Desire's Golden Dreams (18 page)

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Authors: Tish Domenick

BOOK: Desire's Golden Dreams
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“So you liked her doing it to you and you would have come?”

“I can’t deny it. It was quite intense because it was simply for sex, not love. And that’s the whole truth.”

Hannah threw his shirt into the back seat of her car before they slipped inside hoping not to encounter anyone. Jewel and Buck were still in the great room and didn’t miss Bolt’s shirtless attire. Bolt waved and ushered Hannah to his room.

They were in the shower together when Bolt lifted Hannah onto him and slid his cock inside her. “I’m not as tired as I’d thought. Maybe the water revived me or maybe soaping your tits did it.”

With her hands on the wall behind Bolt’s head, Hannah pumped back and forth along his rigid cock. “Damn you feel good inside me.”

“And you know exactly what to do to drive me wild.” Bolt pulled her ass in tight to him and climaxed inside her.

She slid to her feet and he finished her off by pushing her down on the shower bench and eating her pussy until she moaned and bucked. “You are so good at this. Jessica doesn’t know what she missed.”

“As pretty as her pussy is, I have no desire to tackle it.”

When they’d toweled each other and were under the covers, Hannah took a deep breath. She had to tell Bolt about her visits to the mine and her relationship with a ghost. She was angry and a bit frightened at the way Slim had been able to take over her mind and to make her agree to Jessica’s suggestion of a three-way. As she thought about it, she realized he was paving the way for her to get Bolt to agree to a ménage with Slim as the third partner.

“Hey, cupcake, are you ready to tell me what you wanted to talk about?”

“I have a sort of confession.”

Bolt sat up against the headboard. “Confession?”

“I’ve been going to the mine every day you’ve been away.”

“What for? Babe, you know it’s dangerous.”

“I met a ghost that day we went there with Dad and I had to go back to find him.”

“A ghost? Come on, cupcake.”

“Please, listen. He was there again and he’s been there every time. He can visit any past moment in time and he’s been telling me about my ancestors.”

“Hannah, what is wrong with you? Ghosts don’t exist. Do you need a rest from work? Are you stressed about us?”

“I’m perfectly fine. If you don’t believe me, come see for yourself.”

Bolt took some long, slow breaths. “Okay, as soon as I’m done here, I will.”

“I know you’re humoring me and that’s okay. You need to meet him to believe.” She paused. “One other thing, you may not like.”

“What else?”

“He’s obsessed with me. He believes me to be a reincarnation of one of the Hannahs that he loved.”

“Oh, for shit’s sake.”

“And I am drawn to him. I can’t stay away. He seems almost a part of me.”

“Hannah, you’re scaring me. This is serious pathological behavior on your part. You need help.”

“Yes, I need your help. Will you go to the mine with me?”

“Of course. I’ll do whatever you need me to do.”

“Well, that’s all I needed to say and you’re tired. Morning comes early on a ranch, so you go to sleep, Cowboy.”

She didn’t have to tell him twice. Bolt was asleep in minutes. Hannah’s eyes remained wide open for most of the night.

The alarm went off at four. Hannah stayed in bed while Bolt dressed. Not until he bent to kiss her did she let him know she was awake. She pulled him down on top of her naked body and his fingers roamed over her.

She spoke for the first time. “Maybe I should have let the ménage continue last night. We’ve been exclusive for a lot of years. We probably need an extra spark to our lovemaking.”

“Are you still thinking about Jessica? I’m content to be with you, but I’ll do whatever makes you happy.”

“It doesn’t have to be with her. Someday another opportunity for a ménage may arise. Who knows, a guy may want to fuck me.”

“I’m sure many guys do.” Bolt took her face in his hands. “I don’t know how I’d feel about watching another man fuck you. You’re mine.”

“That’s kind of selfish after what you almost did.”

He lay flat and rubbed his eyes. “You’re right of course. Did you have someone in mind? Is that why you agreed to this tonight?”

“Jeez, Bolt. I wanted to make you happy. I love you and anything that pleases you, pleases me. I thought you felt that way, too.”

