Double Threat My Bleep (16 page)

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Authors: Julie Prestsater

Tags: #High School

BOOK: Double Threat My Bleep
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“What are you guys chatting about?” I ask, plopping myself down in a chair with a cozy blanket.

“Josh is ready to start deepin’ in the good stuff,” Travis says, holding up a can of Four.

“Hell no,” I protest. “You’re not drinking that here.”

“Why not?” Josh questions me.

“Uhh…because you’re gonna get stupid. It’s like flavored beer laced with speed. No. Go home and drink it there. Then your mom can call 911 if you pass out.” I’m usually pretty chill about whatever my friends drink. But that’s where I draw the line. I’m not about to deal with this crap.

“Are you serious?” Travis says.


“You heard her, Josh, put it away then. We’ll save it for later,” Travis tells him.

Josh gets up, and pouts his way over to get a different drink.

“You having fun?” I ask Travis.


“That doesn’t sound so convincing.”

“Well how much fun would you have watching all the make-out sessions happening here.” He pauses, and looks around. Keesh and Jon are dancing away now, but locked in some kissing action too. And I don’t even want to look at the spa. “Josh is a good lookin’ dude but he’s just not my type.” He jokes.

“I’m sorry,” I say. I can see his point.

“Don’t trip. You don’t have to apologize. It’s just hard to see...” his voice trails off.

“Hard to see what?”

“I dunno. It’s…just hard to watch you and Alex.” He looks away from me. “But I’m glad you’re happy.”

“Oh, Travis, I’m sorry. I didn’t think you had those feelings anymore. I thought you were over it.” I can’t believe what a lamo I am. I feel totally bad that I’ve been kissing all over my boyfriend right in front of him. I didn’t think he liked me anymore.

He turns to me and continues. “I thought I was. I guess it’s just easier when Alex is away.”

“I don’t know what to say.” And I really don’t.

Travis raises his cup. “To someday.”

I flash a half smile his way, but that’s not something I can toast to. My someday is here and it doesn’t involve Travis. He takes a swig of his drink and leaves to join the others.

“Hey, Meggie, let’s clean all this up and go inside to watch the ball drop. It’s almost time,” Keesh calls out to me. So much for chillin’ by the fire.

We start to pack up the food and dump the unfinished drinks. I spot Dominic and Stephanie making their way out of the spa and drying off. Dom has his shorts back on, thankfully. Josh and Jon take empty bottles and put them in black plastic bags before burying them deep in the trash cans. It turns out that none of us have really gotten wasted. After my first drink, I wasn’t really feeling it anyway. Maybe the others were feeling the same way. When we’re done cleaning, we gather in the family room and flip on the tube.

“This is cool,” Keesh says. “It’s nice to be here all together. We’re ending the year on a good note. All friends and all happy.”

“Yup, and we’ve made new friends,” Steph adds, and we all look at Travis.

“Where’d you find this guy anyway?” Alex asks.

I don’t say a word. But then Jon says, “He wanted to hook up with your girl. But she wasn’t havin’ it so he had to settle for us.” No he didn’t. I laugh, a fake laugh. Keesh and Steph join in to support my effort to change the subject. Keesh works in an elbow to Jon’s side. Thank you, friend.

“Does anyone even watch this show before the countdown?” Josh asks. He’s right. I’ve never watched more than the last five minutes till midnight.

“I bet your mom is watching Seacrest right now,” Steph says.

“And I bet your dad is trying to change the channel,” Alex jokes, but he’s probably right.

“No kidding. I wouldn’t doubt it if she got drunk and started kissing the TV. Can you imagine if New Kids were on there too. Ryan and The Block in one place at the same time. My mom’s ultimate fantasy.” How sad. I chuckle inside at the thought.

“Okay, Megster, like we all want to hear about your mom’s wet dreams,” Jon says. Really. Must he be so…honest. Everyone else thinks he’s funny. So funny Keesh almost spits out her drink.

“Okay okay, it’s almost time, let’s countdown,” Steph commands.

“Five, four, three, two…one,” we all shout. “Happy New Year,” is exchanged all around. We hug, we kiss, we blow those irritating horns. I can hear gunshots outside. So ignorant. Now I’m going to be scared a bullet is going to come crashing through the roof and kill me.

