Do Elephants Jump? (36 page)

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Authors: David Feldman

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Funeral homes, size of


burials without shoes
depth of graves
head position of, in caskets
orientation of deceased
perpetual care and
small cemeteries and



Gagging, hairs in mouth and

Gallons and quarts, American versus British

Game balls, distribution of football

Gasoline, pricing of, in tenths of a cent

Gasoline gauges, automobile

Gasoline pumps

rubber sleeves on
shut off of

Gasoline stations, full-service versus self-service, pricing of

Gasoline, unleaded, cost of

Gauge, width of railroad

Gauges, fuel, in automobiles

Geese, honking during migration

Gelatin, fruit in


“Get the sack”

“Get your goat”

“Getting down to brass tacks”

Gifts, children and

Girdles and fat displacement

Glass, broken

Glasses, drinking

squeakiness of
“sweating” of

Glasses, wine, types of

Glitter, sidewalks and

Glow-in-the-dark items, green color of


stickiness in the bottle
“Super” versus conventional
“Super,” and Teflon
taste of postage stamp

Glutamates, MSG and

Gnats, swarming of

Goalies, banging of sticks by

Goalposts, football, tearing down of


Goats, kids versus adult


Gold bullion, shape of


origins of eighteen holes
origins of term “fore”
pain of mishits

Golf balls

dimples on
veering toward ocean while putting

Golfers and sunglasses

Gondolas, black color of

“Good Friday,” origins of term


identify of
marital status of

Goofy, Jr., origins of

Goosebumps, faces and

Gorillas, chest pounding of

Gowns, and caps, at graduations

Grades in school, E

Grading of cigarettes

Grading of eggs, meaning of

Graduations, military academy

“Grandfather” clock, origins of term

Grape jellies, color of

Grapefruit, sweetness of, canned versus fresh


Grapes, raisins and

Gravel and placement on flat roofs

Graves, depth of

Gravy skin loss, when heated

“Gravy train”

Grease, color of

Grecian Formula, process of

Greek names of fraternities and sororities

Green beans, “French” style

Green color of glow-in-the-dark items

Green lights, versus red lights, on boats and airplanes

“Green with envy”

“Green” cards, color of


Greeting cards, shape of

Gretzky, Wayne, hockey uniform of

Grimace, identity of McDonald’s

Grocery coupons, cash value of

Grocery sacks, names on

Grocery stores and check approval

Groom, carrying bride over threshold by

Growling of stomach, causes of

Guitar strings, dangling of

Gulls, sea, in parking lots

Gum, chewing

water consumption and hardening of
wrappers of

“Gunny sacks”


“Habit [riding costume]”


Hail, measurement of


blue, and older women
growth of, after death
length of, in older women
mole, color of
parting, left versus right

Hair color, darkening of, in babies

Hair spray, unscented, smell of

Hairbrushes, length of handles on

Hairs in mouth, gagging on

Hairy ears in older men

Half dollars, vending machines and


Half-mast, flags at

Half-moon versus quarter moon

Half-numbers in street addresses

Halibut, coloring of

Halloween, Jack-o’-lanterns and

Halogen light bulbs, touching of


checkerboard pattern atop
color of, when cooked
Easter and consumption of

“Ham [actor]”

Hamburger buns, bottoms of

“Hamburger,” origins of term


Hand dryers in bathrooms

Hand positions in old photographs

Handles versus knobs, on doors

Handwriting, teaching of cursive versus printing

“Hansom cab”

Happy endings, crying and

Hard hats

backward positioning of, in ironworkers
exterminators and

Hard-boiled eggs, discoloration of

Hat tricks, in hockey


cowboy, dents on
declining popularity
dents in cowboy
holes in sides of
numbering system for sizes

Haystacks, shape of

“Hazard [dice game]”

“Head [bathroom]”

“Head honcho”

Head injuries, “seeing stars” and

Head lice, kids and

Headaches and aspirin

Headbands on books

Headlamps, shutoff of automobile

“Heart on his sleeve”

Hearts, shape of, idealized versus real

Heat and effect on sleep


“Heebie jeebies”


clearance signs on highways
of elderly
restrictions on fences
voice pitch and

Heinz ketchup labels

Helicopters, noise of

Helium and effect on voice

Hellman’s Mayonnaise, versus Best Foods

“Hem and haw”


Hermit crabs, bathroom habits of

Hernia exams and “Turn your head and cough”


“High bias,” versus “low bias,” on audio tape

“High jinks”

High-altitude tennis balls



clumping of traffic
curves on
interstate, numbering system
traffic jams, clearing of
weigh stations


