Double Threat My Bleep (15 page)

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Authors: Julie Prestsater

Tags: #High School

BOOK: Double Threat My Bleep
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“Hey, baby,” Alex calls him again. Ugh. “Did you get the digits or what?” I’m assuming he’s talking about the girl. She was cute, but not super hot like Erica. Then again, she danced with him the whole night, and Erica is who knows where. Or who cares where.

Josh flashes a devilish grin. There’s our answer. He takes out his phone, taps on the screen, and holds it out. The guys are on him like flies on shit. They take turns looking at her picture and high fiving Josh.

“What’s her name?” Steph asks.

The guys look away, putting their heads down, shuffling their feet.

“What? What’s her name?” Keesh and I ask at practically the same time.

Josh says something real quick as he puts his hand over his mouth. I have no idea what he said.

“Stop messin’. What’s her name already?” Keesh tells him.

He looks at me, smiling, and barely lets out a whisper.

But this time I hear him.


Sometimes you just have to laugh. And that’s exactly what I do.

Chapter Nineteen







boys are back to normal. Or as normal as they can be, I suppose. The swinger talk is minimal. After our swing dance debut, we took a break from hanging out for Christmas and family. Alex and I still spent the holiday together but that’s it. I haven’t even seen my girls. But we’re all getting together tonight.

New Year’s baby. I can’t wait. I’m finally going to get the new year I’ve always wanted. One with Alex. Last year, I guess you could say I was settling. I can guarantee I won’t be riding Eric like a freakin’ pony like last year. And I won’t be listening to any slurping sounds coming from Alex and Amy. If there will be any ponies to ride—or horses—it will be Alex’s. All slurping will be coming from us too. I can hardly wait for the night to begin.

This will be the first time in years we aren’t partying at Amy’s house. My trusting parents have left me behind and are going to a party of their own. They’re allowing me to have a party here. “As long as it’s just the regular crowd,” they told me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Dad heated the pool so we can swim. He also got the fire pit ready, even though the guys can handle it now that they’ve helped him with it so many times. Mom bought us stuff for s’mores. I think she’s finally given up on trying to sell me on healthy foods. Maybe it’s a new strategy or something, because I have been eating better and my pants are fitting a little loose. Nothing to get too excited about though. I’ll still be wearing my board shorts to get in the water tonight.

“Happy New Year’s,” Mom and Dad say to Alex and I as they scurry out the door. It seemed like they’d never leave. But here we are. Alone. Finally.

“So what time is everyone gonna get here?” he asks.

“Not until about eight, so we still have a couple hours,” I respond, wrapping my arms around his waist and nuzzling into his chest.

He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head. “I could stay like this for a couple hours.”

I chuckle. “It sounds great and all, but I’m pretty sure we’d get tired, bored. My feet would hurt. You’d be drooling in my hair.”

I look up at him, and he begins to run his fingers through my hair, gazing down at me with a cute grin. I feel a sudden pang of fear in my gut. When Alex is home, and I look into his eyes, I know things are going to be okay. But what’s going to happen when he leaves, and we have this long stretch of time before we see each other again. He leans in, plants his soft lips on mine, and allows them to linger there before he bends down more to scoop me up into a big bear hug. I can’t think about him leaving. I need to allow myself to enjoy every minute of this.

“This is so much better than you drooling in my hair,” I squeal, jokingly.

“Right,” he says, relaxing his embrace till my feet are back on the ground.

The crew starts to arrive as Alex and I finish watching a movie. Okay, so we didn’t watch the whole thing but we were watching when the doorbell rang.

“What up?” Ben says, smacking hands with Alex. Ness and I give the girl hug, and I welcome them back to my house.

We head into the kitchen, where Ben pulls a bottle out of a paper bag.

My eyes widen, and my mouth waters like I’m about to be sick. “
,” I cry.

Vanessa looks at me like she smells something bad. “You’ve had it before?”

“Yeah, Ben gave me some last year, and I thought I was gonna puke. That’s some strong stuff there.” I swallow the spit that’s gathered in my mouth and vow that I will not even have a sip from that bottle tonight. Ness glares at Ben like he’s in trouble. Since Josh made that comment about homecoming last year, she’s been bitchy with me. C’mon now. She needs to get over it. I’m not Amy. Ben and I never even kissed.

