Favorite Socks (8 page)

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Authors: Ann Budd

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Flame Wave Socks

Ann Budd

This intriguingly sinuous stitch pattern is paired with a stretchy yarn to create a versatile sock. The resulting socks fit a range of foot sizes and keep their shape. Though the manufacturer of this cotton/elastic blend recommends handwashing and laying the socks flat to dry, we’ve had success machine-washing ours.


About 6 (7½)" (15 [18] cm) foot circumference and 7 (8¼)" (18 [21] cm) foot length, unstretched. To fit a child (woman).
To make the socks larger or smaller, use needles one or two sizes larger or smaller and lengthen or shorten the foot as necessary.


Sportweight yarn (CYCA #2 Fine).

Shown here:
Cascade Fixation (98% cotton, 2% elastic; 186 yd [170 m]/50 g): #5606 olive, 2 balls.


Upper leg—size 5 (3.75 mm): set of 4 double-pointed (dpn).

Lower leg and foot—size 4 (3.5 mm): set of 4 dpn. Adjust needle sizes if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.


Markers (m); tapestry needle.


12 stitches and 22 rounds = 2" (5 cm) in stockinette stitch worked in the round on size 4 (3.5 mm) needles.


With size 5 (3.75 mm) needles, loosely CO 42 (56) sts. Arrange sts as evenly as possible on 3 dpn, place marker (pm), and join for working in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Rnd begins at back of leg. Knit 1 rnd. Rep Rnds 1–24 of Flame Wave chart until piece measures about 3 (3½)" (7.5 [9] cm) from CO. Change to size 4 (3.5 mm) needles and cont in patt as established until piece measures about 6 (7)" (15 [18] cm) from CO, ending with Rnd 11 or 23 of chart.

Heel flap

K10 (14), turn work around, sl 1 pwise with yarn in front (wyf), p19 (27)—20 (28) heel sts centered at back of leg; rem 22 (28) sts will be worked later for instep. Work 20 (28) heel sts back and forth in rows as foll:

Flame Wave

Row 1:
(RS) *Sl 1 kwise with yarn in back (wyb), k1; rep from * to end of row.

Row 2:
(WS) Sl 1 pwise with yarn in front (wyf), purl to end.

Rep Rows 1 and 2 until a total of 20 (28) rows have been worked—10 (14) chain sts at each selvedge edge.

Turn Heel

Work short-rows to shape heel as foll:

Row 1:
(RS) K12 (16), ssk, k1, turn work.

Row 2:
(WS) Sl 1 pwise wyf, p5, p2tog, p1, turn.

Row 3:
Sl 1 kwise wyb, knit to 1 st before gap formed on previous row, ssk (1 st from each side of gap), k1, turn.

Row 4:
Sl 1 pwise wyf, purl to 1 st before gap formed on previous row, p2tog (1 st from each side of gap), p1, turn.

Rep Rows 3 and 4 until all heel sts have been worked—12 (16) heel sts rem.

Shape Gussets

Pick up sts along sides of heel flap and rejoin for working in the rnd as foll:

Rnd 1:
With Needle 1, k12 (16) heel sts, then pick up and knit 11 (15) sts along edge of heel flap; with Needle 2, work across 22 (28) instep sts in patt as established; with Needle 3, pick up and knit 11 (15) sts along other edge of heel flap, then knit the first 6 (8) heel sts from Needle 1 again—56 (74) sts total; 17 (23) sts each on Needle 1 and Needle 3, 22 (28) instep sts on Needle 2. Rnd begins at center of heel.

Rnd 2:
On Needle 1, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; on Needle 2, work in patt as established
across center 14 (28) sts, k4 (0); on Needle 3, k1, ssk, knit to end—2 sts dec’d.

Rnd 3:
Cont in patt as established (work Needle 2 as charted with 4 (0) sts in St st at each end of needle; work sts on Needle 1 and Needle 3 in St st).

Rep Rnds 2 and 3 until 42 (56) sts rem.


