Female Ejaculation (51 page)

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Authors: Somraj Pokras

BOOK: Female Ejaculation
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Have you accepted the fact that, with the right information and training, you can learn to let your feminine waters flow? We suspect if you’re able to let yourself go and experience peak pleasure, you’ve already done it at least a little bit.
Some women get very turned on and have multiple orgasms during sexual play, yet they’re not aware of ejaculating. If your sexual muscles aren’t strong enough to expel ejaculate with force, it’s quite possible that you’re dribbling without noticing it.
Ejaculating is mechanically quite simple as long as you’re ready emotionally and physically, such as getting your PC muscles in shape. It’s the preparations that can sometimes be a bit demanding. And, of course, you need to be hydrated. Don’t forget to drink lots of water before, during, and after.
If you are pre-orgasmic, meaning you have trouble climaxing, it’s essential that you learn to have orgasms before trying ejaculation. Otherwise, you may hopelessly frustrate yourself. There’s nothing wrong with you; you just haven’t had the information, the space, and the safety necessary to realize your orgasmic potential. There are many great books and videos out there to assist you. We highly recommend Lonnie Barbach’s
For Yourself
and videos by Betty Dodson.
Physically, you must be aroused enough that your G-spot swells with fluid. We think that explains why many women haven’t found their G-spots and ejaculated fully. How turned on is enough? If your G-spot is engorged enough to be palpable, which means that you can feel it under the vagina’s front wall, you’re getting there. This takes time for most women. For the average woman, we’re talking about a minimum of 30 minutes of loveplay, including words, kissing, stroking, oral sex, and finger stimulation of the clitoris and vagina.
You also need intense stimulation of the G-spot in order to expel fluid. As you learned in prior chapters, the G-spot responds more to firm pressure than friction. To squirt, you’ll probably need to gradually work up to hard and fast stroking. Even women who commonly have G-spot
orgasms with intercourse may find it difficult to ejaculate with penis penetration at first. For most women, fingers work best, particularly in the beginning. Fingers are more reliable because they can move faster, vary the firmness, and change angles more easily. Of course, each woman is different. So, expect a learning curve that involves a lot of fun experimentation! Just never forget to enjoy the journey.
Another thing to remember is that what works for you at one time may not do the trick the next time. This is why communication between partners is essential. Learning to gush is not a time for mind reading or making assumptions. Women need to learn what to do to make it happen and share that quickly with their partners, and their partners need to be willing to ask questions. In essence, female ejaculation is a team effort.
Did you take the short quiz in the Introduction Chapter to find out how ready you are to let your feminine waters flow? How ready were you then?
For women, ejaculation is the culmination of everything in this book. We’ve reproduced the checklist here for you to reassess your new level of readiness.
Though it’s written in the first person, partners can replace “I” with “she” and replace “my” with “her” to rate their beloved’s readiness to ejaculate.
To complete the quiz, read each statement, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel how much it applies to you. Then score each sentence from 0 to 5 using this rating scale:
= Completely describes me all the time.
= Mostly describes me.
= Sometimes describes me.
= Only applies to me a little.
= Doesn’t apply to me most of the time.
= Doesn’t apply to me at all, or I don’t know if it applies to me.
1. I love sex and am entirely proud of it.
2. My attitude is completely sex positive.
3. My mind helps me become totally aroused and romantically engaged.
4. I feel safe and trust my lover, even when my lover is me.
5. I desire to share pleasure and love in my healthy relationship, even when that’s with myself.
6. I talk freely and openly about sex.
7. I can relax thoroughly during states of high arousal.
8. I totally love and accept my body and all its parts and fluids.
9. I know all the trigger points that give me the best turn-ons.
10. My tissues and erogenous zones are free and supple.
11. The sexual muscles in my pelvis are strong when I need them and relaxed otherwise.
12. I love my clitoris and know exactly how to please it.
13. I know exactly how to locate my G-spot.
14. I know exactly how to give my G-spot maximum pleasure.
15. I know how to guide a partner to give me maximum pleasure.
16. I show I’m excited by moving, breathing, making sounds, and expressing my emotions.
17. I can easily and reliably reach orgasm.
18. I have multiple, extended, and continuous full-body orgasms.
19. I know how to relax, let go, and push out to ejaculate.
20. I want to shower myself and my beloved with my feminine nectar.
Total your scores with a possible maximum of 100. If your total is:
Above 80 — You’re ready to go for it.