“Don’t worry, kid,” Ben tells me. “This is a different flavor.” His cheesy smile makes me want to laugh, which is an improvement from vomit.

“Uhh,” Alex looks at me. “I don’t think she’s gonna be taking shots tonight. Look at her. She looks like she’s ready to blow chunks and you haven’t even opened it.”

I shake my head, trying to snap myself out of it. It’s not like I pounded the stuff last time. It just has a distinctive taste that I’ll never forget, and I didn’t like it. So nope, I won’t be having any of that tonight.

Vanessa rolls her eyes at me. “Gimme a break, she’ll be fine.” The more she speaks, the more she’s annoying me right now. Usually we get along okay, but whatever.

“Yeah, babe, I’ll be fine.” I put my arm around him, and slide my hand down till it’s resting on his ass. The perfect spot.

The doorbell rings. “I’ll get it,” Vanessa says, rolling her eyes yet again.

“What’s her problem?” Alex asks, when she’s far enough away and won’t hear him.

“I dunno know, bro. She’s been a real bi...” Ben looks at me. “Brat,” he finishes, but that’s not what he was going to say. “She didn’t want to come. She said she didn’t want to hang out with a bunch of high school kids. I told her she could go somewhere else without me. Like that would happen.”

Everyone comes around the corner into the kitchen. Ben and Alex act like they weren’t just talking about Vanessa being a bi…brat.

“Happy New Year,” Jon yells, tossing some grocery bags on the counter.

“Let’s partaaay,” Keesh shouts.

From the sound of it, Dom is setting down some more bottles.

“Alright, listen up,” I shriek, trying to get everyone’s attention. “If you’re gonna drink, take it outside. I can’t be having all these drinks on the counter in here if my parents come home early. If you’re outside, just toss it in the bushes or something if you hear them coming.”

“I thought they were going to be out until the morning,” Josh says.

“They are but you never know,” I tell him.

Alex grabs some of the bags. “C’mon, let’s get these out there. We can find a spot to hide them if we have to. We should probably drink out of cups too.”

“Good thinking,” Steph says.

We take all the food and drinks out to the patio. It’s not too chilly out yet. I think we’ll be okay, especially when we start dancing, or take a dip in the pool. Alex has already set up his iPod and some speakers, so he turns it on and instantly we have music setting the mood for the evening. Jon turns off a few of the lights and it starts to feel like a party. Keesh and Jon start blowing horns at each other. Noise makers. Now it feels like New Years.

“Put on some Pitbull,” I tell Alex.

“You gonna dance already?” he asks. I smile, and he knows. A few seconds later,
Hotel Room
is pumping through my veins, and my hips are swaying.

“Who knew white girls liked Pitbull?” Vanessa sneers.

“Excuse me?” Keesh questions her. I don’t even have to get pissy with Ness, Keesh has my back.

Steph booty bumps me. “This white girl can really shake it too,” she says, trying to keep the peace. I ignore Vanessa and start dancing with my girls. Booty bumps everywhere as we act goofy and jump around. The music changes and Baby Got Back blares through the speaker. Jon has the iPod and he’s laughing hysterically like a five-year old. We keep dancing anyway.

Ben starts setting out a bunch of plastic cups on the table and filling them with his new Red Bull flavored Aftershock. Hmmm. Maybe I can taste a little since it’s not that overpowering unforgettable cinnamon crap. He holds up a cup, “Now the party can begin, grab a drink and let’s toast to a new year of fun.”

Steph takes one, “And great friends.”

“And hot girls,” Jon adds.

“To idiot boyfriends,” Keesh jokes.

I take one. “To double threats.”

Travis joins in, “To hot girls.” What? “You can never have too many hot girls.” We all chuckle.

Alex toasts. “To someday.” He downs it, I do the same, and pull him down to kiss me, tasting the sweetness the drink left in his mouth. Our
has finally come.

Shots. Shots. Shots.
is next on the playlist. Fitting. The guys—except for Dominic since he’s driving—take a few more shots before calling it quits and drinking beer. Whew. The last thing I want is all their asses passed out or throwing up before the ball drops at midnight. My boyfriend better stay somewhat conscious. I’m looking forward to kissing him at the new year.


After burning off all the alcohol dancing, the girls and I decide to take a dip in the spa.

“They better chill on the drinks if they’re gonna get in the water,” Steph says. “They could drown you know.”

