FinsFantasy (2 page)

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Authors: Jocelyn Dex

BOOK: FinsFantasy
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Chapter Two


Damn that female was nasty. Her disgust of him cut to the
quick. Fin had always been shielded from that kind of prejudice. His mother had
contracted a witch to cloak his essence after his birth so no demons would be
able to sense what he was. He wore contacts to hide his
eyes. Hell, his sisters hadn’t even been told who and what he was until a
couple weeks ago when he’d finally gotten tired of hiding, gotten tired of just
being a friend and the family chef to them.

It wasn’t just male
who faced that kind of
prejudice and hatred from other demons. Mixed breeds in general were looked
down upon, but not to the same extent. He was sure there were other species who
had their “abominations” too. If he ever wanted a long-term relationship, he might
do well to seek one of them out, but hell, just because they were mutants too,
didn’t mean they’d want him. Besides, what he really wanted was the rude,
raven-haired fantasy female. He must be a glutton for punishment.

He let out a harsh breath and plastered a neutral expression
on his face before entering the dining hall.

Araya was the first to notice him. “Any progress?”

Fin shook his head. “She is truly disgusted by me. Where’s
Baden? Need to break the news to him. There’s no way she’s going to accept me.
He might as well take her home and let her die in familiar surroundings.”

Araya stood and gave Fin a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to
go talk to her.”

“I’ll go too,” Valia piped up.

“Um, no. Let me go alone.”

Rydin agreed. “Yes, let your sister go alone. You’ll likely just
call her names.” He grabbed Valia and pulled her onto his lap. “Let’s go home.
I feel the need to see you in the shimmering green bikini I bought you.”

Valia giggled and stroked one of his horns with her thumb.
Rydin growled and stood with her in his arms, nodded to them and disappeared.

Fin couldn’t help smiling. To see Valia so attached to and
happy with one male, amazed him and he couldn’t be happier for her. Witnessing
both his sisters so happy and in love made his heart swell. It also made him
realize how much his love life was lacking and probably always would be. His
only real chance at love would be with a human but that meant more hiding what
he was. More lies, and he was done living a lie. Besides, that would mean early
heartbreak because of humans’ short life spans.

When his youngest sister, Araya, had been dying because she’d
refused to feed to complete her transition to full
, he’d been
heartbroken, watching her wither away. But he’d understood her reasoning. Her
human half wanted the fantasy relationship with love and monogamy. She hadn’t
wanted the life of a

Fin had always fantasized about having a family of his own.
Oh he wasn’t as dedicated to the idea as Araya had been, and there’d been no
shortage of females in his bed, but none of them were long-term. None of them
had affected him as Navine had with just one look.

When her eyes had met his that first time, the world had
stopped for a second before fireworks exploded in his mind. He’d been
mesmerized, something inside him insisting she was different, she was
and he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her ever since.

* * * * *

Navine was relieved when Araya stepped through the door. She’d
been afraid it was Fin again. She liked Araya. If Navine was going to be alive
after the next few days, she thought they’d be friends.

“How’s it going?” Araya asked and took a seat in the chair
across from Navine.

“Well, I’m basically a prisoner in your home and only have a
couple days to live.” Letting the sentiment hang there, she lifted her hands,
palms in the air.

“Please don’t think like that. We don’t mean for you to be a
prisoner. We just want to help you. And now we know there is a way if you—”

“No!” The word came out harsher than she’d intended and she
felt guilty when Araya blanched. “Sorry, I know he’s your brother but…” But
what could she say that wouldn’t offend Araya? “Anyway, it’s only a rumor.”

“Look Navine. I won’t pretend to completely understand your
feelings toward Fin but I’ve known him all my life and he’s pretty great. Valia
and I were shocked to find out what he was too, but it didn’t change anything,
didn’t change
he was. And you have to admit, he’s incredibly
handsome,” she said with a smile.