Alex and I share a couple of soft pecks on the lips. Nothing long and wet, but definitely pretty and warm. We’ve been going out for six months, and with the exception of his little mishap, this has been the best half a year of my life. I can’t wait to see where this year takes us.


The crew cleared out at about one, so now Alex and I are chillin’ in the living room. He’s basically staying the night. My dad wasn’t too thrilled about this but he didn’t want me to stay home alone either. My mom had to assure him I wouldn’t be interested in getting busy with the risk of them coming home at any time, and she gave him an hour long guilt trip about how they haven’t been out for new year’s in eons. Still Dad made sure to give Alex a stern handshake when he left. Both Alex and I took that as a reminder of my dad’s loaded gun that is a trigger pull away from ending Alex’s life if he and I decide to do the deed.

“So I’m pretty surprised that Steph and Dom are getting that heated,” Alex tells me, as he flips through the channels at lightning speed. How can he even see what’s on?

“I know right. I can’t wait to talk to her about it. I woulda never thought she’d be the first one to lose it.”

He stops on a channel and turns to me with a confused look. “What makes you think that Keesh and Jon haven’t done it?”

“Seriously, I hadn’t even thought about it. I’m sure she woulda said something. I can’t imagine that her and Jon would go that far without telling us. I don’t even think they’ve done anything other than kiss. In fact, I’m pretty sure.”

“I bet you five bucks she lost it first and she just hasn’t said anything,” he says.

I stick out my hand. “You’re on.” He takes my hand in his and pulls me in, tightly wrapping his arms around me, and heaving me onto his lap. “You know, I’ve been thinking about our little pact.”

“Uh huh.”

“Well, maybe we can put that on pause for awhile and see how things go.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Moments later, we are lying side by side on the sofa, kissing passionately, slowly, softly. This is one of those times where I can feel him telling me he loves me without words. They’re not messy kisses that say I want to get naked. These are sweet and gentle. If this is the way I’m beginning this year, this is the way I want to end it.

Because my boyfriend is so hot, I can’t just rest my hand on his side. I have to clutch his back and let it wander down his side to his ass. Those innocent kisses are getting more intense now. I squeeze him tighter, and he brings my hand slowly from the back of his body to the front. At first, it lingers on his stomach, but then Alex does something he’s never done before, and something I sure as heck have never done with anyone else. He takes my right hand and slides it down the front of his pants. I can feel his fly—among other things—in the palm of my hand. I can’t believe I can feel its hardness even above his jeans. I’m not sure what to do now that I’m there, but Alex gets me. He covers my hand with his and holds it softly, before moving it up and down. I wonder how much he can feel this under his clothes. It must give him some sensation because he’s breathing harder as he takes my face in his hands and his mouth covers mine in a deep crazed kiss.

I hear the crack of the door. “Omigod, my parents are home,” I whisper frantically.

He quickly moves his arms around me in a tender embrace. “Just pretend like you’re asleep.”

“Looks like they’re watching TV,” my dad says, his voice getting louder. He must be coming our way. I try to relax my eyes to play the part. Alex has steadied his breathing. He’s good.

“Oh, look at them. How cute. I told you we had nothing to worry about,” Mom whispers. Ha. She’s funny.

“Yeah, well,” is all dad replies. I can feel him hovering. Are they ever going to go away?

“They just look sweet. Can you remember the last time I fell asleep in your arms?” Uh-oh. Dad better be careful.

“Can you remember the last time we were teenagers and didn’t have anything to do but fall asleep watching TV?” Oh no, c’mon Dad, be smart about this.

“We didn’t even do that when we were teenagers. You’re not a softy like Alex. He’s so sweet and romantic with her. She’s very lucky to have him.” Oh goodness. Alex presses on my back, just enough to acknowledge what my mom is saying but not enough for them to see.

“Why don’t you go out with him then? You can be one of those...cougars. I think that’s what they’re called.” Dad just shut up already. Guys are so clueless.

“What? And leave all this?” Mom says, sarcastically. I want to laugh. She must have been drinking. Dad’s not that bad. Actually, he’s a great father. But he could use some pointers in the romance department.

The banter continues, and my eyelids are getting heavy...

Chapter Twenty One







constantly welcoming Alex home, and then sending him off. This is going to be a long haul though. I don’t know how I’m going to manage not seeing him for ten weeks. This is the longest we’ve been apart. I need to check with my mom. Maybe New Kids will be doing another show in the bay area or something. I can’t just let the time pass without thinking about what happened last when we went weeks without seeing each other.