“I do. I’m being selfish as you have so accurately observed.”

Hannah kissed his cheek. “You’ve got to go to work. We’ll explore the subject another time. I’ll leave as soon as everyone’s out of the house.” She turned on her side.

He kissed her cheek. “I’ll text you later to see if you got home okay.” At the door, he turned back, a worried frown on his face. “Hannah, I haven’t mentioned what you told me last night about a ghost in the mine because I don’t know what to say. Please, wait until I can go with you to go back there again.”

She mumbled, “I love you,” and closed her eyes. She would go back to the mine if only to give Slim a piece of her mind. Tossing and turning didn’t help. She couldn’t lie to herself. Yes, part of her mind might have been influenced by Slim’s presence last evening with Jessica, but her own brain had conceived the idea to let Bolt fuck Jessica so he could not protest when she asked for what she wanted. And she wanted what her long-ago ancestor Hannah had had. She wanted two men she loved inside her body at once. Her whole being twitched with need of it. Her pussy juiced at the thought.

Somehow, although her calling halt last night in the barn was not to stop the ménage but to stop Slim interfering in her mind, it had stopped Jessica’s ministrations to Bolt’s cock. The mistake worked for Hannah. Now, she had Bolt feeling guilty and admitting he liked the blow job. For now it was enough. And she had told him about Slim. Eventually, she’d get him to agree to another kind of ménage, one where she was the focal point. Like that long-ago Hannah, she knew how to get her way. First, she needed to buy herself a butt plug.

She popped up and stretched. Today she was going to prepare for having two men fuck her. She climbed into her panties and jeans, then rummaged through dresser drawers until she found a shirt of hers left there last time she dropped by. She shrugged into it. Noises came from downstairs when she opened the bedroom door. No way did she feel like facing Buck and Jewel Carmody this early in the morning. She took a few tentative stairs and listened. Apparently everyone was in the kitchen.

Jewel spoke to Bolt in a disapproving tone. “You should have told me Hannah was coming over and staying the night.”

Buck’s voice had a barely disguised tone of distaste to it. “Jessica was such good company at dinner. She’d make a good cowboy’s wife. Lives right here, loves our ranch as much as her father’s. Pretty gal, too. What happened to her after Hannah arrived?”

“Uh, the three of us had a nice visit in the barn. We talked until late and she told me to say her thanks and goodbyes.” Bolt hesitated then spoke up again, “She may be coming for dinner again tonight.”

Hannah pulled her hair into a ponytail. So Bolt’s father agreed with his mother on one point, Hannah was not for their son. She strode right into the fray and managed a straight face and innocent look. “Yes, Jessica, Bolt, and I had a good time together. I’m glad she was here.” She reached for some toast and sat at the table to butter it.

“I’m surprised you’re up so early. Have to get to work today?” Buck said.

“Usually, I would, but Dad’s closed shop while he’s away.”

“He closed the bank?” Jewel poured everyone coffee.

“No.” Hannah managed to hold her tongue and not say, of course not, you moron. “The bank is only one small part of Janes Enterprises. I don’t work there. I work in a very specialized department that can’t function without him or me if I’m heading up a study or something. Right now things are slow until he gets New York all set up. Then, I may be super busy if he returns with a contract.”

“Oh. Do you want some eggs or bacon or pancakes?” Jewel obviously didn’t understand the business world.

“Thanks, Jewel, but I’m going to eat this toast and run. I have some things to take care of in town.” And out at the mine, she didn’t add.

Buck ignored her for the rest of the meal and monopolized Bolt so he couldn’t talk to her either. Jewel tried a few roads of discourse, but they were acres apart in interests. Hannah had no aptitude for cooking or baking or fashion for that matter and technical subjects were beyond Bolt’s stepmother. Hannah soon kissed Bolt goodbye and left feeling very lucky her father never remarried after her mother died.