Navine hadn’t admitted it to herself, too caught up in
he was to think about how handsome he was, but Araya was right. If Navine didn’t
know what he was and she wasn’t addicted to a dead Incubus, she’d feed from him
in a second. His neatly trimmed brown hair that curled at the bottom, those vibrant-green
eyes and his body. Geez. His arm and pectoral muscles bulged against the fabric
of the formfitting t-shirts he seemed to favor. All that on a six-foot-five
frame—yum. But knowing
he was overrode his appeal.

“It’s not natural and there’s no way it would work. It’s a
rumor, not fact. I’m screwed. Just take these cuffs off and let me go home to

Araya frowned. “Can’t you at least talk to him, give him a
chance? You’ve got nothing to lose.”

Who knew what would happen if she fed from a male
She gagged just thinking about it. She wanted to live—desperately—but what if
she tried and he infected her somehow? Tainted her. No. No way. She had enough
issues and didn’t need to add another that would make her last few remaining
days even more depressing, miserable.

Instead of answering, she diverted. “I’d love to visit your
orchard. How about we take a walk?”

Araya brightened. “Okay. Wait five minutes,” she said
excitedly and left the room.

* * * * *

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. She was
excited to get out of this room and explore the orchard and maybe she could
find a way to escape. Doubtful but she’d have more chance outside than locked
in a room.

Her heart sank when Fin opened the door. “Where’s Araya?”
she snapped.

Fin leaned against the door jam, arms folded across his
chest. “She’s busy, so if you want to stroll through the orchard, you’re stuck
with me.”

His bright-green eyes sparkled and she thought she heard
smugness lacing his tone. She huffed, stomped her foot and retreated to sit on
the bed. Damn it. She wanted out of this room but the hell if she was going for
a walk with that mutant. No way. No thanks.

Fin said, “What’s it going to be?”

“I’m fine right here,” she answered.

“Suit yourself,” he said and turned to leave, but he stopped
and turned back, sighing. “Look, you want to visit the orchard. I’m offering to
take you. Quit being…whatever it is you’re being and come with me. It’s
beautiful and I promise to keep three feet between us at all times.”

Navine desperately wanted out of the room or she wouldn’t
have agreed. His existence was an offense to her species but as long as he kept
his distance, she could handle it. “Make it five,” she snapped.

His jaw clenched, a muscle ticking there, eyes closing for a
brief moment and when they opened, he treated her to a stunning smile, forced
as it was. “Follow me,” he said cordially.

She followed him, keeping plenty of distance between them,
as they made their way down the stairs and out the massive, front wood doors
into the thick air of the veil between the human and demon realms. They walked
in silence until they came upon the vast array of fruit trees and bushes.

“Here,” Fin said, pointing up, “I brought you directly to
the cherry trees.”

Her mouth watered at the ripe red cherries hanging above
her. She’d always had a love for cherries. She tiptoed and hopped but she
couldn’t quite reach them.

“I’d offer you a boost but…” He shrugged.

She sneered at him and studied the smooth, reddish-brown tree
trunks. Her brother had taught her to climb trees when she was a young female
and she could damn well get those cherries herself. She certainly didn’t need
help from

Navine grabbed hold of the trunk and swung her foot up and
into the crotch of the tree, hoisting herself up. She shimmied up one thick
limb, reached out and snagged two cherries. She popped them into her mouth,
tearing off the stems and spitting out the pits. The fresh sweet-and-tart taste
thrilled her taste buds. God, you didn’t get fruit like that from grocery
stores—at least not the ones where she shopped. She plucked a handful from the
branch and couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her.

She hadn’t climbed a tree in so many years and she could
imagine the picture she presented balancing on that branch. She felt free,
trouble free. She dropped a cherry and as she looked down her gaze met Fin’s
smiling face. His smile transformed his already handsome face into a work of
art and it took her breath away. She returned the smile, without thinking, for
a moment forgetting who and what he was.