Between 60 and 80 — You’re close.
Between 40 and 60 — You’ve got some work to do.
If your score is below 40, you need to review every practice in this book very seriously, using them to create a long-term program. If, on the other hand, you believe you’re ready … let’s go!
Learning to ejaculate takes patience, perseverance, and acceptance of yourself. This means to accept your level of sexual openness, and let whatever happens happen. Anticipate a lot of delightful experiments without expecting anything specific each time. Gradually, you will learn what type of stimulation works for you and when to do what. You may not become a real gusher all at once, but if you both enjoy yourselves, you’ll have a fantastic time trying.
Many women may feel more comfortable trying out this new idea alone before they include a partner. If you haven’t ejaculated in the past, we recommend that you begin with solo practice. Many of the taboos, pressures, and fears that can get in the way are lessened when you try it first alone.
Of course, learning solo only represents part of the story. So, later practices show you how to guide a partner to stimulate you to gushing.
We recommend that you wait until you’re confident you can ejaculate with fingers and toys before you and a male partner try it during intercourse. Getting the penis to hit the right spot with your G-spot’s preferred pressure and stroke is much more of a challenge. Once you can let your waters flow, flowing during intercourse is just another step in the learning process. Another challenge during intercourse is stamina. The guy needs to be able to last long enough for the G-spot to swell and gush.
As you know by now, reaching and playing with your own G-spot for very long can be a physical strain. Adding adequate speed and pressure to ejaculate is even more difficult.
Today, dildos come in all sizes and materials, giving you a lot to choose from. Some come with curved ends to assist you in pressuring the G-spot. Most are relatively inexpensive. As much as your budget and curiosity allow, we encourage you to try many different ones.
Some dedicated G-spot stimulators contain vibrators as well. You’ll probably prefer a battery operated toy if you’re planning to insert it into the vagina. If you get one, make sure it has a variable speed control to allow you to tune it to your preferred frequency.
A small vibrator with variable speed is also wonderful for simultaneous clitoris stimulation. These days you can buy a special vibrating dildo with an outside arm designed to directly excite your clitoris. Vibration inside the vagina on the G-spot and outside on the clitoris is just the ticket to ejaculation for some women.
Jeffre definitely prefers having her partner stimulate her, but occasionally a change is fun. Using a sex toy can be a delightful adjunct to any sexual encounter. Having encouraged you to experiment with what turns you, whether natural, organic, or mechanical, we want to offer one critical caveat.
Don’t become dependent on sex toys to squirt or have an orgasm. For all of the reasons we discussed in the healing chapter, some women seem to need extraordinarily long and hard stimulation to achieve orgasm and ejaculate. If you’re one of these women, don’t paint yourself into a sexual corner by only enjoying dildos and vibrators.
Besides, many sex toys look and feel good initially, but they don’t live up to their sales pitch. Often, that’s because of the level of sexual power and freedom of the user.
Take a lesson from our personal experience: the more deeply you explore your orgasmic potential, the more sensitive you’ll become, and the less you’ll need the continuously intense stimulation of vibrators. Experiment, enjoy, and expand while you keep all of your options open.
If you have a close, completely trusting relationship with someone, you may not feel the need to start by practicing alone. That’s fine; you know yourself best. Even so, we encourage you to read over this practice completely before you make your final decision. The mechanics will be valuable when you start with your beloved.