Cont even in patt as established until piece measures about 5¾ (6½)" (14.5 [16.5] cm) from back of heel, or about 1¼ (1¾)" (3.2 [4.5] cm) less than desired total foot length.


Work in St st as foll:

Rnd 1:
On Needle 1, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog; on Needle 2, k1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; on Needle 3, ssk, knit to end—4 sts dec’d.

Rnd 2:

Rep Rnds 1 and 2 until 22 (28) sts rem. Rep Rnd 1
rnd until 10 (12) sts rem. Knit the sts on Needle 1 onto the end of Needle 3—5 (6) sts each on 2 needles.


Cut yarn, leaving a 12" (30.5 cm) tail. Thread tail on a tapestry needle and use the Kitchener st (see Glossary,
page 123
) to graft sts tog. Weave in loose ends. Block lightly.

from the Summer 2000 issue of

Two-Yarn Resoleable Socks

Wayne Pfeffer

After knitting many pairs of Elizabeth Zimmermann’s Moccasin Socks, Wayne Pfeffer developed this ingenious technique to incorporate a conventional heel flap into a resoleable sock. Placing the heel stitches on a holder, he works the instep for nearly the length of the foot before returning to knit the heel flap, then joins the instep to the sole as it is knitted.


About 9" (23 cm) foot circumference and 11" (28 cm) foot length. To fit a man.


Worsted-weight yarn (CYCA #4 Medium).

Shown here:
Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride Superwash (100% wool; 200 yd [183 m]/100 g): #SW150 stonewashed denim (light blue; MC) and #SW175 blue diamond (medium blue; CC), 1 ball each.


Size 4 (3.5 mm)—two sets of 5 double-pointed (dpn).
Two circular needles (cir) are optional, but may be helpful.


Tapestry needle; stitch holders; point protectors (optional) to prevent sts from falling off dpn.


12 stitches and 15½ rounds = 2" (5 cm) in stockinette stitch worked in the round.

  • If you use a sportweight yarn (CYCA #2 Fine) and smaller needles to get a gauge of 7 stitches per inch (2.5 cm), these instructions will produce socks with about an 8" (20.5 cm) foot circumference. Work as many rows/rounds as needed using your substitute yarn and needles to match the length measurements given.
  • Although the pair shown here uses the same yarn for the sole and instep, Wayne’s original pattern used a sturdy yarn for the heel and sole and a soft yarn for the cuff and instep. The heel and sole can be replaced if they wear out, but using durable yarn may keep these socks in use for a long time. Wayne suggests “Tuffy” by Briggs & Little.
Tips for Resizing
  • Cast on a multiple of 4 sts, such as 52, 56, 60, or 64 sts.
  • For heel, place 1 st less than half the total CO sts, such as 25, 27, 29, or 31 sts, on holder.
  • Work instep on 1 st more than half the total CO sts, such as 27, 29, 31, or 33 sts.
  • Decrease 1 st at each end of every RS instep row until about 13% of instep sts have been decreased away, or about 4 sts.
  • Adjust length by working more or fewer instep rows, ending with a WS row.
  • When picking up sts for sole preparation, pick up 1 st in each slipped instep selvedge st (1 st for every 2 instep rows), plus an extra st in each corner between instep and heel sts to prevent leaving a hole.
  • Adjust length of heel flap by working more or fewer rows, ending with a WS row.
  • For first row of heel turn, sl 1 pwise wyb, knit half the total number of heel sts, ssk, k1, turn. For second row of heel turn, sl 1 pwise wyf, p3, p2tog, p1, turn. Continue heel turn as given in the instructions.
  • When picking up sts along sides of heel flap for gusset, pick up 1 st in each slipped selvedge st. If desired, pick up an extra st at each corner of heel to prevent leaving a hole.
  • Decrease 1 st at each side of gusset/sole section every other row until there are 2 fewer sts than used for working the heel flap.
  • Work more or fewer rnds if necessary before beginning decreases for toe.

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