Reality slammed into her and she jerked her face away,
losing her balance in the process. She tried to right herself but over-corrected,
lost her grip and fell to the ground with a thud.

“Oh shit!” She exclaimed when pain shot through her wrist.
She knew it wasn’t broken, but if she played it right, it might just be her one
shot at escape.

Fin rushed to her side and put his hands on her shoulders to
help her up. She gasped as lightning seared her skin where he touched her. What
was that? She jerked away not understanding or wanting to experience those
sensations. Not with him. It wasn’t possible.

“Just trying to help,” he said, his voice tight. “Are you

She had to get out of there. Get away from him. Why would
his touch cause such electricity within her?

“My wrist,” she wailed convincingly. “I think it’s broken.”
She held up the wrist bound by the handcuffs that kept her from teleporting.

He took a step toward her but seemed to think better of it
and stood still. “What can I do?”

“Take the cuffs off, please. It hurts.”

A wary gaze clouded his unnaturally green eyes.

“Please,” she wailed louder this time and even managed to shed
a tear. If she was going to live, she might have considered becoming an actress
after this performance.

He frowned and hesitated. “I’ll have to get close to you.”

“Please.” Another tear flowed over her lower lashes.

She bit her cheek to keep from flinching as Fin kneeled in
front of her and pulled a key from his pocket. He held the cuffs still with one
hand, the tips of his fingers grazing her skin. Goose bumps broke out and she
barely suppressed a shiver.

Off. They were off. She had to bite her tongue to keep from
giggling hysterically. Fin stood and held out his hand to her. “Come on, we
need to get that checked out.”

She ignored his hand and got to her feet. As soon as she was
standing, she disappeared.


“Fuck!” Fin shouted to the trees. He couldn’t believe he’d
fallen for that. That crafty little manipulative female. She’d totally been

She’d been having fun in that tree, looking carefree and even
more beautiful than usual, the genuine smile lighting up her features. She’d
even bestowed that smile on him, however briefly, and it had warmed his

When she’d fallen, his heart had stopped and relief had
swamped him that it was only her wrist that hurt. Even if broken,
healed quickly, but she’d been through so much already and the sight of her in
pain, made him ache.

He scrubbed his fingers through his hair and huffed out a
breath. Shit. He was going to have to tell everyone he’d let her get away, that
he would be responsible for her death because he was so lame he couldn’t
convince a hungry, dying
to want him.
Shit. Fuck. Shit.

He wanted to take his time getting back to the house but
decided against it, time being of the essence and all. He ported to the front
door, took a deep breath and readied himself to explain what had happened.

Chapter Three


Valia and Rydin hadn’t returned from their island hideaway
but Araya and Kean were in the theatre room trying to make nice with Kiberry’s
female friend. Kiberry, a
demon, had found her during their
recent excursion to the demon realm to rescue Rydin and Navine and Kiberry
hadn’t wanted to leave without her. They’d had a helluva time coming up with a
name for her. Kean had teasingly suggested “Killer” but Araya wasn’t having it,
but agreed she needed a fierce name to fit her personality so they decided on
Xena. Although, Araya liked to add “berry” onto the end for the cute factor.

demons, thirty-pound, furry, winged demons
weren’t known for their friendliness, and Kiberry’s new friend was still adjusting
to domesticated life, hissing and baring a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth to
most of the mansion’s residents. Kiberry never left her side, making sure she
didn’t kill anyone, and Fin had caught them cuddling together while napping on
several occasions. Shit. Even the
had more of a love life than

Araya looked up. “Hey. How’d the walk in the orchard go?”

Kean said, “Look at his face. I’m guessing not good. What
happened, she spit on you this time?”

“Worse. She tricked me and escaped.”

“Oh no,” Araya said.

Kiberry, sensing Fin’s distress, lumbered over to him and
rubbed his head against Fin’s leg. Fin bent down and scratched behind his ears.
Kiberry’s girlfriend walked up and sniffed his leg, no hissing. That was an
improvement. At least, he could charm some females.

