Desire's Golden Dreams (19 page)

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Authors: Tish Domenick

BOOK: Desire's Golden Dreams
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Slim awaited her at the mine entrance. He always anticipated her arrival and she imagined he was all the more anxious after helping her insert the dildo up her ass. He led her to his lair and sat her on the couch, ignoring her protests. With his arm around her, he asked if she wanted a drink.

“I have my own water.”

He smirked. “Do you think I’d drug you?”

“It’s always a possibility. I’m very careful about what I put in my mouth.” Her face heated immediately when she realized what she’d said.

He circled her lips with a finger. “Are you, now?”

“Stop it.” She pushed him away and went to her chair and settled in. The sensation of this cloud-soft chair always amazed her. It didn’t push on the butt-plug as a normal chair would have.

Slim continued to smirk. “So how does it feel? Do you like it as much as Hannah Brown did?”

All set to berate him, Hannah burst into laughter instead. “Are you certain you’re not the devil?”

“Of that I am certain. Other things, not so much. You’re gonna yell at me for causing you to push Bolt into that barn with his sexy neighbor, aren’t you?”

“I had intended to, but you can’t help trying to get what you want any more than I can.” She sank lower into the cloud chair and closed her eyes. “I didn’t sleep much last night and a ranch starts its day waaay too early.”

“I thought you were mad at me and might not come back. What changed your mind?”

“Exactly what you knew would happen. Once I began thinking of a three-way, but with you instead of Jessica, I couldn’t stop wanting it.”

“And what are we going to do about it? Have you told Bolt about coming to the mine or about me?”

“I told him and he thinks I’m nuts. However, he is coming to meet you as soon as he gets home from the ranch.”

“That’s great and once he sees I’m real-ish, he’ll do anything you ask. He’s so much like Brady, he could be related. He’s tough and strong except when it comes to you. Yet, he’s a mortal man and Jessica is a babe who also knows how to get what she wants. And sweetheart, she wants your guy.”

“She can want and wish all over the place and it will get her nowhere.”

“He’s a man and he’s seen how delicious she is and knows what she can do with her tongue on his cock. She’ll be with him tonight and I’m guessing every night he’s at the ranch. How much self-control can any man have faced with a wanton female determined to get him to fuck her?”

“If you knew Bolt, you wouldn’t have that smarmy look on your face. He would never cheat on me, never.”

“Wow. You are kidding yourself. You practically gave him the okay to do whatever would make him happy.” Slim stood and circled the couch. “Do you recall what you said?” He stroked his chin, ran a hand through his lush brown hair, then with hands on the couch back leaned his weight on it and recited her words back to her. “I don’t want to stifle your human urges. Jessica’s here. I’m here. Why not? Who’s it hurting?” He stared at Hannah as if waiting for a response. Getting nothing from her, he continued, “Is that not word for word what you told him last night?”

“I guess so, but I said it only because you had control of my mind. You used me for your own ends, the same way you did that first time we met. I couldn’t figure out what had taken hold of me until Bolt told me I’d called for Brady. You did something to me that sent me to practically rape Bolt.”

“I did nothing to you but stimulate your libido with the power of suggestion. All the lust that you exhibited since then has been pent up inside you all the time.”

“Last night, before I came to my senses, a three-way was going to be my gift to Bolt. He’s been with only me since he was seventeen and I thought he deserved a reward for all that fidelity.”

“So I am right. A part of you wanted to watch Bolt fuck Jessica.” He gave her a sheepish grin. “I admit I egged you on a little.”

“So, it wasn’t my mind that told him no one would be hurt by his getting it on with Jessica. It was mostly yours.”

“Ah, but he knows nothing about me and what I can do. I would surmise he took you at your word.”

Hannah hopped off her chair and paced away from him, arms crossed and brow furrowed. “You are infuriating. You cannot manipulate me into doubting Bolt. You would have no qualms about fucking Jessica any time, any place because but you don’t love me the way Bolt does.”