Hills, versus mountains



“Hobson’s choice”


banging of sticks by goalies
hat trick
Montreal Canadiens uniforms
Wayne Gretzky’s uniform

“Hold a candle”

“Holding the bag”


in barrels of cheap pens
in elevator doors
in fly swatters
in ice cream sandwiches
in needles and syringes
in pasta
in saltines
in thimbles
in wing-tip shoes
on bottom of soda bottles
recycling of, in loose-leaf paper
refilling of dirt

“Holland,” versus “Netherlands”

Home plate, shape of, in baseball


Honey, spoilage of

Honey roasted peanuts, banning of, on airlines

Honking in geese during migration






measurement of heights of
posture in open fields
sleeping posture

Hospital gowns, back ties on

Hospitals and guidelines for medical conditions

Hot dog buns

number of, in package
slicing of

Hot dogs, skins of

Hot water, noise in pipes of


amenities, spread of
number of towels in rooms
plastic circles on walls of
toilet paper folding in bathrooms of

“Hotsy totsy”

Houses, settling in

“Hue and cry”

“Humble pie”

Humidity, relative, during rain

Humming, power lines and

Hurricane, trees and

“Hurricanes” as University of Miami nickname

“Hut,” origins of football term

Hydrants, fire, freezing water in

Hypnotists, stage, techniques of

“I [capitalization of]”

“I could care less”

“I” before “e,” in spelling


fizziness of soda
formation on top of lakes and ponds
holes and dimples in
in urinals

Ice cream

black specks in
cost of cones versus cups
pistachio, color of

Ice cream and soda, fizziness of

Ice cream sandwiches, holes in

Ice cubes

cloudy versus clear
shape of, in home freezers

Ice rinks, temperature of resurfacing water in

Ice skating, awful music in

Ice trays in freezers, location of

Icy roads, use of sand and salt on


automobile, and headlamp shutoff
key release button on

Imperial gallon, versus American gallon

“In like Flynn”

“In the nick of time”

Index fingers and “Tsk-Tsk,” stroking of

“Indian corn”

“Indian pudding”

“Indian summer”

Indianapolis 500, milk consumption by victors in

“Inflammable,” versus “flammable”


color of, in ditto masters
newspaper, and recycling


attraction to ultraviolet
aversion to yellow
flight patterns of
in flour and fruit

Insects [see specific types]

Insufficient postage, USPS procedures for

Interstate highways, numbering system of

Introductions in books, versus forewords and prefaces

Irish names, “O’” in

Irons, permanent press settings on

Ironworkers, backwards hard hat wearing of

Irregular sheets, proliferation of

IRS and due date of taxes

IRS tax forms

disposal of
numbering scheme of

“Italian” bread, versus “French”

Itching, reasons for

Ivory soap, purity of

“J” Street, Washington, D.C., and

“Jack [playing card]”

Jack Daniel’s and “Old No. 7”

“Jack,” “John” versus

Jack-o’-lanterns, Halloween and

Jams, contents of


baseball uniforms
boxes, yellow color of
flags, red beams and

Jars, food, refrigeration of opened



blue, orange thread and
Levis, colored tabs on
origin of “501” name
sand in pockets of new

“Jeans [pants]”


Jellies, contents of

Jellies, grape, color of

Jello-O, fruit in

, difficulty of daily doubles in


Jet lag, birds and

“Jetsam,” versus “flotsam”

“Jig is up”

Jigsaw puzzles, fitting pieces of

Jimmies, origins of


“John,” versus “Jack”

Johnson, Andrew, and 1864 election


Judges and black robes

Judo belts, colors of


Juicy Fruit gum, flavors in

“K rations”

“K” as strikeout in baseball scoring

Kangaroos, pouch cleaning of

Karate belts, colors of

“Keeping up with the Joneses”

Ken, hair of, versus Barbie’s

Ketchup, Heinz, labels of

Ketchup bottles

narrow necks of
neck bands on
restaurants mating of


“Kettle of fish”


automobile, door and ignition
piano, number of
teeth direction
to cities


Kids versus adult goats

Kilts, Scotsmen and


eye closure during
leg kicking by females

“Kit cat club”

“Kit,” “caboodle” and


Kiwifruit in gelatin

Kneading and bread

Knee-jerk reflex in humans

Knives, dinner, rounded edges of

Knives, serrated, lack of, in place settings

Knobs versus handles, on doors

“Knock on wood”

“Knuckle down”

“Knuckle under”

Knuckles, wrinkles on

Kodak, origins of name

Kool-Aid and metal containers

Kraft American cheese, milk in

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