“No one is gonna drown. Don’t even trip, mama bear,” Keesh tells her.

“Well Ben better relax. I didn’t come with him to be ignored until he needs me to drive him home,” Vanessa groans.

I try to lighten things up. “He’ll be fine. Enjoy the peace. He’ll probably be driving you crazy soon enough.”

“What? You think you know everything about him or what?” she snaps at me.

Dominic splashes down into the hot bubbling water. “Mind if I join you ladies?” Thanks Dom. Perfect timing. He slides down next to Steph.

“So when does Alex leave?” Keesh asks.

“Not for almost two weeks. His second semester starts a week after we go back.”

“Well, that’s...” Keesh pauses, and looks over at Dom and Steph who have our attention with the smacking sound of their kissing. They don’t seem to be bothered by the silence either. Vanessa stands up and dives into the pool. “What’s her deal?”

I glance at Vanessa and she’s already at the other end of the pool. “I have no idea. I’ve obviously pissed her off somehow. She’s been a total beeyotch since she got here.” We both are distracted by the soundtrack Dom and Steph are creating right next to us. Suddenly, we’re both speechless by what catches our gaze at the same time. Dom’s swim trunks floating to the surface of the water. We don’t utter a word. We just get up quickly and follow Vanessa into the pool. The spa lovers don’t even come up for air to notice us leave. They’re still locked together kissing like it might be there last.

“Alrighty then,” I say as Keesh and I dog pedal to the shallow end of the pool.

Keesh starts busting up. “What the hell was that?”

“Omigod.” I’m cracking up inside. “Do you think they’re doing it?”

“I hope not,” Keesh blurts. “I doubt they have their sack of lunch ready in the spa if you know what I mean.” I think about it for a sec. “And you know that it’s totally bullshit that the spa will kill sperm. She could still totally get pregnant.”

“What? Who says you can’t get pregnant in a spa?”

“Stupid girls, just before they do it in a spa and get pregnant.” Keesh is so funny. “So you think they’re doin’ it dirty in there or what?”

“Holy crap. I don’t know,” I tell her. “I don’t want to get back in there and find out.” We glance back at Steph and Dom. “His trunks were totally off huh? Ewww.”

“What are you ewww-ing about? You know you’ve gotten Alex outta his pants before,” she says, like it’s fact.

I splash water at her. “I have not. Neither one of us have ever taken anything off.”

“Why? Don’t you wanna see that hot bod?”

“Uh. Yeah, of course I do. But I’m fine just seeing him without a shirt on when we go swimming. And even if his pants did ever come off, I’m not so sure I’d be looking down there checking him out.”

“Girl, you gotta check out the goods. What if he’s got something growin’ down there or something?” Disgusting.

“If his pants are off, I hope something’s growing down there.” We both start laughing at that one.

“What’s all the giggling about?” Alex asks, taking a step down into the pool.

“Nothing,” I tell him.

“If you’re gonna take off your trunks too, I’m outta here,” Keesh jokes, swimming over to the steps. “Bring me my towel, Jon Jon.” She stands there dripping, shivering until her little boy toy does as he’s told.

“Take off my trunks? Too? What is she talking about?” Alex asks me. I gesture over to the spa. Alex’s eyes widen. “Are you serious?” I nod. “Oh, Meggie, if
is ready to get busy, then you know we are.” He draws me into him, we sink into the water, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he kisses me. The taste of beer is nasty but not enough for me to push him away. I take hold of his hips and pull him into me. Warmth floods my body, and I do want his bathing suit to come off. How quickly he can take me from laughing to utter desire is incredible. I don’t even care that my friends are everywhere. I want him so bad.

“Easy babe. I’m not into putting on a show,” Alex says, pushing me down, dunking me entirely under the water. How’s that for a cold shower.

I wipe the water from my eye. “It’s your fault. You’re irresistible. Let’s get out before I won’t take no for an answer.”

Alex smirks. “You go ahead. I need to wait a minute,” he says, looking down. I grin, somewhat proud that I have that affect on him.

Chapter Twenty







and Travis are keeping each other company. One of them must have gotten the fire going, and I join them after drying off and changing my clothes. Ben and Vanessa left after what seemed to be an argument. Good riddance. She’s no longer fun to be around. Jon and Keesh are snacking, and Steph and Dom are still in the water. They have to be all shriveled up by now. At least, Dom does. LOL. I crack myself up.

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