Chapter Eleven


After the long drive back from the ranch to San Francisco, Hannah had a half hour to kill before the adult toy store opened. She used the time to call her father. Luckily, his meeting had just broken for lunch and she used up fifteen minutes of her wait time talking to him about business. She cleaned out her car next, and by the time she’d taken water bottles to a recycle bin and trash to a dumpster, the store had opened. She took in a deep breath and went inside.

With her eyes on her feet, she bypassed the rows of male-member dildos, rounded the corner, and came face to face with the butt plugs. Her cheeks heated when a male store clerk approached and asked if he could help her.

“No thanks, I’m just looking.” An inner groan made her close her eyes as the guy walked away. Just looking? How creepy must she have sounded?

Hannah squared her shoulders and picked up one object after another. She had no clue how to assess which one would fit comfortably and still do the job. The thought of asking the guy store clerk was too weird and asking one of the female clerks for help did not seem much better. She imagined how the conversation would go. “Did you ever wear one of these? Did it hurt? Was it better when you got ass fucked after wearing it than it would have been if you hadn’t stretched your orifice first?” Ugh, she could not do it.

She stepped back and took a furtive survey of her surroundings. No one was anywhere near her. She bit her lip and hefted a few more. Making decisions had never been easy for her, but it was ridiculous to take this long. If she didn’t like her choice, she could always come back and buy a different one. It wasn’t like buying a house or a car. Finally she picked out two, a small one to start her off and then one with a bit more girth. Neither was as wide as an actual cock, but if she could tolerate both of these, she’d come back for a bigger one—or not.

Satisfied with her choices, she checked out and drove home thinking to sleep for another hour. Once in the house, she consulted with the staff. This had been her job since she was ten. The housekeeper was responsible for the way the house was run, but the woman needed to know what the family plans were before she could set things in motion. Hannah informed the staff that their routine duties would be all that was needed until her father returned. For today, she asked that a meal be left in the refrigerator for her since she didn’t know what time she’d be home. A text from Melia came in on her phone and she wrote back a curt answer.
Busy today.

The only plan she had was to go to the mine and tell Slim she didn’t appreciate his interfering in her sex life. He had almost caused her to participate in a ménage she didn’t want. She also wanted to tell him Bolt was coming to the mine when he left the ranch.

She undressed and slipped under the covers. Sleep would not come. A thousand images of Jessica seducing Bolt flew into her head and wouldn’t leave. The hussy was returning to have dinner at the ranch again tonight. With Jewel and Buck promoting Jessica as the ideal wife for a cowboy, would Bolt begin to agree? Would he eventually succumb to her pretty pussy now he had seen it? He had admitted it felt good when Jessica’s pierced tongue slid along his cock. Would he resist it if she offered to blow him tonight? Would that delicious snatch of hers tempt Bolt to at least want to taste it? How strong would any red-blooded male be when confronted with the image of Jessica’s bleached asshole? Added to all this temptation, he must think his mother could be right about Hannah after she told him she’d been visiting with a ghost.

Hannah gave up the idea of sleeping.

The dildos in her shopping bag came to mind. She took out the small one and applied lotion to it. Leaning over the bed and spreading her legs wide, she tried to insert the thing. Her sphincter closed every time she touched the dildo to the orifice. Relax, relax. Was that Slim echoing in her ear? She concentrated on keeping her sphincter open.

Slim was there. She couldn’t see him, but she felt him spurring her on. And she heard his silent voice. “Take it, honey. You can take it. It’ll be good once you get it in you. Don’t fight it.” The dildo plunged inside her by a hand other than her own. She had to take several deep breaths to tolerate it at first, but it wasn’t all bad. She sat on a hard chair and it hurt a bit, but felt sexy, too. With her underpants on and a walk around the room, the dildo gradually felt less foreign.

She dressed in old jeans, ankle boots, and a sweatshirt with a tank under it. Slim was right, her nipples gave her away. They were distended to points pulling at her tee shirt. She was enjoying the dildo inside her.

After speaking to the housekeeper again, Hannah drove to the mine and parked as close to the entrance as the rock formations would allow. Her family owned the land, so she ignored all the warning signs and ropes to bar her way. She’d removed them yesterday and only had to watch out for jagged rocks today.

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