He moved his hand slowly from behind Kiberry’s ear and held
it out to the female
. She took a step back, but when Kiberry
nudged her with his blue-tinged furry snout, she tentatively sniffed his
fingers and turned her head to the side, offering him an ear. Xenaberry visibly
tensed when he touched her fur but didn’t snap his hand off. Kiberry licked her
cheek, he assumed as an act of praise.

“Wow,” Araya said as Fin straightened. “That was great.”

Kiberry and his girlfriend walked to the red, fluffy
extra-large dog bed Araya had bought for them. Xena got in first, turned a
circle and lay down. Kiberry followed, curling in next to her, extending a wing
over her.

“You gonna call Baden?” Kean asked.

“Yeah. Shit.” Fin scrubbed a hand through his hair, whipped
out his cell and hit the speed dial.

Baden appeared in front of them seconds after Fin explained
what had happened. Both
hissed but didn’t get up. Baden’s astral-projection
ability made them edgy. They could see him, but his physical body wasn’t really
there. Baden could astral project better than anyone he’d ever met.

“What the hell, dude?” Baden asked.

“My mistake. I was only trying to help her,” Fin said.

“Yeah, she’s a sneaky female.” His eyes went blank for a
mere second, then he said. “Yep. She’s at the cabin.”

“Any ideas on how to get her back here? Snatch and grab

“Maybe…” he rubbed his temples. “No. I think she’d be better
off there, in a familiar place. Obviously when she’s here, she’s too focused on
escaping. Maybe in a setting she finds comforting, she’ll be more…receptive.”

“You want me to go to her?” Fin asked.

“Yeah, if you will. I wouldn’t ask, but you’re the only hope
we have.”

Fin shrugged. “I’ll go but she’ll just leave.”

“No she won’t. Not if we play it right.”

* * * * *

Baden told Fin he’d be back for him in an hour. When he
returned, he explained that he’d had a pair of teleport-restricting handcuffs
fashioned into a bracelet, had dropped in to see Navine and given her the “gift”.
She’d put it on and had no clue about his trickery. Then Baden teleported Fin
to the cabin—outside.

“I don’t wanna be around when she realizes what I did,”
Baden said sheepishly.

Fin laughed, an awkward sound. “Yeah, I get that.”

“Let me know if you need anything. Bulletproof vest, hard
hat.” Baden’s laugh wasn’t convincing. “I’ll be in touch.”

“And I’ll be watching my back.”

“Please, save my sister,” Baden said, desperation lacing his
tone. “Whatever it takes.” Pain flared in his eyes before he ported away
leaving Fin alone with his seemingly impossible task.

Fin stood there for a moment surveying his surroundings. It
was a great hideaway, a place deep in the woods, far from civilization. There
were no roads in or out. The trees were thick, some only inches from brushing
against the cabin. Apparently, their family had bought the land generations

A quaint wood-slatted porch ran along the entire length of
the front of the cabin, a swing hanging from the left end, two rocking chairs
to the right. It was nice, cozy.

Instead of stalling any longer, he walked to the front door,
took a deep breath and knocked.

“Who the hell is out there?”

Crap. He was hoping she’d just open the door. “It’s me.”

“Me? I don’t know anyone named me.”


The door jerked open, her face a mask of fury, gold eyes
blazing anger. “How?”

Fin grimaced. “Your brother.”

She growled and stomped her foot like a child throwing a
temper tantrum. He almost laughed at the sight. She tried to slam the door in
his face but he wasn’t having it and pushed his way inside.

“Get out! Let me die in peace. I don’t need some mutant
abomination following me around like a puppy.”

