up to you, sport. I’m okay with it as long as I’m with you and you wear a condom.” Hannah gave him the thumbs-up signal. “Really. If a three-way will make you happy, it’ll make me happy.”

“I don’t know about this.” Bolt looked from one woman to the other. “Hannah, you’ve always been enough for me.”

“Hey, I know that. But I don’t want to stifle your human urges. Jessica’s here. I’m here. Why not? Who’s it hurting?”

Jessica palmed the swelling in his jeans. “You’re intrigued by having two women at your beck and call, aren’t you?” She slowly pushed her shirt wide open and struck a pose, her naked breasts pointing upward at him. “Better take this chance. It may never come again. I don’t give my goodies to just anyone. Come back to the barn and let me show you what else I have for you. If you can resist, I’ll go quietly.”

Hannah laughed and shoved him in the back. “She’s right. You may never have this chance again. Into the barn with you.” She pulled off her tee as they approached an empty stall piled high with hay. Jessica hung her shirt over the side of the stall. Both women approached Bolt.

Jessica undid the snap and zipper of his pants and Hannah slid them down to his ankles. Each woman took a shoulder and pushed him to the ground. They each took a boot and tugged it off. Jessica immediately dropped down and captured his cock in her mouth. She licked around the head, then slurped it into her mouth, deep into her mouth.

In a flash of clarity, Hannah realized someone had seized her mind. She felt Slim’s presence. Disoriented and dizzy, she leaned against the wall. “What? Where?” Then she noticed the scene at her feet.

She watched Bolt’s eyes close and his hips raise as Jessica sucked him. Some force was making her undo the zipper of her jeans. “No,” she called out. “I will not let you take control of me. Go back where you came from.”

Bolt’s eyes opened and he pushed Jessica off him. “Hannah, what’s wrong? You pushed me in here.” He grabbed his jeans and hopped on one foot while pulling them on the other leg. He changed feet and took Hannah in his arms. I was only doing this because I thought you needed more spice in our sex or something. I never asked for anything like this.”

Hannah rubbed her temples. “I know you didn’t. I pushed you into it because—I can’t explain. We have to talk—alone.” They turned to Jessica and found her reclining on a mound of hay, completely naked.

“One of you do me before I explode.” She fingered her shaved pussy. “I’m wet and oh, so ready.” Her hips lifted to give Hannah and Bolt a closer look at her pubic area. “My cunt is pretty, isn’t it?”

Hannah had to admit it was. The lips were a deep pink fading to pearl toward the inside. The slit itself was pale rose as if it had been made up by Estée Lauder.

Bolt looked to Hannah and she nodded. “Yes, Jessica, your cunt is the prettiest either of us has seen.”

Jessica said, “Please, one of you play with me.”

Hannah reached down and pet Jessica’s pussy. The lips were smooth and silky. “Bolt, go ahead, play.” She gave his arm a shove.

He fingered Jessica and she rotated her hips. “Mmm, that feels good.”

Hannah wondered if Slim were still here. He’d be glad to help out. Apparently, he’d left when she exorcised him from her mind.

Bolt took his hand away. “Your pussy is amazing, Jessica.”

“Damn you two.” Jessica stroked herself as if concentrating on a non-fiction book written in Braille. She used her other hand to pluck at her nipples. When she came, she screamed her release so loud, horses in the stalls at the other end of the barn whinnied.

“Ah, that satisfied feeling.” Jessica stretched like a sensuous cat. “I could do this all night.” She turned over and on all fours wiggled her ass. “I like my ass reamed, Bolt. You can see I’ve had it bleached around the hole. Men love it. I promise to give you a good ride.”

“I appreciate your generosity, but I’ve been out on the range since five this morning.”

“Oh, bummer.” She bounced back on her rump and grinned at Hannah. “How about you, Hannah? I’m really good at eating pussy and I’d love to do you even if you don’t want to reciprocate.”

“I’m as tired as Bolt. I think we’ll both go in to bed now.”

“Wow, that’s cold. I gave you both a good show and now you’re just gonna leave? I’m still all jazzed up.” She looked daggers at them. “You two are mean.”

“Why? You got what you came for, an orgasm all the better since you had an audience.” Hannah gave her a wink. “And we thank you. Didn’t you have fun?”

Jessica smiled a Cheshire Cat smile. “Yeah, I did.” She dressed quickly, saluted, and sauntered out of the barn, calling back over her shoulder. “Tell your dad and Jewel goodnight for me, Bolt. And I will see you tomorrow. You did invite me for dinner.”

Hannah glared at Bolt. “You invited her for dinner?”

Bolt shrugged. “I guess I must have. I don’t remember.” He put his arm around Hannah’s shoulders. “Let’s go inside. You said you wanted to talk and I want to fuck.” He pulled on his boots.

“Hell, yes, we need to do both after the foreplay we just saw. You really should put your shirt on first, don’t you think?”

“Yeah.” He rummaged through the hay and stuck one arm through a sleeve. “Ugh. It has a wet spot. She must have been lying on it.”

Hannah snatched it from his hand. “I’ll take it home and wash it.”

“I can do it. There’s a laundry room in the ranch house.”

“You will not have anything more to do with that woman or her pussy juices unless I’m with you.”

Bolt laughed as they walked out of the barn. “You afraid I’ll keep the shirt dirty to sniff and fantasize about?”

Hannah shot him a narrow-eyed glare. “It’s not funny. And I did mean it when I said we could do a three-way. You’d do it for me, wouldn’t you?”

He hugged Hannah to him. “I would probably do whatever I needed to do to keep you happy. I don’t know how many ways I can say it. I love you and want only your happiness.”

“How was it when she was blowing you? And don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it. I saw your eyes roll back in your head.”

He kissed her eyelids. “To tell you the truth, and I always do, it was pretty dang good. It felt different inside her mouth. She has a tongue ring and really knows how to use it. Each time she slid her tongue up or down on me, I felt tiny little slivers of ice along the underseam of my cock.”

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