Fifteen Going on Grown Up (27 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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“Penny has a fat lip and a huge black eye.” Clia told her giggling.

“Oh and a sprained wrist, bruised shins and scratches down one side of her face.”

Corrinne added giggling too. This all brought a beaming smile to Hally’ face.

“So the usual gossip, rumour and exaggeration then.”

Hally replied. The girls nodded and they all laughed.

“But seriously, what did happen after I left?”

Hally enquired. The girls looked at each other deciding who would tell and Clia took the lead.

“Well, we were still waiting outside Mrs Jacobs’ office when Penny came out like a bat out of hell screaming. She just kept shouting ‘I didn’t do anything. It was her.’ then she took off and no one saw her for the rest of the day. But some of the kids in our year reckon she was outside the gates at lunch with the bunch of lads she hangs out with. Some reckon they overheard her telling them that you beat her up.”

Hally looked at her friend with fear in her eyes. Corrinne put her hand on Hally’s arm and said.

“Hey, don’t worry. Barry from the year above was there and he told us that Penny tried to blame you but none of them wanted to listen. They told her to shut up and leave them alone. That they didn’t want to hear about a kid fight. Barry said Penny got really wound up and stormed off with the lads laughing and jeering at her.”

Hally let out a very big sigh of relief. What she didn’t need was another group of teenagers bullying her.

“Anyway, back to our conversation, what are we going to get the boys for Valentines?”

Corrinne asked. Clia and Hally burst out laughing.

The girls were still chatting about Valentine’s Day when Wes walked into the lounge.

“Babe, are you ok?”

He asked as soon as he saw Hally. She nodded and gave him a smile as he leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

“I have been at work all day ‘cos I didn’t have any lessons. Some kids came into the café and I overheard one say you had gone home from school because something had happened. I asked what but they didn’t know. Then I stupidly realised I’d left my phone at home, so I came straight over instead.”

“I wondered why you didn’t reply to my text.”

Hally told him worriedly. Wes kneeled in front of her and took her hands.

“Babe, I’m so sorry. If I’d known earlier I would have come, honestly.”

He kissed the back of her hands and smiled. She smiled back, forgiveness in her eyes, and went on to explain to him everything that had happened.

“So, can you stay with me for the rest of the evening?”

Hally asked, squeezing his hands for comfort. Wes leaned forward and said very sincerely.

“Of course I can.”

As Hally walked into school the next morning she felt all eyes were on her. She tried not to look guilty but couldn’t pull it off. Corrinne and Clia as usual walked by her side and fended off the occasional question from other students with.

“Don’t ask, there’s nothing to tell.”

There was also no sign of Penny and this was a relief to Hally. Registration went as normal and when the bell went signalling the start of lessons Mrs Jacobs asked her for a minute of her time.

“Just to let you know, Penny won’t be in school for the rest of this week. She didn’t take too kindly to my questions, became far too aggressive and has been excluded for a few days.”

Hally left for her first lesson feeling that the day had suddenly become much brighter. It brightened up even more during morning break when Wes came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

“Thought I would come in early. First lesson is a single before lunch.”

He mumbled into her hair.

“Sometimes I wish Gregg was here at school.”

Corrinne told no one in particular. They all squeezed on the bench, chatting and sharing their snacks with Wes.

“So have you girls got plans for Valentine’s day then?”

Wes asked nonchalantly. Hally looked at Corrinne and Clia, obvious disappointment on her face. So Clia chirped in.

“Well, we always spend the day together actually.”

Wes’ disappointment was tangible and this gave Hally a very real lift. She looked at him and with complete confidence said.

“Why do you have something else in mind then?”

Wes realised he was being teased and a smile spread across his face.


He got no further as the bell went indicating the end of break.

“Just have to wait.”

He told Hally planting a kiss on her lips and heading off towards the library.

On Saturday Hally and the girls headed into town in search of Valentine cards and gifts. Wes was working at the café and they had arranged to meet up with Rhys and Gregg there later.

“Oh look at this?”

Hally turned to her friends holding up a red velvet teddy bear with ‘My Lover’ printed on the front. Clia raised her eyebrows at her friend.

“My lover?”

She asked.

“You know what I mean.”

Hally replied blushing a little.

“Anyway, you can’t buy it either, nor you Corrinne.”

Hally told them.

“Well not yet, but who knows.”

Corrinne replied mysteriously. Hally and Clia looked at their friend waiting for more.


She asked them. Then blushing herself answered her own question.

“I don’t mean… well not yet…just you know… touching and stuff.”

“Corrinne Bryant what have you been up to you naughty girl?”

Hally exclaimed. Corrinne led them into a coffee shop and wouldn’t say another word until they were settled in leather chairs sipping hot coffee.

“So spill.”

Clia told her impatiently.

“It only happened last night.”

She said quietly. Hally and Clia were surprised as Corrinne was the shyest of the three. They looked at their friend and waited.

“We were just snuggling and kissing, and well he…touched…um…rubbed…my boobs.”

Hally felt herself beginning to smile but forced it back.

“On top of clothes or bare?”

Clia chimed in before Hally could speak.

“On top. But it was ever so nice.”

She was now blushing furiously.

“Well, you are the lucky one. Rhys kisses great but so far he hasn’t attempted anything else. Or maybe he’s just not tempted.”

Clia said dejectedly. Hally stayed silent realising that she hadn’t told her friends what had happened between her and Wes so long ago before Christmas. She thought she had intended to but somehow had never got around to it.