By the way, here’s an important reminder just in case you skipped over our earlier discussion about lubrication. Don’t depend on what the vagina produces by itself. Be sure to have plenty of water-based lubricant available. It keeps the tender tissues from becoming irritated, and it means you can play longer.
Some women really like natural oils such as olive, coconut, or pure cocoa butter, but we recommend not putting oil or anything edible inside the vagina. If it’s digestible, yeast and bacteria can feed upon it and throw the vagina’s healthy balance out of whack. That’s why we prefer water-based lubricant, particularly for inner vagina play.
Even for solo practices like this one, getting clear with yourself first is important. Because female ejaculation can be emotional, we offer this reminder of how to use these questions:
DESIRES: What do I want from this practice? Stay focused on your feelings, intentions, and general reasons for wanting to learn. This might be “I want to experience new sensations and practice with the new things I’ve learned about ejaculating.” Stay away from setting goals, measurable standards, or mandatory outcomes.
CONCERNS: What are my worries or fears? Am I worried about losing control? About peeing or defecating? About not doing it “right?” How do I feel about doing this alone?
BOUNDARIES: Do I want to set up any limits or ground rules to protect myself? Are there any definite no-no’s for me? Do I want to use gloves? Do I want to set a time limit?
Supplies, Showering, Setting, Stretching, and Settling. Be sure you’re hydrated and have drinking water within arm’s reach, as well as lots of water-based lubricant.
Be sure you protect the bed or playing surface with layers of towels or protective sheeting pads. There are disposable bed protectors you can buy at your local drug store, but be sure you get the flat kind.
Empty your bladder and bowels. The confidence of knowing you’re empty will help you relax. Give yourself permission to go to the toilet anytime you feel like it, however.
After all of your preparations, wash your hands again before beginning to play with yourself.
Caress and awaken your whole body softly and sensuously. Use oil on your skin if and when you choose. Begin without focusing on your most erogenous zones. Be sure to include your legs and arms, neck and face, and buttocks if it’s comfortable reaching around.
Practice the four cornerstones of orgasmic breathing, and do a few PC pumps every once in awhile to stoke the sexual fires. Try brushing your inner thighs very lightly while you breathe and squeeze your PC. Then try caressing other areas that turn you on. Mix and match the sensations. It adds to the variety and the excitement.
As you begin heating up, concentrate more on your erogenous zones, breasts, and vulva. Continue stimulating yourself until you’re highly aroused and wet.
Move to your clitoris when you’re ready. Start with gentle play, becoming firmer when you really want to. There’s no rush, right?
Explore your inner lips and the vagina’s mouth next. Use whatever strokes turn you on most, freely replenishing water-based lubrication as needed. As you move inside, awaken the vagina’s outer section by concentrating on strokes that create delicious friction. As you move deeper into the vagina’s inside area, add pressure against your vagina’s walls.
Concentrate on feeling all of the sensations. What’s going on where? Breathe into sensitive spots to excite them more.
When you feel your vagina swelling, keep going. Don’t rush for an orgasm, and don’t try to ejaculate yet. You’re still going up, up, up. Remember, without sufficient turn-on, your G-spot may remain quiet, submerged, and empty of fluid.
Now, feel around for your G-spot as you learned in the G-spot massage chapter, and focus on the strokes you learned. Use your finger(s) if that’s comfortable for you, or use a G-spot wand or dildo if you prefer. It will be better if you learn how to squirt without a vibrator inside at first, if you can.
If you’re aroused enough and used to it, you’ll probably find G-spot play very pleasurable, but don’t be alarmed if it’s a neutral or somewhat uncomfortable experience at first. Your G-spot isn’t an instant orgasmic trigger like your clitoris. Instead, it’s a pathway that you have to travel to reach your destination.
Try different body positions to learn the most convenient and direct access to your G-spot. What works best for your unique physiology? What is most comfortable for you over long periods?