He rushed her and took her in his arms. “You are mistaken there, darlin’. My love for you goes back centuries. It is every bit as potent as his and a good deal more mystical.” His lips slowly descended on hers and she didn’t pull away.

“Dammit you are the devil,” she murmured when he released her. “When I’m with you I can think of nothing but sex.”

“Yet, you keep denying me access to your body except for a kiss now and then. When are you going to give in to what we both want?”

“Only after Bolt comes here with me.”

“And what you were setting in motion with Jessica was a preliminary to the ménage you want with me and Bolt. Admit it.”

Hannah put her head on Slim’s chest and muttered into his shirt, trying to hide her shameless behavior. “I was thinking of the future and planning for bringing him here.”

Slim kissed the top of her head. “You are a minx. I’d hate to challenge you to a game of chess. You’d break all the rules.”

“I like to win and I like having my own way. I’ve brought up my father more than he’s raised me and that independence has made me devious and a bit intractable.”

“I can see that. It’s something you have in common with Hannah Brown. She was always in control.”

“So, what’s the story for today?” She moved out of his arms.

“When does Bolt return from the ranch? I can think of nothing but having you. How much longer must I wait?” He stood over her, making her crane her neck to look at him.

“Less than a week from now.”

He ran his hands up and down her arms. He fumbled at the crotch of her jeans. “It was much easier when women wore dresses.”

“Slim, you have to wait.”

“I know.” He undid her zipper and fondled her through her thin panties, finally slipping his hand under the elastic. “Your pussy has no hair.”

“I’ve been removing it since Bolt and I began fucking. What are you doing?”

“Now, that’s a stupid question from such a smart woman.”

“Stop—uh stop….” Her legs were like rubber and Slim held her up with his body as his fingers played inside her. The combination of his fingering her and the pressure of the dildo made her climax quickly.”

“Dammit, I hardly got started. You are a lot like your ancestor.” He removed his hand and went to the bar.

She zipped up and joined him there. “I couldn’t help it. Don’t forget about the butt plug you helped me insert this morning. It alone makes me wet.”

“Damn, I didn’t need that image to make me even hotter.” He poured a beer from the tap and a shot from the whisky bottle, then downed them both. He poured another beer, then came to the front of the bar and sat on a stool.

Hannah undid his pants and knelt as she took his cock out and caressed it. She had meant to give him a hand job, but licked around the head of his cock first.

“Wait. Take off that bulky shirt.”

She stripped off the sweatshirt, but left the tank on and knelt before him again. He slipped his hands inside the shirt to play with her nipples as she sucked him. It didn’t take much effort on her part. He was stiff and ready. She swallowed some of his stuff and used a napkin from the bar to wipe the rest. He stood and scooped her up and carried her to his lap on the couch.

“That wasn’t nearly enough for me, you know.”

“Nor for me, either. I’ll get Bolt here as soon as I can. I want both of you inside me.” They held each other in silence for several seconds.

Slim raised her chin with a finger and kissed the tip of her nose. “Do you want more stories of your ancestors or was that a ruse to keep seeing me?”

“I am insatiable about all manner of things and my family genealogy is one of them. Of course it wasn’t an excuse to see you. I want to tap into all your knowledge. I want Gus’s and Sam’s stories and more about Joel and Josie. Mostly, I want to know your story. Who are you, really and why are you stuck here in this mine?”

He placed his head on the top of hers. “I suppose I owe you my story. I’m simply afraid I’ll lose you once you know what I did to earn eternal unrest.”

“Is this your punishment? Are you condemned to this mine forever or is there a way out, a way to atone?”

“Believe it or not, I don’t know the answer. The powers that be have danced around my questions. They give me vague, enigmatic answers which intimate I have a path to salvation, but I’ve yet to figure out what it is.”

“Maybe together we can figure it out one day, but not just yet,” Slim whispered.