“What about you Hally?”

Clia asked. Hally didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t deliberately kept it a secret from her friends.

“Come on sweetie, there’s something you’re not telling.”

Clia coaxed. Hally took a deep breath and decided to tell just part of it.

“Well, I know he gets… well…excited when we kiss, and that…well it’s kind of nice to feel it…”

She burst into giggles and so did her friends. It took quite some time for them all to be able to look at each other without giggling again, but eventually they were able to finish their drinks and leave the coffee shop for more shopping.

As usual the Hotspot was crowded and this day the girls had to wait a while before a table was free. Eventually they sat down and Wes was able to bring them drinks. They were only there a short time when Gregg and Rhys came in too. The boys glanced at their packages with raised eyebrows but the girls were not giving anything away.

“Phew, chaos.”

Wes said, sitting with them for a short break.

“Everyone and his brother are out shopping today. So what have you bought me Hally?”

Hally had been expecting his cheekiness so delved into a bag and said.

“Well, I could only think of this.”

She pulled a small paper bag out of her large one and handed it to Wes. He peeped inside and burst out laughing.

“You cheeky little…”

Rhys and Gregg leaned forward as he pulled a badge from the bag. It read ‘Don’t forget your phone’ Wes pretended to tilt a cap.

“Never again milady.”

He told Hally.

“So what about us?”

Rhys asked.

“What about you?”

Clia said back with a look that told him he would get no answers.

After the Hotspot, Gregg and Rhys left with the girls, with Wes promising to be around to Hally’s by eight that evening as the group were babysitting Nathan. They spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the shops and then headed in their respective directions to get ready for the evening.

Hally now spent quite a lot of time getting ready whenever she was meeting up with Wes, even if they were just staying home watching a movie. Mum and dad had bought her several outfits for Christmas and Hally had bought more since with money she had been given at Christmas. Now she felt her wardrobe was more than adequate to mix and match various items. Corrinne as an only child had a complete walk-in closet over spilling with the latest fashion and she shared all of it with Hally and Clia.

“I can’t wear it all at the same time.”

Corrinne had once told them, so all three girls always had something to wear.

This evening Hally had chosen one of her new outfits, skinny jeans and a purple top that showed how well her figure had developed. She carefully applied her makeup and fluffed her hair, then giving herself a final check in the mirror went downstairs to wait for her friends.

“You look lovely darling.”

Mum told her as she walked into the lounge.

“And so do you.”

Hally told her mother sincerely, as since the funeral mum had wandered around with a lost look, tiredness and grief etched into her face. But tonight, she looked brighter, there was more colour in her cheeks and the dark circles that had been present under her eyes were fading. Mum smiled a real smile.

“Thank you angel.”

Dad came through from the kitchen and put his hands around his wife’s waist nuzzling her neck affectionately.

“Tink’s right honey, you look fabulous.”

Mum hugged his hands to her, looking back and kissing him lightly on the lips.

“Thank you too Colin. It’s your love and support that has got me here.”

Hally watched her parents happily. Seeing them displaying their deep love for each other gave her a warm, safe and comforting feeling inside. She could never understand how some of the kids in school scoffed when they saw adults cuddling and kissing.

Mum and dad left for their evening out at the same time Corrinne, Clia, Gregg and Rhys turned up. They said their hellos and goodbyes as they passed through the kitchen. The five then went into the lounge where Nathan was playing with his action figures. Straight away the boys plonked down next to him and joined in his game.

“Do they ever grow up?”

Clia asked Hally and Corrinne. They all laughed agreeing that the answer was probably not.

“Well my dad is always playing with Natty with his toys. They make up such stories between them.”

Hally said.

“It must be so nice to have a little brother or sister.”

Corrinne commented a little wistfully. Clia adding.

“Yeah, I’m the youngest and now I’m all grown up (giggles came from Hally and Corrinne) well I am, there’s no play in our house.”

Hally could understand how her friends were feeling, she couldn’t imagine what things were going to be like when Nathan did grow up. Although sometimes exceedingly annoying and noisy, it was still a lot of fun having a younger child in the house.

Wes arrived exactly at eight o’clock and after admiring her outfit and kissing her on the lips joined the boys on the floor.

“Another half hour Natty, then it’s bed.”

Hally told her little brother.

“Oh but!…”

Hally gave him her most stern big sisterly look and said.

“No buts”

Nathan pouted at her but didn’t argue further. Wes looked up from the floor and smiled but there was something in his eyes that Hally couldn’t work out. She put it aside in her mind and concentrated on setting out the movie they had all chosen to watch. She kept the snacks in the kitchen for the time being knowing full well that it would be impossible to get Nathan to bed if he saw them on display.

With Nathan tucked up and quiet, the six settled down to watch the movie. Hally and Wes were snuggled on the sofa, Clia and Rhys in one armchair and Corrinne and Gregg in the other. The coffee table in the middle was loaded with popcorn, chocolates, tortilla chips and grapes. The movie was a real chiller and every so often Hally would notice Corrinne give a little squeal and bury her face in Gregg’s shoulder. Hally smiled to herself because she knew her friend was faking her fear. Corrinne never got scared over a movie, in fact she was the one who laughed openly and teased the other two about scary or jumpy bits. Hally looked over to Clia to see if she had noticed and saw her and Rhys glued together at the lips, taking no notice what so ever of the film. At that moment Hally felt herself fill will complete happiness. She and her friends were content.

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