That was it. He snapped. He kicked the door shut behind him
and grabbed her shoulders. She tried to jerk free but strong as she was, he was

“Why are you so rude, so nasty, so hateful? I’ve done
nothing but feed you fruit and try to save your life and you continue to spit
venom in my face. Look at me, Navine. I’m not some vile being. I am a male who wants
to help you like no one else can.”

Her wide eyes glinted with anger, fear and disgust. Damn it.
Why must she find him so disgusting?

“Why?” she asked, frantic. “Why do you want to help me?”

Because your beauty astounds me, takes my breath away.
Because I’ve never craved another female as much as I crave you.
“Because I’m
the only chance you have and my family is counting on me, as is your brother.”

This time, he didn’t try to stop her as she shoved him away.
Her eyes widened, her face contorting into a mask of rage. “What’d you do to
me?” she screeched.

“No clue what you’re talking about.”

“I can’t teleport! Why can’t I teleport?”

She didn’t only look angry, she looked scared and he felt
guilty about it.

“Oh that.” He pointed to the bracelet on her wrist. “Your
brother’s gift.”

She looked dumbly at the bracelet for a moment before
scowling, her face turning red. “Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! Bastard! Fuck!”
She raved and stomped her foot again.

He couldn’t stop the rumbling laughter from escaping this
time. The dramatic foot stomping was too much. A lock of her shiny black hair
fell across her face and she forcefully blew it away.

“What’s so damn funny?” she demanded, hands on hips.

Fin curtailed his laughter enough to choke out. “You.”

“I will
be trapped here with
. I won’t
be your captive.” She spun and stomped away.

He sighed, ignoring her declaration and made his way into
the surprisingly modern kitchen. It definitely didn’t match the cabin’s outside
appearance. The kitchen cabinets were a shiny, rich gray wood that matched the
granite countertops with a gray-and-black shiny glass tile backsplash. All the
appliances were top quality stainless steel. It wasn’t the enormous cooking
space he was used to, but he could definitely work with it.

Upon opening the fridge, he found nothing but a jar of
maraschino cherries and a moldy avocado. He chucked the moldy avocado in the
trash, closed the fridge door and looked for Navine.

He found her lying on the plush suede couch in the living
area, her arm thrown across her face dramatically. “We need food. Any special

She groaned, flipped over and buried her face in the couch

“Okaaay. I’ll guess. Be back soon.”

* * * * *

Fin raided the fridge and pantry at the mansion. He loaded
several plastic containers with cherries, plums and other fruits for Navine and
some shrimp, scallops and pasta for himself. He popped up to his room, and
after stuffing a few changes of clothes in a duffel bag, he was ready to go
back to the cabin.

Well, not mentally ready. He needed an ego boost after five
minutes in Navine’s presence. No one had ever made him feel so bad about
himself, yet at the same time turned him on so much.

Maybe surprising her with a gift would soften her up a
little. He called Valia for ideas.

“What’s up, bro?” Valia’s voice greeted him cheerfully.

“Need a suggestion on a gift to soften Navine up.”

Valia snorted. “A dick in the—”

“Seriously,” he laughed.

“Fluffy handcuffs, pink dildo—”

“Come on,” he chuckled.

“I dunno. Lingerie maybe? She’s pretty close to my size.
Raid my closet. Waaay in the back to the right, I have a buncha stuff, never
worn, tags still on.”

“Don’t think she’d appreciate that sort of gift from me.
Well, she probably wouldn’t appreciate any kind of gift from me but I figure it’s
worth a shot.”

“If ya don’t like my suggestions, ask Baden. He knows her
better than anyone.”

“Good idea. Thanks Valia.”


He called Baden and right away Baden suggested he pop over
to Navie’s pizza and grab a six pack of cherry beer for her. Baden owned the
pizza joint and had named it after his sister. Fin had been repulsed by the
sound of cherry beer but apparently Navine loved the stuff so he teleported to
Navie’s. Baden was busy when he arrived but one of the employees had the beer
ready for him. He thanked the employee, grabbed the six pack and teleported
back to the cabin.

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