Further, varying your posture, like squatting, kneeling, or getting on hands and knees, can provide different sensations and stimulation. For example, while on your back, bring your legs way up to your breasts, opening your vagina even more.
Use the four cornerstones of orgasmic breathing to energize your turn-on. In addition to deep belly breathing, moving erotically, and moaning with pleasure, squeezing your PC muscle at pivotal times can really boost your excitement.
Occasionally, relax the stimulation to your G-spot, and continue with clitoral stimulation. This can be with your fingers or even a small vibrator on the outside. Add whatever really turns you on, whether it’s videos or fantasies in your mind. If you tend to be in your mind a lot in life, fantasy can help you avoid distraction and focus on the feelings in your body right now.
Then, switch back to G-spot massage for a little while. You can experiment with different rhythms, alternating between your clitoris and your G-spot. After some time, try them both together.
Reassure yourself from time to time, reminding yourself that this takes practice and relaxation. Whatever happens is okay. This isn’t a race or a competition!
When you get your first P-signals, your immediate reaction may be to clamp down and hold back. Don’t worry about it, as that’s a commonly ingrained response to the feeling that you need to urinate. Your first objective is to just let it be. Relax your whole body, breathe into the feeling, and explore the sensation. Feel the waves of pleasure and the building of desire.
If you’re worried that your bladder is full again, empty it before continuing, but the truth is that you can ejaculate even when there’s urine in your bladder. Most importantly, the more experience you have, the easier it will become to distinguish between the sensations of G-spot stimulation and the genuine need to urinate.
At first, we suggest you just let the sexual energy build, and resist the temptation to push the ejaculate out. You can play a little game with yourself, such as “Can I turn myself on just a little more with my breath, fantasies, fingers, and vibrator? I won’t try to ejaculate until I’m just a little more turned on.” You can even imagine someone playfully telling you that “you can’t try just yet. You have to wait.” You can only try when your imaginary master tells you it’s time.
Eventually, you’ll feel that your G-spot is thoroughly engorged. As you reach a peak of pleasure and feel those P-signals shooting strong rockets of sensations inside, then go for it. Push out as you slow or stop stimulation and maybe even remove your finger or toy.
If you don’t squirt the first time, continue strong stroking of your G-spot until another peak and try it over and over. If it doesn’t happen after a few tries, move on to the next step. If you did squirt, guess what? The advice is the same. Continue alternately stroking and pushing repeatedly.
Many women can ejaculate without a full-blown, earth-shattering orgasm. Actually, we consider every peak of pleasure to be an orgasm of sorts.
Whether or not you have ejaculated already, try it with the Big O. Using your most powerful turn-ons, including G-spot massage, stimulate yourself over the edge. As you approach orgasm, remind yourself that you know how to have an orgasm, and if that’s all that happens this time, it will feel really good. All orgasms are good, right?
As your orgasm peaks, push out. This may be very new to you. In fact, you may have the urge to pull back for fear of urinating. Try to resist this impulse by reminding yourself that the bed is protected, you’re safe, and there’s no one else there. You can just let everything go.
If you release fluid while in the throes of orgasm, you may find that you’ve just had the mother of all orgasms, or you may not realize you’ve done it until you check underneath.
If you have the time and the inclination, you can do this all over again. Multiple orgasms and multiple ejaculations are multiply exquisite. The only limit is your physical energy, desire, and hydration. If you keep going, be sure to drink lots of water. You might want to pee again before you start the next round.
Even if you didn’t ejaculate, you had a terrific orgasm, which is reason enough to celebrate. You’ve learned so much about your body and sensations, and if you want to ejaculate, you’ll just have to practice some more. What a chore! (It sure beats cleaning the house, right?)
When you decide to end your session, relax gradually, and slow down your movements. Again, we really like the energy connection of one hand on the vagina and one hand on your heart. Reflect on what you discovered and what felt belt. Silently (or even verbally) appreciate yourself, your courage, and your strength for trying something new and exploring the pleasurable experiences of your body.

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