“You don’t trust me?”

“I don’t want to lose you.”

Slim couldn’t keep his hands from the nipples showing prominently through the skimpy tank top. Hannah wriggled off his lap and retrieved her sweatshirt. “I’d better keep this on before we get carried away again.” She settled in her cloud chair. Slim stayed on the couch.

“I can wrap up the stories of Joel and Josie quickly. Joel is such a hated figure to me, I detest talking about him and what he did to his sweet wife.”

“What did Hannah think of her son?” Hannah leaned forward, elbows on knees. “Did she never learn he was not a good person? Stories about his escapades must have come back to her.”

“Joel was the center of Hannah’s universe. She excused his questionable antics as merely being a boy. For a while she was distracted by being pregnant with Trey and then going away for his birth.

“Joel was only a toddler when his mother left him, but he never forgot that this baby, Trey, took his mother away for a long time. Wade was busy with ranching and had no idea what to do with the boy while Hannah was gone. From stories I’ve heard, Joel took his anger and what he perceived as rejection out on animals and birds at the ranch.” Slim hesitated.

“Go on, I never knew the man so don’t think you’re insulting me by speaking the truth about Joel’s twisted personality.”

“Okay. You are the strangest woman. Let’s see, where was I? Oh, Hannah and Brady and his wife were in New York. When they came back, Brady was so enthralled with his son, he completely ignored Joel. Before Trey came, Brady had spent a lot of time with him and even more time with Princess. Princess hardly noticed the slight because she had a boyfriend, and, too, she was enthralled with the baby. She became a second nanny to Trey and throughout their lives, they remained close friends. Another blow to Joel. In his mind his sister owed him more attention than this intruder.”

“And so Hannah coddled Joel even more because she saw him practically ignored by both husbands?”

“Yes, she excused every nasty thing he said or did. She tried to protect him and it became the routine way they interacted from then on. Hannah gave Joel too much latitude and he felt entitled to do whatever he wanted, no matter who it hurt. His mother would always fix it for him.”

“And when he married Josie, was Hannah happy? She must have loved her daughter-in-law, and later her grandchildren.”

“Josie and Hannah were fast friends from the first time they met.” Slim smiled with some memory. Slowly he rose and leaned over the back of the couch to speak again.

“Joel made it clear to Hannah he wanted no interference in his marriage nor in the rearing of his children. Wisely, she moved out to the ranch with Wade. She never knew of Joel’s cruelty toward his wife. As far as Hannah knew, they had the ideal marriage. She lavished her grandchildren with gifts, clothes, and parties. When she visited, she took them to museums and art galleries. She spoke to Joel first for permission, but saw to it they had lessons in dance, piano, and art.”

“None of Joel’s antics reached her? It’s hard to believe a woman as active as she with her many interests wouldn’t have heard something from an employee or friend.”

“She knew of his run-ins with the law and his fondness for frequenting bordellos on the Barbary Coast before he married Josie. She considered him a lusty male with voracious appetites and how could she be surprised at that development? Once he married she cautioned him about curbing his gambling and visits to the wharf area bars. And after meeting Josie, he did for a time. He learned to be discreet for Hannah’s sake. She was the one person he truly had feelings for. He cared little for Wade or the ranch. Hannah spent less and less time in the city as years wore on. Her investments were in place and she managed most from the ranch or through directors she kept on a short leash. She didn’t hear much gossip and was content not to hear anything bad about her son.”

“What happened to Wade? How did he die?”

“Much like Hannah, he died of old age and natural causes. Of course, he passed away at a much younger age. I believe he hadn’t reached seventy.”

“Hannah was without a man for a long time, then.”

“She had Brady once he returned from Great Britain. Hannah was his life now his son was grown and independent. He built his own ranch this time, not far from Wade’s and they got together often. Actually, the only time they led separate lives was when Trey came to visit. Princess was in Sacramento and Joel in the city.”

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