I suppose I can concentrate on school. I was right about my grades. All Bs. WTF. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten all Bs in my whole academic career. I thought I was destined to get straight As for the rest of my life. How could this happen? Sophomore year sucks I tell you. It just sucks. Again, double threat my ass.

“Anyone for a Slurpee run?” I ask, or maybe I should sign since we’re on our way to ASL.

“Not me,” Steph says. Surprise, surprise. We still haven’t been able to convince her to ditch, not even a single period. “Weren’t you just complaining about your grades and now you want to miss class.”

“Well hell, if I’m gonna get sucky grades, I may as well have fun doing it.” I know it sounds like a stupid response but I can’t help it. I hate school. I just want to go home.

“I’m down,” Keesh huffs. She doesn’t sound too excited, but I can always count on her for a good time. “Let me see if Jon wants to come.”

“The more the merrier,” I tell her.

Steph glares at us, disappointed. “The more, the merrier, NOT. You guys have more of a chance of getting caught.”

“Too late,” Keesh yelps. “And Travis is coming too.” Great. Just what I needed. I’ve managed to avoid long conversations with him since the party, and now I’m going to be walking to the store alongside him. Wow.

Steph walks off to class without saying anything. No proctors in sight, so we’re good. Keesh and I make our trek across the street and out of view from the school. Travis and Jon catch up to us at the corner.

“Nice day for a stroll ladies,” Travis jokes. “So who forgot to do her homework?”

I smile, pretty funny. “No one, I don’t feel like going to class. And I’m really thirsty, so I’m in dire need of a Slurpee.”

“Dang, a Slurpee is like crack to you,” Jon chimes in.

“It’s more like a medicine that cures school-itis,” Keesh teases.

“Whatever,” I tell them.

Travis and Jon take turns trying to trip each other as we walk down the street. Nothing’s changed. These boys are never going to grow up. We will be forty and they will still be slapping each other in the back of the head and acting like idiots. Jon comes a little too close to Keesh and almost knocks her down.

“Damn, Jon Jon, I’m gonna hurt you if you make me fall,” she scolds him.

“Oh, Jon Jon, do this. Oh, Jon Jon, do that. Jon Jon Jon Jon Jon,” Travis blurts.

Keesh sneers, “Excuse me.”

“I’m just messin. Don’t trip. What’s up with you calling him Jon Jon anyway. Is that what you’re family calls you or what?” Travis asks.

I laugh. This is a good one. Travis’s going to make fun of him for sure. “Oh no, Jon Jon here gave himself his own nickname.” I giggle.

“Why? Why Jon Jon then?” Travis chuckles.

Keesh and Jon don’t say anything. I’m not going to let it go. “Keesh has always been in love with JoJo.” Travis looks at me like I’m speaking Chinese. “You know JoJo on the radio…at night…”

“Yeah yeah, keep going,” he tells me. Keesh is laughing quietly now. And Jon is walking with his head down, smiling, probably embarrassed.

“So anyway, this summer we’d always stay up late listening to his show, and the next day Keesh would be like JoJo this and JoJo that, talking about his shows like he was speaking to her personally. But then, dorkus, here crushed her fantasy when he told her JoJo was married. So Keesh was all devastated.”

“C’mon, Meg, you don’t need to finish the story. He gets the point,” Jon says.

“No I don’t. What does JoJo have to do with
Jon Jon
?” Travis asks, playfully.

“So, Jon, without even thinking how goofy he’d sound told Keesh since she couldn’t have her JoJo, he could be her Jon Jon.” By the time I get to the end of my story, I’m laughing hysterically. I can be your Jon Jon. What a dork. I totally forgot about that day till now. My eyes are watering and I’m losing my breath.

Travis is bustin’ up. “I’m sorry I asked.”

Jon Jon
agrees, “So am I.”

“Oh c’mon, babe, don’t pout. Who cares how goofy that sounds. You’ll always be my Jon Jon.” Keesh pulls Jon’s face near hers and kisses his cheek.

“No, I won’t,” he tells her.

And once again, “Excuse me.”

Jon doesn’t say anything. He just looks ahead as we continue our walk.

“Hey, Jon, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to piss you off. I was just having fun.” I feel bad that I hurt his feelings.

“It’s not that, Megan.” Uh-oh. There goes my whole name. This is serious business.

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